SWB Process
A Business Process Management System driven by Semantic Technologies
Hasdai Pacheco, Karen Najera, Hugo Estrada and Javier Solis
Fund of Information and Documentation for the Industry INFOTEC, Mexico DF, Mexico
Business Process Management System, Semantic Technologies, Ontology-Driven Development.
Constant changes in the market force enterprises to continuously define and redefine their business processes,
and the technology that supports them, in order to fulfill the organizational objectives. Business Process
Management Systems (BPMS) are intensively used in organizations as a useful tool to face those changes.
However, as stated in literature and practice, a BPMS still has to cope with the agility to adapt to changes and
the low degree of automation of the BPM life-cycle. These issues have been faced through the integration
of BPM with Semantic Technologies. Some proposals are focused in conceptual approaches while others
involve tools to cover part of the BPM life-cycle. Nevertheless, there are no works that have implemented a
BPMS that exploits Semantic Technologies for covering the whole BPM life-cycle. In this paper we present
SWB Process, an industrial and Open Source BPMS completely driven by Semantic Technologies that uses
ontologies to agilely support constant changes in the processes of organizations, increasing the degree of
automation of the BPM life-cycle. Moreover, we take advantage of ontologies to quickly adapt it to new BPM
needs. SWB Process has been validated through real projects in several government agencies in Mexico.
Constant changes in the market force enterprises to
continuously define and redefine their business pro-
cesses, and the technology that supports them, in or-
der to fulfill the organizational objectives. In this
context, the paradigm of Business Process Manage-
ment (BPM) has been widely accepted in industry
and research to optimize enterprise resources and core
activities, since it encompasses methods, techniques
and Information Technologies (IT) to manage busi-
ness processes involving humans, applications, docu-
ments and other sources of information (van der Aalst
et al., 2003). BPM is directed by a life-cycle that com-
prises four phases: modeling, implementation, exe-
cution, and analysis (Wetzstein et al., 2007). These
phases can be covered by systems known as Busi-
ness Process Management Systems (BPMS). Thus, a
BPMS allows to generate business processes models
and provides mechanisms to translate those models
into an executable system that helps process perform-
ers to accomplish their business tasks.
Several BPMS have been proposed in academy and
industry (Butti et al., 2013; Domingue et al., 2013;
Jain et al., 2013; Calkins et al., 2013). However, as
stated in literature and practice (Hepp et al., 2005;
Wetzstein et al., 2007; Filipowska et al., 2011), there
are still some issues that a BPMS has to address, such
as the agility to adapt to changes and the low de-
gree of automation of the BPM life-cycle. In order
to overcome these issues, researchers are tackling the
integration of BPM with Semantic Technologies since
this integration offers inherently more flexibility for
supporting and increasing the degree of automation
of the BPM life-cycle in changing scenarios (Davis,
2005; Filipowska et al., 2011). Some proposals are
focused in conceptual approaches, that is, BPM on-
tologies and formalizations (Panos and G
omez, 2012;
Oro and Ruffolo, 2012; Mueller, 2012), while oth-
ers involve tools using ontologies to cover part of the
BPM life-cycle, or architectures and functional re-
quirements for a Semantic BPMS (Wetzstein et al.,
2007; Karastoyanova et al., 2008; Domingue et al.,
2013). Nevertheless, there are no works that have im-
plemented a BPMS that exploit Semantic Technolo-
gies for covering the whole BPM life-cycle.
In this paper, we present an industrial and Open
Source BPMS called SWB Process
driven by Semantic Technologies (ontologies, triple-
stores, query languages and reasoners) that supports
the whole BPM life-cycle. SWB Process has been de-
Pacheco H., Najera K., Estrada H. and Solis J..
SWB Process - A Business Process Management System driven by Semantic Technologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0004714705250532
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD-2014), pages 525-532
ISBN: 978-989-758-007-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
veloped following the Ontology-Driven Information
Systems (ODIS) approach (Guarino, 1998; Uschold,
2008). Accordingly, ontologies drove the develop-
ment of SWB Process, and they also play an impor-
tant role during the supported BPM life-cycle. By us-
ing ontologies, SWB Process provides a solution to
agilely support constant changes in organizations in-
creasing the degree of automation of modeling, im-
plementation, execution, and analysis phases of BPM
life-cycle. Moreover, we take advantage of Ontology-
Driven Development, such as maintenance and update
tasks improvement, making SWB Process flexible to
be quickly adapted to new BPM needs.
