A Novel Fusion Algorithm for Visible and Infrared Image using
Non-subsampled Contourlet Transform and Pulse-coupled Neural
Chihiro Ikuta
, Songjun Zhang
, Yoko Uwate
, Guoan Yang
and Yoshifumi Nishio
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokushima University, 2-1 Minami-Josanjima, Tokushima, Japan
Department of Computing Mathematics School of Science, Xi’an Jiaotong University,
No.28 Xianning West Road, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, China
Department of Automation Science and Technology, School of Electronic and Information Engineering,
Xi’an Jiaotong University, No.28 Xianning West Road, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, China
Image Fusion, Visible Image, Infrared Image, Pulse Coupled Neural Network, Non-subsampled Contourlet
An image fusion algorithm between visible and infrared images is significant task for computer vision ap-
plications such as multi-sensor systems. Among them, although a visible image is clear perfectly able to be
seen through the naked eyes, it is often suffers with noise; while an infrared image is unclear but it has high
anti-noise property. In this paper, we propose a novel image fusion algorithm for visible and infrared images
using a non-subsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) and a pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN). First, we
decompose two original images above mentioned into low and high frequency coefficients based on the NSCT.
Moreover, each low frequency coefficients for both images are duplicated at multiple scales, and are processed
by laplacian filter and average filter respectively. Finally, we can fuse the normalized coefficients by using the
PCNN. Conversely, we can reconstruct a fused image based on the low and high frequency coefficients, which
are fused by using the inverse NSCT. Experimental results show that the proposed image fusion algorithm
surpasses the conventional and state-of-art image fusion algorithm.
Image fusion plays an important role in the computer
vision and image processing fields. In recent years,
many image fusion algorithm are applied to com-
puter vision, pattern recognition and image process-
ing fields such as multi-focus and multi-sensors im-
age fusion, and so on (Xu and Chen, 2004) (Wang
et al., 2008) (Qu et al., 2008). Especially, an image
fusion algorithm between visible and infrared images
is significant for computer vision and image process-
ing applications. The contourlet transform is a new
two-dimensional extension of the wavelet transform
using multi-scale and directional filter banks (Yang
et al., 2010). And then, a non-subsampled contourlet
transform (NSCT) is developed by Da Cunha, Zhou
and Do (da Cunha et al., 2006). The NSCT has a
fully shift invariant property than the contourlet, leads
to better frequency selectivity, directivity and regular-
ity (Zhou et al., 2005). On the other hand, we know
that a pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN) is pre-
sented by Eckhorn in 1990 (Eckhorn, 1990). This
method is developed based on the experimental ob-
servations of synchronous pulse bursts in cat cortex.
It is characterized by the global coupling and pulse
synchronization of neurons. And the PCNN has ex-
cellent performance in image edge detection applica-
tions. Recently, several image fusion algorithm based
on the NSCT and PCNN have been developed, for ex-
ample, based on spatial frequency-motivated PCNN
in NSCT domain of Qu (Qu et al., 2008), stationary
wavelet-based NSCT and PCNN of Yang (Yang et al.,
2009), based on NSCT-PCNN of Ge for visible and
infrared image (Ge and Li, 2010), a simplified PCNN
in NSCT domain of Liu (Liu et al., 2012), and so on.
These image fusion algorithm implemented better fu-
sion performance for various image processing appli-
However, hardly any work based on NSCT-PCNN
algorithm for the visible and infrared image. There-
fore, in this paper, we consider to utilize the NSCT for
implementing multi-scale decomposition, and PCNN
Ikuta C., Zhang S., Uwate Y., Yang G. and Nishio Y..
A Novel Fusion Algorithm for Visible and Infrared Image using Non-subsampled Contourlet Transform and Pulse-coupled Neural Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0004732601600164
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2014), pages 160-164
ISBN: 978-989-758-003-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
for implementing image fusion. Furthermore, we pro-
pose a novel images fusion algorithm for visible and
infrared image based on the NSCT and PCNN. And
the quality of a fusion image is improved by using
the PCNN for the low frequency coefficients in NSCT
domain. In order to the purpose, we employed two
different filters, which are average filter and laplacian
filter before image fusion using the PCNN, and better
image fusion performance is demonstrated than based
on the PCNN only.
This paper is organized as follows. In section
2, we describe an image fusion algorithm used the
NSCT and PCNN. In section 3, we propose the new
image fusion algorithm for visible and infrared im-
ages. In section 4, we show the experimental results,
and compare with the conventional method about im-
age fusion. Finally, in section 5, we state the conclu-
sion and future works.
