A Multi-stage Segmentation based on Inner-class Relation
with Discriminative Learning
Haoqi Fan
, Yuanshi Zhang
and Guoyu Zuo
Department of Computer Science, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
Department of Statistics, Columbia University, New York, U.S.A.
School of Electronics Information and Control Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
Keywords: Segmentation, Discriminative Model.
Abstract: In this paper, we proposed a segmentation approach that not only segment an interest object but also label
different semantic parts of the object, where a discriminative model is presented to describe an object in real
world images as multiply, disparate and correlative parts. We propose a multi-stage segmentation approach
to make inference on the segments of an object. Then we train it under the latent structural SVM learning
framework. Then, we showed that our method boost an average increase of about 5% on ETHZ Shape
Classes Dataset and 4% on INRIA horses dataset. Finally, extensive experiments of intricate occlusion on
INRIA horses dataset show that the approach have a state of the art performance in the condition of
occlusion and deformation.
Image segmentation is a fundamental and long-
standing problem in computer vision, which aims to
cluster pixels in an image into distinct, semantically
coherent and salient regions. Solutions to image
segmentation serve as the basis for a broad range of
applications, which include content-based image
retrieval, object detection, video surveillance and
object tracking. Unfortunately, the work to segment
an image is found difficult and challenging for two
main reasons (Maji et al., 2009). One is the
fundamental complexity of modeling a vast amount
of visual pattern, and the other is the intrinsic
ambiguities in image perception. In recent
researches, there are mainly three ways to solve the
problem pertaining to segmentation and recognition:
First method is commonly known as the Top-
down segmentation, which is a method using prior
knowledge of an object, such as its characteristic to
propose plausible pixels that may compose a certain
object. The principal difficulty in top-down
segmentation stems from the large variability in the
appearances and shapes of objects within a given
class. Unfortunately, recent extensive experiments in
(Li et al., 2012) demonstrated that a single region
generated by image segmentation can rarely be
equated with a physical object. Since there is a
variety of object shapes, only an approximate edge
alignment between the training masks and new
object instances can be predicted. The approach
adopted in this paper is more general and does not
rely on its coherent appearance of the entire object
but rather on the semantic parts. It can also
comprehend the novel inner-class relationship
between parts of the object, which makes the
representation of a movable joints object in relative
positions more naturally and powerful.
The second method, Bottom-up approach, is to
over-segment the image into regions or pixels and
then identify them as corresponding labeled object.
This approach mainly relies on continuity principles
and joint local features such as SIFT, color and
texture. The Bag of Regions model (Hu et al., 2011),
representing object shape at multiple scales and
encoding shapes even in the presence of adjacent
clusters, has recently delivered impressive
performances. In the subsequent work, a semantic
context was joined in recent works (Chen et al.,
2011) and has a good performance. In particular, the
bottom-up approach is incapable of capturing the
segmentation of an object from its background, thus
an object might be segmented into multiple regions.
The approach in this paper differs from this line of
work, because the model not only takes advantage of
local features, but also avails itself of the shape and
Fan H., Zhang Y. and Zuo G..
A Multi-stage Segmentation based on Inner-class Relation with Discriminative Learning .
DOI: 10.5220/0004717404860493
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2014), pages 486-493
ISBN: 978-989-758-004-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
clique features.
In order to address these shortcomings appeared
in top-down and bottom-up approach, recent works
have started to study the integration of higher-order
potentials into random field models. For reasons of
computational tractability, successful approaches
rely on relatively small clique sizes (Sun et al.,
2011), despite their strongly increasing expressive
power. These models still mainly focus on encode
local image properties. Unfortunately, because of the
approach’s lack of consideration for the global
features such as shape of the integral object,
overcoming these limitations to build effective
structural object descriptions has proven to be quite
challenging. Our approach is more along random
field model as we focus on both the representation
and classification of individual regions and
modeling the relations between regions in the intact
object. Our discriminative model can be interpreted
as powerful pluralistic potentials with graph-based
models. It uses features and relationship between
parts to represent objects in images. In particular, a
novel inner-class relationship is proposed to describe
the relationship between different parts in an object.
We describe an object in real world images as an
assembly of flexible skeleton and parts based on the
skeleton, i.e., an object that is composed of multiply,
disparate and correlative parts. A discriminative
model is proposed and inferenced by a multi-stage
segmentation algorithm. It is performed as a multi-
stage segmentation via the maximization of a
discriminative function, which is similar to the two-
stage-segmentation showed in (Gould et al., 2008).
