Table 5: Average scores (percentage of correct answers) for different gesture styles.
gesture style no gesture regular gestures highlighted gestures
average scores for all questions 56.7 % 60.7 % 66.7 %
average scores for questions about figures 57.4 % 60.0 % 72.7 %
Table 6: Average scores (percentage of correct answers) for different expression styles.
expression style no expression moderate expressions intensive expressions
average scores for all questions 56.3 % 60.0 % 67.4 %
average scores for questions about figures 55.6 % 66.7 % 67.4 %
have investigated the important issues (i.e. duration
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motion graph technique within the constraints of ges-
ture structure. Subjective evaluation of two scenarios
involving talking and news commentary has demon-
strated that our method is more effective than the con-
ventional method.
In the future, we plan to improve the generation
of facial expressions, where realistic facial dynamics
can further improve animation quality. At the same
time, we are extending the target applications to new
categories such as remote chat and human-robot in-
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