paths independent of the existing edges and triangles
of a mesh, the introduction of temporary vertices and
temporary edges into a mesh by the MDF could be con-
sidered. The necessary vectors
, which represent
the on-surface projected path back to the starting point,
are already available in the current implementation.
These changes would be required to fully compare the
edge-front based solution especially to other geodesic
algorithms which exceeds the scope of this paper.
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ping for texturing or a surface segmentation, an alter-
native collision behavior might be reasonable. When
fronts would not merge at collision, but remain build-
ing a collision line instead, a MDF would always only
contain one single continuous edge front. Using the
collision line as a cutting line, a surface could be cut
into one single connected sheet to be fitted into a tex-
ture space. For this task it would also be sensible to
add curvature into the expansion selection process to
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