Generally, the image fusion algorithm above men-
tioned mainly has three steps. In the first step, images
are decomposed into some coefficients by the NSCT
decomposition algorithm. In the next step, the coef-
ficients from two images are compared and fused by
the PCNN. Finally, the fused coefficients reconstruct
into one new image by the NSCT reconstruction al-
2.1 NSCT
The NSCT is compatible with the image fusion by
using the PCNN, because this method does not ex-
ist the up sampling and down sampling (Zhou et al.,
2005). The NSCT use pyramid filter banks to imple-
ment a multi-scale decomposition and a directional
decomposition as shown in Fig. 1 (da Cunha et al.,
2006). In the case of multi-scale decomposition, an
image is decomposed into the low frequency coeffi-
cients and high frequency coefficients, and these op-
erations are repeated at different scale. After that,
the coefficients is decomposed into directional com-
ponents in the high frequency banks.
2.2 PCNN
Eckhorn proposed a neural network model from cat’s
visual cortex in 1990 (Eckhorn, 1990). The PCNN is
proposed by Thomas for the application of this mech-
anism in 1998 (Lindblad and Kinser, 2005). It is
known that this method can be applied to the image
processing, in addition can also be applied to image
Figure 1: The non-subsampled contourlet transform for the
image decomposition.
fusion (Jhonson and Padgett, 1999). When we apply
the PCNN to an image processing, one pixel data in
an image inputs the one neuron. Accepters of neuron
are composed of a feeding part and a linking part, as
follows. The feeding part is described by Eq. (1).
(n) = S
where F is an output of feeding part and S is an
external stimulus. Eq. (2) is the linking part.
(n) = e
(n 1)
ij, pq
ij, pq
(n 1),
where L is an output of linking part, V is a normal-
ization coefficient and W is a weight to connect other
neurons. An internal state is calculated by outputs of
the feeding and linking part as shown in Eq. (3).
(n) = F
(n){1+ βL
where U is an internal state. The output of neuron is
calculated from comparison between the internal state
and a threshold. The threshold is described by Eq. (4).
(n) = e
(n 1) +V
(n 1),
where θ is a threshold. In the PCNN, an activation
function is a step function. The output of the neuron
is described by Eq. (5).
1, U
(n) > θ
0, otherwise.
We choose these parameters by heuristic. In this
condition, we tune that the conventional method has
become more high performance, and the model of
PCNN shown in Fig. 2.
In the simulation, the PCNN is inputted in the de-
composition coefficients of two images. In the appli-
cation for the image processing, the one neuron re-
ceive one pixel of the coefficients. Thus, the num-
ber of neurons depend on the image size. The PCNN
iterates process to the number of times. After that,
1 + ߚܮ
Step function
Figure 2: Block diagram of a single neuron of the PCNN.
the two images which are processed by the PCNN are
compared and are fused by Eq. (6).
, Y
> Y
, otherwise,
where I is an fused image, A is coefficients of the im-
age A, and B is coefficients of the image B.
In this paper, we introduce a novel image fusion pro-
cessing for the low frequency coefficients. Gener-
ally, the high frequency region of an image include
the edge and texture information, the low frequency
region concentrate almost of power for an image.
Whereas image energy of the most natural scenes
is mainly concentrated in the low frequency region.
Hence, we consider that the quality of an image can
be improved by tuning the low frequency of image.
Process of proposed image fusion algorithm is il-
lustrated in Fig. 3. Firstly, we decompose two image
into the low frequency coefficients and the high fre-
quency coefficients by the NSCT. In addition, each
low frequency coefficients for both images are du-
plicated at multiple scales. And then, on one hand,
the coefficients is filtering by the laplacian filter ex-
pressed in Eq. (7). The laplacian filter is an edge de-
tection operator, it can enhance the edge effects of an
image. On the other hand, the coefficient is filtered by
the average filter shown in Eq. (8). The average filter
simplified the all of low coefficients, and can fuse the
both coefficients which is normalized from the lapla-
cian and average filter for increasing the intensity of
an image in the low frequency domain.
Laplacianfilter =
1 1 1
1 9 1
1 1 1
Averagefilter =
0.11 0.11 0.11
0.11 0.12 0.11
0.11 0.11 0.11
After filter process, we normalize the two coefficients.
The two coefficients are fused by the PCNN image
fusion algorithm. We process coefficients of image A
and image B, and the two fused coefficients are fused
by using Eq. (6). As shown in Fig. 3, the images are
decomposed five levels by the pyramidal filter bank
of NSCT. Thereby, the coefficient of five different
frequency bands are generated, respectively. Among
them, we mainly used filtering technique for the low
frequency bands, which are two lower frequency lev-
els. There realized the fusion processing for visible
image and infrared image using the algorithm above.
