Ghost Pruning for People Localization in Overlapping Multicamera
Muhammad Owais Mehmood
, Sebastien Ambellouis
and Catherine Achard
LEOST, French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Spatial Planning, Development and Networks,
Villeneuve D’Ascq, France
Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
People Localization, Ghost Pruning, Multicamera Surveillance.
In this paper, we propose a novel ghost pruning technique for multicamera people localization in overlapping
scenarios. First, synergy map is obtained from multiplanar projections across multiple overlapping cameras.
Second, occupancy map is generated by back projection from the synergy map across various image layers.
This back projected occupancy map is combined with constraints to remove ghosts. The novelty of this paper
is the introduction of an intuitive ghost pruning technique, which does not require any temporal information.
Experiments on a sequence of the PETS 2009 dataset show significant reduction in the number of ghosts. The
purpose and novelty of this paper is focused to the ghost pruning module but detection metrics show results
comparable to those of the complete, state-of-the-art multicamera object detection systems.
Advances in the imaging technology have enabled
ubiquitous presence of cameras allowing multicamera
setups to be used in scenarios like visual surveillance,
3D reconstruction or human modeling. As humans
are an integral part of the environment, their localiza-
tion, tracking and analysis is an important aspect of
research. Significant research has been done on single
camera people localization but the approach remains
restricted for example at small scales, under occlusion
(Dollar et al., 2012). Multicamera localization is thus
a straightforward extension in order to improve the
localization accuracy and robustness.
Fusion of information across multiple views is a
challenging aspect of multicamera systems requiring
some level of consistency across all the views of the
object of interest, including its presence or not. Ho-
mography and planar projection techniques provide
a reasonable degree of success when addressed to
solve this issue (Eshel and Moses, 2010; Fleuret et al.,
2007; Khan and Shah, 2009). However, the multiview
homography constraint suffers from false detections
known as “ghosts”. Here it is important to point out
that even if temporal information and tracking tech-
niques are known to reduce ghosts, this papers tries to
solve the ghost problem at its fundamental and uses
only spatial information. The technique introduced
in this paper is simple, intuitive yet effective because
the detections are verified across the multiple camera
views by using back projected occupancies. Hence,
the novelty of this paper is to perform effective ghost
pruning without temporal information.
The remainder of this paper proceeds with a dis-
cussion on the state-of-the-art methods. Section 3 in-
troduces the concepts of multiplanar projections and
synergy map. Section 4 addresses the back projected
occupancies. Experimental setup and the results on
PETS 2009 dataset along with comparisons are pre-
sented in Section 5 with conclusion in the end.
Since the last few decades, people localization has
been an active area of research. There has been a lot
of development in the single camera localization, a
recent literature survey is (Dollar et al., 2012). How-
ever, as summarized by Dollar et al., single camera
algorithms are limited in terms of scale, handling oc-
clusion and for performance in the dense and cluttered
environments. Introducing tracking, as presented in
(Yilmaz et al., 2006), may alleviate the problem but
it does not completely solve it. Compared to sin-
gle camera, multicamera systems can inherently pro-
vide more information and thus have been exploited
Mehmood M., Ambellouis S. and Achard C..
Ghost Pruning for People Localization in Overlapping Multicamera Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004741306320639
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2014), pages 632-639
ISBN: 978-989-758-004-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
for this problem. This section specifically focuses on
the multicamera surveillance applications for overlap-
ping cameras and literature based on the ghost prun-
ing methods.
Registration of an object present across multiple
camera views can be used to estimate its location.
One common approach in these systems constraints
the search space to the ground plane using the planar
world assumption (Eshel and Moses, 2010; Fleuret
et al., 2007; Khan and Shah, 2009). Therefore, as-
suming that the objects do not float in the air, pla-
nar homographies are calculated for the ground plane.
Recent approaches extend this by using multiplanar
homographies combined with the ground plane but
this is not robust for several reasons such as the bad
foreground detections or the occlusion of the lower
part of the body.
Khan and Shah introduce the planar homographic
constraint at multiple planes and combine it with
graph cut segmentation to track people (Khan and
Shah, 2009). No calibration information is required
but planar references must be present in at least one
of the views and affine homography must be manually
computed by the user for each sequence. Their pro-
posed solution suffers from false positives or ghosts
due to the limitations of the homography constraint.