The function formulates local features, including the
local shape and visual appearance, and sets the
possible skeletal shape of the object, which is
performed by the inner-class pairwise features. Our
method can not only segment an interest object but
also label different semantic parts of the object. We
validate our approach by conducting extensive
experiments on ETHZ Shape Classes and INRIA
horses dataset, and we also test our method in
intricate occlusion on INRIA horses dataset and in
real world. The results show that our approach has a
satisfying performance.
Our main contributions in the paper are as
1. We propose a discriminative model that can not
only segment an interest object but also label
different semantic parts of the object, especially
the various parts of articulated body animals’
bodies. As we know, this is a frontier in
recognition and has been left largely unexplored
as (Arbelaez et al., 2012) touch upon it.
2. We propose inner-class and clique features to
describe the relationship between different body
parts and a discriminative model to semantically
label different parts of an object. Specifically, we
solve the problem of object proposal, a NP-hard
problem, via our multi-stage segmentation
algorithm, and we train the model via the latent
structural SVM learning framework.
3. We validate our approach by conducting
extensive experiments on two acknowledged
datasets and showed that our method boost an
average increase of about 5% on ETHZ Shape
Classes Dataset and 4% on INRIA horses
dataset. Above all, we conduct extensive
experiments of intricate occlusion on INRIA
horses dataset shows that the approach have a
state of the art performance in the condition of
occlusion and deformation.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows; our
proposed discriminative model is described in
Section 2. We discuss the features we used and how
to parameterize them in Section 3. We detailed the
training and inference process in Section 4 and
Section 5, respectively. In Section 6, we show
complex and comprehensive experimental results on
real world and two Datasets. Then we conclude the
result in Section 7.
We design a discriminative model that can not only
segment an interest object but also label different
semantic parts of the object. The model takes visual
appearance, inner-class relationship and the shape of
the object into account, which make our model
ability to interprete as powerful pluralistic potentials.
Furthermore, we take latent variables into account
for different inner-class parts, which describe an
object by a set of parts of the object (e.g. a giraffe is
represents by the set {head, neck, body, forelegs,
hindlegs}). We use a multi-stage segmentation
algorithm to inference labels in our approach, and it
is fast and effective because it avoids combinatorial
computation in optimization. In addition, the model
is trained within the latent structural SVM learning
Given an image, our approach starts with an
initial over-segmentation of the image by
partitioning it into multiple homogeneous regions.
To make certain that pixels in a region belong to the
same label and abstain from obtaining regions which
are larger than the object we intended, we over-
segment the image using NCuts (Cour et al., 2005).
Fig.1. illustrates the graphic model in our
approach; a graph model is used to describe an
image, where each over-segmented region
corresponds to a node. Let the set of nodes that we
want to label be denoted by x. Then, we associate a
hidden part label h
with each node x
, and represent
these hidden part labels as a connected graphical
model. Every h
represents one part of the object.
Each hidden node can take a label from a label set L.
For example, nodes in Fig.1. have their class labels
and their hidden label must be
{head, neck, body, forelegs, hind legs}.
Figure 1: Graphical representation of the graphic model
based on the discriminative model. Spots denote the
regions we want to segment, the hidden nodes which
speculate the regions’ part category, denoted by h
the redundant undirected edges are not show but all the
nodes h
adjacent to each other with the same y are
connected). And each hidden node has its own object label
. The most left part showed the object proposal of the
neck part of the giraffe.
In particular, a node x
which belongs to class y
its own hidden part label h
, and h
is an element of
. For simplicity, we fix the relationship between
the object labels and hidden part labels as our
priority. In particularly, we make a clear demand in
the number of parts for each compound class, and do
not share parts between classes. In other words, we
restrict a regions’ part category h to a class label y
only from a subset of values so that h uniquely
determines y. For example, a part of
choose a hidden label from
, and it is
impossible that a region with a hidden label of mug-
body belongs to
. We denote this
deterministic mapping from parts to objects by
. τ denotes the object proposal, which means it
defines merger of the over-segmented regions in an
image, because the images merge sets of regions
which belong to the same semantic hidden part
together. For example, the object proposal τ in the
neck part is
, which means our approach
would merge
together to be a proposed
region r , and the region r is labeled with
Our goal is to predict both the semantic labels of
objects and the labels of each parts (hidden labels).
