The GENIE Project
A Semantic Pipeline for Automatic Document Categorisation
Angel L. Garrido, Maria G. Buey, Sandra Escudero, Alvaro Peiro, Sergio Ilarri and Eduardo Mena
IIS Department, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Knowledge Management, Text Mining, Ontologies, Linguistics.
Automatic text categorisation systems is a type of software that every day it is receiving more interest, due not
only to its use in documentaries environments but also to its possible application to tag properly documents
on the Web. Many options have been proposed to face this subject using statistical approaches, natural lan-
guage processing tools, ontologies and lexical databases. Nevertheless, there have been no too many empirical
evaluations comparing the influence of the different tools used to solve these problems, particularly in a mul-
tilingual environment. In this paper we propose a multi-language rule-based pipeline system for automatic
document categorisation and we compare empirically the results of applying techniques that rely on statistics
and supervised learning with the results of applying the same techniques but with the support of smarter tools
based on language semantics and ontologies, using for this purpose several corpora of documents. GENIE is
being applied to real environments, which shows the potential of the proposal.
In almost any public or private organization that man-
ages a considerable amount of information, activi-
ties related to text categorisation and document tag-
ging can be found. To do this job, large organiza-
tions have documentation departments. However, the
big amount of information in text format that orga-
nizations usually accumulate cannot be properly pro-
cessed and documented by these departments. Be-
sides, the manual labor of labeling carried out by
these people is subject to errors due to the subjectivity
of the individuals. That is why a tool that automates
categorisation tasks would be very useful, and would
help to improve the quality of searches that are per-
formed later over the data.
To perform these tasks, software based on statis-
tics and the frequency of use of words can be
used, and it is also very common to use machine
learning systems (Sebastiani, 2002). However, we
think that other kinds of tools capable of dealing
with aspects related to Natural Language Processing
(NLP) (Smeaton, 1999) are also necessary to comple-
ment and enhance the results provided by these afore-
mentioned techniques.
Moreover, to perform any task related to the pro-
cessing of text documents, it is highly recommended
to own the know-how of the organization, so it is
highly advisable to manage ontologies (Gruber et al.,
1993) and semantic tools such as reasoners (Mishra
and Kumar, 2011) to make knowledge explicit and
reason over it, respectively. Furthermore, it is very
common for organizations to have their own catalog
of labels, known as thesaurus (Gilchrist, 2003), so it
is important that the system is able to obtain not only
keywords from the text, but also know how to relate
them to the set of thesaurus descriptors.
Furthermore, this same issue is also found in the
Web where much of the information is in text for-
mat. Providing tools capable of automatically tag-
ging web pages is something very helpful in order
to improve the search and retrieval tasks of informa-
tion using search engines, and today is still an open
problem (Atkinson and Van der Goot, 2009; Chau and
Yeh, 2004) due (among others) to the existing seman-
tic and linguistic difficulties to process.
Our purpose is to bring together these techniques
into an architecture that enables the automatic classi-
fication of texts, with the particular feature that it ex-
ploits different semantic methods, which is added as
a new element in text categorization to support typ-
ical techniques that rely on statistics and supervised
learning. Although there are some researches in text
categorization that takes into account Spanish texts
as examples, there are no tools especially focused on
the Spanish language. Moreover, the proposed sys-
Garrido A., Buey M., Escudero S., Peiro A., Ilarri S. and Mena E..
The GENIE Project - A Semantic Pipeline for Automatic Document Categorisation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004750601610171
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 161-171
ISBN: 978-989-758-024-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tem has been implemented to be open to allow the
possibility to add the analysis of other languages, like
English, French, or Portuguese.
Other important characteristics of the architec-
ture is that it has been proposed as a pipeline sys-
tem and it has been implemented with different mod-
ules. We consider these as important features because
a pipeline system gives us the chance to control the
results at each phase of the process and also the struc-
ture with different modules allows us to easily up-
grade its individual components. For example, ge-
ographic or lexical databases change over time, and
our modular arthitecture easily acommodates these
The fact that the system is implemented in differ-
ent modules is also interesting because it is ideal when
performing the analysis of a text. Sometimes, we may
want not to have to use all the modules that make up
the architecture to achieve a desired result. For exam-
ple, we may want to extract only statistical informa-
tion from the words present in a text, but nothing re-
lated about their semantics. Also, it is possible that we
need to change the order of the modules a text passes
through depending on the type of analysis of the text
we want to perform. For these reasons it is impor-
tant to consider a modular architecture: it makes the
system easy to use and it facilitates improving it over
This paper provides two main contributions:
Firstly, we present a tool called GENIE, whose
general architecture is valid for text categorisation
tasks in any language. This system has been in-
stalled and tested in several real environments us-
ing different datasets. The set-up of our algorithm
is rule-based and we use for inference the docu-
ment’s features as well as the linguistic content of
the text and its meaning.
