A Survey of Extended Methods to the Bag of Visual Words for Image
Categorization and Retrieval
Mouna Dammak, Mahmoud Mejdoub and Chokri Ben Amar
REGIM-REsearch Groups on Intelligent Machines, National Engineering School of Sfax,
University of Sfax, BP 1173, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia
Image Representation, Spatial Neighboring Relation, Bag of Visual Words, Encoding and Pooling, Graph
Representation, Image Categorization.
The semantic gap is a crucial issue in the enhancement of computer vision. The user longs for retrieving images
on a semantic level, but the image characterizations can only give a low-level similarity. As a result, recording
a stage medium between high-level semantic concepts and low-level visual features is a stimulating task. A
recent work, called Bag of visual Words (BoW) have arisen to resolve this difficulty in greater generality
through the conception of techniques genius relevantly learning semantic vocabularies. In spite of its clarity
and effectiveness, the building of a codebook is a critical step which is ordinarily performed by coding and
pooling step. Yet, it is still difficult to build a compact codebook with shortened calculation cost. For that,
several approaches try to overcome these difficulties and to improve image representation. In this paper, we
introduce a survey investigates to cover the inadequacy of a full description of the most important public
approaches for image categorization and retrieval.
The Bag of visual Words (BoW) is a method which
offers a Mid-Level Descriptors (MLD) which fa-
cilitates the reduction of the semantic gap (Smeul-
ders et al., 2000) between the Low-Level Descrip-
tors (LLD), withdrawn from an image, and the High-
Level Descriptors (HLD) concepts to be classified.
The building of the BoW model can be fractured into
chained stages of encoding and pooling . The encod-
ing step assigns the local descriptors onto the code-
book components while the pooling step aggregates
the assigned words into a vector. We can distinguish
three problems in the standard visual word, which
may be the core factors of their restricted descriptive
1. K-means method based visual vocabulary build-
ing can not conduct to very efficient and compact
visual word assembly;
2. An individual visual word includes restricted de-
tails. So, it is not effective in describing the fea-
tures of objects and scenes;
3. Ignore spatial information.
There exist some challenges that have been advanced
to improve the performance of the conventional BoW
paradigm and to integrate spatial information. We can
classify these methods into two main categories: the
first category attempts to improve the generation of
the visual vocabulary (Farquhar et al., 2005; Avrithis
and Kalantidis, 2012); the second category contains
techniques that add spatial information over the BoW
which have been proven to enhance the performance
of scene classification and retrieval (Xie et al., 2012;
Jiang et al., 2012). Therefore, the aim of this paper is
to review the most developed work of BoW for image
categorization and retrieval.
The paper starts with describing the general pro-
cess of building the bag of visual words. Subsequent
sections discuss the advanced approaches for bag of
visual word model. Step one of the review presents
recent approaches based on coding step. Step two of
the review presents recent approaches based on pool-
ing step. In the last section, we present a conclusion.
The standard pipeline to obtain the Bag of visual
Dammak M., Mejdoub M. and Ben Amar C..
A Survey of Extended Methods to the Bag of Visual Words for Image Categorization and Retrieval.
DOI: 10.5220/0004750506760683
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2014), pages 676-683
ISBN: 978-989-758-004-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: General schematic overview of the Bag of visual
Words framework
Words, consists firstly to group a large prototype of
low level descriptor from a collection of training im-
ages. The second stage is based on clustering these
descriptors using the K-means clustering. The K clus-
ter centers draws the visual words. The K value is a
user-supplied parameter and represent the size of the
vocabulary. When the codebook is builded, a new im-
age is calculated in the following way: extraction of
low level descriptor, attribution of the descriptors on
the codebook established on a training collection, and
computation of a histogram that counts the number of
times of occurrence of the codebook visual words (see
figure 1) . In this section, we will detail these stages
specifying the different approaches.
