south-eastern of France. This solution offers an
acceptable precision with a relative error lower than
15%. Such an average precision can be compensated
by a low price and a low electrical consumption,
therefore making these sensors a very propitious
choice to make.
3.2 Particulate Matters Sensor
The term Particulate Matters (PM) signifies a
mixture of solid and or liquid particles suspended in
the air along with surrounding gases. A PM is
characterized by various parameters: chemical,
number concentration, mass concentration, particle
size, granulometric repartition ... Most of the time,
these particles are not homogenous, that is to say it
contains particles of several sizes ranging from a
few nanometers to several tens of microns. By
definition, PM are very heterogeneous in their
chemical composition and are subjected to
equilibrium between gas and particulate phases.
All through the literature we can find different
groups of PM like PM
, PM
… The small number
in the description signify that these particles have an
aerodynamic diameter equals or inferior to the given
number in µm. Hence PM
are a group of particle
with a diameter equal or inferior to 10 µm. The
lower the diameter is, the deeper these particles can
penetrate through the human body, and hence the
more dangerous they are (Polichetti,2009)
The Primequal (French Interagency Research
Program to Improve Air quality at the Local level)
report (2005) points out that the large particles (d> 5
µm) stop in the nasopharyngeal region, particles of 1
to 5 µm in the tracheobronchial region, while fine
particles less than 1 µm, can reach the bronchiolar
and alveolar regions and be persistent. These
particles are the most hazardous for humans;
therefore their monitoring is very interesting for a
life quality point of view.
There are several optical techniques which
provide access to a measure of the amount of PM in
the air. The simplest is the optical absorption with a
visible or infrared light. It is mainly used in the case
of very high concentrations because of its low
sensitivity to low pollution levels. The other main
technique uses scattered lights by PM, it is
nephelometry. The intensity of scattered lights, by
particles of diameter close to the wavelength of the
incident radiation, varies with the number of
particles in the illuminated volume. This technique
has several advantages. It is much more sensitive
than the absorption method and much simpler and
cheaper than the standardized measures. Moreover,
the measurement can be made continuously, a
quality that is sought in the context of such
monitoring. Sadly such systems are cumbersome and
are not miniaturized. Therefore we use this
technology as a calibration and comparison
reference for other type of low cost sensors.
In an objective of measuring health hazardous
particles, we took into ourselves to measure the
number of present particles with a diameter equal or
less than 1µm, hence measuring PM
. Usually, PM
monitoring is made by measuring the mass of these
particles. But in our case we chose to work with
particulates count number in order to obtain
information on the hazardous exposure to these
A low cost optical sensor has been chosen. Tests
were conducted by burning incense and introducing
different PM emission sources. Sensor’s
measurements were compared with a TSI aerotrak
9306 nephelometry based instrument. The latter
instrument is capable of measuring different size of
particulate matters. Measurements are shown in
figure 3. A high correlation can be noticed between
the prototype sensor particulates count and the TSI
instrument particulates’ count for particles with a
diameter of 1µm and less. Hence the chosen sensor
has shown its potentials for PM
particle sensing.
This prototype sensor had been integrated in a
GreenBee system and put in a construction site
where we were intending to monitor dust and
aerosol emissions. Figure 4 shows the measured
particulates count during 4 days of testing. The first
two days being weekend days, where construction
works were on hold, measured particulates count
was stagnant and therefore we could consider it
Figure 3: Particles count comparison between a TSI and
sensors prototype.