Secondly, we experimentally quantify the influ-
ence of using linguistic and semantic tools when
performing the automatic classification, working
on a real case with Spanish texts previously classi-
fied by a professional documentation department.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 explains the general architecture of the pro-
posed categorisation system. Section 3 discusses the
results of our experiments with real data. Section 4
analyzes other related works. Finally, Section 5 pro-
vides our conclusions and future work.
In this section, we explain the general architecture of
the proposed system as well as and the corresponding
working methodology. The system relies on the ex-
istence of several resources. First, we will describe
these resources, and then we will explain in detail the
classification process (see Figure 1).
2.1 Resources
Regarding resources, we have to consider both static
data repositories and software tools:
Thesaurus. A thesaurus is a list of words and
a set of relations among them, used to classify
items (Gilchrist, 2003). We use its elements as
the set of tags that must be used to categorize the
set of documents. Examples of thesaurus entries
are words like HEALTH, ACCIDENT, FOOT-
terms can be related. For example, FOOTBALL
and BASKETBALL could depend hierarchically
on SPORTS. Each document may take a variable
number of terms in the thesaurus during the cate-
gorisation process.
Gazetter. A gazetteer is a geographic directory
containing information about places and place
names (Goodchild and Hill, 2008). In our system,
it is used to identify geographic features.
Morphological Analyzer. It is an NLP tool whose
mission is the identification, analysis and descrip-
tion of the structure of a set of given linguistic
units. This analyzer consists of a set of differ-
ent analysis libraries, which can be configured
and used depending on the working language, and
a custom middleware architecture which aims to
store all the different analysis results in structures
that represent the desired linguistic units, such as
words (with their morphological and lexical in-
formation), sentences (with their syntax and de-
pendency trees) and texts. With this approach we
can provide the same entities to the other modules
that work with NLP, resulting in an architecture
that can work with multiple analysis tools and lan-
Lexical Database. A lexical database is a lexi-
cal resource which groups words into sets of syn-
onyms called synsets, includes semantic relations
among them, and provides definitions. Examples
could be WordNet (Miller, 1995) and Euroword-
Net (Vossen, 1998).
Stop Word List. This is a list of frequent words
that do not contain relevant semantic informa-
tion (Wilbur and Sirotkin, 1992). In this set we
may include the following types of words: arti-
cles, conjunctions, numbers, etc.
Figure 1: General pipeline of GENIE, the proposed text categorisation system.
Knowledge Base. This refers to the explicit repre-
sentation of knowledge related to the topics cov-
ered in the documents that have to be catalogued.
As a tool for knowledge representation in a soft-
ware system, we use ontologies. An ontology is a
formal and explicit specification of a shared con-
ceptualization (Gruber et al., 1993) that provides
a vocabulary of classes and relations to describe
a particular area, supporting automatic inferences
by using a reasoner (Mishra and Kumar, 2011).
The idea is to represent in these ontologies the
concepts that could help to label a document in a
given context, and to populate the ontologies with
as many instances as possible.
Statistical Information. This consists of a set of
files with information about the use frequency of
each word, related to the attributes of the text and
to the set of elements in the thesaurus. For ex-
ample: the word “ONU” appears more frequently
in documents of type “International” and it is re-
lated with the descriptor INTERNAT in a the-
saurus used in the documentation department of a
newspaper we have worked with. These frequen-
cies allow us to estimate if a given text can be cate-
gorized with a particular element of the thesaurus.
Relationships Table. This table relates items in the
Gazetteer and knowledge base concepts with the-
saurus elements. It may be necessary in an organi-
zation because the concepts stored in the seman-
tic resources available may not match the labels
in the thesaurus that must be considered for clas-
sification. The construction of this table could be
manual or automatic, using any machine learning
As we will show in the experimental evaluation,
the use of some resources is optional, leading to dif-
ferent results in terms of the expected performance
of the system. This system could be used with dif-
ferent languages by changing the language-dependent
resources, i.e. the Gazetteer, the NLP tool, the lexical
database, and the stop word list.