Khan and Shah account for ghosts using the space-
time occupancies. Eshel and Moses perform peo-
ple tracking in a dense, crowded environment using
homography constraints at the top layers combined
with the pixel intensity correlation and motion direc-
tion, velocity constraints (Eshel and Moses, 2010).
This method requires the use of partial calibration
data. Temporal information is used to reduce phan-
toms. But, the algorithm is limited to those sequences
in which heads are visible in a top view configura-
tion. Different from the first two techniques, Fleuret
et al. define a probabilistic occupancy map based on a
quantized ground plane along with a distance measure
in relation to the multiview projections (Fleuret et al.,
2007). They further integrate it with Hidden Markov
Model (HMM) for joint color, motion and occupancy
modeling to perform tracking. However, this algo-
rithm is limited to tracking up to a maximum of six
people, performs poorly in dense situations and fails
to account for height variations like the detection of
children. More recently, Utasi and Benedek introduce
novel features, a 3D configuration model and its opti-
mization in order to perform multicamera people de-
tection (Utasi and Benedek, 2011; Utasi and Benedek,
In parallel with the complete detection or track-
ing systems, research also focuses on resolving more
fundamental issues such as ghosts. Ren et al. define
ghosts as the false positives due to the intersections of
non-corresponding regions (Ren et al., 2012). They
propose to use color template matching for ghost
pruning. But, as we will show later, their method
is unable to account for views with high variations
in the color constancy. Moreover, their equations are
limited to only two views. Unlike (Ren et al., 2012),
our proposed algorithm has no limitation in the num-
ber of views, number of planes used and is able to
account for views which lack color constancy. Evans
et al. introduced a suppression map technique which
is able to predict the possible location of the ghosts
based on the scene geometry but it requires prior in-
formation about the location of the objects of interest
which is obtained from the previous frames (Evans
et al., 2012). Unlike this method, our proposed tech-
nique does not require any temporal information.
The novelty of our method is to perform ghost
pruning without using temporal information. We also
account for color constancy variations and our algo-
rithm can work across more than two camera views
by taking into account the planes at several heights
of the body, not just the top. Our algorithm has been
tested on the City Center sequence of the PETS 2009
dataset using three overlapping camera views (PETS,
2009). The results show significant reduction in the
number of ghosts, including a comparison with (Ren
et al., 2012). Besides this, we achieve detection rates
which are better than the Probability Occupancy Map
(POM) detector module of (Fleuret et al., 2007) and
results comparable to one of the more recent multi-
camera people detector in (Utasi and Benedek, 2012).
The multiplanar projection algorithm as proposed in
(Utasi and Benedek, 2012) is used. The inputs for the
algorithm are the foreground masks F
(x,y) of each
view v. Instead of using the Mixture of Gaussians
(MoG), as employed by Utasi and Benedek, our fore-
ground masks are obtained using the more robust mul-
tilayer background subtraction method as proposed in
(Yao and Odobez, 2007). Next, the multiplanar pro-
jections are used to create the synergy map as ex-
plained in the following two sections.
3.1 Multiplanar Projections
The camera calibration model is used to project the
silhouettes obtained by background subtraction to
the ground plane and the planes parallel to it. If
) represent the ground coordinates of any cam-
era placed at height h
then as presented by (Utasi and
Benedek, 2012):
= x
= y
where, (x
) are the ground coordinates of an
arbitrary point and (x
) are the coordinates of the
same point projected at a height h parallel to the
If camera calibration model or homography infor-
mation is not available then the method proposed by
Khan and Shah in section 4.2 of their paper can be
used (Khan and Shah, 2009). Figure 1 illustrates the
projections obtained on a randomly selected frame of
the PETS 2009 sequence.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1: Multiplanar projections on a frame of PETS 2009.
Projections at (a) ground (b) 100 cm (c) 190 cm.
3.2 Synergy Map
Khan and Shah define synergy map as the 2D grid of
object occupancy likelihoods (Khan and Shah, 2009).