2.0.1 Point/Region Detection
In the literature, we can distinguish two different
types of patch based image representations: Interest
Points (IP) and dense sampling. On the one hand, IP
concentrate on interesting positions in the image and
contain diverse ranks of viewpoint and illumination
invariance, bringing about improved repeatability out-
come, such as corners or blobs position, whose scale
and shape are determined by an algorithm of feature
detection. Dense sampling, on the other hand, which
is composed of patches of adjusted size and shape are
located on a constant grid and can be repeated on var-
ious scales, provides improved coverage of the image,
a prevailing number of features per image, and simple
spatial relations between features. By integrating both
criteria, the authors (Tuytelaars, 2010) have proposed
a hybrid scheme called dense interest points which
they have started from densely sampled patches even
enhance their location and scale parameters position-
2.1 Feature Extraction
2.1.1 Local Descriptor
Various and recent feature descriptors have been
greatly drawn in the general visual recognitions such
as Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) (Lowe,
2004), Speed Up Robust Features (SURF) (Bay et al.,
2006), Binary Robust Independent Elementary Fea-
tures (BRIEF) (Su and Jurie, 2011; Calonder et al.,
2012), etc. Due to the achievement of SIFT, image
local features have been greatly applied in a variety of
computer vision and image processing applications.
The SIFT descriptor proposed by Lowe describes
the local shape of a region using edge orientation his-
tograms. The gradient of an image is shift-invariant:
taking the derivative cancels out offsets. Under
light intensity changes, i.e . a scaling of the inten-
sity channel, the gradient direction and the relative
gradient magnitude remain the same. Because the
SIFT descriptor is normalized, the gradient magni-
tude changes have no effect on the final descriptor.
Particularly, various recent works have taken advan-
tage of SIFT to develop advanced object classifiers.
The SIFT descriptor is not invariant to light color
changes, because the intensity channel is a combina-
tion of the R , G and B channels. Color features pro-
vide powerful information for object and scene classi-
fication, indexing and retrieval. Due to these two im-
portant causes, several descriptor color extensions of
SIFT are proposed including HSV-SIFT (Bosch et al.,
2008), OpponentSIFT (van de Sande et al., 2010),
RGB-SIFT (van de Sande et al., 2010). Furthermore,
SIFT is not a flip invariant. As a consequence, the
descriptors extracted from two identical but flipped
local patches could be completely different in feature
space. For that, several invariant descriptors are based
on improvement partitioning scheme of local region
including Mirror and Invert invariant SIFT (MI-SIFT)
(Ma et al., 2010) and Neat Flip Invariant Descriptor
(FIND)(Guo and Cao, 2010).
2.2 Codebook Generation
The authors (Sivic and Zisserman, 2003; Csurka et al.,
2004) have creatively proposed to cluster the low-
level features with the K-means clustering, which
is the most dominant method, to get the Bag of
visual Words. Given a set x
, x
, . . . , x
N training descriptors. K-means searchs K vec-
tors µ
, µ
, . . . , µ
and a data-to-means assign-
ments q
, q
, . . . , q
1, 2, . . . , K
such that the ad-
ditive approximation error
is mini-
mized. An extended clustering based on a generative
model, called the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
have been proposed by (Farquhar et al., 2005). This
model is characterized by a continuous histogram rep-
resentation contrast to a discrete histogram represen-
tation caused by features which are assigned to all
words probabilistically. GMM utilizes a mixture of
gaussians gathering a linear combination of gaussian
densities. Each gaussian density has its own mean and
covariance. The number of clusters is proportional to
the number of gaussians. So, clustering of data can
be accomplished by means of estimating the param-
eters connected to the latent variable of the Gaussian
mixture. Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm
(G. Mclachlan, 2000) can be utilized to determine
maximum likelihood estimators in gaussian mixtures
with latent variables. GMM method clusters popula-
tion and shape, but it considers pairwise interaction of
all data with all clusters and it is tardier to converge.
To overcome this limitation, the authors (Avrithis and
Kalantidis, 2012) have proposed an approximate ver-
sion, called Approximate Gaussian Mixtures (AGM),
to large scale visual vocabulary learning. In this case,
opposite to the usage of model GMM, descriptors of
indexed images are adequate only to their nearest vi-
sual word to retain enough index sparse. They sug-
gest a variant of EM that can converge rapidly while
dynamically estimating the number of components.
They employed approximate nearest neighbor search
to speed-up the Expectation step and exploit its itera-
tive nature to make search incremental, boosting both
speed and precision.
