From Text Vocabularies to Visual Vocabularies
What Basis?
Jean Martinet
LIFL/CNRS-UMR 8022, Universit´e Lille 1, Lille, France
Bag-of-Features, Quantization, Vocabulary, Zipfs Law, Evaluation.
The popular ”bag-of-visual-words” approach for representing and searching visual documents consists in de-
scribing images (or video keyframes) using a set of descriptors, that correspond toquantized low-level features.
Most of existing approaches for visual words are inspired from works in text indexing, based on the implicit
assumption that visual words can be handled the same way as text words. More specifically, these techniques
implicitly rely on the same postulate as in text information retrieval, stating that the words distribution for
a natural language globally follows Zipfs law that is to say, words from a natural language appear in a
corpus with a frequency inversely proportional to their rank. However, our study shows that the visual words
distribution depends on the choice of low-level features, and also especially on the choice of the clustering
method. We also show that when the visual words distribution is close to this of text words, the results of an
image retrieval system are increased. To the best of our knowledge, no prior study has yet been carried out
to compare the distributions of text words and visual words, with the objective of establishing the theoretical
foundations of visual vocabularies.
In image retrieval as in information retrieval in gen-
eral, the quality of document representation is ob-
viously central for the system efficiency. Popular
bag-of-visual-words approaches consist in represent-
ing images with sets of descriptors, that correspond to
quantized low-level features. The features are locally
extracted from image regions, yielding a large num-
ber of feature vectors which are the equivalent to
text words.
A quantification step enables to reduce this num-
ber by gathering vectors in clusters into the feature
space, and associating to each vector a representative
in a discrete set – equivalent to index terms. Images
can therefore be represented as sets, histograms, or
vectors of such terms, which play the role of an in-
dexing vocabulary.
This representation is inspired from the bag-of-
words approach in text indexing and information re-
trieval, where text documents are represented as sets
of terms taken from a vocabulary, that is built using
the corpus.
Since almost a decade, most content-based im-
age retrieval systems are based on this now popular
representation. A number of classical text indexing
techniques such as term selection or term weighting
are directly applied to visual vocabularies, so is the
matching method with set intersection or vector com-
However, visual and textual vocabularies are gen-
erated with processes of intrinsically different na-
tures, and to our knowledge, no study has yet dealt
with validating the direct application of text tech-
niques to images. The objective of this work is
to compare text and visual vocabularies, in order to
study and clarify, according to some criteria, the ap-
plicability of text techniques to visual vocabularies.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents generalities about text in-
formation retrieval, and implicit hypotheses on which
traditional techniques in this domain are founded.
Section 3 presents the visual bag-of-words paradigm,
based on analogies between text and image. This sec-
tion also gives details about widely used low-level
features and clustering algorithms that we select in
our work. Section 4 presents the study of visual vo-
cabularies: it describes the vocabularies with the dif-
ferent generation steps, the experimental conditions,
and the results. We give a conclusion to this work and
mention about future research in Section 5.
Martinet J..
From Text Vocabularies to Visual Vocabularies - What Basis?.
DOI: 10.5220/0004749606680675
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2014), pages 668-675
ISBN: 978-989-758-004-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Text Information Retrieval (IR) approaches are devel-
oped since about 40 years, and they are based on key-
words found in the text collection(Baeza-Yates and
Ribeiro-Neto, 1999).
The advantage of these approaches is namely due
to their being efficient and fast, as it can be noticed
with Web search engines that are able to retrieve very
quickly documents among hundreds of millions (Brin
and Page, 1998).
2.1 Classical Processing in Text IR
Among existing IR models, the Vector Space model
(Salton, 1971) gives good results from atomic pieces
of knowledge such as keywords widely used for text
indexing. A document content is expressed as a group
of keywords considered representative of its content,
the keywords are taken from an indexing vocabulary.
The indexing vocabulary contains all terms used for
documents description; it is built from words found
in the whole corpus, after possible operations and pro-
cessing described below.
