Figure 1: Block diagram of a Technica/tinytron optical
Ethernet-to-BroadR-Reach media converter.
ity of the BroadR-Reach signal and are explained in
the following. Arrows which are double headed show
a bidirectional information flow. The thick arrows
represent the flow of the information which is con-
verted from one medium to another. The location of
the blocks resembles to the layout of the circuit board.
The converter has two main connectors. One for the
digital SGMII connection to the SFP module and the
other as a lockable Tyco connector for the analog
BroadR-Reach and the power supply. To avoid dis-
tortion the power line is filtered with a common mode
choke (CMC) and the supply voltage is divided to the
necessary sub voltages 3.3 and 1.2 V by linear regula-
tors. This spares filtering of switched power supplies.
The analog and the digital parts are well separated
from each other. Like the power line the BroadR-
Reach signal is lead through a CMC and then filtered
with a multi-stage LC-filter. Although the dimension-
ing of the filter components and the selection of the
CMC is significant for the signal integrity, it is still
under development and requires an Non Disclosure
Agreement (NDA) from Broadcom, thus not part of
this research. After the signal is processed by the
PHY, in this case a BCM54810S with internal GMII
to SGMII converter, the SGMII is connected to the
SFP Plug to interconnect for example with the PHY
in a SFP Module with LC Connector for optical data
transmission. A simple microcontroller initializes the
BroadR-Reach PHY and reads out two dual in line
package (DIP) switches. The DIPs are used for con-
figuration of common transmission parameters since
autonegotiation is not used in the car. One is the se-
lection which side is the clock source (master) or sink
(slave). The other choses if the the output power is
in half or full out mode. More about that can be
read in the data sheet of the PHY (Broadcom, 3 05).
Two LEDs show the link state and the activity of the
BroadR-Reach connection. Link and activity of the
SFP can be seen on some versions of the transceiver.
6.1 Test Environment and Preset
All measurements were made in an automotive certi-
fied EMC test chamber which is calibrated weekly.
Since the described media converter is used to test
and qualify a DUT, the converter itself has to ful-
fil the same requirements to electromagnetic copper
bound emission. Therefore, the emission has to be
qualified with the same requirements as the tested
DUT. This EMC requirements can vary between the
projects and their client. One of these specifications
is the BMW group standard for electromagnetic com-
patibility GS 95002 (BMW Group, 4 10) and was cho-
sen because of its representativity. This standard de-
scribes several measurement setups, their fields of ap-
plication, preferences and limit lines.
It was chosen to evaluate the emission with the
stripline antenna and a measurement receiver. In this
method the DUT, in this case only the data line, is
placed under a stripline antenna which is connected
to a measurement receiver. This receiver interprets
the signal. This signal is then read out by a soft-
ware which presets the receiver, triggers the mea-
surement and logs the results. Table 1 shows the
used receiver model and measurement settings de-
fined from suggestions in GS 95002. All measure-
ments were made with the Rhode & Schwarz ESC30
in Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) mode. The de-
tectors average and peak were set which built their
result over the dwell time. The frequencies start at fs-
tart and are stepped with fstep until fstop is reached.
The IF-bandwidth of the used receiver internal input
bandpass-filter is IF-BW.
6.2 Measurement Setup
The Hardware of the test setup consists of two
BroadR-Reach nodes. A block diagram of the test
environment can be seen in figure 2. Node A (left)
and B (right) are realized with an Technica/tinytron
media converter as explained in section 5. In this
setup node A is set to master and node B to slave.
Otherwise there would be no active link between the
nodes. A and B are configured to full output power.
Both nodes were connected with a ”Dacar 609 FLR-
CUAGY 2x0.18 AX” cable from Leoni.
The nodes were supplied from outside of the chamber.
This power supply line is filtered over an EMC filter
from the outside to the inside of the chamber to avoid
distortions and connected to an artificial network in-
side of the chamber to simulate in-vehicle behavior.
Since optical communication has no electromagnetic