Study of the Evolution of Soot Formation using Laser-induced
Lincoln Tolomelli e Tolomelli
, Luiz Gilberto Barreta
Pedro Teixeira Lacava
and Dermeval Carinhana Jr.
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Pr. Mal Eduardo Gomes, 50 Vila das Acácias, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Instituto de Estudos Avançados, Trevo Cel Av José A. A. do Amarante, n
1 Putim, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Keywords: Biodiesel, LII, Diagnostic, Non-intrusive.
Abstract: Soot particles usually cause respiratory diseases and other problems to human health. To prevent or at least
reduces soot emissions it is necessary to know its formation mechanism. Laser-Induced Incandescence (LII)
has been used to detect soot and its precursors, known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), in
diffusion flames. In this work, several mixtures of diesel/biodiesel blends were investigated using two laser
wavelengths, at 532 nm, which excites both soot and PAHs, and at 1064 nm, which excites only soot. Thus,
the difference of intensity between both LII signals provides the proportion of soot/PAHs in the irradiated
regions of flames, and it can be associated to the evolution of soot formation along the flame.
Diesel engines are currently the largest source of
power generation in the planet, with employments in
transportation, mining machinery and other areas.
However, Diesel cycle is the major source of
atmospheric pollutants, as soot and PAHs
(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) (Braun et al.
2003). Due to their small size, soot particles can
penetrate into the alveoli of the lungs and may cause
respiratory diseases (Lacava et al. 2010). Besides
health problems, the presence of soot represents an
important loss of energy in the thermodynamic cycle
and its generation is related with the incomplete
combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. Thus, the main
interest in the soot reduction concerns both to human
health and to environmental applications (Frenklach,
Soot are particles with size less than 0.1 µm, and
they are formed in the flame front, i.e., the region in
contact with the atmosphere air where burner
reactions of hydrocarbon fuels take place and solid
nuclei are generated. In this region, the complete
oxidation of hydrocarbon fuels is also observed,
mainly in poor fuel and high temperature flame
conditions (Williams, 1976).
Alternative fuels, such as biodiesel, have been
developed to reduce the emission of soot of the
transportation sector. Biodiesel is made by the
esterification of long-chain fatty acids derived from
vegetable oils or animal fat (Mello et al, 2001).
Biodiesel and its blends diesel/biodiesel present a
high efficient combustion and can replace mineral
diesel in compression ignition engines without
significant changing of performance (Altin et al,
The soot detection can be carried out using
several intrusive and non-intrusive techniques. One
of the most efficient one is the Laser-Induced
Incandescence (LII). LII is based on the temperature
rise of soot particles above the background
temperature by a high power incident laser. In this
condition, the irradiated particles emit radiation like
a blackbody, and the intensity of the continuous
radiation is proportional to soot fraction of volume
(Melton, 1984). When the laser pulse irradiates a
soot particle, four physical-chemistry phenomena
are observed in the particle (Figure 1): the
absorption of the radiation by the particle; the heat
conduction; the sublimation and, finally; the
blackbody emission or incandescence. Since this
method was first described, LII has been applied in
studies concerned to the spatial and the temporal
qualitative distribution of soot, the quantitative
determination of the soot fraction volume (Shadix
and Smith, 1996) and in the size evaluation of
primary particles (Mewes and Seitzman, 1997).
Tolomelli e Tolomelli L., Gilberto Barreta L., Teixeira Lacava P. and Carinhana Jr. D..
Study of the Evolution of Soot Formation using Laser-induced Incandescence.
DOI: 10.5220/0004714501020106
In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS-2014), pages 102-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-008-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Physical-chemistry processes observed when a
high power pulse irradiates a soot particle.
The aim of this work is to study the soot formation
in blends with several proportions of biodiesel/diesel
using LII as diagnostic non-intrusive technique. The
biodiesel flames were irradiated by laser
wavelengths of the 532 nm and 1064 nm. From the
comparison between both LII intensities, the
proportion between the productions of soot and
PAHs can be estimated (Vander Wal, 1996).
2.1 Burner and Fuels
The burner used in this work is identical to described
in a previous work (Tran et al, 2012). A scheme of it
is shown in Figure 2. Several blends of
diesel/biodiesel were used as fuel, with an increment
of amounts (v/v) of biodiesel to the pure diesel,
identified in this work as B0, of 5% (B5), 10%
(B10), 20% (B20) and 50% (B50). The biodiesel
used in the experiments was provided by the
company Fertibom, and was made from bovine fat
(10%) and vegetable oil (90%).
2.2 LII Excitation and Detection
Basically, the LII diagnostic is divided in two steps:
the excitation of the soot and the detection of the
incandescence signal. The excitation process
depends of the wavelength and the fluency of the
incident laser. The radiation absorption is higher for
smaller laser wavelengths. However, for ultraviolet
lasers, the soot fluorescence, and mainly of the
PAHs fluorescence, can also take place as an
interference signal. Thus, the use of higher laser
wavelengths is recommended to avoid these spectral
interferences. However, the 532 nm laser also
produces a remarkable fluorescence in a large class
of PAHs. (Vander Wal, 2009)
Figure 2: Wick fed lamp: diffusion flames generator.