2.3 Encoding and Pooling Phase
Having the keypoints detected, the features extracted
and the visual words generated, the final step of ex-
tracting the representation from images is based on
two successive stages of coding and pooling, main-
taining the discriminating potential of the local de-
scriptors. The coding step assigns the local descrip-
tors onto the bag of visual words while the pool-
ing step aggregates the assigned words into a vector.
Let X be a set of D-dimensional local descriptors ex-
tracted from an image, i.e. X = [x
, x
, . . . , x
] R
. Given a visual dictionary with K visual words, i.e.
X = [x
, x
, . . . , x
] R
. We use α
to denote the
code vector. The dimension of α
is the same as the
size of D except Fisher kernel representation.
The coding step can be modeled by an activation
function for the codebook, stimulating each of the vi-
sual words corresponding to the local descriptor. In
the BoW model, the coding function stimulates only
the closest codeword to the descriptor.
= 1 i f f k = arg min
q x
where α
is the k
element of the encoded vector α
This scheme corresponds to a hard coding or Vector
Quantization (VQ) over the dictionary. The generat-
ing binary vector is very sparse, but it undergoes sen-
sitivities when the descriptor is coded on the boundary
of proximity of diverse bag of visual words (Gemert
et al., 2010).
As a result, new methods to that approaches have
been recently emerged. Sparse coding (Yang et al.,
2009) modifies the optimization function by jointly
considering reconstruction error and sparsity of the
vector, using the famous attribute that regularization
with the l1 norm, for a large enough regularization
parameter λ, yields sparsity:
= arg min
q x
Dα q
where λ penalizes the l1 norm regularizes, which
controls the sparsity of α . Powerful tools have
been suggested to get tractable settlings (Mairal et al.,
2010). Another way based on a soft assignment to
each visual word, called soft coding (Gemert et al.,
2010). It gives weight according to similarities be-
tween descriptors and codewords. In the pooling step,
soft coding leads to ambiguities because of the super-
position of the elements. This results in dense code
vectors, which is unfavorable. So, diverse interme-
diate approaches, called semi-soft coding (Liu et al.,
2011), have been suggested, often performing the soft
assignment just to the K nearest neighbors of the in-
put feature. Contrary to the sparse coding, Locality-
constrained Linear Coding (LLC), proposed by Wang
et al. (Wang et al., 2010), enforces locality instead
of sparsity and this leads to smaller coefficient for the
basis vectors far away from the local feature x
. The
coding coefficients are obtained by solving the fol-
lowing optimization
= arg min
q x
Dα q +λ q β
α q
where denotes the element-wise multiplication
and β
is the locality adaptor that gives weights for
each basis vector proportional to its similarity to the
input descriptor x
. The distance metric used :
= exp
dist (x
, D)
where dist (x
, D) =
[dist (x
, d
), dist (x
, d
), . . . , dist (x
, d
dist (x
, d
), is the Euclidean distance between x
. σ is used for adjusting the weighted decay speed
for the locality adaptor.
The distance regularization of LLC effectively
performs feature selection, and in practice only those
bases close to x
in feature space have non-zero coeffi-
cients. This suggests to develop a fast approximation
of LLC by removing the regularization completely
and instead using the K-nearest neighbours
(K) of x
K < D < K
as a set of local bases D
= arg min
q x
q st. = 1i (3)
This reduces the computation complexity from θ
K +
and the nearest neighbours can be found
using ANN methods such as kd-trees. Perronnin et
al. (Csurka and Perronnin, 2010) have presented the
Fisher Vector (FV) extending the BOW. They have
hypothesized that the descriptors can be modeled by a
probability density function. A BoW has been learnt
by a GMM model. They have captured the average
first and second order differences between the image
descriptors and the centres of a GMM. They have
concatenated the mean and the second order for all
K Gaussian components, giving an encoding of size
2DK where D represents local descriptor size. They
infer that FV describes how the set of descriptors
deviates from an average distribution of descriptors,
modeled by a parametric generative model. In (Zhou
et al., 2010), the authors have proposed a Super Vector
(SV) approach to extend VQ by a function approxi-
mation scheme and it is similar to the fisher encoding.