2.1.1 Stop-word Filtering and Anti-dictionaries
Only words conveying semantics are usually kept in
the indexing vocabulary: the other so-called stop-
words (such as ”of”, ”the”, ”for” in english), stored
in an anti-dictionary, are not part of the indexing vo-
cabulary. In the same way, rare words are generally
removed from the indexing vocabulary.
2.1.2 Word Stemming
Besides, it is frequent to stem words, that is to say to
detect word spelling/lexical variations, such as plural
or verb conjugation, and to consider only a common
root, or semantical unit (Salton and McGill, 1983)
as an indexing term. For instance, the words ”writ-
ers”, ”writing”, and ”written” have the common root
”writ”, and only this root would be kept in the vocab-
2.1.3 Term Weighting
Document descriptors can all be considered having
equal importance, i.e. being all equally representative
of the document semantics: solely the occurrence (or
absence) of a term in a document matters. However,
the descriptors do generally not have the same impor-
tance in documents. Hence, descriptors are weighted
in an index according to how well they describe the
document, in order to express the relative importances
and to refine the indexing.
The popular TF × IDF weighting scheme (Salton
and Buckley, 1988) and its probabilistic variation
BM25 (Jones et al., 2000) consist in giving more im-
portance to terms that are frequent in given documents
(TF) and also not frequent in the whole corpus (IDF).
2.2 Zipfs Law and Luhn’s Model
A central aspect of text IR approaches is that they
have as a foundation important characteristics of the
words distribution in a natural language. Zipfs law
links word frequencies in a language to their ranks,
when ordered in decreasing frequency order (Zipf,
1932). This law stipulates that that words occurrences
follow this distribution model:
where P
is the occurrence probability of the word at
rank n, and a is a value close to 1. For instance, for the
english language, the term ”the” would be the most
frequent (it generally represents about 7% of the to-
tal word count) in a large text collection. The second
most frequent would be ”of”, with 3,5% of the total,
etc. As an illustration, Figure 1 shows the word dis-
tribution from Wikipedia articles in November 2006
in a log-log (bi-logarithmic) plot, which reveals the
logarithmic distribution.
Figure 1: Word distribution from Wikipedia article in
November 2006 (Source : Wikipdia).
This logarithmic distribution, interpreted through
information theory (Shannon, 1948), has namely
made it possible to establish the theoretical founda-
tions of word filtering and weighting schemes. In par-
ticular, the selection techniques for significant terms
are mainly grounded on hypotheses from Luhns
model (Luhn, 1958), and this model originates from
Zipfs law.
This model indicates a relation between the rank
of a word and its resolving power, or discrimina-
tive power, that is to say its capacity of identifying
relevant documents (notion of recall) combined with
its capacity of distinguishing non relevant documents
(notion of precision); this relation is illustrated Figure
2. Hence, less discriminative words are those at low
Figure 2: Zipfs law and Luhns model.
ranks very frequent, and those at high ranks very
rare. More discriminative words are those located in-
between, therefore these terms should be selected for
the indexing vocabulary.
In a trend similar to text documents, approaches of
bags of visual words (Sivic and Zisserman, 2003; Ju-
rie and Triggs, 2005; Grauman and Darrell, 2005;
Lazebnik et al., 2006) represent images with sets of
descriptors, corresponding to quantized low-level fea-
tures. Such approaches are founded on the obvious
analogy between text methods and visual methods.
3.1 Low-level Descriptors
Among low-level descriptors, SIFT (Scale-Invariant
Feature Transform) (Lowe, 2004) and SURF
(Speeded-Up Robust Features) (Bay et al., 2008) are
widely used; they represent an image with a set of
scale invariant local features. Both include an interest
point detector, and a descriptor for such points.
3.1.1 SIFT
SIFT detector (Lowe, 2004) uses a Difference of
Gaussians (DoG) filter to approximate the Laplacian
of Gaussians (LoG), to accelerate processing. This
interest point detector is scale invariant. The descrip-
tor calculates a local histogram of oriented gradient
in the neighborhood of the interest point, and stores
the bins in a 128-dimension vector (8 orientation bins
for each 4 × 4 position bins). A specificity of SIFT
is that it generates a large number of features, spread-
ing over the image with different scales and locations.