2.2 Process Pipeline
We have used a pipeline scheme with separated
stages. Each of the stages is associated with only one
type of process and they communicate between them-
selves through different files. Although it is a pipeline
system, the process can be configured so that each of
the tasks can be activated or deactivated depending on
whether we want the text document to go through cer-
tain phases or not. For example, we may want to use
the pipeline without having activated the Geographi-
cal Classifier. This choice has three purposes:
1. The early stages perform a more general classi-
fication, and later phases make more specific la-
beling that requires more precise resources. We
have verified, through experimental evaluation,
that taking advantage of a filter to select the most
appropriate resources for the later stages improves
the results.
2. Separating each stage simplifies control for eval-
uation. We know that there are certain tasks that
could be parallelized, but the aim is to analyze the
results in the best possible way, rather than to pro-
vide an optimized algorithm.
3. We have more freedom to add, delete or modify
any of the stages of the pipeline if they are inde-
pendent. If we would like to use a different tool
in any of the stages, changing it is very easy when
there is a minimum coupling between phases.
Our system works over a set of text documents,
but we have to note that each of them could have a
variable number of attributes (author, title, subtitle,
domain, date, section, type, extension, etc.), that we
will use during the categorisation process. These at-
tributes vary according to the origin of the document:
a digital library, a database, a website, etc. Numeric
fields, dates, strings, or even HTML tags may be per-
fectly valid attributes to the system. We could also
consider as attributes those elements that are specific
to the structure of the type of document, such as hy-
perlinks (Shen et al., 2006) in the case of web pages.
As a very first stage, the system includes specific in-
terfaces to convert the original documents into XML
files with a specific field for plain text and others for
The tasks for the proposed automatic text categori-
sation system are:
1. Preprocessing of the text of the document, which
consists of three steps:
(a) Lemmatization. Through this process we ob-
tain a new text consisting of a set of words
corresponding to the lemmas (canonical forms)
of the words in the initial text. This process
eliminates prepositions, articles, conjunctions
and other words included in the Stop Words
List. All the word information (Part of Speech,
gender, number) is stored in the corresponding
structure, so it can be recovered later for future
(b) Named Entities Recognition (NER). Named en-
tities are atomic elements in a text represent-
ing, for example, names of persons, organiza-
tions, locations, quantities, monetary values, or
percentages (Sekine and Ranchhod, 2009). By
using a named entity extractor, this procedure
gets a list of items identified as named entities.
This extractor can be paired with a statistical
Named Entity Classification (NEC) in a first at-
tempt to classify the named entity into a pre-
defined group (person, place, organization) or
leave it undefined so the following tasks (Geo-
graphical Classifier) can disambiguate it.
(c) Keywords Extraction. Keywords are words se-
lected from the text that are in fact key elements
to consider to categorize the document. We
use the lemmatized form of such words and the
TF/IDF algorithm (Salton and Buckley, 1988).
These processes produce several results that are
used in subsequent stages. The resources used in
this stage are the morphological analyzer, the Stop
Word List and the statistical data.
2. Attributes-Based Classifier. Taking advantage of
the attributes of each of the documents, this ruled-
based process makes a first basic and general tag-
ging. For example, if we find the words “film
review” in the “title” field the system will infer
that the thesaurus descriptor CINEMA could be
assigned to this document. At the same time, it es-
tablishes the values of the attributes to be used for
the selection of appropriate resources in the fol-
lowing steps, choosing for instance an ontology
about cinema for the Ontological Classifier stage.
3. Statistical Classifier. Using machine learning
techniques (Sebastiani, 2002), the document text
is analyzed to try to find patterns that correspond
to data in the files storing statistical information.
