SUPER (Domingue et al., 2013) which is focused
on Semantic Web Services, and in contrast as well
to Wetzstein (Wetzstein et al., 2007) and Karastoy-
anova (Karastoyanova et al., 2008) works, where
BPMS functional requirements are proposed without
system implementation.
In this paper, we have presented an industrial and
Open Source Semantic BPMS called SWB Process.
It has been developed following the Ontology-Driven
Information Systems approach. Accordingly, on-
tologies were directly involved in the development
of SWB Process through Ontology-Driven Develop-
ment, and ontologies also play an important role dur-
ing the supported BPM life-cycle. By using ontolo-
gies as the basis of SWB Process, we provide a so-
lution with flexible and agile mechanisms to adapt to
new BPM needs and continuous changes in organiza-
tions, increasing the degree of automation and better
supporting the BPM life-cycle. Moreover, the infor-
mation implicitly represented in a business model has
explicit meaning, therefore, machines as well as peo-
ple are enabled to understand, share and reason over
business processes models and information. In addi-
tion, other Semantic Web paradigms can be applied to
exploit business information such as Linked Data.
SWB Process has been successfully implemented and
validated through real projects, supporting the busi-
ness processes of several government agencies in
Mexico, for instance, the Federal Electricity Com-
mission (CFE)
and the National Institute of Women
. Moreover, it has been used to imple-
ment processes of our research center (INFOTEC).
In tandem with SWB Process, we provide the follow-
ing support services: consultancy, mentoring, techni-
cal support, training and customization.
In our ongoing work, we are addressing the semantic
annotation of business processes with external ontolo-
gies, to clarify processes through generic concepts,
providing additional support to business analysis dur-
ing modeling and enabling reuse of information.
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