Table 2: Comparison of the 3D CLM, the symmetric and non-rigid and the generic non-rigid reconstruction.
Type 3DCLM Gen (K=1) Gen (K=5) Gen (K=10) Sym (K=1) Sym (K=5) Sym (K=10)
2D Err. 2.73162 2.72951 2.77952 2.78255 2.72853 2.72853 2.72853
2D Impr. 0.0 0.0772 -1.7535 -1.8644 0.1131 0.1131 0.1131
3D Err. 1.03933 0.89338 4.56524 2.50865 0.880928 0.880915 0.880910
3D Impr. 0.0 14.0427 -339.24 -141.37 15.2407 15.2420 15.2425
Pose Err. 0.3443 0.2756 0.5317 0.5974 0.2829 0.2807 0.2908
Pose Impr. 0.0 19.9535 -54.429 -73.5115 17.8332 18.4722 15.5387
reached, however, without the symmetry constraint
this can yield an invalid solution. Our proposed sym-
metric method keeps stable even with a high number
of non-rigid components (K).
One can also see that the head pose error of our
proposed method outperforms the 3D CLM, however,
the generic rigid reconstruction (Gen (K=1)) provides
the best results. We believe that the rigid model can
better fit to the CLM features due to the lack of the
symmetry constraint.
On the other hand the best 3D registration errors
are provided by our proposed method. It shows again
that the symmetry constraint does not allow the re-
construction to converge toward a solution with less
reprojection error, but with a deviated 3D structure.
The table also shows that the 2D registration is
best by our proposed method, however, the gain is
very little and the performance of the methods are ba-
sically similar.
It has been shown in this study that the precision of
the human face pose estimation can be significantly
enhanced if the symmetric (anatomical) property of
the face is considered. The novelty of this paper is
twofold: we have proposed here an improved eye
corner detector as well as a novel non-rigid SfM al-
gorithm for quasi-symmetric objects. The methods
are validated on both real and rendered image se-
quences. The synthetic test were generated by the
basel face model, therefore, ground truth data have
been available for evaluating both our eye corner de-
tector and non-rigid and symmetric SfM algorithms.
The test results have convinced us that the proposed
methods outperforms the compared ones and a precise
head pose estimation is possible for real web-cam se-
quences even if the head is rotated by large angles.
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