This step is mainly useful to try to obtain labels
that correspond to the general themes of the doc-
ument. Trying to deduce if a document is talking
about football or basketball could be a good ex-
4. Geographical Classifier. By using the gazetteer,
named entities (NE) corresponding to geograph-
ical locations are detected. This stage is man-
aged by a ruled-based system. Besides, it can
deal with typical disambiguation problems among
locations of the same name and locations whose
names match other NE (e.g., people), by using
the well-known techniques described in (Amitay
et al., 2004): usually there is only single sense
per discourse (so, an ambiguous term is likely to
mean only one of its senses when it its used multi-
ple times), and place names appearing in the same
context tend to show close locations. Other im-
portant considerations that GENIE takes into ac-
count are to look at the population of the location
candidates as an important aspect to disambiguate
places (Amitay et al., 2004) and consider the con-
text where the text is framed to establish a list of
bonuses for certain regions (Quercini et al., 2010).
Other used techniques are to construct an N-term
window on both sides of the entity considered to
be a geographic term, as some words can con-
tribute with a positive or negative modifier (Rauch
et al., 2003), or to try to find syntactic structures
like “city, country” (e.g. “Madrid, Spain”) (Li
et al., 2002). Finally, using techniques explained
in (Garrido et al., 2013b), the system uses ontolo-
gies in order to capture information about impor-
tant aspects related to certain locations. For ex-
ample: most important streets, monuments and
outstanding buildings, neighborhoods, etc. This is
useful when a text has not explicit location identi-
fied. Besides, it takes advantage too of the results
of previous stages. For example, if in the previ-
ous stages we got the descriptor EUROPE we can
assign higher scores to the results related to Eu-
ropean countries and major European cities than
to results related to locations in other continents.
The geographical tagging unit is very useful be-
cause, empirically, near 30% of tags in our exper-
imental context are related to locations.
5. Ontological Classifier. To perform a detailed la-
beling, the knowledge base is queried about the
named entities and keywords found in the text.
If a positive response is obtained, it means that
the main related concepts can be used to label
the text. A great advantage is that these con-
cepts need not appear explicitly in the text, as they
may be inferred from existing ontological rela-
tions. If there is an ambiguous word, it can be
disambiguated (Resnik, 1999) by using the Lexi-
cal Database resource (for a survey on word sense
disambiguation, see (Navigli, 2009)). As soon as
a concept related to the text is found, the relations
stored in the Relationships Table are considered
to obtain appropriate tags from the thesaurus. As
explained before, the fact that at this phase we
have a partially classified document allows us to
choose the most appropriate ontologies for classi-
fication using configurable rules. For example, if
we have already realised with the statistical clas-
sifier that the text speaks of the American Bas-
ketball League, we will use a specific ontology
to classify the document more accurately finding
out for instance the teams and the players, and we
will not try to use any other resource. This partic-
ular ontology could be obtained and re-used from
the Web. But if we had discovered that the text
is about local politics, we will use another spe-
cific ontology to deduce the most appropriate tags.
This ontology would probably be hand-made, or
it would be adapted from other similar ontology,
because this kind of resources are difficult or im-
possible to find for free on the Web. So, our
system is generic enough to acommodate the re-
quired and more appropriate ontologies (existing
or hand-made) for the different topics covered in
the texts.
The way to obtain the tags is asking about
keywords and NE to the ontology, by using
, a set of rules, and the relationship ta-
ble to deduce the most suitable tags. The behavior
of the ontology is not only to be a simple bag-of-
words, because it can contain concepts, relations
and axioms, all of them very useful to inquire the
implicit topics in the text.
In summary, the text categorization process that GE-
NIE performs consists of following each of the pro-
posed tasks that constitute the system’s pipeline. This
process begins with the preprocessing of the input
text, which implies labors of lemmatization of the text
and extraction of named entities and keywords from
the text. Then it analyzes a set of attributes that are
given with the text that is being analyzed in order to
extract the first basic and general labels. Afterwards,
it applies a statistical classification method based on
machine learning techniques to obtain labels that cor-
respond to the general themes of the document. Then
it applies a geographic classifier for the purpose of
identifying possible geographical references included
in the text. Finally, it applies an ontological classifier
in order to carry out a more detailed classification of
the text, which performs an analysis of named enti-
ties and keywords obtained from the text, consults the
appropriate ontology, and uses a lexical database to
remove possible ambiguities.
We have performed a set of experiments to test and
compare the performance of our architecture with oth-
ers tools. For this purpose, we have tested in a real
environment using three corpus of news previously
labeled by a professional documentation department
of several major Spanish Media: Heraldo de Arag
Diario de Navarra
and Heraldo de Soria
. Each cor-
pus had respectively 11,275, 10,200, and 4,500 news.