There are two variants of SV, based on hard assign-
ment to the nearest codeword or soft assignment to
several near neighbours. For the hard SV, a feature
is assigned to the nearest visual word µ
, which ob-
tained K-means clustering algorithm, and for the soft
SV, this method eventually result in aggregating the
difference vectors x
around the visual word d
This provides an encoding of size K(D + 1). Com-
pared to the fisher encoding, the super vector encod-
ing: (1) investigates only the first order distinctions d
between features and cluster centres; (2) accumulates
the elements s
which represent the weight of each
cluster; (3) normalizes each cluster by the square root
of the posterior probability instead of the prior proba-
The BoW approach involves a large codebook of
several thousands of visual words. However, cluster-
ing high dimensional feature spaces and large scale is
not an easy task. To tackle this problem, Jgou et al.
(H.Jeou et al., 2012) have suggested vector represen-
tations called Vector of Locally Aggregated Descrip-
tors (VLAD) that use smaller codebooks. Instead of
using GMM to model the feature distribution, VLAD
uses a K-means clustering algorithm to build a code-
book. Then, the descriptors are voted on their near-
est codewords. A vector for each visual word is the
accumulation of the differences between the nearest
descriptors and itself resulting a vector size D. the fi-
nal image representation concatenates the K vectors
on the codebook and generates a vector of size KD.
The authors (Picard and Gosselin, 2013) have ex-
tended the VLAD approach, called Vectors of Lo-
cally Aggregated Tensors (VLAT), by adding an ag-
gregation of the tensor product of descriptors. As in
VLAD, the visual codebook has been built by clus-
tering the descriptor using k-means. This representa-
tion is included several formulas. The first formula,
as in VLAD, is the aggregate of differences between
the nearest descriptors and a visual word. The sec-
ond formula is the total of self tensor product of the
nearest descriptors assigned to a visual word. in gen-
eral, a higher order p of tensor products on centred
descriptors can be calculated to add tensor formulas
to the signature. In practice, the number of formulas
is limited to the second order. The last image repre-
sentation is the vector concatenating all the formulas
in vectors for all visual words. The images having dif-
ferent numbers of descriptors to be compared, a fur-
ther l 2 normalization of the signatures is achieved.
Notice that DK-dimensional vector representation.
3.1 Approaches based on Pairwise
Recent works (Zhang and Mayo, 2010; Morioka and
Satoh, 2010b; Wang et al., 2012; Khan et al., 2012;
Morioka and Satoh, 2010a; Herve and Boujemaa,
2009; Morioka and Satoh, 2011) have been founded
on pairs of visual words. A codebook of size K
has been learned using unsupervised learning, from a
haphazardly sampled collection relevantly to the de-
scriptors. Then, every descriptor d
is assigned to the
closest cluster c
in the feature space. To integrate
the spatial information, their approaches are differ-
tents: In (Herve and Boujemaa, 2009), firstly, Herve
et al. have constructed a base vocabulary containing
K words, then, they built a K
word pair vo-
cabulary, called Quadratic Pairwise Codebook (QPC),
to capture spatial information between words. They
have considered the pairs which the distance between
the two patches centers is below the given radius.
They have simply accumulated the pairs in an his-
togram. To overcome quadratic number of possible
pairs of visual words, Morioka and Satoh (Morioka
and Satoh, 2010a) have proposed a compact codebook
called a Local Pairwise Codebook (LPC). Contrust
to previous appraoch based on quantize the descrip-
tors to learn a set of visual words, they have started
by joint feature space. After that, they have applied
a clustering algorithm to build a compact codebook.
Then, they have computed a histogram. Then, they
have combined it with spatial pyramid matching ker-
nel to demonstrate that local and global spatial infor-
mation complement each other.
These authors (Morioka and Satoh, 2010b) have
extended LPC by adding directional information to
the representation to produce two new approaches
called Directional Local Pairwise Bases (DLPB) and
Directional Local Pairwise Codebook (DLPC). In
DLPB, they have used a sparse coding to learn a com-
pact collection of bases appropriating interconnection
between descriptors. Moreover, these bases have been
learned for each quantized direction. Thus, it adds
to the representation explicit directional information.
