Automatic Generation of Large Knowledge Bases using Deep Semantic
and Linguistically Founded Methods
Sven Hartrumpf
, Hermann Helbig
and Ingo Phoenix
SEMPRIA GmbH, 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany
University at Hagen, Intelligent Information and Communication Systems Group, 58084 Hagen, Germany
Semantic Analysis, Knowledge Bases, Text Understanding, Natural Language Processing, Reference Resolu-
Large-scale knowledge acquisition from texts is one of the challenges of the information society that can
only be mastered by technical means. While the syntactic analysis of isolated sentences is relatively well
understood, the problem of automatically parsing on all linguistic levels, starting from the morphological level
through to the semantic level, i.e. real understanding of texts, is far from being solved. This paper explains
the approach taken in this direction by the MultiNet technology in bridging the gap between the syntactic-
semantic analysis of single sentences and the creation of knowledge bases representing the content of whole
texts. In particular, it is shown how linguistic text phenomena like inclusion or bridging references can be
dealt with by logical means using the axiomatic apparatus of the MultiNet formalism. The NLP techniques
described are practically applied in transforming large textual corpora like Wikipedia into a knowledge base
and using the latter in meaning-oriented search engines.
Automatic knowledge acquisition is one of the most
disturbing bottlenecks of Artificial Intelligence or, to
be more specific, of Computational Linguistics. In
spite of the rapid progress in the field of natural lan-
guage processing (NLP), only few research teams are
able to automatically build large knowledge bases
from texts based on a deep semantic analysis of natu-
ral language (NL) information, and to include logical
methods into the process of text understanding.
On the one hand, one meets the statistical or
pattern-based approaches (Klavans and Resnik, 1996;
Ravichandran and Hovy, 2002) or vector space mod-
els (Socher et al., 2012) for extracting semantic infor-
mation (e.g. specific semantic relations like concep-
tual subordination, part-whole relations, etc.) from
texts. However, they neither cover the whole spec-
trum of semantic relationships nor do they have a
clear logic and semantic representation of the infor-
mation derived from the texts. On the other hand,
there are linguistically motivated approaches with
a strong syntactic-semantic analysis, but very lim-
ited semantic depth (so-called shallow approaches,
e.g. Robust Minimal Recursion Semantics (Copestake
et al., 2005)).
To build a knowledge base (KB) from texts,
one needs an automatic interpreter that translates
NL sentences into formal meaning structures. Such
an interpreter is provided by the WOCADI parser
(Hartrumpf, 2003), using the MultiNet formalism for
semantic representation. Since the complex knowl-
edge representation paradigm MultiNet cannot be de-
scribed on a few pages, only a short overview of the
representational means of MultiNet relevant to the
understanding to the paper is given in Sect. 2. The
construction of a KB from the meaning structures of
isolated sentences is based on an automated process,
called assimilation, which treats all text-constituting
effects (including the disambiguation of words, syn-
tactic relations and textual references) and connects
the semantic structures of single sentences of a text
to a coherent KB. In this process, semantically equiv-
alent elements of partial structures have to be iden-
tified, references must be resolved, and bridges be-
tween seemingly isolated meaning structures have to
be established by means of background knowledge.
This is the topic of this paper.
The problem of coreference resolution (as one of
the most prominent text-constituting effects) has re-
ceived plenty of scientific attention (Kamp and Reyle,
1993; Hobbs et al., 1993; Ge et al., 1998). One of
Hartrumpf S., Helbig H. and Phoenix I..
Automatic Generation of Large Knowledge Bases using Deep Semantic and Linguistically Founded Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0004756202970304
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2014), pages 297-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-015-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the first approaches using background knowledge for
coreference resolution was that of Hobbs et al. (Hobbs
et al., 1993). Their weighted abduction scheme se-
lects a single best interpretation, which may turn out
false at a later point. This problem is avoided by
model-building approaches which keep track of all
alternatives simultaneously (Baumgartner and Kühn,
2000). In contrast, the system used in our ap-
proach demonstrates a rule-based method (supported
by corpus-based back-off statistics) for coreference
resolution of pronominal and nominal anaphors.
