Correlation between Psychological and Physiological Responses
during Fear
Relationship to Perceived Intensity of Fear
Eun-Hye Jang
, Byoung-Jun Park
, Sang-Hyeob Kim
, Myung-Ae Chung
and Jin-Hun Sohn
Biohealth IT Convergence Technology Research Department, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute,
Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Future Technology Research Department, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute,
Gajeongno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Department of Psychology, Brain Research Institute, Chungnam National University,
Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Keywords: Fear, Psychological Response, EDA, ECG, Facial EMG.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the physiological responses to predict the psychological level of
perceived fear. Thirty male and female college students (15 male and 15 female, mean age: 22.6±1.24)
participated in the experiment. EDA (electrodermal activity), ECG (electrocardiogram), and facial EMG
(electromyogram) as physiological signals were measured on the subjects’ hands and face for 60sec before
presentation of emotional stimulus and for 120sec during presentation of stimulus. Experimental conditions
consisted of emotional condition where fear was induced by a threatening film clip and neutral condition
where no emotion was provoked by a neutral film clip. After presentation of the stimulus, subjects rated
their experienced emotion on the emotion assessment scale. Analysis of psychological responses was
performed to examine appropriateness (label of the subjects’ experienced emotion) and effectiveness
(intensity of their experienced emotion). In the analysis of physiological responses, the selected features
were skin conductance level (SCL), skin conductance response (SCR), number of skin conductance
response (NSCR), R-R interval (R-R), heart rate (HR), respiration (RESP), activation in the bilateral
corrugators (COR), and bilateral orbicularis oris’ (ORB). The results showed that the psychological
responses to stimulus were appropriate and effective. Physiological responses showed significant increases
in all features except R-R and ORB during fear condition compared to baseline condition. Also, the
perceived level of fear was positively correlated with SCL, SCR, and ORB. Our result offer that the users’
perceived emotion i.e., individual differences of psychological responses must be considered to recognize
human emotions by physiological signals in HCI.
Fear emotion plays a crucial role in adaptation (e.g.,
Darwin, 1872; Ekman, 1999). It’s a negative
withdrawal-related emotion (Coan and Allen, 2003)
and has high arousal valence (Christie, 2002;
Davidson, 2000; Russel and Feldman-Barrett, 1999;
Nyklicek, Thayer and Van Dooornen, 1997). Izard
and Buechler (1980) described fear as a particular
toxic negative emotion that is experienced as
apprehension, uncertainty and a sense of threat or
danger. We might consider fear emotion as a
subject’s perceived feeling to stimulus. For example,
a ‘knife’ is not object of avoidance as only physical
stimuli (knife), but someone feels ‘perceived danger
(e.g., fear of being attacked)’, or even physical pain
as the result of attack. Regardless of what a knife is
made of, it can be perceived as a threat depending on
how the subject perceives it. In other words, what
constitutes ‘fearful responses depend on the
subject’s perception (or interpretation). Therefore, it
is considered that not only the specific motor and
physiological responses but also subjective reaction
are induced by fear if anything or situation is
perceived as threatening or dangerous and it then
triggers coping action, i.e., the harm-avoidance
function of fear (Birbaumer and Schmidt, 1999).
Researchers empathize three major domains of
Jang E., Park B., Kim S., Chung M. and Sohn J..
Correlation between Psychological and Physiological Responses during Fear - Relationship to Perceived Intensity of Fear.
DOI: 10.5220/0004728101040109
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2014), pages 104-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-011-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
variables to measure - physiological variables (e.g.,
neurological, autonomic, and endocrine changes),
behavioural variables (e.g., expressive behaviour,
primarily facial expression, tone of voice, gesture,
posture, and movement), and cognitive variables
(e.g., cognitive appraisal processes, prior experience
and introspective perception of feelings, or cognition
of emotional experience (Lang, 1983; Ney and Gale,
1988; Leventhal and Mosbach, 1983; Scherer,
Summerfield and Wallbott, 1983). The cognitive
variables, e.g., perception or appraisal to a situation,
influence the physiological responses in emotion
(Marwitz and Stemmler, 1998).
