previous studies. During STS, mean value of trunck
angle is between 18, 30
and 49, 62
, and in BTS, it is
between −3, 53
and 54, 68
The only parameter showing a main effect of the
factor ”condition” is the ratio in BTS transfer. For this
parameter, Kolmogorov-smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk
tests showed that the distribution follows a NORMAL
law (see Figure 6). Results from the one-way analy-
sis of variance (one-way ANOVA), whose factor is
condition, showed that there was a high variability in
the BTS ratio between normal condition and cognitive
condition (F(2, 27)= 4,2954, p= ,02401). A post hoc
within condition analysis was performed and showed
that there is a significant difference between normal
condition and cognitive condition, this last result is
very stimulating regarding the literature about dual
task paradigm field. In aging, the automatic motric-
ity seems less efficient and some functional activities,
as the TUG, need a cognitive involvement (Teasdale
and Simoneau, 2001). Some authors proposed that
the BTS motion could be an interesting tool to assess
posturo-motor abilities (Manckoundia et al., 2006) in
aged adults. Here we showed that a simple BTS anal-
ysis can reveal an impairment involved by the dual
task condition even in a population of young adults.
Figure 6: Result of one-way ANOVA analysis.
In this work, we have presented a novel movement
analysis system for real-time balance assessment in
the frail elderly. It captured and recorded the TUG
test movement using a Kinect sensor and nine spatio-
temporal parameters were automatically extracted for
sit-to-stand and back-to-sit transfers by 3D real-time
video processing. Obtained experiment results with
ten healthy young subjects showed good measure-
ment reliability and reproducibility with important
precision. In addition, we showed that even in young
healthy subjects, some modifications of motor pat-
terns can be seen in dual task condition. Moreover,
our system allows detecting some very fine changes
in posturo-motors abilities.
Our future works consist to perform TUG test for
real-time balance assessment in the frail elderly to
validate the proposed system in real world condition.
This study will open a new research and development
way for geriatric health which implies multiple as-
pects: user-friendly, hygiene, low-cost, home-based
environment, and automatic autonomy assessment.
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