We define a discriminant function f
which is parameterized by a set of weight w. The
optimal object proposal and corresponding label and
hidden label are given by
Where f
includes terms for unary and
pairwise potentials. More specifically, f
is defined as
Where α
represents unary features of x
represents pairwise features of
inner-class between two regions x
with their
labels y
and their hidden labels h
is the clique feature to
ensure that there is no two regions correspond to the
same hidden label, which we will explain at the end
of this section. The vectors ww
the corresponding weight. Also, r
represent the
object regions given by the object proposal τ. α
is a unary observation feature function and
is a pairwise feature function. In
particular, α
is used to describe the features that
belong to single object, including color, texture,
shape, size, etc. And βh
is used to
depict the pairwise spatial relationship and the visual
appearance differences.
The weights w are the parameters to be learned
in our model. The unary weights w
consist of a
few components and each component corresponds to
a specific subclass of a certain object category.
Determining the number of subclasses for each
object is described in section 4.
We will explain about the clique feature function
in the following way: In
the model, different hidden nodes of pixels or super-
pixels can belong to the same label. However, there
is much more restriction in our model. As a cup
cannot have more than one cup handles and a human
being just have one head, one certain class of object
in the picture has no reason to contain two regions
with the same hidden part label. Even though there
are some regions with the same hidden part label
which are adjacent to each other, they must be
merged together to be an integral region, and that is
what τ is defined (To make sure that any label
corresponds to only one region instead of multiple
regions, and regions with same hidden label should
be merged together). Because compared to the
separate regions, an integral region has a very
different shape features. The shape features play a
very important role in our model. We will discuss it
in Section 3.
To calculate
is a NP-hard
problem with three variables τ
, h
and y
, so we
calculate the
and τ
individually and
repetitively, and we will explain how to do it in
Section 4.
3.1 Unary Features
Interactions between the image content and the
variables of interest are described by the unary
observation factors performed by g
. For each over-
segmented region, we extract multiple types of
region-level features representing appearance
statistics based on shape, color and texture.
The shape features include two parts. One is the
size of the region, and the other is the shape feature
based on tensor scale which is a morphometric
histogram presented by (Andalóet et al., 2010). The
shape feature unifies the representation of local
structure thickness, orientation, and anisotropy. It is
archived by using Image Foresting Transform (IFT),
a salience detector and a shape descriptor, both
based on tensor scale. The color features include the
mean HSV value, its standard deviation, and a color
histogram. The texture features are average
responses of filter banks in each region. To do this,
we utilize textons (Liu et al., 2010) which have been
proven effective in categorizing materials. A
dictionary of textons is learned by convolving a 17-
dimensionalflter bank (Winn et al., 2005) with all
the training images and running K-means clustering
(using Mahalanobis distance) on the filter responses.
3.2 Pairwise Features
In the past, a significant amount of work (Gould et
al., 2008) has been done on proving that the
semantic context is very useful for image
categorization. In our work, we use two parts of
pairwise features.
One part is the similarity of two regions, i.e. the
visual appearance differences between two parts. We
measure the color and texture difference using χ
distance of color and texture histogram.
The other part is to measure the context between
two regions, and we proposed an inner-class
pairwise feature that models the interaction of
regions’ hidden labels h
that belong to the
same class. We define the pairwise features f
between two regions r
and r
,and their
corresponding y
and y
values in Eq. (2) as equal.
d is the normalized distance between two regions’
centroid and θ (θϵ
) is the angle between them.
The normalized distance d is calculated by the
. f
and f
are the
probability function which obtains by look-up
relative distance and angle histograms. Indirect
adjacency means r
and r
are in same clique that all
regions in the clique are interconnected and have the
same label y. We construct relative distance and
angle probability histograms that encode offset
preference between regions with different hidden
labels. We first over-segment images and merged
segments manually on the training dataset (only
merge segments for training processes, not for the
inference step) to make sure the merged fractions
belong to the same part semantically and combine
them into an integrated region. Then we use the EM
algorithm to label different regions’ hidden parts h
based on unary features α
, such as shapes,
colors, without the pairwise and clique features. The
next step involves calculating the distance and angle
relationship between regions with different hidden
parts label h.
The process of constructing the relative distance
and angle probability histograms is simple. We
calculate all pairs of regions’ centers’ probability of
distances and angles in all images, which belong to
different labels h, and draw them as histograms. The
relative location and angle probability histograms
are blurred by a Gaussian filter with variance equal
to 10% of the histograms, which reduces the bias of
center location shift in the training data.
At testing time, we first predict the class y
the h
for each region independently using the
unary features based on the simplified discriminative
function (only with unary features) in Eq. (3), and
then use the multi-stage segmentation algorithm to
calculate the approximate solution of
and argmax
Figure 2 is an example of probability of distances
and angles.