Despite no consistency of experimental settings to
induce fear, previous results showed common fear-
specific autonomic responses, e.g., increased heart
rate, respiration and skin conductance, and decreased
skin temperature. Additionally, the prototypical facial
expression of fear is that eyebrows raised and pulled
together, upper eyelids raised, and lower lids tensed
combining with an open mouth (e.g., Ekman and
Friesen, 1978). However, there are a few studies
suggesting the relationship between psychological
and physiological responses during fear emotion.
In this study, we have identified physiological
responses such as EDA, ECG and facial EMG
activities and psychological responses induced by
fearful stimulus and found relationships between
physiological and psychological responses (i.e., the
perceived level of fear).
30 male and female subjects (15 males, mean age:
22.6±1.24) participated in the experiment. None of
them reported any history of medical illness or
psychotropic medication. They reported no use of any
medication that would affect the cardiovascular,
respiratory, or central nervous system. They were
administered a hearing test, which all of them fell
within the normal hearing range. A written consent
was obtained at the beginning of the study when they
were introduced to the experiment protocols, and they
were also paid $20 USD to compensate for their
2.1 Emotion-provoking Stimuli
To induce fear and neutral emotions, audio-visual
film clips were used in this experiment (see Figure
1). Audio-visual film clip is known to effectively
portray dynamic information to induce the integrated
and sustained emotional responses than those of still
pictures (Palomba, Sarlo, Angrilli, Mini and
Stegagno, 2000). Parts of a Korean horror movie, ‘A
Tale of Two Sisters (2003)’ were selected as stimuli.
The stimulus consists of two parts, one part with 60
second-long neutral condition and the other 60
second-long fear condition as shown in the Fig 1. It
has been revealed that it has effectiveness of 5.5 on
7-point Likert scale (1 being least effective and 7
being most effective) and appropriateness of 100%
by preliminary experiment.
Figure 1: The example of the experimental stimulus.
(above: neutral, below: fear)
2.2 Experimental Settings
The laboratory was 5mx2.5m big sound-proof
(lower than 35dB) of the noise level where any
outside artifacts are completely blocked. A couch for
a subject was located on the center of the room and
38’ TV was placed 2 meters ahead from the couch to
present the stimuli designed to induce emotions, fear
and neutral. On the right side of the couch,
interphone was installed. CCTV right next to TV
was installed to observe subjects behaviors. Outside
the laboratory, a computer connected to the TV
inside for the presentation of the film clips to the
subjects, VCR and another TV to monitor and record
behaviors of the subjects, a device (MP100) to
measure autonomic and facial EMG, and another
computer to receive all the signals from the
measuring equipment were all installed.
Figure 2: The attachment of electrodes for measure of
physiological signals. (above: ECG and EDA, below:
facial EMG)
Biopac Systems Inc. (California, USA) was used to
measure physiological responses. MP100WS and
AcqKnowledge (version 3.7.1) were used to input
acquire the data and analyze them. ECG was measured
on the left wrist where the pulse can be detected. EDA
was measured on the forefinger and middle finger of
the left hand. And facial EMGs were measured in the
corrugators and orbicularis oris (Figure 2).
Prior to experiment, subjects were allowed to take
time to feel comfortable in the laboratory setting.
Then electrodes were put on their forehead, wrist,
finger, and ankle to measure physiological signals.
They had resting period for 60 seconds before the
presentation of stimulus as baseline and then they
were exposed the stimuli for 2 minutes while their
physiological responses were measured. After this
stimulus presentation period, they were given 30
seconds to get rested and then were to evaluate their
psychological responses on emotion assessment scale.