These corpora are divided in several categories: lo-
cal, national, international, sports, and culture. Ev-
ery media has a different professional thesaurus used
to classify documents, with more than 10,000 entries
each. For classification, each document can receive
any number of descriptors belonging to the thesaurus.
The ideal situation would be that the automatic text
categorization system could perform a work identical
to the one performed by the real documentation de-
These news are stored in several databases, in ta-
bles where different fields are used to store the dif-
ferent attributes explained in Section 2 (title, au-
thor, date, section, type, extension, etc.). For exper-
imental evaluation, we have extracted them from the
databases and we have put each text and the data of its
fields in XML files. We have used this corpus of XML
Figure 2: GENIE control interface.
files as the input of the system, and the output is the
same set of files but with an additional field: classifi-
cation information. This new XML node contains the
set of words (descriptors) belonging to the thesaurus
used to categorize the document, i.e., this node con-
tains the different tags that describe the XML file. An
example of node that can be contained in an XML file
of cinema is:
As the news in the dataset considered had been
previously manually annotated by the professionals
working in the documentation department, we can
compare the automatic categorization with that per-
formed by humans. So, we can evaluate the number
of hits, omissions and misses.
3.1 Experimental Settings
In the experiments, we have examined the follow-
ing measures, commonly used in the Information Re-
trieval context (Manning et al., 2008): the precision,
the recall, and the F-Measure. The dataset used ini-
tially in the experiments has been the Heraldo de
on corpus. We have used the information from
this dataset to define most of the rules of the vari-
ous processes associated with each of the stages of
the classification system. These rules are integrated
in a configuration file which contains all the informa-
tion necessary to lead the process and obtain the cor-
rect result. The other two datasets (Diario de Navarra
and Heraldo de Soria) have been used just to double-
check if the application of those rules also produced
the desired result; for comparison purposes, at the end
of this section we will also present some experimental
results based on them. Since news, thesauri, ontolo-
gies and classification fields are private data of each
company, they are not available on-line on the Web
Anyway, if any researcher wants to use our corpus for
experimental purposes, he/she is entitled to apply directly
to the first author and they will be provided privately.
In a first stage, we have used MALLET (Mc-
Callum, 2002) to classify the different news corpus.
MALLET is a tool that allows the classification of
documents. A classifier is an algorithm that dis-
tinguishes between a fixed set of classes, such as
“spam” vs. “non-spam”, based on labeled training ex-
amples. MALLET includes implementations of sev-
eral classification algorithms, including Naive Bayes,
Maximum Entropy, and Decision Trees. In addi-
tion, MALLET provides tools for evaluating classi-
fiers. In addition to classification, MALLET includes
tools for sequence tagging for applications such as
the extraction of named entities from text. The al-
gorithms include Hidden Markov Models, Maximum
Entropy Markov Models, and Conditional Random
Fields. These methods are implemented in an extensi-
ble system for finite state transducers. The following
classifiers were used: MaxEnt, Naive Bayes, C45 and
DecisionTree, achieving in the best case 60% in all of
the three measures (precision, recall and F-measure).
Afterwards, we have performed four experiments
with our own classifier. The appearance of the GE-
NIE control application can be seen in Figure 2. Each
stage of the pipeline can be enabled or disabled sep-
arately. Regarding the resources and tools consid-
ered, we have used Freeling (Carreras et al., 2004),
as the Morphological Analyzer and Support Vector
Machines (SVM) (Joachims, 1998) to automatically
classify topics in the Statistical Classifier.
We have chosen Freeling as is the only and widely used
active analysis tool suite that supports several analysis ser-
vices in both Spanish and English, as well other languages
which can be incorporated in our architecture in future de-
velopments. Some implementation details of Freeling were
modified in order to encapsulate it as a consistent library,
incorporating it into our architecture. As Freeling outputs
their analysis results in an undesired format to our approach,
the need to construct new structures for the several linguistic
units was necessary to define an architecture which can sup-
port this library and other different analysis tools than can
be added in the future. These structures aim to group most
of the mutual characteristics of the Romanic languages and
the English language into a single approach, while singular
language features had to be handled apart.