Synergy map is obtained by the fusion of the multi-
planar projections obtained in the last section. Let us
assume that P
(x,y) is the map corresponding to the
projection of the camera view v V on the plane p P
and n
is the total number of views. Then, the synergy
map S(x, y) and normalized synergy map S
(x,y) are
generated as follows:
S(x,y) =
(x,y) =
For the rest of the paper we will use the normal-
ized synergy map and refer to it as S(x,y) or simply
S. Figure 2 shows an example of the synergy map
Figure 2: Illustration of a normalized synergy map obtained
by using Equation 2. Brighter red colors indicate higher
probabilities. The blue dots represent the ground truth that
is the location of the people. The green dots represent the
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Illustration of ghosting phenomenon in an arbi-
trary scenario. Here, three real objects are known as a pri-
ori. Black boundary represents a physical area. Red, blue
and cyan are lines drawn from 3 cameras to the known ob-
jects. Green points are the accurate detections and yellow
points are ghosts. (a) illustrates ghost generation using two
cameras. (b) is generated using an additional camera with a
limited Field of View (FOV).
Object detection from the synergy map is possible by
identifying the peaks. However, as shown in Figure 2,
some false peaks are also present. A simple illustra-
tion in Figure 3 shows how the intersection of a line
from the camera center to the object of interest gener-
ates a ghost detection, a concept discussed in detail in
(Evans et al., 2012). Moreover, any errors in the cam-
era calibration, time synchronization and background
subtraction stage is likely to generation ghosts, a re-
alistic scenario in the current systems. As we are fo-
cusing on localization therefore we further constraint
ourselves not to use prior knowledge about the num-
ber of people or their location.
Our idea is simple and intuitive. We propose
to verify if an object is present at each high proba-
bility location of the 2D synergy map by intersect-
ing its back projected occupancy map, denoted by
(x,y), and its corresponding foreground mask
(x,y). Because a person can be occluded in one
view therefore the back projected occupancy map is
computed across several views v. Moreover, to take
into account the inaccurate foreground detections, the
back projected occupancy map calculations are done
with respect to a set H of planes including the ground
plane and the planes parallel to the ground at different
heights h.
The back projected occupancy map is calculated
as follows. First, the high probability locations map
(HPL) is computed by thresholding the 2D synergy
map. Second, a segmentation step is applied to HPL
to yield an image containing regions that may corre-
spond to people. This segmented synergy map is back
projected on each view v leading to several occupancy
maps Moc
(x,y). Two back projected occupancy
maps are illustrated in Figure 4. All the occupancy
maps are studied to finally decide for each region of
the segmented synergy map if it is a ghost or a per-
son. These regions are further constrained to account
for the size of minimum human projection in the syn-
ergy map, Area
. This threshold can be calculated a
priori by the camera setups and calibration.
Moreover, as it is difficult to properly fix a thresh-
old to binarize the synergy map, we use hysteresis
thresholding and obtain two sets of regions: R
. R
is the set of regions obtained with zero or no
threshold and R
is the set of regions obtained at a
higher threshold denoted by T H
. Some quick oper-
ations are performed to clean up the map regions R
when the region bounding boxes overlap more than
60%, only the largest region is retained. The map
regions R
is often over-segmented due to the high
threshold T H
but the corresponding regions in R
are not affected by this. So, if multiple regions are
detected as real objects in R
, in a close spatial prox-
imity, and if all of them correspond to a single region
in the set R
, then, only one detection is retained at
the location of the region in R
Now, we have to find a criterion to decide if a
region r belonging to R
corresponds to a real ob-
ject or to a ghost. This criterion, similar to an oc-
cupancy rate, uses the generated back projected occu-
pancy maps and is defined by:
where F
(x,y) is the foreground mask in the im-
age view v, X and Y are the coordinates of the pixels
belonging to the projection of the region r in the view
v and h is the assumed height of the synergy map ac-
cording to the ground plane.
And the region r is detected as a real object if,
v V, h H, O
> T (h) (4)
So, there is an assumed height of the synergy map
such as the region r of the synergy map corresponds
to binary detections in all of the views v.
The parameter T (h) is slightly increased with the
height, accounting for the assumption that if a pro-
jection is missing in one view for an assumed height
then, there is a higher probability that it is also miss-
ing in the other heights, and if it is present then T (h)
must be higher as well. The specific combinations of
heights, views and the values of the thresholds are dis-
cussed in the next section. The process is summarized
in Algorithm 4.1.
Algorithm 4.1: Back Projected Occupancy Mapping.