Figure 2: The relative distance (left) and angle (right)
probability histograms f
and f
, i is giraffe’s head and j
is the giraffe’s neck.
3.3 Clique Features
As we mentioned above, there is more restriction in
our model. On one hand, because the shape features
play a very important role in our model, and
compared to the separate regions, an integral region
has a very different shape features. So we wish all
adjacent regions with the same hidden part label
merging together to be an integral one. On the other
hand, since the regions with same hidden label are
merged, one certain class of object in the picture has
no reason to contain two regions with the same
hidden part label (e.g. a giraffe never has two
heads). If there are two regions that share the same
hidden part label in one certain object, the
segmentation and labeling must be wrong from
semantic point of view. In order to avoid such
situations, we set the clique features as a penalty
function. The features’ function
are ρh
= w
+ w
, and
, and the value ρ
and ρ
are shown
in Eq. (4).
As one certain class of object in the picture has no
reason to contain two regions with the same hidden
part label. If the adjacent regions share the same
label, it would be merged together by the multi-stage
segmentation algorithm. Therefore, nonadjacent
regions belong to the same hidden part label will not
be tolerated. In order to prevent this situation, we set
them to –Max.
We want the area of the hidden nodes representing
an intuitive sense, which means that each hidden
layer represents an integrated semantic part of an
object. For example, a mug is composed of one mug
body part and at most one mug handle part, rather
than a large number of insignificant fractions. Thus,
we over-segment images and merge segments on the
training dataset manually, which merged fractions
semantically belonging to the same part together and
combined into an integrated region. In other words,
we define the τ
manually in the training part. Since
we don’t have the hidden labels h, we can’t calculate
the pairwise and clique features, thus we should
calculate the h first. To do that, we extract unary
features α
from the integrated regions, then we
use the EM algorithm to get the different regions’
hidden parts h based on unary features α
, such as
shapes, colors, without the pairwise and clique
features. When we get the regions’ hidden part
labels h, we extract not only the unary features, but
also the pairwise and clique features. Finally we
train the feature vectors with both their labels y and
hidden labels h.
We now present the process to learn the weights
in the model with the N training images
. We merge regions
manually and get the hidden labels of each regions
following the above processes. In order to explain
the notation in a simple way, we concentrate the
features in Eq. (1) to Φ
, and denote
as w
. Then via the structural
SVM learning framework (Yu et al., 2009), we train
the weights. The formulate the large margin could be
trained as the problem following,
wC ξ
s.t.∀n, yy
Note there is a constraints in Eq. (5), it requires that
the any wrong labeling by at least a loss
is lesser than discrimination score of
ground truth labeling. Also I is the indicator function
(means I
0 and I
1, where ab)
and y
is label of region i. How much these
constraints are violated is measured by the slack
. The numbers of constraints in Eq. (5)
can be solved efficiently via the cutting-plane
algorithm (Joachims et al., 2009). It works by
finding the most violated constraints, then using
them as active ones. the most violated constraints for
the nth image amounts to computing could be found
by Eq.(6).
Once the most violated constraints are found, they
become the only that remain active. Then the Eq. (6)
could be rewrote as an unconstrained problem in Eq.
Here the summation is over RGB images for which
, and the slack variables for other images
could be directly set to zero. Eq. (7), a difference of
two convex functions, can be solved via the
Concave-Convex Procedure (CCCP).
The problem of finding the most violated constraints
for the image amounts to computing
, but this is a NP-hard
problem obviously. The multi-stage segmentation
algorithm is used to solve the problem
approximately by inferring the y
and τ
different steps: Predict the y
in step 1, and then
predict the τ
in step 2, and then repeat this
processes again until the algorithm converges.
In step 1, we are typically interested in predicting
labels for new data x. We predict them by averaging
out the hidden variables and all label variables but
one, to calculate the maximum marginal
Alternatively, we can calculate the most likely joint
conguration of labels by taking the maximal
simultaneously over all y . Although such
congurations are global consistent, the per
fragment error tends to be slightly worse. To see
what parts the algorithm has learned, we can look at
the most likely parts:
In step 2, we calculate the approximate τ
, in order to make the shape
and pairwise feature discrimination effectively.