Regarding the type of SVM used, we have used a
modified version of the Cornell SVM-Light implementa-
tion (Joachims, 2004) with a Gaussian radial basis func-
tion kernel and the term frequency of the keywords as fea-
tures (Leopold and Kindermann, 2002). To obtain the fre-
quencies we have used a different corpus of 100,000 news,
in order to get a realistic frequency information. Finally,
we have chosen Eurowordnet as the Lexical Database and
as the Gazetteer.
To train this Statistical Classifier we have used sets of
5,000 news for each general theme associated to one de-
and MUSIC). These sets of news are different from the
datasets used in the experiments (as is obviously expected
in a training phase). For each possible descriptor, we have
an ontology, in this case we have designed five ontologies
using OWL (McGuinness et al., 2004) with near a hundred
concepts each one.
Next, there is an example of a piece of news:
This weekend is the best film debut for the movie “In the
Valley of Elah”. The story revolves around the murder
of a young man who has just returned from the Iraq war,
whose parents try to clarify with the help of the police. As
interpreters we have: Tommy Lee Jones, Susan Sarandon
and Charlize Theron. Writer-director Paul Haggis is the
author of “Crash” and writer of “Million Dollar Baby”,
among others.
In this case, the system analyzes and classifies the text with
the descriptor CINEMA. Moreover, the news can be tagged
with tags such as C THERON, IRAQ, TL JONES, etc.
3.2 Experimental Results
We have compared our classification of the 11,275 news in
the first dataset with the original classification made by pro-
fessionals. The results can be seen in Figure 3. Below we
analyze the experiments:
1. In the first experiment (Basic) we have used the pro-
cess presented in Section 2 without the Pre-Processing
step and without the Ontological Classifier. We have
trained the system with SVM to classify 100 themes. In
this case, as we do not use the steps of Pre-Processing
and the Ontological Classifier, the system has not per-
formed the lemmatization, the named entities recogni-
tion, the keywords extraction, and the detailed labeling
of the text. For this reason, the precision and the recall
are not good, as it is essential to embed semantic infor-
mation and conceptual patterns in order to enhance the
prediction capabilities of classification algorithms.
2. In the second one (Semantic), we have introduced the
complete Pre-Processing stage and its associated re-
sources, we have used the Lexical Database EuroWord-
Net (Vossen, 1998) to disambiguate keywords, and we
have introduced the Ontological Classifier, with five on-
tologies with about ten concepts and about 20 instances
each. In this experiment the precision and the recall
slightly improved because, as explained before, the step
of Pre-Processing is important to obtain a better classi-
3. In the third one (Sem + Geo) we have included the Geo-
graphical Classifier but we have used only the Gazzeter
resource. Here we have improved the recall of the label-
ing but in exchange of a decrease in the precision. By
analyzing the errors in detail, we observe that the main
cause is the presence of misclassifications performed by
the Geographical Classifier.
4. Finally, in the fourth experiment (Full Mode), we have
executed all the pipeline, exploited all the resources and
populated the ontologies with about one hundred in-
stances, leading to an increase in both the precision and
the recall. Ontology instances added in this experiment
have been inferred from the observation of the errors
obtained in previous experiments. The motivation to
add them is that otherwise the text includes certain en-
tities unknown to the system, and when they were in-
corporated this helped to improve the classification.
Figure 3: Results of the four document categorisation ex-
periments with news in the dataset 1.
If we look at the overall results obtained in the experi-
ment 1 and the experiment 2 in the Figure 3, we could say
that the influence of using semantic and NLP tools is ap-
parently not so significant (about 20%). However, it seems
clear that these tools significantly improve the quality of
labeling in terms of precision, recall and F-measure, reach-
ing up to about the 80%. Therefore, the use of semantic
techniques can make a difference when deciding about the
possibility to perform an automatic labeling.
After evaluating the results obtained in the reference
dataset (Heraldo de Arag
on), we repeated the same experi-
ments with the two other datasets. These dataset were not
considered while designing the ontologies, in order to main-
tain the independence of the tests. The results can be seen in
Figure 4. The results obtained with datasets different from
the one used for Heraldo de Arag
on, which was used to
configure the rule-based system, are only slightly different
(differences smaller than 10%). In Figure 4, it can also be
seen that the trends of the results are very similar regard-
less of the data. This shows the generality of our approach,
since the behavior of the classification system has been re-
produced with several different corpora. Experimental re-
sults have shown that with our approach, in all the experi-
ments, the system has improved the results achieved by ba-
sic machine learning based systems.