1: clean up the map regions R
2: for h H do
3: compute the occupancy maps for each view v,
4: for r R
5: compute the criterion O
in each view
6: if v, O
> T (h) & Area(r) > Area
7: add region r to the detection list and
remove region r from R
8: end if
9: end for
10: end for
11: remove over-segmentation using R
For the evaluation of our algorithm, we used a public
sequence City Center of PETS 2009 dataset (PETS,
2009). For comparison purposes, the dataset, ground
truth, and annotations are processed in the same fash-
ion as described by (Utasi and Benedek, 2012). The
evaluation sequence is an outdoor dataset contain-
ing 400 frames across three views with a large FOV
(View 001, View 002, View 003). As shown in Fig-
ure 7, the Area of Interest (AOI) used is of the size
12.2m × 14.9m and is selected on the basis of visi-
bility from all the views. There are a maximum of 8
people present simultaneously in the scene with cases
of occlusion and cluttering. It is also important to
mention the inaccuracies in time synchronization and
camera calibration. Even if they are not significant
they cause noticeably different projections in the three
For evaluation, we use the metrics introduced by
(Utasi and Benedek, 2012):
The Missed Detections Rate (MDR) corresponds
to the cases where no detection is assigned to the
ground truth.
The False Detections Rate (FDR) corresponds to
the occurrences when a detection is assigned to an
area without ground truth.
The Multiple Instances Rate (MIR) corresponds
to the situations where multiple detections match
with the same ground truth area.
The Total Error Rate (TER) is a combination of
the last three measures defined by TER = MDR +
All of these evaluations are performed in the 2D
image domain. These measures are expressed in per-
cent of the number of all objects annotated in the
dataset. The ground truth takes into account the inac-
curacies due to time synchronization and calibration
inaccuracies and is relaxed accordingly. Similarly, it
is also adjusted for the ambiguities present at the bor-
ders of the AOI. Therefore, this popular sequence is
challenging in many aspects.
The synergy map is generated using all the planes,
p P, between 100 to 150cm, at a distance of 1 cm
each. We use this specific combination, because the
torso region is present in all views without undergo-
ing too many occlusions. Moreover, as the heights
of people can vary and the system has to be robust,
the top layers are not used. For back projection, we
use two heights h: 0cm and 5cm. Figure 4 illustrates
a case of varying information present across the two
different heights. For PETS 2009, we find this selec-
tion of two heights as sufficient with respect to the
pruning efficiency and computational performance of
the algorithm, as the computation performance is neg-
atively impacted with the increase in the number of
heights. The synergy map is calculated from all three
views. We decided not to use the View 003 for back
projection step because (1) this view suffers from a
significant perspective effect, and (2) the AOI in this
view is represented by lower number of pixels than in
the two other views. With high perspective effect, the
resolution of projected area might not be sufficient for
the threshold requirement of Equation 4.
The other parameters to set include B (threshold
for background subtraction), T H
(threshold to bina-
rize the synergy map), Area
(a threshold on the hu-
man size in the synergy map) and T (h) used for the
occupancy rate. For background subtraction, we use
the default parameters of the algorithm suggested by
(Yao and Odobez, 2007). The output is a probabil-
ity map that is the likelihood of each pixel to belong
to the foreground. This map is binarized using the
threshold B. For comparison purposes, TH
and B
are optimized in a fashion similar to that of (Utasi
and Benedek, 2012). For T (h), the criteria is to as-
sign a low value for the lowest height and gradually
increase it for the subsequent height, as discussed in
Table 1: Ghost pruning performance of the proposed algo-
rithm and comparison with the two color template matching
algorithms for ghost pruning proposed by Ren (Ren et al.,
2012). All parameters have been optimized so that the TER
is minimized.
No Pruning 0.362 0.291 0.047 0.024
Pruning 0.127 0.035 0.092 0.000
Ren Eq. (6) 0.877 0.197 0.678 0.002
Ren Eq. (7) 0.885 0.202 0.681 0.002
the previous section. The precision of this low value
is not of paramount importance because the informa-
tion is complemented with the other heights. Thus,
we use T (0) = 0.05 and T (5cm) = 0.1. The param-
eter Area
is set to 25. For the multiplanar projec-
tions (synergy map), a constant 2 cm grid resolution
is used. The parameters B and T H
are optimized for
minimizing the TER. Figure 6(b) shows that the opti-
mal value for T H
is 0.8. This is a good compromise
between a loss of detection and overdetection due to
the first threshold set to 0. Figure 6(a) shows that
the best foreground masks are obtained with B = 0.1.
