(a) Back (b) Front
(c) Top
Figure 10: Human model completed using JASNOM.
(a) (b) Hole filled.
Figure 11: Results for the hole patching experiment using
JASNOM. Figure 11(a) presents the original mesh with a
hole and the patch. Figure 11(b) presents the glued mesh.
quire the calibration of one camera position with re-
spect to the other. The registration and construction
of models can be easily achieved with little effort and
setup preparation. This allows for the fast creation of
extensive 3D (possibly 3D+RGB) models data sets.
JASNOM assumes that the two meshes are com-
plementary over the object surface and, while we
showed it could reconstruct objects in more general
cases, e.g., the human shape, other objects might not
be reconstructed so easily. In particular, we note that
the boundaries of the human shape meshes, had a
preferential direction, i.e., the elongated shape means
that small deviations from the best assignment be-
tween boundaries lead to steep increases in the cost
functions. More symmetric objects do not benefit
from the steepness in the cost function and the align-
ment is more sensitive to gaps between boundaries.
A possible approach, which we will explore in future
work, is to reintroduce the asymmetries by penalizing
color discontinuities at the boundaries.
This research was partially sponsored by the
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technol-
ogy through both the CMU-Portugal and PEst-
OE/EEI/LA0009/2013 project, and the National Sci-
ence Foundation under award number NSF IIS-
1012733, and the Project Bewave-ADI. Jo˜ao P.
Costeira is partially funded by the EU through ”Pro-
grama Operacional de Lisboa”. The views and con-
clusions expressed are those of the authors only.
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