2.3 Data Acquisition and Analysis
Data for 30 seconds from the baseline and each 30
seconds from two emotional conditions, i.e., neutral
and fear were also used in the analysis. Skin
conductance level (SCL), skin conductance response
(SCR), and number of skin conductance response
(NSCR) were analysed as EDA indicators, which
were used to measure sweat secretion responses of
peripheral nervous system. ECG parameters
measuring heart activity were R-R interval (RRI),
heart rate (HR) and respiration (RESP). To quantify
facial EMG response of bilateral corrugators (CORs)
and orbicularis oris’ (ORBs), EMG signals were
filtered at 20-450Hz, sampled at 1000 Hz, and
maximal EMG was calculated as the average signal
during each condition. A paired t-test for statistical
analysis was done to compare the neutral to fear
state. And correlation coefficient analysis was
performed to identify relation between psychological
and physiological responses induced by fear.
3.1 Result of Psychological Responses
The psychological responses to fear stimulus were
analyzed to examine the appropriateness and
effectiveness based on the subject’s rating.
Appropriateness means the consistency between the
target emotion and emotion experienced by the
subjects. Effectiveness is the experienced emotional
intensity. The results showed that appropriateness is
96.7% and effectiveness 5.00±0.86. In other words,
29 of all subjects reported they experienced fear when
exposed to emotional stimulus and mean intensity of
the experienced emotion was 5.00±0.86.
3.2 Result of Physiological Responses
To compare physiological responses induced by fear
and neutral emotion, paired t-test was done for the
two conditions (i.e., neutral and fear conditions) and
normality check for the data was done using SPSS
ver. 15.0 (see Table 1). In the results, there were
increases in SCL, SCR, NSCR, HR, RESP and
activation in the bilateral COR and decrease in RRI
during the fear condition compared to the neutral
condition (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Difference of physiological responses between
neutral and fear (A. skin conductance level, B. skin
conductance response, C. number of skin conductance
response, D. R-R interval, E. heart rate, F. respiration rate,
G. Rt. corrugator, H. Lt. corrugator, I. Rt. orbicularis oris,
J. Lt. orbicularis oris).
Table 1: Differences of physiological responses between
neutral and fear emotions.
neutral fear
SCL ()
6.84 2.92 8.63 3.52 3.80**
SCR ()
0.08 0.21 1.26 1.08 5.89***
NSCR (N) 0.3 0.60 2.8 2.07 6.86***
796.89 135.94 755.29 163.36 2.48*
HR (BPM) 78.43 16.64 84.40 20.11 2.68*
15.87 3.52 21.00 5.11 4.76***
Lt. 0.0039 0.0048 0.0045 0.0057 2.37*
Rt. 0.0062 0.0063 0.0072 0.0073 2.80**
Lt. 0.0048 0.0120 0.0048 0.0121 0.71
Rt. 0.0062 0.0136 0.0060 0.0136 1.08
* p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001 (N=30)
3.3 Correlation between the Perceived
Intensity and Physiological
Responses of Fear
For correlation coefficient analysis, Spearman rank
correlation coefficient which is appropriate for both
continuous and discrete variables, including ordinal
variables was analysed to examine correlation
between psychological, i.e., perceived fear and
physiological responses induced by fear. The result
is shown in the Table 2. The perceived fear showed
a positive correlation with physiological responses,
i.e., SCL, SCR, as well as activation in the CORs.
Table 2: Correlation between the subjects’ perceived fear
and physiological responses.
0.54** 0.49** 0.29 0.07 -0.12 -0.20
* p < .05, ** p < .01
features Rt. COR Lt. COR Rt. ORB Lt. ORB
fear level 0.37* 0.25 0.21 0.32
* p < .05, ** p < .01
This study investigated fear-specific physiological
responses and physiological features related to the
subjects’ perceived fear. The used stimulus turned
out to have 96% of appropriateness and more than
5.0 points of effectiveness, which indicates the used
stimulus proved to be effective in producing fear.
Our film clip when compared to the pre-existing one
is a more effective tool to induce stable emotion
with less individual difference as shown in the
subjects’ emotion assessment (Alto et al., 2002;
Iwase et al., 2002) and it helps subjects experience
vivid emotion (Gross and Levenson, 1995).