SWB Process has been successfully validated through
real projects, supporting the business processes of
several government agencies in Mexico.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 de-
scribes the development of SWB Process. Section 3
presents how SWB Process supports BPM life-cycle
along with an example. Section 4 describes the bene-
fits of SWB Process. Section 5 presents related works.
Finally, section 6 presents our conclusions and ongo-
ing work.
In this section, the development of SWB Process
is presented. SWB Process is a Semantic BPMS
that uses the Business Process Model and Notation
(BPMN) 2.0 (OMG, 2011) as business processes
modeling language and a Web architecture for busi-
ness process execution and deployment. Ontology-
Driven Information Systems ideas (Guarino, 1998;
Uschold, 2008) were followed to define SWB Pro-
cess. Therefore, its development was addressed
by using an Ontology-Driven Development Frame-
work called SemanticWebBuilder (SWB) (Solis et al.,
2013), which provides the mechanisms to generate
the base source code of Web applications starting
from an ontology that defines system requirements.
For the development of SWB Process we used the
following components provided by SWB: a) A do-
main ontology, defined with the Web Ontology Lan-
guage OWL (OMG, 2004a), that describes system
requirements for Web applications (SWBOntology);
b) a code generator to transform ontology definitions
(extending from the SWBOntology) into Java source
code (SWBCodeGen); and c) a platform with libraries
and utilities to accelerate software development and to
encourage software reuse (SWBPlatform).
We describe, in the following subsections, the three
major steps followed to generate SWB Process
(Fig. 1): Modeling the SWB Process Ontology, Au-
tomatic code generation and Specific development.
Figure 1: SWB development methodology.
2.1 Modeling the SWB Process
The SWB Process ontology
(SWBPOntology), is
an OWL ontology that captures the functional re-
quirements of SWB Process, as well as the relevant
concepts and behavioral aspects from the Business
Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0 specifica-
tion (OMG, 2011). For the SWBPOntology mod-
eling, two previous activities were achieved: First,
the identification of relevant classes from the BPMN
specification and second, the identification of con-
cepts and behaviors coming from system require-
ments for the implementation of the final BPMS.
For the first activity, elements for process modeling
and execution coming from the BPMN specification
were considered (expressed as UML class diagram
fragments). This included the elements involved only
in BPMN process orchestration and BPMN collabo-
rations i.e. omitting those elements for BPMN chore-
ographies and BPMN conversations. As a result,
we had a set of candidate BPMN classes from the
Common, Foundation, Collaboration, Activities, Ar-
tifacts, Events, Data, Gateways and Process packages.
Examples of these classes are the Activity, Process,
Event, Subprocess, CallActivity, Gateway, BaseEle-
ment, Documentation and Task classes, among oth-
ers. It is important to point out that as our intent was
to provide process model persistence and data inter-
change through RDF and OWL formats, the section
on BPMN Diagram Interchange and Exchange for-
mats of the specification were not considered in the
candidate classes identification.
For the second activity, the gathering of additional re-
quirements for the BPMS implementation was needed
because the BPMN specification is mainly focused in
defining the notation and semantics for process mod-
eling and interchange using XML, thus it lacks of
implementation details for a final BPMS. This ac-
tivity led us to the identification of ontology con-
cepts and behaviors needed to support the BPM
life-cycle through the BPMS components. Exam-
ples of the identified concepts are, service concepts
(such as Web Service (WS), SPARQL querying and
DataBase querying), documents, templates, user in-
teraction components and process execution concepts
(such as process instance and flow node instance).
With the candidate classes of the BPMN specifica-
tion and the concepts from the BPMS requirements
the SWBPOntology modeling was carried out extend-
ing the SWBOntology provided by the SWB Frame-
work (Solis et al., 2013). Thus, OWL classes and
properties corresponding to the identified concepts
and candidate classes were created. We reused the
SWBOntology since it defines classes and properties
to support the automatic transformation from the on-
tology to Java source code and concepts for Web com-
ponents and Web site features development needed
since SWB Process performs process execution in a
Web architecture.
