corresponding software platform.
1.2 The Unsolved Part of the Problem
All of these systems have one distinguishing feature
in common – they are built using an approach based
on large amounts of training data and the use of
“cloud” computing centres (Jyothi, Johnson, Chelba
and Strope, 2012, p. 41). This requires a permanent
Internet connection to transmit the speech to remote
server for processing. Also, the systems listed above
poorly support international languages, e.g.
Ukrainian and Russian.
1.3 The Purpose of the Article
It is therefore necessary to develop speaker-
independent speech recognition tools, which could
be easily implemented and adapted to different
languages and will not require large computing
resources. This article is focused on presenting a
new technology for creating systems able to respond
to commands expressed in natural language.
As has been shown and proven by biologists,
development of reflexes to various influences lies at
the basis of living beings functioning. Reflex (from
Lat. reflexus – reflected) – is a stereotypical reaction
of the living organism to a stimulus that passes
involving the nervous system (Purves, Williams,
White and Mace, 2004).The assumption of the reflex
nature of the higher centres of the brain was first
developed by scientist-physiologist I. Sechenov.
Before him, physiologists and neurologists did not
dare to raise the question of the possibility of a
physiological analysis of the mental processes – this
was the field of expertise of the psychologists. The
ideas of I. Sechenov were further developed in the
works of I. Pavlov, who discovered the methods of
the objective experimental research of the brain
cortex functions, developed the method of
generation of conditioned reflexes and worked out a
theory of higher nervous activity. A great
contribution to the formation of the theory of
reflexes was made by Charles S. Sherrington (Nobel
Prize in Physiology and Medicine, 1932). He
discovered reflexes coordination, mutual inhibition
and facilitation.
At the level of simple biological objects the
reflexes allow the production of the “right”
response to the state of the environment. At the
human level reflexes are developed not only as a
reaction on the physical influence, but also as a
reaction on the informational impact in the socio-
political sphere, on actions of other people, such as a
teacher at the school, colleagues, etc. Of course,
these reflexes are very complex, ambiguous and
cannot be represented by a simple stimulus–response
model. This model can be rather presented as a “set
of actions”–“the most favourable reaction from the
standpoint of a positive attitude”.
The principles of development of artificial
intelligence systems, which are based on these ideas,
are examined in the theory of non-force interaction
(Teslia, 2013b). The practical output of this theory is
creation of reflex intelligent systems. In particular,
the systems for evaluation of investment proposals
in development; natural language access to
databases; assessment of the impact of harmful
substances in the water resources of the region on
the health of the population; predicting of the
outcomes of sport events. These systems are
described by Teslia in his work (2010). The main
advantages of these systems are the ease of their
creation and the effectiveness of the solutions of
various intellectual tasks.
2.1 Fundamentals of the Theory of
Non-force Interaction
The main idea of the theory of non-force interaction
(NFI) is that any interaction in the Nature first leads
to a change in the material object’s internal
organization (introformation), which in its turn leads
to a change in object’s behavior (motion) (Teslia,
2005). For one-dimensional motion the
introformation is represented by the geometric
model (Fig. 1) with two domains of displacements
As measures, which “generate” motion, the
difference and sum of the sizes of DD are taken
(Teslia, 2005). Let's define
as object’s
certainty about the displacement in the direction ,
as object’s awareness about the
displacement in the direction Z.
Using the relativistic mechanics we obtain the
ratio between velocity of drift (), probability of
displacement (), certainty () and awareness () of
the material objects (Teslia, 2013b):