The results of physiological responses showed
statistically significant increases in SCL, SCR,
NSCR, HR, RESP and activation in the CORs
except RRI. This supports previous results (Main,
Shelton-Rayner, Harkin and Williams, 2003;
Lundgren, Berggren and Carlsson, 2004), reflecting
activation of sympathetic responses indicating fear-
specific responses, e.g., increased HR and
respiration, sweat secretion, and visceral arousal
(James, 1884).
EDA, unlike other physiological signals, was not
affected by parasympathetic response but by
sympathetic (Dawson, Schell and Filion, 1990). An
increase in EDA in fear means activation of sweat
glands, and directly indicates an increased
sympathetic arousal (Boucsein, 1992). On the other
hand, HR and RESP are affected by both
sympathetic and parasympathetic. Sympathetic
activity is responsive to arousal or excitement, while
parasympathetic is responsive to relaxed or resting
states. An increase of HR and RESP can be caused
by either sympathetic activation or parasympathetic
inhibition. In particular, the increased HR indicates
an increased sympathetic activation but decreased
parasympathetic (Hugdahl, 1995), and previous
studies supported an increase in HR (RRI
deceleration), lower amplitude and shorter wave of
RESP (Rainville et al., 2006; Blosh et al., 1991;
Rainville et al., 2006) during fear. Increases of
activation in the bilateral corrugators support reports
by previous studies (Hu & Wan, 2003; Magnee,
Stekelenburg, Kemner & deGelder, 2006; Thomkins,
1963; Vrana, 1993). Activation in the COR is fear-
specific as supported by Ekman and Freisen’s study
(1978). However, no activation in ORB (the muscle
arrowed lips) is reported.
Psychological response by fear showed a positive
correlation with physiological responses, i.e., SCL,
SCR, as well as activation in the COR. The reported
intensity of fear goes higher, SCL, SCR and CORs
activity tend to increase but HR decreased and these
are consistent with previously results (Palmer, 2008;
Gilissen et al., 2006; Castaneda and Segerstrom,
According to Bradley et al. (1993) and Detenber
et al. (1998), arousal and valence have association
with SCR, HR, activation in the ORB (zygomatic
major) and CORs activity. Dimberg (1986)’s results
indicate that facial muscle activity is closely related
to emotional response and especially facial EMG
reflects emotional characteristics. Particularly, SCR
showed positive relations with arousal, HR and
valence, but a negative relation with activation in the
CORs. This suggests the followings; more changes
in the SCR have something to do with higher level
of arousal; higher HR has a relation with positive
emotions; lower HR has a relation with negative
emotions; and an increased activation in the CORs
has a negative relation with valence.
In sum, our results are that as the perceived fear
level goes higher, SCR and CORs activity increases,
and yet HR decreases, all of which suggest a relation
with negative valence (Dimberg, 1986). Also, this
study showed that more intense fear caused more
sympathetic arousal as well as increased activation
in the right CORs. CORs of facial muscle has a
negative relation with valence and its activation
increases when experience the negative emotion
such as fear (Bradley et al., 1993; Detenber et al.,
1998; Dimberg, 1986). Although HR is known to be
related to valence, no significant change in the HR
by the level of fear was detected.
Figure 4: Correlation between psychological responses by
the subjects’ rating and physiological responses during
fear. The arrows show relations among measures.
We have identified a positive relation between the
intensity of subjects’ perceived fear and SCR, and
CORs activity. Our results support that there is
correlation between psychological and physiological
responses induced by fear. They have also provided
that the intensity of perceived fear effects on
physiological responses significantly. Although our
results are limited to fear emotion, they offer that the
users’ perceived emotion i.e., individual differences
of psychological responses must be considered to
recognize human emotions by physiological signals
in HCI. The analysis of emotional responses induced
by other basic emotions such as happiness, sadness,
anger, etc. are in progress and in further study, we
will develop more detailed algorithms for emotion
classification based on our results.
This research was supported by the Converging
Research Center Program through the Ministry of
Science, ICT and Future Planning, Korea (2013K00
0329 and 2013K000332).
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