The main challenge in the modeling step was the
mapping between the BPMN class structure (which
includes multiple inheritance of classes) and sepa-
rated OWL classes (concepts and behaviors) in the
SWBPOntology as required by the SWB Framework
(where multiple inheritance is allowed only through
behaviors). At this point, the SWBOntology played a
fundamental role, since it includes definitions useful
to fill the gaps in the implementation of the BPMN
specification, for instance, participants are defined in
BPMN as roles or resources but only at conceptual
level, on the other hand, SWBOntology has a defi-
nition of roles and users that can be reused by SWB
Process along with their source code for user manage-
ment, user registration and user validation.
At the end of the modeling step, a total of 164 OWL
classes for the SWB Process implementation were de-
fined in the SWBPOntology, of which 151 are concept
definitions and 13 are behavioral concepts.
2.2 Automatic Code Generation
This step consisted in the generation of SWB Process
base source code (in Java programing language) by
executing the SWBCodeGen. Therefore, it was con-
figured to use the SWBPOntology as input to get as
output the base source code of SWB Process, which
corresponds to a domain-specific and high-level Java
API (SWBP API). The generated SWBP API encap-
sulates the source code (classes and methods) neces-
sary to achieve the persistence of the objects involved
in the different components of SWB Process, includ-
ing: 1) a set of Java classes and interfaces correspond-
ing to the OWL concepts and behavioral aspects de-
fined in the SWBPOntology; and 2) a set of class
methods to access the corresponding OWL properties
defined in the SWBPOntology.
The SWBP API (comprised by 302 java classes and
13 java interfaces) is supported by the SWBPlatform
which provides a set of libraries that allows develop-
ers to use connectors to several triplestores for RDF
storage (such as Bigdata and Apache Jena). In this
way, the SWBP API helps developers to reduce the
complexity of managing RDF persistence in a stan-
dardized way in which data persistence mechanisms
are separated from the business logic of the end ap-
plication. Thus, accelerating the application develop-
2.3 Specific Development
This step consisted in the development of the compo-
nents and the operational business logic by using the
SWBP API to cover the SWB Process functionalities.
The operational business logic of each BPMN ele-
ment was developed taking into account the BPMN
execution semantics from the BPMN 2.0 specifica-
tion and previous experience in the development of
workflow systems. This execution semantics served
as the basis for the definition and implementation of a
state-based process execution engine, as well as user
interaction components for the modeling, configura-
tion and management of business processes. These
components, whose architecture is shown in figure 2,
allow end users to manage the BPM life-cycle in a
generic way.
The SWB Process components are described below.
Process Modeler (SWBP Modeler). The SWBP
Modeler is a Web based component that supports
to graphically design business processes by using
BPMN 2.0 notation taking into account the BPMN
execution semantics (e.g. which BPMN elements can
be connected in a process flow). It includes a mech-
anism to relate ontologies with a business process to
define the structure of business artifacts, such as data,
documents or Web Services. The SWBP Modeler
maps in a transparent manner to the user, each graphi-
cal element of a particular business process to its cor-
responding concept in the SWBPOntology, generat-
ing as output a SWBPOntology instance which de-
fines a Semantic Process Model.
Configuration and Deployment Module (SWBP
Configurator). This component provides a Web
based user interface that takes as input the Semantic
Process Model for its configuration in order to make it
executable and deployable on a Web site. The config-
Figure 2: SWB Process Architecture.
uration comprises two parts: a) the execution configu-
ration, which consists of capturing the values of each
property of the graphical elements of the process. The
properties are those defined in the SWBPOntology
belonging to the Semantic Process Model. More-
over, it includes the relation of BPMN data objects de-
fined in the Semantic Process Model, with classes of
the SWBPOntology or other ontologies that describe
business artifacts used along the process flow. b) the
deployment configuration, which consists of the defi-
nition of Web form templates of process activities for
user interaction. The output of this component corre-
sponds to the Semantic Executable Process Model.
