In a similar manner, the frames of the animation
illustrating the other highly-ranked employees were
investigated. We gave more attention to the 17 frames
of the animation containing periodic events. Fortu-
nately for the company, the only real evidence of
fraud existed in the fictional data added by the au-
ditors. However, the auditors had not identified all
these cases while examining the data-sets manually
and they had to make an additional investigation.
We presented an integrated fraud management visual-
ization system that aims to identify patterns that may
conceal occupational fraud through a combination of
pattern recognition and visualization. Our work opens
several aspects for future work such as incorporation
of more fraud patterns, use of more statistical methods
and, extension of the system in order to identify more
complicated fraud schemes (client fraud, telecommu-
nication fraud, etc.) in a wider variety of business
The work of Evmorfia N. Argyriou has been co-
financed by the European Union (European Social
Fund ESF) and Greek national funds through the
Operational Program ”Education and Lifelong Learn-
ing” of the National Strategic Reference Framework
(NSRF) - Research Funding Program: Heracleitus II.
Investing in knowledge society through the European
Social Fund.
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