lizing these is the customized Sensor Web Client that
enables visual inspection and flagging of data series.
We plan to extend the GetObservation request of
the SOS with a custom filter to enable data requests
based on flag concepts. (Bastin et al., 2013) imple-
mented a similar aspect focusing on uncertainty con-
cepts. An end-to-end aspect of the quality control of
observation data ranges from the selection and main-
tenance of instrumentations to the final assessment of
data at the product level. Concerning this, planned
future work is to incorporate descriptions about oper-
ation and maintenance sensing systems in the Sensor
Web as they provides additional information about the
causes of variability of measurements. Another in-
teresting line of work to pursue is coupling the qual-
ity control metadata to relevant ontology concepts to
support information discovery across disciplines. A
related study in this direction is that of (Fredericks
et al., 2009) who propose an ontology to form associ-
ations of quality tests of marine data between different
The TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observato-
ries) funded by the Helmholtz Association. We would
also like to thank Simon Jirka for his insightful com-
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