Business Process engine (SWBP Engine). The busi-
ness process engine empowers process execution and
monitoring. It implements a state machine that co-
ordinates business process flow taking into account
properties, behavior and constraints defined in the
SWBPOntology for each BPMN element, as well as
all the specific configuration defined in the Semantic
Executable Process Model. It also manages the ex-
ecution of Service and Script tasks. Moreover, the
SWBP Engine manages the persistence of all data of
the process and its execution in RDF format.
Management Module (SWBP Management). This
module allows the instantiation of the Semantic Exe-
cutable Process Model to generate Semantic Process
instances. It provides a business task inbox to accom-
plish the execution of Semantic Process instances.
The business task inbox allows users to perform their
tasks and to reallocate human resources for the tasks.
Moreover, the SWBP Management provides a mod-
ule for process tracking that retrieves process instance
data (stored in RDF format by the SWBP Engine) and
generates tables and graphs to show Semantic Pro-
cess instances execution performance. Furthermore,
it provides an SPARQL Endpoint to query process in-
formation, not only from a process instance, but also
from the process structure itself, such as, process flow.
In this section is described how Semantic Technolo-
gies, as basis of SWB Process, support the BPM life-
cycle. To do this, first, we present the definition pro-
posed in (Wetzstein et al., 2007) for each phase of the
BPM life-cycle. Then, we explain how SWB Process
gives support to the phases.
Modeling: in this phase, business analyst creates
a business process model with help of a modeling
tool by specifying the order of tasks in the busi-
ness process. This phase is covered by SWB Pro-
cess through the SWBP Modeler, which supports
the design of BPMN diagrams and transforms
those diagrams into a Semantic Process model.
Implementation: in this phase, the business pro-
cess model, created in the modeling phase, is
transformed and enriched by IT engineers into an
executable process model. This phase is covered
by the SWBP Configurator which leads the con-
figuration of the Semantic Process model (gener-
ated in the modeling phase) for its execution and
deployment on a Web site. After the configura-
tion, the Semantic Process model becomes a Se-
mantic Executable Process model which is ready
to be executed.
Execution: in this phase, a process engine ex-
ecutes a process instance (an specific execution
of the executable process model), by navigating
through the control flow of the executable process
model. This phase is covered by SWB Process
through the SWBP Engine and the SWBP Man-
agement. The SWBP Engine empowers the Se-
mantic Process instance execution coordinating
the process flow, taking into account the configu-
ration defined in the Semantic Executable Process
model. The SWBP Management manages the ex-
ecution of Semantic Executable Process models
on a Web site, for instance, generating new Se-
mantic Process instances and providing a business
task inbox to list tasks to be performed by a user.
Analysis: in this phase, process analysis com-
prises monitoring of running process instances
and process mining. This phase is covered by
SWB Process through the SWBP Management. It
includes a tracking component that displays: pro-
cess execution performance and information of
the running Semantic Process instances. More-
over, an SPARQL Endpoint is provided for query-
ing process information, such as, process flow or
process instance execution and data.
3.1 SWB Process in Practice
In this section, the workflow with SWB Process is
presented, which consists of seven steps that cover
the BPM life-cycle. The first five steps must be per-
formed by the business analysts or engineers to de-
fine a Semantic Executable Process Model along the
modeling and implementation phases, the sixth and
seventh steps are useful during execution and analy-
sis phases, where process orchestration is performed.
Following, an example of a process generated with
SWB Process is described that comprises the men-
tioned steps. The example corresponds to the abstract
of one of the processes implemented in our research
center (INFOTEC), whose objective is to manage the
employee vacation requests. The process flow is as
An ‘employee’ sends a vacation request, the ‘dept. su-
pervisor’ can approve the vacation request, reject it,
or ask the ‘employee’ to reschedule dates. In case
the ‘dept. supervisor’ approves the vacation request,
‘human resources’ department has to validate it. If
‘human resources’ department validates the request,
the ‘employee’ is notified via e-mail about the ap-
proval, otherwise, he is notified about the rejection;
in case the ‘dept. supervisor’ rejects the request, the
‘employee’ is notified via e-mail about the rejection;
and finally, in case the ‘dept. supervisor’ ask for
rescheduling dates, the ‘employee’ may modify dates
and send the vacation request again.
Process participants are: employee, dept. supervisor
and human resources department. Whereas data in-
volved in the process are: vacation start date, vacation
end date, request comment, reject comment, vacation
Figure 3: Vacation request data modeled in Protege.
request status and validation.