An image with resolution 500 × 500 pixels typically
generates about 2000 stables features.
3.1.2 SURF
The more recent detector-descriptor SURF (Bay et al.,
2008) is based on a Hessian matrix for detecting
interest points, that is estimated from integral im-
ages. The descriptor calculates the distribution of
Haar wavelet responses in the neighborhood of inter-
est points, stored in a 64-dimension vector.
3.2 Vector Quantization
The generation of a visual vocabulary requires to clus-
ter all features extracted from the image collection.
This step of vector quantization consists in represent-
ing each feature by the centroid of the cluster it be-
3.2.1 Vocabulary Size
In previous works, there has been many different at-
tempts with several vocabulary sizes. For example,
(Sivic and Zisserman, 2003) used a vocabulary size
of range 6000-10000. Later, other researchers used
a wide span of vocabulary sizes, e.g. (Csurka et al.,
2004) who used the range 500-2500, (Nowak et al.,
2006) who tried 300, 1000, and 4000, (Lazebniket al.,
2006) used 200-400, Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2007)
used 1000, and Li et al. (Li et al., 2008) in 2008 used
a vocabulary size less than 1500. Ballan et al. (Bal-
lan et al., 2012) have addressed the problem of vo-
cabulary generation in the context of video (i.e. with
space-time dimensions) by using radius-based clus-
tering with soft assignment. They have further per-
formed vocabulary compression in order to avoid a
too large size. There is no consensus which size or
range of vocabulary size performs best. In our study,
we have set the vocabulary size to be 10000.
3.2.2 Clustering with KMeans
KMeans is certainly the most widely used cluster-
ing algorithm. From a set of k centroids (generally
initialized randomly), this iterative partitioning algo-
rithm assigns to each point the closest centroid, and
re-estimates the center of each group in order to de-
termine new centroids. The algorithm stops when a
convergence criterion is satisfied, and the final parti-
tioning determines the mapping between points and
3.2.3 Clustering with SOM
Much less known are the Self-Organizing Maps
(SOM) (Kohonen, 2001; Xu et al., 2007), a kind
of artificial neural network, that are used for non-
supervised classification. From data in a large dimen-
sion real space, SOM generates a space mapping by
assigning to each point a representative after a learn-
ing step. This partitioning of data enables to gather
points into clusters.
We chose to compare KMeans and SOM because
of their intrinsic difference in both processing the data
and behavior according to the type and size of data
(Abbas, 2008).
3.3 Text Techniques Applied to Images
Once the visual vocabulary is created, images can be
represented with sets, histograms, or vectors of vi-
sual terms. A great amount of work in image rep-
resentation and indexing are inspired from text tech-
niques, such as term filtering (Sivic and Zisserman,
2003; Tirilly et al., 2008), where visual terms with
low interest are removed from the indexing vocabu-
lary. Besides, visual terms can be weighted to repre-
sent their importance. For instance, the system SIM-
PLIcity (Wang et al., 2001) implements a weighting
scheme named RF × IPF (Region Frequency et In-
verse Picture Frequency), directly inspired from the
widely known TF × IDF for text. Weights are given
to image regions according to their frequency in the
image and in the collection. Works in (Sivic and Zis-
serman, 2003; Tirilly et al., 2008; Philbin et al., 2008)
also adapt this weighting scheme to images.
If we go further into the text-image analogy, sev-
eral works (Bosch et al., ; Tirilly et al., 2008; Wu
et al., 2009) have adapted language models to images.
Some works even implement query expansion tech-
niques (Philbin et al., 2008) (originally designed for
text), by automatically adding selected visual terms to
the original query in order to get better search results.
This section describes the experiments made in order
to compare the considered visual vocabularies.
