A General-purpose Crowdsourcing Platform for Mobile Devices
Ariel Amato
, Felipe Lumbreras
and Angel D. Sappa
Crowdmobile S.L. (Knowxel), Edifici O, Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
Dept. of Computer Science, Universitat Aut`onoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
Computer Vision Center, Edifici O, Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
Escuela Superior Polit´ecnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Campus Gustavo Galindo, Km 30.5 v´ıa Perimetral, P.O. Box
09-01-5863, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Crowdsourcing Platform, Mobile Crowdsourcing.
This paper presents details of a general purpose micro-task on-demand platform based on the crowdsourcing
philosophy. This platform was specifically developed for mobile devices in order to exploit the strengths of
such devices; namely: i) massivity, ii) ubiquity and iii) embedded sensors. The combined use of mobile
platforms and the crowdsourcing model allows to tackle from the simplest to the most complex tasks. Users
experience is the highlighted feature of this platform (this fact is extended to both task-proposer and task-
solver). Proper tools according with a specific task are provided to a task-solver in order to perform his/her job
in a simpler, faster and appealing way. Moreover, a task can be easily submitted by just selecting predefined
templates, which cover a wide range of possible applications. Examples of its usage in computer vision and
computer games are provided illustrating the potentiality of the platform.
The large amount of mobile devices, together with the
ever increasing computation capabilities, offers to the
crowdsourcing model a powerful tool for tackling a
large set of problems where the human feedback is
needed. In most of the urban areas, commuters ex-
pend large amount of time travelling or waiting from
place to place. Most of this fragmented time is wasted
with meaningless activities; the current work presents
a tool that takes advantage of that fragmented time;
everybody and anywhere can contribute with his/her
small piece of time and work using the proposed plat-
Current crowdsourcing systems (e.g., Amazon
Mechanical Turk
) are passive services that are using
worker-pull strategy to allocate tasks, and require rel-
atively complex operation to create a new task. Con-
sequently, such systems fail to adapt to the mobile
context where users require simple input process and
rapid response. On the other hand, although there are
some proposals already devoted to exploit the com-
bined use of mobile and crowdsourcing they are in-
tended to a specific task. We can find applications
for image translation (Liu et al., 2010), drawing (Liu
et al., 2012), collaborative sensing (Demirbas et al.,
2010), text transcription and surveys (Eagle, 2009),
just to mention a few. On the contrary to previous
proposals the current paper introduces a general pur-
pose crowdsourcing platform oriented to mobile de-
vices, where the users can find different kind of tasks
that engage their participation.
During last decade crowdsorucing solutions have
been adopted in a large set of problems in the com-
puter vision domain. For instance in (Vondrick et al.,
2010) a user interface has been proposed for divid-
ing the work of labeling video data into micro-tasks.
A specific architecture that take care of minimizing
bandwidth overhead is developed. This user interface
has evolved to a more complete framework that has
been recently presented and evaluated in (Vondrick
et al., 2013). Applications such as nutrition analy-
sis from food photographs (Noronha et al., 2011), fa-
cial expression and affect recognition (McDuff et al.,
2011), image annotation (Moehrmann and Heide-
mann, 2012) and multimedia retrieval (Snoek et al.,
2010) have exploited the power of massive data cat-
egorization. All these approaches are oriented to a
specific and single task hence all of them rely on de-
veloping a standalone tool; by sure that tools devel-
Amato A., Lumbreras F. and Sappa A..
A General-purpose Crowdsourcing Platform for Mobile Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0004737202110215
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2014), pages 211-215
ISBN: 978-989-758-009-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Screenshots of the main window (top) and tem-
plate selection (bottom) during the hiring a task process.
oped in this way are the best option from the HCI and
efficiency point of view. However, neither HCI nor
efficiency are the most critical elements in a crowd-
sourcing platform, but having a large crowd is the key
point. In other words, in most of the work presented
above (except those based on the use of services like
Amazon Mechanical Turk) after developing the tool
a big effort for having a large crowd of workers is
needed, which sometimes become critical for a suc-
cessful result.
Having in mind the key point mentioned above
the current work presents some details of a general
purpose crowdsourcing platform, which was initially
conceived for computer vision problems, but recently
found applications in other domains. The manuscript
is intended to share our experiences on developing
and using such a platform. Section 2 briefly presents
the platform. Then, Section 3 introduces two case
studies and finally Section 4 summarize conclusions
and future work.
This section summarizes the most representativechar-
acteristics of the proposed platform. The whole plat-
form has been implemented to be used in mobile de-
vices taking advantage of all their capabilities. The
task management and user profile administration is
Figure 2: Working space with image edition tools in a
face alignment problem (mark eyes and mouth) http://vis-
implemented in a database management system avail-
able through local servers. The most relevant ele-
ments of our platform are presented here. First the
template based task proposal is illustrated and then
the user interface for solving a task is depicted.
2.1 Templates for Task Proposing
The platform is conceived in a Client-Server philoso-
phy for both the client that hire a task and the users
that provide the feedback for a required task using
his/her own mobile device and the provided tools.
Note that since everything is intended for mobile de-
vices the embedded sensors can be used. There is a
large set of templates already designed to use with the
different sensors embedded on mobile devices; this
factor allows a large scalability and simplicity. Fig-
ure 1 shows the main screen with the different op-
tions for hiring a task. First the template according to
the required feedback is selected (e.g., cameras, GPS,
microphone, speaker, touch screen); then, the target
population is defined; and finally the task is designed
in a fill-in-a-form scheme. A brief summary of the
most representative templates is given below.