As a first step, business artifacts are defined in terms
of ontologies. In the example we refer to process
participants and data. For this purpose, an ontol-
ogy editor such as Protege
or TopBraid
can be
used. We have taken the SWBOntology (Solis et al.,
2013) as basis to reuse its User definition for pro-
cess participants, therefore, a new ontology that ex-
tends the SWBOntology is generated. On this ontol-
ogy, the VacationRequest class was created to define
data as data type properties of the class. The object
properties: user who request, user who approves and
user who validates, were created to relate the User
definition in the SWBOntology with the VacationRe-
quest class. Fig. 3 shows the implementation of the
VacationRequest class in Protege. The second step
corresponds to graphically model the BPMN diagram,
which includes the business process flow and business
rules by using the SWBP modeler. Fig 4 shows the Va-
cation request process (the database symbol located at
the bottom represents the association of the Vacation-
Request class defined in the ontology). In the third
and fourth steps, participants and data are related with
process activities and execution properties are config-
ured for each process element, this includes the asso-
ciation of ontology classes to the process data objects.
The fifth step is related to the definition of Web form
templates of process activities for user interaction. In
Fig. 5, the employee request task configuration is pre-
sented. Data defined in the ontology and related to
process data objects is listed and the user can select
which property will appear in the Web form template
for this task, in this case: start date, end date and re-
quest comment from the VacationRequest class defi-
Protege. http://protege.stanford.edu/
TopBraid. http://www.topquadrant.com/products/
Figure 4: Vacation request process modeled with SWB Process modeler.
Figure 5: Employee request task configuration.
nition. Moreover, the user can define the type of form
element to be used for each concept property, such as
Text area or calendar date selector. After the fifth step,
the process is ready to be deployed in a wrapper Web
page. In the sixth step, the employee participant can
generate a process instance to perform a vacation re-
quest through the User task inbox of the SWBP Man-
agement. Fig. 6 displays the employee request task
Finally, in the seventh step, monitoring, tracking
and querying process data can be performed through
the SWBP Management.
Using an Ontology-Driven approach in the devel-
opment of SWB Process allowed us to provide ad-
vantages over other industrial BPMS in several as-
pects. In terms of changes in requirements, ontolo-
gies provide a flexible way to adapt to new BPM
needs, helping to increase the automation level of
the BPM life-cycle. For example, if the BPMN no-
tation changes and more primitives are added, it is
possible to quickly adapt SWB Process including the
new primitives in the SWBPOntology and in con-
sequence, in the SWB Process source code. The
same is true for changes in the execution seman-
tics of the BPMN specification or for changes in
the way the BPM life-cycle works on business pro-
cesses. Moreover, using ontologies to define the sys-
tem architecture and data model enables the inter-
change of process definition and execution informa-
tion between other components, agents or IT systems
in a standard machine-readable format (OWL and
RDF (OMG, 2004a; OMG, 2004b)) without the need
for additional data treatment. In terms of dynamic
workflow management, ontologies in SWB Process
provide a mechanism to change process definitions
and execution properties on the fly, maintaining the
consistency of the running process cases without the
need of process model (re)compilation. This is possi-
ble because all process models are a set of individuals
of the SWBPOntology and the SWBP Engine acts as
a model interpreter for the process models, instead of
an application compiler for each model.
On the other hand, by using ontology concepts as data
structures for business objects configuration in a busi-
ness process model, SWB Process provides a way
to make explicit the knowledge involved in business
Figure 6: Employee request task deployment.
process execution, enabling automatic process space
querying and reasoning tasks over process execution
data for business analysis, intelligence and improve-
ment. Besides these benefits, as business processes
are described with Semantic Web standards, interop-
erability between business processes is enabled. Fur-
thermore, business process knowledge can be pub-
lished through a SPARQL endpoint on the Seman-
tic Web, and other Semantic Web paradigms such as
Linked Data can be applied to exploit business knowl-
edge and to enrich business process definitions.