4.1 Terminology Distinction
We start by introducing the following terminology
distinction. Following the text-image analogy, we call
visual words the image regions or local areas originat-
ing from segmentation, tessellation, or regions in the
neighborhood of interest points.
Therefore, visual words correspond to text words,
that is to say: occurrences of terms, with lexical vari-
ations. Visual terms correspond to text terms, that is
to say: elements of the indexing vocabulary.
As a consequence, a visual word appearing in an
image is an occurrence of a visual term, and the visual
variations of regions assigned to a given cluster can be
seen as the visual counterpart of lexical and syntactic
variations for text.
4.2 Description of Considered
The two above-described features (SIFT and SURF),
combined with the two clustering algorithms
(KMeans and SOM) enable to generate four visual
vocabularies: KMSIFT, KMSURF, SOMSIFT,
SOMSURF. We aim at comparing these vocabularies
according to their term distributions, and according
to the results obtained in an image search task.
4.3 Image Collections
We selected Caltech-101 and Pascal image collections
for this study. Sample images from these collections
are given Figure 3. Caltech-101 database
101 image categories, with about 50 images per cat-
egory (varying from 40 to 800). We have randomly
selected 10 categories in our experiments, resulting in
1345 images.
Figure 3: Image samples from Caltech-101 (left) and Pascal
Caltech-101, see URL :
Image Datasets/Caltech101/.
Figure 4: Vocabularies distributions for Caltech-101.
Pascal database
contains 20 image categories,
and we selected 1000 images uniformlysampled from
all categories in our experiments.
The average processing time for visual words
extraction is 3h13min with a 2.93GHz Intel Xeon
processor-based machine, with 4GB of RAM. The re-
quired time is slightly longer for SIFT than for SUFT.
We note that SIFT generates about twice as much vi-
sual words than SURF for both databases. This is
because the Difference of Gaussians detector extracts
much more interest points than the Hessian matrix de-
Table 1 shows the total number of visual words
generated for each database and each descriptor,
along with the average number of words per image.
Table 1: Overview of the generated visual words.
Database Caltech-101 Pascal
(# images) (1345) (1000)
# words in total 463K 204K 297K 174K
# words/image 344 151 297 174
4.4 Visual Words Distributions
Visual vocabularies have been generated for each
database, using alternatively KMeans and SOM for
clustering. As mentioned in Section 3.2, the obtained
vocabularies have a size of 10K terms.
The generation time required to generate the vo-
cabularies are drastically different: 4.5 days for
KMeans, and 2.5h for SOM with the above-described
machine, using a Matlab environment. Note that us-
Visual Object Classes Challenge 2009, see URL :
ing compiled C/C + + implementations is likely to
speed up the processing time for both algorithms.
Figures 4 and 5 show the distributions for all vo-
cabularies for both databases, along with the words
distribution from Wikipedia, as shown Figure 1. It
can be easily noticed that for both databases, KM-
SIFT and KMSURF vocabularies have rather flat dis-
tributions, compared with SOMSIFT and SOMSURF.
This indicates that KMeans generates vocabularies
that are more uniformly distributed than SOM. In
other words, it means that the cluster sizes are more
similar to one another with KMeans than with SOM.
However, the distributions of SOM vocabularies
are much similar to the english words distribution
(Wikipedia articles in 2006). This tendency is the
same for both databases.
We now focus on the slope of the vocabularies dis-
tributions in the log-log plot. For this purpose, we
have estimated the slope of the trend line calculated
using linear regression, with the least squares crite-
The slopes are given Table 2. The results confirm
that SOM-generated vocabularies are more similar
to those of natural language than KMeans-generated
ones. The results also indicate that the choice of
detector-descriptor does not seem to greatly impact
the vocabularies distribution.