Draw: these templates exploit the potentiality of
touch-screen devices. The objective of tasks based on
these templates is to draw something over a specific
object on the given image (e.g., detect where the ob-
ject is, draw the contour of a given object, etc.), which
in the computer vision literature is usually referred to
as image segmentation.
Annotate: templates related with the previous
ones (draw); in this case the templates allow obtaining
the feedback from the user for a semantic description
of the object in the scene.
Survey: a set of predefined templates that can be
easily customized according to the need of the client.
These templates include the possibility to create clas-
sical text based surveys, image and sound based sur-
Figure 3: Illustration of a video-based survey for a Bot com-
petition http://botprize.org.
veys as well as video based surveys.
Convert: this family of templates is intended for
converting the way in which the given data are ex-
pressed; examples of such conversions are: audio to
text (listen a sound and transcribe it), text to audio
(read a book), image to text (transcribe the informa-
tion in a given image), etc. Additionally, these tem-
plates can be used for high level feedbacks whether
the user needs to have some expertise for converting
the given data (e.g., language translation tasks: text to
text, audio to text, text to audio).
Capture: these final templates allow the compa-
nies and academia to collect information using mobile
devices embedded sensors, from an audio, picture or
video till GPS positions.
2.2 User Interface for Task Solving
Some snapshots of the user interfaces for solving dif-
ferent tasks are presented in this section. Figure 2
presents the working space of a face alignment prob-
lem with the basic tools (zoom in/out, edit, delete).
In this task the user has to mark eyes and mouth that
are used for estimating the face alignment. Figure 3
depicts a screenshot of a video-based survey; the user
has to watch a short video and answer the question.
Redundancy: Like in most of the tasks involving
the human being, there is a need to detect wrong in-
puts. The platform allows a redundancy scheme to fil-
ter out outliers in most of the computer vision based
tasks (e.g., image segmentation, data categorization,
Figure 4: Original page to be processed (text segmentation).
target selection, etc.). Further elaborations are needed
to detect outliers or wrong inputs in tasks such as data
collection or surveys.
Reward: Current version of the platform relies on
volunteer effort; however, like in other crowdsoruc-
ing initiatives financial incentives of workers can be
easily implemented. There is a relationship between
monetary payment and time to perform a given set
of tasks. Larger incentive makes more appealing the
tasks and as a result less time to complete them is
needed. A deep study on all these effects has been
presented in (Mason and Watts, 2009). For instance,
the authors conclude that the accuracy of results are
similar when they compare payment versus no pay-
ment at all.
This section describes two applications (tasks) that
have been conducted in the proposed platform. The
first one is focused on ground truth generation of
handwriting documents. The purpose of the second
one is to obtain users’ feedbacks for video game de-
Figure 5: Example of the obtained final word segmentation.
3.1 Ground Truth Generation for
Ancient Documents in Computer
Vision Context
For historical documents, ground truth may not ex-
ist, or its creation may be tedious and costly, since
it has to be manually performed. In such a labor,
crowdsourcing has become very popular in the last
years, because only with the massive help of volun-
teers, huge amounts of data can be manually labeled.
The conducted experiment was focused on the Mar-
riage Licenses Books (Romero et al., 2013) from the
Archives of the Barcelona Cathedral. These books
contain details of more than 500.000 unions cele-
brated between the 15th and 19th centuries. One page
of the original manuscript is shown in Fig. 4. The
final goal of this task was to obtain the bounding con-
tour of every single word of the page, without over-
lapping neighbor words (see Fig. 5).
The process follows a recursive task atomization
scheme (Amato et al., 2013). The initial task con-
sists in extracting the page layout. This task results
in columns, see Fig. 6. The outputs of this first task
allow the platform to release a second task; splitting
these columns of text into several boxes containing on
average 6 lines of text to properly display the task in
several devices (from 3.4” to 10.1 screen sizes). In
the second task, the user is asked to draw the bound-
ing box of every single word. Later on, this output
is used to generate the next task. Finally, in the last
task the user is asked to precisely segment the word
contained in the given box (see right side of Fig. 7).
3.2 Video-based Survey for Video Game
In this task the users were asked to watch ten videos.
Each one of these videos contains one minute of a
recorded video game sequence. In turn, the solvers
were asked to answer if the player behavior shown on
the video corresponds to a human or a bot. The pur-
pose of this task was to evaluate the performance of
artificial intelligent engines on different video games.
A snapshot of this task is presented in Fig. 3
Figure 6: Page layout obtained with the platform.
Figure 7: Illustration of the segmentation result.
The manuscript briefly presents a novel general pur-
pose platform for crowdsourcing tasks, oriented to
mobile devices. The general idea and some of the
applications tackled using this scheme are introduced
showing its potentiality and possibilities, mainly in
the computer vision domain. Currently, the platform
is been used by a small and controlled community (50
solvers) in order to evaluate efficiency, task atomiza-
tion strategy and validation results. Future steps will
be addressed to increase the size of the community in
order to release a commercial version of the platform.
This work has been partially supported by the Span-
ish Government under Research Projects TIN2011-
25606, TIN2011-29494-C03-02 and PROMETEO
Project of the ”Secretar´ıa Nacional de Educaci´on
Superior, Ciencia, Tecnolog´ıa e Innovaci´on de la
Rep´ublica del Ecuador”.
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