Finally, the both fused coefficient above mentioned
from two different images are fused by the PCNN,
and the high frequencycoefficients are further decom-
posed to be directional band coefficient which fused
by the PCNN, it is called as the second fusion for vis-
ible image and infrared image separately. Therefore,
we can reconstruct the visible and infrared image us-
ing all the low and high frequency coefficient by the
inverse NSCT. We investigated that the quality of
a fused image is improved by filtering the low fre-
quency coefficients. It is because that laplacian filter
and average filter increased an intensity of image in
the low frequency.
In this section, we show the computer simulation of
proposed image fusion algorithm. Here use two kinds
of image sets, and investigate the image fusion perfor-
mance. Furthermore, we analyze the quality of image
fusion for the proposed algorithm with the low fre-
quency coefficients to the PCNN and high frequency
coefficients to the PCNN. And that parameters of the
PCNN are set as p× q = 3 × 3, α
= 1.0, α
= 0.2,
β = 3, V
= 1.0, V
= 20,
W =
0.707 1 0.707
1 0 1
0.707 1 0.707
and the maximal iteration number is n = 200. Here,
we adopted three kinds of methods exist for evalu-
ating image fusion quality, which are the Mutual In-
formation (MI), entropy, and Standard Deviation (St.
Dev.). The MI shows that the fused image might have
valuable information of both original images. The en-
tropy shows that the fused image carries average in-
formation. The St. Dev. shows the statistical distri-
bution of fused image. In the first simulation, we use
Figure 3: The proposed image fusion algorithm.
the original images in Fig. 4, and the fused images
are shown in the Fig. 5. From the Fig. 5, we can see
that the original images are fused well and its visual
performance is as good as original images. .
(a) Visible image. (b) Infrared image.
Figure 4: Target images for image fusion.
(a) PCNN with NSCT. (b) Proposed algorithm.
Figure 5: Fused image by different methods.
Table 1 shows the experimental results and com-
parisons for the image fusion performance in the
Fig. 4. From this results we can see that the pro-
posed image fusion algorithm has better quality of
fused image than the PCNN. It means that the origi-
nal images held the characteristics even if the original
images are processed by two filters, namely laplacian
and average filters. We focus on the low frequency
coefficients for the localized property and edge en-
hancements of the original coefficients by using the
both filters, hence the mutual information, entropy
and standard deviation are much improved, respec-
tively. Especially, the proposed method has a high
MI performance and a high standard deviation of the
fused image. In the proposed model, the coefficients
are preprocessed by the filters, thereby the original
image is varied. However, the result of the proposed
method obtains the high MI performance. The stan-
dard deviation generally shows the edge performance.
The PCNN responds the edge. The proposed method
enhances the edge by the laplacian filter from the orig-
inal image coefficients. In the conventional method,
the fused image is made from original images. Thus,
the fused image has only characteristics of the origi-
nal image.
Table 1: Fusion performance index of different methods.
MI Entropy St. Dev.
PCNN+NSCT 2.4956 7.0300 32.713
Proposed 2.8358 7.1275 34.865
In the next simulation, we use the test images and
can obtain the fused images as shown in Fig. 6 and
Fig. 7 respectively. From the Fig. 7, we can see that
the original images are fused well and its visual per-
formance is as good as original images.
From Table 2, the proposed image fusion algo-
rithm has better quality of fused image than the image
fusion of the PCNN. The mutual information and the
standard deviation are improved well. This result’s
trend is similar to the Table. 1. Thereby, we can say
that the proposed method has a better image fusion
performance than the conventional method.
Table 2: Fusion performance index of different .
MI Entropy St. Dev.
PCNN+NSCT 5.5801 7.4862 53.454
Proposed 6.0821 7.5491 54.669
(a) Visible image. (b) Infrared image.
Figure 6: Target images for image fusion.
(a) PCNN with NSCT. (b) Proposed algorithm.
Figure 7: Fused image by different methods.
In this paper, we have proposed the novel image fu-
sion algorithm for visible and images by using NSCT
and PCNN. We processed the low frequency coef-
ficients which are decomposed by the NSCT, in ad-
dition filtered by the laplacian and the average filter.
There, the coefficients were fused by the PCNN. Fi-
nally, the fused image is reconstructed using the low
frequency and high frequency coefficient by the in-
verse NSCT. From experimental results, the proposed
image fusion algorithm has better quality than the im-
age fusion performance for using the PCNN only.
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