The LII signal rises almost linearly with laser
energy. As energy increase, the system temperatures
also increase, and at about 4000 K, the vaporization
of irradiated species starts. Above this threshold, LII
signal remains quite constant. Figure 3 shows the
results of LII signal measurements from a pure
diesel flame (B0) versus the pulse energy of the both
532 and 1064 nm incident laser used in this work.
One can observes that for both lasers, LII signal
increases up to 14 mJ and, over this value, the
collected signal becomes slightly constant (Vander
Wal, 1994). This means that the LII signal does not
suffer interference of small variations from the
incident laser. All LII measurements in this work
were carried out above this laser energy to guarantee
that the LII measures were dependent only of the
soot fraction volume.
2.3 Experimental Arrangement
Figure 4 shows a scheme of the experimental
arrangement used in this work. A pulsed Nd:YAG
operating at first and second harmonic, 1064 and
532 nm, was used as energy source. These
wavelengths excite, respectively, the soot particles
and the soot plus the polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons existing on the soot surface. Laser
beams were concentrated in the flames by using a
lenses system, which increased the laser fluency.
The LII signal was collected by lenses into a
monochomator to avoid spectral interferences. The
LII signal was detected by photomultiplier tube and,
finally, recorded by a digital oscilloscope.
Figure 3: The behavior of LII signal versus the incident
laser energy in pure diesel flames (B0).
Figure 4: Experimental set up of Laser-induced
2.4 Description of the Experiment
The LII signal was collected from two different
regions of the flames: at 80 mm and at 260 mm
above the top of burner. The first one corresponds,
according to the literature, to the region where starts
the soot formation, while the second one concerns to
the completion of this process (Gaydon, 1957). All
LII intensities were normalized using as reference
the values obtained at 260 mm for each flame,
because, in thesis, these values are the highest
possible of the LII signal. Thus, this procedure
allowed the comparison between the results of 1064
and 532 nm lasers and, as consequence, a qualitative
estimation of the proportion of soot/PHAs in the
flames. The LII signals showed in this work were
calculated from an average of at least 500
measurements. This applied statistics supported the
reliability of the acquired data.
3.1 Mapping of Soot/Pahs in the Flame
Figure 5 shows a picture of a B0 flame and a
representation of the investigated flame heights
(dashed lines). In diffusion flames like this, a strong
yellow emission is observed due to the presence of
soot (Gaydon, 1957). Beside the flame picture, one
can observed a graph of the LII intensities along the
horizontal axis of the flame for each height. At 0.8
mm, LII signal showed a distribution with two
maxima separated by a valley. Both ones
corresponds to the yellow soot region, while the
valley is due to the dark poor soot region localized
in the center of the flame. At 260 mm, however,
only one maximum is observed, and it is associated
to the strong yellow emission in the top of the flame.
3.2 Comparison between 1064 and 532
Nm Data
Figure 6 shows an overall view of the LII
distribution of the investigated flames. It can be
observed that the LII signal obtained using 532 nm
laser is higher than 1064 nm for all studied blends.
This behaviour can be atributed to the amount of
PAHs on the soot’s surface. According to the
literature (Gaydon, 1957), at the bottom of diffusion
flames, which corresponds to the height of 80 mm
above the burner in this work, the process of soot
particles formation is still in progress, and, therefore,
the existence of a certain amount of precursors on
the soot’s surface is expected.
Thus, the 532 nm LII intensity profile at the 80
mm corresponds to the convolution of the soot and
Figure 5: The soot distribution in a diesel diffusion flame at heights of 80mm and 260 mm above the burner (dashed lines).
PAH signals, while the 1064 nm intensity is only
due to the soot presence. The results in Figure 6
showed that the difference between the LII
intensities of both laser wavelengths increases with
the rise of the biodiesel fraction. This rise is initially
small from B0 to B5 blends, but the increment ratio
systematically enlarges from the B5 to the B20.
However, the LII intensities of the B50 blend are
just slightly higher than observed for B20 blends.
This suggests that the adding of biodiesel to the pure
diesel fuel causes a delay in the soot formation
process. To confirm this inference, a more complete
mapping of the flames must be done.
The aim of this paper was to investigate the relative
amount of precursors on the soot’s surface in the
bottom of flames of diesel/biodiesel blends for
estimate the evolution of soot formation using the
technique of Laser-Induced Incandescence. The
results showed that the LII technique is efficient to
evaluate the spatial distribution of soot in a diffusion
flame. For all fuels investigated, B0, B5, B10, B20
and B50, the LII signal intensities obtained using
532 nm laser were higher than the obtained with
1064 nm laser. This behaviour is according to the
former studies of flame literature. At the bottom of
flames (80 mm), soot is still in formation process.
The results also showed the addition of biodiesel to
the diesel blends causes a delay in the soot formation
The authors thanks to CAPES for the fellowships
and FINEP for financial support.
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