used. They can not be detected by the appliance de-
tection. An increased use of saving bulbs could lead
to future problems of activity recognition, because
the recognized activities of the two studies often in-
clude lamps. Furthermore, when at the beginning and
at the end of the day an appliance is switched (e.g.
“aquarium lighting”) the presented algorithm for ac-
tivity recognition would identify the various activities
during the day as one activity. This case did not oc-
cur in the two studies. One approach to solve this
could be a maximum time duration that a valid activ-
ity can have. Some recognized activities can be easily
determined by specifying significant appliances (e.g.
activity “breakfast” often contains appliance “toaster”
and “kettle”). But other activities that are not previ-
ously known or are very individual turn out to be dif-
ficult to detect (e.g. “afternoon nap”). The presented
approach is able to recognize such activities in an un-
supervised kind of way. In future works, we plan to
investigate, if the number of days with daily activi-
ties can be increased by recognizing larger transpo-
sitions of elements in sequences instead of only ad-
jacent transpositions. Furthermore, it will be inves-
tigated, how stand-alone running appliances, e.g., re-
frigerators, can be detected automatically.
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