high. On the other hand, our experiments showed that
it is computationally feasible on today’s computer ar-
chitectures for up to 20 features. The framework is
in every case faster than a manual optimization by an
expert. A fully exhaustive search of all feature se-
lection combinations is clearly infeasible. Due to the
huge parameter search space of the framework, e.g.
evolutionary or random optimization strategies have
a great potential in this approach. In future work,
the framework will be applied to a larger variety of
classification tasks to show its universality. Further-
more, the best classifiers can be combined to obtain
an ensemble classifier (Jain et al., 2000) with a poten-
tially greater predictive performance. Additionally,
the framework can easily be extended with the newest
state-of-the-art classifiers, feature transform and se-
lection algorithms as “plugins”.
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