This result is confirmed by visually looking at the
foreground images, with almost no foreground for
B > 0.4.
For ghost pruning comparisons with (Ren et al.,
2012), both of the color feature equations were im-
plemented. Their algorithm is limited to two camera
views so it was tested on View 001 and View 002; be-
sides, any color comparison with View 003 will give
significantly bad results due to the lack of color con-
stancy. The same threshold (a ghost has at least three
times greater joint likelihood than that of a real ob-
ject) and three planes in the torso region as suggested
by (Ren et al., 2012) are used. The planes used are:
100 cm, 124 cm and 149 cm. It was not possible to
test our algorithm on their dataset as it is not public.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Back projected occupancy maps for a frame of
PETS 2009. (a) Generated at T (0cm), (a) Generated at
T (5cm). These occupancy maps are obtained for View 001
and T H
= 0.8. Notice the difference in the foreground
masks at the two heights.
Table 2: Performance of the proposed ghost pruning algo-
rithm compared to the full detection systems: POM (Fleuret
et al., 2007) and Utasi (Utasi and Benedek, 2012). All pa-
rameters have been optimized so that the TER is minimized.
POM 0.205 0.150 0.055 0.000
Utasi 0.107 0.014 0.087 0.006
Proposed 0.127 0.035 0.092 0.000
Proposed +
0.100 0.021 0.079 0.000
Similarly, a comparison with (Evans et al., 2012) is
not possible since they use tracking information.
Table 1 shows the ghost pruning performance of
our algorithm. There is a significant decrease in the
number of false detections or the number of ghosts.
The FDR improves by 25.6% and TER improves
by 23.5% with a negligible increase in MDR. The
proposed algorithm also performs significantly better
than (Ren et al., 2012). We believe the failure of Ren
algorithm is due to (a) the template matching that does
not take into account the difference in the geometry of
the scene and planar projections, more specifically in
comparison to a less challenging Ren’s dataset (b) the
threshold selection criteria that is difficult to fix.
Next, we compared our proposed ghost pruning
algorithm to the complete detection systems of (Utasi
and Benedek, 2012) and (Fleuret et al., 2007) as in
Table 2. Our results show significant improvement
over (Fleuret et al., 2007) and a comparable perfor-
mance to that of (Utasi and Benedek, 2012). The rea-
son we don’t surpass Utasi algorithm is the absence
of a 3D model and its subsequent parameter optimiza-
tion. Figure 5 shows a frame among many in which
a detection is identified as false, also giving a missed
detection, even though it is present on the boundary
of the ground truth. Utasi designs the 3D model and
ground truth for a detection to be precisely in the cen-
ter of the person’s body. If we relax the evaluation
metric to include the boundary of the ground truth in
the calculation of the different detection rates then, as
Figure 5: Illustration of a case in which a false detection
is present on the boundary box. False detection is indi-
cated by a cross (the estimated projected position) without
a rectangle. The thin white rectangle represents the missed
detections. Notice that the false detection also introduces
a missed detection. Image is cropped for illustration pur-
Figure 6: Curves between optimized algorithm parameters
and the evaluation metrics where (a) Curve for the bina-
rization threshold B, generated for a constant T H
= 0.8
(b) Curve for the threshold T H
, generated for a constant
B = 0.1.
in the last row of Table 2, we can show that our algo-
rithm, without any 3D model, can give, not only com-
parable, but identical and a little better performance
to Utasi in terms of TER.
In this paper, we have presented a technique for ghost
pruning in the context of people localization. First,
multiplanar projections are generated to produce a
synergy map. The synergy map is then complemented
with the proposed back projected occupancy mapping
technique. Experiments performed on a sequence of
PETS 2009 dataset show significant reduction in the
number of ghosts and improvement over other meth-
ods without the use of temporal information. The de-
tection metrics also show results comparable to the
state-of-the-art on complete detection schemes. We
further propose to introduce our ghost pruning mod-
ule in a complete detection system, for example with
a 3D model or in a tracking system.
Figure 7: Detections in the three camera views of the City Center sequence of PETS 2009 dataset. (a) View 001 (b) View 002
(c) View 003. The black rectangle indicates a correct detection, the boundary of which is the ground truth and circle defines
the estimated projected location. All people are correctly detected in all views of this frame including those in (c) despite
occlusion and clutter. The AOI is illustrated by a black rectangle with gray outline. Images are cropped for illustration
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