For DLPC, which is a variant of DLPB, a K-means is
used to replace sparse coding to build specific direc-
tional codebooks. For every directional codebooks,
the authors have computed spatial pyramid matching
kernel to extract the average of the kernels.
LPC achieves a compact codebook of pairs of spa-
tially close local descriptors. As a result, it is not
considered as scale invariant and it is also appropriate
only for densely sampled local features. Contrary to
that, the Proximity Distribution Kernel (PDK) method
is characterized by a scale invariant and robust rep-
resentation. It, then, captures rich spatial proxim-
ity information between local features, but the num-
ber of visual words increases quadratically. Inspired
by the two above mentioned techniques, the authors
(Morioka and Satoh, 2011) have unified of the LPC
and the PDK to represent a new method called the
Compact Correlation Coding (CCC) to combine the
powers of both techniques. Compared to the PDK,
CCC performs a more general and compact code-
book. Yet, it captures robust spatial proximity dis-
tribution of local features and scale invariant which
cannot be achieved under the properties of LPC.
3.2 Approaches based on High Orders
Features (Visual Phrases)
Although the studies of second order features are in-
tensive, to capture more the spatial information, some
works (Zheng et al., 2008; Zhang and Chen, 2009;
Bingbing et al., 2013) are particularly interested in
how to model high-order local features. In (Zheng
et al., 2008), the local spatial neighborhood have been
extracted for each local region. The FP-growth algo-
rithm has been applied to perform the Frequent Item-
set Mining (FIM) task to present the visual words.
In order to integrate both the local proximity of vi-
sual words and co-occurrence information, the au-
thors have defined the visual synset as a probabilistic
concept of visual words, in which the latter has been
learned through supervised learning. In (Zhang et al.,
2011a), the authors have suggested the descriptive vi-
sual words and descriptive visual phrases as the vi-
sual analogical to text words and phrases, when visual
phrases attribute to the repeatedly occurring visual
word pairs. The co-occurring is computed between
two visual words inside a short distance. For each
image category, they have defined the Descriptive Vi-
sual Words (DVW) candidates as the comprised vi-
sual words and they have defined the Descriptive Vi-
sual Phrases (DVP) candidate generation by agreeing
it with the rotation invariant spatial histogram. The
co-occurrence frequency can be computed by count-
ing the frequency of co-occurrence within the spatial
distance between two visual words in the same cate-
gory. In (Xie et al., 2012), Xie et al. have extracted
SIFT and Edge-SIFT descriptors and they have com-
bined them to build codebook. Then, they have gen-
erated a geometric visual phrases by taking a phrase
as a set disordered neighbors of visual words. A
max-pooling step is performed on the whole phrase
and they have applied spatial weighting based on a
smoothed edgemap. The authors (Cao et al., 2010)
have proposed an ordered bag of features based on
projecting features onto certain lines or circles which
are able to capture basic geometric information in im-
ages. These representations are the basis of the spatial
bag of words. They have treated the same operations
for histogram features, i.e. calibration, equalization
and decomposition to capture more and more typical
transformations of image including translation, rota-
tion and scaling. Then, they have adopted the Rank-
Boost algorithm (Freund et al., 2003) to select the
most effective configuration. In (Zhang et al., 2011b),
the authors have integrated the algorithm proposed in
(Zhang and Chen, 2009) to identify the co-occurring
the geometry-preserving visual phrases (GVP) in two
images. Added to co-occurrences, the GVP method
captures the local and long-range spatial layouts of
the visual words. To measure the GVP similarity
value of two images, they have calculated the offset
for each pair of the same word in these images.