Finally each region that belongs to one certain
semantic part should not be over-segmented. To
ensure that there is not more than one region belongs
to the same hidden label, all regions with the same
hidden label cannot be simply merged. For example,
two are considered as parts of the giraffe’s neck
merged together and come out to be a body part. We
designed a multi-stage segmentation algorithm on
the thinking of greedy algorithm, which searches
and merges regions most likely belonging to the
same part step by step. For the sake of –Max in
pairwise features, we are not worry about the
algorithm which will not converge.
The multi-stage segmentation algorithm.
Calculate all y,hargmax
with only unary features
with all
For r
in all regions
For r
border to r
If h
Merge r
and r
together, Calculate
Set hidden label of r
to h
if h
Merge r
and r
Set hidden label of r
to h
Until labels are unchanged.
The ETHZ Shape Dataset (Ferrari et al., 2010)
contains 255 images of 5 different object classes—
Applelogos (40 images), Bottles (48 images), Mugs
(48 images), Giraffes (87 images) and Swans (32
images). The dataset is designed in a way that the
selected object classes do not have a distinctive
appearance and the only representation, which can
be used to detect object class instances, is their
We over-segment the image using NCuts (Cour
et al., 2005) with n = 50 segments, and calculate
features vectors following Section 3 from each
segments. Actually, we are not interested in what
hidden label the background belongs to, thus we
don’t merge but simple recognize regions that are
labeled background . It makes our approach
running faster. In most cases, algorithm terminates
before 30 iterations.
As a result, we report our result on the dataset for
evaluation, and we follow the test settings of Ferrari
et al. (Ferrari et al., 2010). In Table 1 we show our
model’s recall and precision of the segmented
boundaries based on correct segmentation.
Table 1: our model’s recall and precision of the segmented
boundaries, and Compared our discriminative model with
traditional HCRF model and work of Ferrari et al..
our model learn
Ferrari et al.
Applelogos 90.2/94.2 93.1/93.5 91.6/93.9
Bottles 86.6/83.9 90.3/84.8 83.6/84.5
Giraffes 75.7/77.3 79.5/77.7 68.5/77.3
Mugs 78.9/77.3 83.6/77.2 84.4/77.6
We achieve higher recall at higher precision
compared to previous work (Ferrari et al., 2010). We
use the rst half of images in each class for training,
and test on the second half of this class as positive
images plus all images in other classes as negative
images. In our approach we only use the ground
truth outlines of objects present in the rst half of
images for each class. These statistics show results
in precise boundaries of segmentations. The
improvement in giraffe demonstrates the efficiency
of our discriminative model, especially for the
movable joints object like giraffes and swans. The
slightly lower percentages of Mugs are due to the
mug handles which cannot be fully captured in the
over-segmentation step.
To show that our discriminative model has a
good performance in the experiences, we use the
traditional HCRF model training on the dataset,
Figure 3: Segmentation on ETHZ Shape Dataset. For each
example, we show on the left side of the input image and
in the middle and the right side of the segmentation for the
best matching model. In particular, we mask regions with
different hidden part label of different colors. On the right
of the selected object mask and the best matching model is
and compare with our model in Table 1. We can
now safely draw the conclusion that our model
which trained on the latent structural SVM
framework has a better performance than traditional
HCRF model on the ETHZ Shape Dateset. In
particular, our approach improves the precision of
recognition about 5 percent to Ferra et al. We also
evaluate our approach on the second dataset, INRIA
horses, which has 340 images and half of them
contain horses. We archive a high detection rate of
89.7% at 1.0 fppi, which is higher than (Maji et al.,
2009) about 4.3%.
In order to show the ability of the model to
recognizing the occluded object, we add occlusion
picture to the INRIA horses dataset, since the
occlusion condition in the real word is complex, we
use rainbow ribbon with different directions to block
the part of the target object in the image. In the
experiment process, we train the model with the
normal dataset, and segment the blocked dataset. We
could find that even a major part of the target object
is blocked by completely unrelated object, our
model could label almost all valid parts. The
performance of our model in the occlusion condition
is superior to other state of the art works (Nearly all
of other works couldn’t identify these horses).
Examples are showed in Fig. 4.
Figure 4: (left) Examples of detections of horses in
different poses. (right) Segmentation on INRIA horses
Dataset blocked with rainbow ribbon.
In this paper, we have presented a discriminative
model, and have achieved more accurate
segmentation results. Our method is able to
comprehend the relationship between parts of an
object, and make the representation of an articulated
object in different poses more efficiently and
naturally. However, our method computes features
on regions instead of single pixels and thus it has
become a weakness of our model. Therefore, we will
focus on the edge and superpixel-level feature in the
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