mostly theoretical studies characterized by increas-
ingly abstract grammar-based formalisms employed
in analyzing and specifying high level properties of
model transformations, and 2) software engineering
perspectives interested in automating the implemen-
tation of model transformations occurring in specific
domains using graph-based specifications. There is
a noticeable gap between both trends that gives way
to an interesting set of open problems, among them:
1) Specialized graph structures that perform well in
the specification and implementation of graph- and
metamodel-based model transformations would make
the declarative approach suitable for building com-
plex model transformations; 2) Most research proto-
typing tools are often cumbersome to use, offer solu-
tions for very narrow paradigms and incomplete sup-
port for systems integration and management. Mak-
ing graph transformations a solid tool in the context of
MDE requires further research into the requirements
that industrial strength graph-based tools should have,
given the foreseeable nature of applications in engi-
neering and business.
In general, this work has found that there is a large
gap between a theoretical body of numerous graph
grammar and graph transformation approaches and
its application to practical problems in software en-
gineering. Their use in formalizing syntactic and se-
mantic aspects of software artifacts still remains far
removed from proven software engineering method-
ologies and tools that have produced reliable, ef-
ficient, user-friendly and maintainable applications.
The graph transformation research community has re-
cently become aware of these deficiencies and has
responded with studies placing the graph transfor-
mation in a more systemic context of transformation
units and systems, although with a marked theoretical
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