Text categorisation represents a challenging problem for the
data mining and machine learning communities, due to the
growing demand for automatic information retrieval sys-
tems. Systems that automatically classify text documents
into predefined thematic classes, and thereby contextualize
information, offer a promising approach to tackle this com-
plexity (Sebastiani, 2002).
Document classification presents difficult challenges
due to the sparsity and the high dimensionality of text data,
and to the complex semantics of natural language. The
traditional document representation is a word-based vector
where each dimension is associated with a term of a dic-
tionary containing all the words that appear in the corpus.
The value associated to a given term reflects its frequency of
occurrence within the corresponding document and within
the entire corpus (the tf-idf metric). Although this is a rep-
resentation that is simple and commonly used, it has sev-
eral limitations. Specifically, this technique has three main
drawbacks: (1) it breaks multi-word expressions into inde-
pendent features; (2) it maps synonymous words into dif-
ferent components; and (3) it considers polysemous words
as one single component. While a traditional preprocessing
of documents, such as eliminating stop words, pruning rare
words, stemming, and normalization, can improve the rep-
resentation, its effect is also still limited. So, it is essential
to embed semantic information and conceptual patterns in
order to enhance the prediction capabilities of classification
Research has been done to exploit ontologies for
content-based categorisation of large corpora of documents.
WordNet has been widely used, for example in (Siolas and
e Buc, 2000) or (Elberrichi et al., 2008), but their
approaches only use synonyms and hyponyms, fail to han-
dle polysemy, and break multi-word concepts into single
terms. Our approach overcomes these limitations by incor-
porating background knowledge derived from ontologies.
This methodology is able to keep multi-word concepts un-
broken, it captures the semantic closeness to synonyms, and
performs word sense disambiguation for polysemous terms.
For disambiguation tasks we have taken into account
an approximation described in (Trillo et al., 2007), that is
based on a semantic relatedness computation to detect the
set of words that could induce an effective disambiguation.
That technique receives an ambiguous keyword and its con-
text words as input and provides a list of possible senses.
Other studies show how background knowledge in form of
simple ontologies can improve text classification results by
directly addressing these problems (Bloehdorn and Hotho,
2006), and others make use of this intelligence to automat-
ically generate tag suggestions based on the semantic con-
tent of texts. For example (Lee and Chun, 2007), which
extracts keywords and their frequencies, uses WordNet as
semantics and an artificial neural network for learning.
Among other related studies that quantify the quality of
an automatic labeling performed by using ontologies, we
could mention (Maynard et al., 2006; Hovy et al., 2006),
but both are focused on a purely semantic labeling (i.e., they
do not consider statistics-based methods). More related to
our study, it is interesting to mention the work presented
in (Scharkow, 2013), although it does not include much in-
formation about the use of ontologies. Examples of hybrid
systems using both types of tools include the web service
classifier explained in (Bruno et al., 2005), the system NASS
(News Annotation Semantic System) described in (Garrido
et al., 2011; Garrido et al., 2012), which is an automatic
annotation tool for the Media, or GoNTogle (Bikakis et al.,
2010), which is a framework for general document annota-
tion and retrieval.
A tool for automating categorisation tasks is very useful
nowadays, as it helps to improve the quality of searches
that are performed later over textual repositories like digital
libraries, databases or web pages. For this reason, in this
paper we have presented a pipeline architecture to help in
the study of the problem of automatic text categorisation
using specific vocabulary contained in a thesaurus. Our
main contribution is the design of a system that combines
statistics, lexical databases, NLP tools, ontologies, and
geographical databases. Its stage-based architecture easily
allows the use and exchange of different resources and
tools. We have also performed a deep study of the impact
of the semantics in a text categorisation process.
Our pipeline architecture is based on ve stages:
preprocessing, attribute-based classification, statistical
classification, geographical classification, and ontological
classification. Although the experimental part has been
developed in Spanish, the tool is ready to work with any
other language. Changing linguistic resources suitable for
the intended language is enough to make the system work,
since the process is sufficiently general to be applicable
regardless of the language used. The main contribution of
our work is, apart from the useful and modular pipeline
architecture, the experimental study with real data of the
problem of categorization of natural language documents
written in Spanish. There are many studies related to
such problems in English, but it is difficult to find them
in Spanish. Besides, we have compared the impact of
applying techniques that rely on statistics and supervised
learning with the results obtained when semantic tech-
niques are also used. There are two remarkable aspects.