Research works are tackling the integration of BPM
with Semantic Technologies from different perspec-
tives. Some proposals are focused in theoretical
and conceptual approaches, for instance: in Oro
work (Oro and Ruffolo, 2012), a framework to cre-
ate business process ontologies is presented. Ontolo-
gies can be queried and exploited to monitor pro-
cess models, extract information from documents,
execute processes and monitor the execution, and
finally, analyze process instances. The work of
Mueller (Mueller, 2012) provides three ontologies
with important concepts of existing BPMS, such as
classes and properties of the BPMN 2.0 specification
and the Service Component Architecture (SCA) as-
sembly model. Some applications of this ontologies
in the BPM life-cycle are described.
On the other hand, some approaches are focused
on the definition of system requirements for a Se-
mantic BPMS, or involve tools to partially cover
the BPM life-cycle, for instance: the work of Wet-
zstein (Wetzstein et al., 2007) describes functional re-
quirements for a Semantic BPMS, according to the
BPM life-cycle: modeling (semantic annotation, and
process fragments), implementation (process compo-
sition), execution (dynamic SWS discovery and in-
vocation) and analysis (process mining and monitor-
ing). The work of Karastoyanova (Karastoyanova
et al., 2008) presents a reference architecture for a Se-
mantic BPMS. The architecture comprises function-
alities for each phase of the BPM life-cycle. More-
over, the authors propound a Semantic Execution En-
vironment and show how existing BPMS components
can be extended with semantic features. The SU-
PER Project (Domingue et al., 2013) applies seman-
tic technology to acquire, organize, share and use the
stakeholders knowledge and knowledge embedded in
business processes within existing IT systems, in or-
der to make companies more adaptive.
However, there are no works that have implemented
a BPMS that exploit Semantic Technologies for cov-
ering the whole BPM life-cycle, which is the case
of our approach. Our BPMS encompasses Seman-
tic Technologies at conceptual and implementation
levels. At conceptual level, our BPMS has an on-
tology (SWBPOntology) that defines elements of the
BPMN 2.0 specification along with BPMS system
requirements (similar to Mueller (Mueller, 2012)),
moreover, additional ontologies can be created and
associated to specific business processes to define
business objects making explicit the knowledge in-
volved in a business process. In contrast to Oro
work (Oro and Ruffolo, 2012), where a framework is
provided to create process ontologies, in our BPMS,
business processes are automatically represented in
terms of ontologies, when they are modeled with
BPMN 2.0, since business processes are SWBPOn-
tology instances. Thus, having the same ontologies
advantages without needing to generate them sepa-
rated nor giving process data treatment. At imple-
mentation level, we present an implemented BPMS
that covers the whole BPM life-cycle, in contrast to
SUPER (Domingue et al., 2013) which is focused
on Semantic Web Services, and in contrast as well
to Wetzstein (Wetzstein et al., 2007) and Karastoy-
anova (Karastoyanova et al., 2008) works, where
BPMS functional requirements are proposed without
system implementation.
In this paper, we have presented an industrial and
Open Source Semantic BPMS called SWB Process.
It has been developed following the Ontology-Driven
Information Systems approach. Accordingly, on-
tologies were directly involved in the development
of SWB Process through Ontology-Driven Develop-
ment, and ontologies also play an important role dur-
ing the supported BPM life-cycle. By using ontolo-
gies as the basis of SWB Process, we provide a so-
lution with flexible and agile mechanisms to adapt to
new BPM needs and continuous changes in organiza-
tions, increasing the degree of automation and better
supporting the BPM life-cycle. Moreover, the infor-
mation implicitly represented in a business model has
explicit meaning, therefore, machines as well as peo-
ple are enabled to understand, share and reason over
business processes models and information. In addi-
tion, other Semantic Web paradigms can be applied to
exploit business information such as Linked Data.
SWB Process has been successfully implemented and
validated through real projects, supporting the busi-
ness processes of several government agencies in
Mexico, for instance, the Federal Electricity Com-
mission (CFE)
and the National Institute of Women
. Moreover, it has been used to imple-
ment processes of our research center (INFOTEC).
In tandem with SWB Process, we provide the follow-
ing support services: consultancy, mentoring, techni-
cal support, training and customization.
In our ongoing work, we are addressing the semantic
annotation of business processes with external ontolo-
gies, to clarify processes through generic concepts,
providing additional support to business analysis dur-
ing modeling and enabling reuse of information.
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