⊕ and = (8) in the the probability model with the op-
erator product and the operator min, respectively, and
our formulation (see Section 4) is still valid for main-
taining the link quality requirements. Our immediate
future work is in two parallel directions: i) integra-
tion of our approach into the publicly available Srijan
for ATaG, and ii) further exploring the over-
head induced by creating copies of tasks and devel-
oping more accurate CP models to minimise it while
achieving the desired non-functional guarantees. We
also envision the application of our work in cloud
computing and related technologies, where guaran-
teeing certain requirements on the services running in
the cloud is essential, and latencies among co-located
nodes are similar to those in different data centres.
This research is partially sypported by the Swedish
Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) under re-
search grant RIT08-0065 for the project ProFuN,
and the French ANR-BLAN-SIMI10-LS-100618-6-
01 MURPHY project. Special thanks to the reviewers
for their comments.
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