Firstly, enhancing the amount of knowledge available by
increasing the number of instances in the ontologies leads
to a substantial improvement in the results. Secondly, the
use of knowledge bases helps to correct many errors from a
Geographical Classifier.
Spanish vs. English Language. Our research on this
topic focuses on transfer projects related to the extraction
of information, so for us it is very important to work with
real cases. Therefore, the comparison of our work with typ-
ical benchmark data sets in English is not fundamental to
us, since they are not useful to improve the performance of
our system in Spanish, and we have seen that the ambient
conditions (language, regional context, thematic news, etc.)
have a great influence on the outcome of experiments. Many
researchers have already analyzed the differences between
working in NLP topics in English and in Spanish, and they
Figure 4: Comparative results of the automatic categorisation experiments.
have made it clear the additional difficulties of the Spanish
Language (Carrasco and Gelbukh, 2003; Aguado de Cea
et al., 2008), which could explain the poor performance
of some software applications that work reasonably well in
English. Just to mention some of these differences: in Span-
ish words contain much more grammatical and semantic in-
formation than the English words, the subject can be omit-
ted in many cases, and verbs forms carry implicit conjuga-
tion, without additional words. That, coupled with the high
number of meanings that the same word can have, increases
the computational complexity for syntactic, semantic and
morphological analyzers, which so behave differently in
Spanish and English. Spanish is the third language in the
world according to the number of speakers, after Mandarin
and English, but in terms of studies related to NLP we have
not found many scientific papers.
Impact of NLP and Semantics. Our experimental evalu-
ation suggests that the influence of NLP and semantic tools
is not quantitatively as important as the classic statistical
approaches, although their contribution can tip the scales
when evaluating the quality of a labeling technique, since
the difference in terms of precision and recall is sufficiently
influential (near 20%). So, our conclusion is that a statis-
tical approach can be successfully complemented with se-
mantic techniques to obtain an acceptable automatic cate-
gorisation. Our experience also proves that facing this issue
in a real environment when professional results are needed,
the typical machine learning approach is the best option but
is not always enough. We have seen that it should be com-
plemented with other techniques, in our case semantic and
linguistic ones. Anyway, the main drawback of the seman-
tic techniques is that the work of searching or constructing
the ontologies for each set of tags of every topic, populat-
ing them, and building the relationship tables, is harder than
the typical training of the machine learning approaches. So,
although the results are better, the scalability could be prob-
lematic. Sometimes it can be quite costly, especially if de-
tailed knowledge of the topic to tag is required in order to
appropriately configure the system.
NLP Future Tasks In some categorisation scenarios,
like bigger analysis (novels, reports, etc.) or groups of doc-
uments of the same field, it can be interesting to obtain a
summary of the given inputs in order to categorise them
with their general terms before entering a more detailed
analysis which requires the entire texts. These summaries,
alongside with the previous defined tasks, can led to a more
suitable detailed labelling, providing hints of which knowl-
edge bases might be interesting to work with. In order to
achieve this, we can perform syntactic analysis to simplify
the sentences of the summaries, as we have seen in works
like (Silveira and Branco, 2012), and then we will use the
obtained results to filter unnecessary information and select
the most relevant sentences without compromising the text
integrity. Although the required structures have been im-
plemented and some approaches as (Garrido et al., 2013a)
are being designed and tested, they are into an early stage
and they require more work before trying to use it inside the
categorisation pipeline.
Open Tasks. As future work, we plan to increase the
number of methods used in the pipeline, and to test this
methodology in new contexts and languages. It is notewor-
thy that a piece of news is a very specific type of text, char-
acterized by objectivity, clarity, and the use of synonyms
and acronyms, the high presence of specific and descriptive
adjectives, the tendency to use impersonal or passive con-
structions, and the use of connectors. Therefore it is not
sufficient to test only with this kind of text, and to make a
more complete study is necessary to work with other types.
In fact, some tests have been made with GENIE with other
types of documents very different from news, such as book
reviews, business reports, lyrics, blogs, etc. and the results
are very promising, but it is early to assert the generality of
the solution in different contexts because the studies are still
in progress.
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