Then, a vote has been yielded on the offset space at
. On the offset space, K votes locating at the
same place corresponding to a co-occurring GVP of
length K. After obtaining the dot product, the similar-
ity of the two images is the dot product dividing the
The authors (Jiang et al., 2012) have proposed a
new visual phrase selection approach based on ran-
dom partition of images. After extracting local in-
variant features, they have randomly split the image
multiple times to form a pool of overlapping im-
age patches. Each patch groups the local features
inside it and is described by a visual phrase. pri-
marily, for each local descriptor, they have yielded a
number of Randomized Visual Phrases (RVP) varying
shapes and sizes according to its spatial contexts. For
each RVP, they have independently computed match-
ing score between the test image and the query image,
and they have dealed with it as the voting weight of
the appropriate patch. The final reliability score of
each pixel has been computed as the expectation of
the voting weights of all patches that comprise this
pixel. By determining the pixel-wise voting map, the
similarity image can eventually be recognized. In
(Bingbing et al., 2013), the authors have proposed a
model of high-order local spatial context called Spa-
tialized Random Forest (SRF). SRF can explore much
more complicated and informative local spatial pat-
terns randomly, applying spatially random neighbor
selection and random histogram-bin partition during
the tree construction. A set of informative high-order
local spatial patterns are drifted, because of the dis-
criminative capability test for the random partition in
each tree node’s division procedure. Consequently,
new images have been encoded by calculting the rep-
etitions of these discriminative local spatial patterns.
3.3 Approaches based on Graph and
Graph Matching
To take into account the spatial constraints in im-
ages, several authors (Quack et al., 2007; Bowen
et al., 2012; Kisku et al., 2010; Jaechul Kim, 2010;
Duchenne et al., 2011) have proposed the graph
matching technique to establish the correspondences
between images. Visual graphs provide powerful
structural models but their use in image classification
has been limited due to the difficulties of matching
between graphs. In (Jaechul Kim, 2010), Kim et al.
proposed a dense feature matching. To match two im-
ages, they segment one and unsegment another. Then,
they find correspondences between points within each
region of the segmented image and some subsets of
those within the unsegmented image. Layout con-
sistency is meanwhile efficiently enforced in each
of the region-to-image match group via an objective
solvable with dynamic programming. This method
was extended by Duchenne et al. (Duchenne et al.,
2011). They formulated image graph matching as an
energy optimization problem. The graph nodes and
edges represent the regions associated with a coarse
image grid and their adjacency relationships. Vi-
sual graphs supply competent compositional patterns,
however their application in image classification is re-
stricted ensuing to the complexities of matching be-
tween graphs which is known to be NP-complete.
In (Pham et al., 2012), an image is represented by
SIFT descriptors for each keypoint extracted, color
histograms and edge descriptor where a region is de-
fined by grid partition , and HSV color value where a
region is defined by sampling pixel. The second step
represents each image as a graph generated by a set
of weighted concepts and a set of weighted relations.
For that, they build a visual vocabulary for each type
of image representation by k-means clustering. Each
region is defined by a visual word and two relation
sets left of and top of are extracted from the two con-
nected region for integrate the relationships between
the regions. The third step is related to the fact that
we want to retrieve relevant images to a given query.
Therefore, they take into account the different types
of image representations and spatial relations during
matching by computing likelihood of two graphs us-
ing a language model framework. Visual graphs sup-
ply competent compositional patterns, however their
application in image classification is restricted ensu-
ing to the complexities of matching between graphs
which is known to be NP-complete. In order to relax
the graph matching condition, (Quack et al., 2007),
(Wu et al., 2013) proposed to identify the similarity
between two image graphs comparing subgraphs ex-
tracted from them rather than using graph matching.
Quak et. al. (Quack et al., 2007) have used FIM to
discover a set of distinctive spatial configurations of
visual words to learn different object categories. In
(Wu et al., 2013), the authors divide an image into
a sets of spatial grids on several levels. Then, they
defined a directed graph to describe the relationship
between these grids which the grids are represented
by the nodes, and the relation of grids is represented
by the edges. After that, they construct a histogram
on node reflects the occurrence of features in a block,
and a histogram on edge reflects the occurrence of
features which lie in one block and tend to shift into
The Bag of Visual Words has successfully been ap-
plied to various computer vision applications include
image categorization and retrieval. The construc-
tion of BoW starts by the construction of local fea-
tures. After that, two steps are necessary: Encoding
and pooling. Despite their simplicity, the spatial in-
formation is ignored. In this paper, we introduces
the methods that improve the construction of BoW
such as LLC, Fisher vector, VLAD, VLAT and the
methods that integrate the spatial information such as
approches based on pairwise features (LPC, DLPC,
CCC, ...), approaches based on visual phrases (Phre-
selet), and approaches based on graph.
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