Table 2: Estimated slopes (in degrees) for visual distribu-
tions (slope for Wikipedia: -24.2
Database Caltech-101 Pascal
KMeans -7.1
SOM -19.0
In order to explain this, it is useful to take a look at
the different clustering processes: KMeans randomly
Figure 5: Vocabularies distributions for Pascal.
initializes cluster centroids, and a convergencestate is
searched by progressively shifting centroids. A situ-
ation in which two centroids would be both initially
placed inside a given group of points close to one an-
other (thus a good candidate for a single cluster) is
likely to happen.
This way, instead of producing a single cluster re-
flecting the reality of the group of points, KMeans
would artificially produce two ill-formed clusters, as
illustrated Figure 6. Because the cluster generation
process is fundamentally different with SOM, this al-
gorithm does not encounter this problem.
Figure 6: Illustration of clusterings: correct (left) and not
correct (right) for KMeans, after different initializations.
In the remainder of this section, we focus on
results obtained with the vocabularies in an image
search task.
4.5 Image Search Task
The second step in our work consists in evaluating the
precision that one can reach with each vocabulary in
an image search task. For the purpose of this eval-
uation, we have implemented an image retrieval sys-
tem based on the IR vector space model, integrating
filtering and TF × IDF weighting scheme for visual
terms. For both databases, each image is used in turn
as a query, and the ground truth is made of all images
in the same category as the query. Recall-precision
curves are given Figures 7 and 8, for Caltech-101 and
Pascal, respectively.
We notice from the curves that the search preci-
sion seems to be higher for Caltech-101 than for Pas-
cal. This can be explained by the nature of images
in the database: while Caltech-101 contains focused
images generally showing a single well identified ob-
ject with a simple background, Pascal contains less
focused images often containing several objects, with
more complex backgrounds.
In Figure 7, we can see noticeable differences in
the precision values: SOMSURF yields a better pre-
cision than other vocabularies. Besides, KMSURF
yields lower results than others. This point confirms
the low influence of the detector-descriptor. The curve
for SOMSIFT is slightly above KMSIFT, but the dif-
ference is too small to be significant.
In Figure 8, the results are similar for all vocabu-
laries; the differences in the curves are much smaller
than those shown Figure 7. Even though the tendency
of better results with SOMSURF and lower results
with KMSIFT can be noticed, the difference is not
significant and too small to draw conclusions. How-
ever, we note that SIFT is less sensitive than SURF to
the choice of clustering method.
As a general comment, even though KMeans is
more popular than SOM, the results of our image re-
trieval system with SOM-generated vocabularies are
better than KMeans-generated ones. According to our
study, a theoretical justification could be that SOM
generates vocabularies whose distributions are more
similar to those of natural language words. By that
very fact, the implicit hypotheses upon which text
techniques are established (Zipfs law, Luhn’s model)
are satisfied in this case for images, which would a
theoretical validation explaining the better results.
Figure 7: Recall-precision curves (Caltech-101).
Figure 8: Recall-precision curves (Pascal).
Most of text IR techniques are implicitly founded on
the postulate that natural language words globally fol-
low Zipfs law, and on Luhn’s model. Applying such
techniques to visual vocabularies built from images
requires prior verifications of these postulates valid-
In this paper, we have presented a study about
visual vocabularies compared to text vocabularies,
in order to clarify conditions for applying text tech-
niques to images. Our study showed that visual words
distributions highly depend the clustering method
the influence of the choice for low-level features is
limited. Indeed, the choice for the visual terms gen-
eration method is important, and determines the vo-
cabulary distribution. We also show that when the
visual words distribution is close to text words dis-
tributions, the results of an image retrieval system are
increased. Therefore, SOM clustering method, that
generates distributions similar to natural languages,
yields better search precision than the yet popular
KMeans. To our knowledge, no prior study has yet
been carried out aiming at validating the application
of text techniques for images.
Our future works will focus on generalizing this
comparative approach to other popular low-level de-
scriptors in image representation. We also wish to get
insights from the consequences of our results when
varyingthe size of the vocabularies. Besides, we work
toward making a more formal comparison of distribu-
tions with dedicated statistical tools. This work has
been done in a global initiative of applying text tech-
niques to images.
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