WITH MultiNet
One of the prominent knowledge representation
paradigms used as meaning representation in NLP
are semantic networks, which represent concepts as
nodes of a graph and relations between concepts as
arcs between these nodes. Multilayered Extended Se-
mantic Networks (abbreviated MultiNet, see (Helbig,
2006)) belongs to this basic paradigm. Here are some
of its key features:
1. Every node is classified according to a predefined
ontology of 45 basic sorts.
2. Each node has a well-defined inner structure spec-
ified by an attribute-value structure. The attributes
relevant in the context of this paper are:
GENER: The degree of generality marks a con-
cept as generic (value: ge) or specific (value:
sp). Examples: (A car) [GENER ge] is a use-
ful means of transport. vs. (This car) [GENER
sp] is a useful means of transport.
REFER: This attribute specifies the determi-
nation of reference, i.e. whether there is a de-
termined object of reference (value: det) or not
(value: indet). This information is important for
the resolution of references.
Example: (The man) [REFER det] observed (an
accident) [REFER indet].
ETYPE: This is the extensionality type of an
entity: nil no extension, 0 individual that is
not a set (e.g. hElizabeth Ii), 1 entity with a set
of [ETYPE 0] elements as extension (e.g. hmany
housesi, hthe familyi), 2 entity with a set of
[ETYPE 1] elements as extension (hmany fami-
liesi), etc.
3. The arcs may only be labeled by members of a
fixed set of relations and functions. Typical rela-
tions are described in Table 1 (see (Helbig, 2006)
for the complete specification). The signatures of
relations and functions are defined in terms of the
sorts mentioned in point 1.
4. Apart from the sorts, MultiNet provides a pre-
defined set of semantic features (see Table 2)
to check selectional restrictions during syntactic-
semantic analysis.
The assimilation process as described in the paper
is supported by the technological environment devel-
oped for MultiNet (comprising, among other things,
a workbench for the knowledge engineer) and by the
semantically based computational lexicon HaGenLex
(Hartrumpf et al., 2003). The screenshots of the se-
mantic networks in this paper are all produced by the
MWR knowledge engineering workbench (Gnörlich,
2002), which can also access the parser. The devel-
opment of a large semantically based computational
lexicon is facilitated by LIA+, a workbench for the
computer lexicographer (Hartrumpf et al., 2003).
In this section, we discuss the most important phe-
nomena that must be treated during the assimilation
of a text from the representation of its sentences.
3.1 Grammatical and Semantical
3.1.1 Coreference
The most important types of reference are induced by
proforms, i.e. by pronouns and proadverbs. An exam-
ple is given by sentence (2) below, where the phrase
ihre Mitglieder/its members containing the posses-
sive pronoun ihre/its, refers to the apposition hFamilie
Beieri/hBeier familyi introduced in (1).
(1) Familie Beier wohnt in Hoffenheim.
The Beier family lives in Hoffenheim.
(2) Ihre Mitglieder (R
) sind Fans des örtlichen
Its members (R
) are fans of the local soccer
The correct resolution of reference R
on the background knowledge that Familie/family rep-
resents a collection of entities (expressed in Multi-
Net by [ETYPE 1]), discerning it from concepts like
house with [ETYPE 0]. This information is even more
important in English since on grammatical grounds
Table 1: Semantic relations of MultiNet mentioned in the text.
Relation Signature Short characteristics Sorts used
AFF [dy ad] ×[o si] Affected object dy: event; ad: abstract event
AGT [si abs]× o Agent o: object, si: situation
ANTO sort × sort Antonymy relation sort: no restriction on sorts
ATTCH [o \ at] × [o \ at] Attaching objects to objects at: attribute
× pe
with n 0 Element relation pe
: extensional object of type k
ORNT [si abs] × o Orientation toward something abs: abstract situation
PARS [co × co] [l × l] Part-whole relationship co: concrete object, l: location
POSS [co io] × [co io] Ownership relation io: ideal object
SUB [o \ abs] × [o \ abs] Subordination of objects o: generic object
SUBS [si abs] × [si abs] Subordination of situations si: generic situation
SYNO sort × sort Synonymy relation abs: generic abstract situation
Table 2: Typical features for the semantic fine-characterization of objects.
Semantic features Example values
Name Meaning +
ANIMATE living being tree stone
ARTIF artifact house tree
GEOGR geographical object the Alps table
HUMAN human being student ape
INSTIT institution UNO apple
MOVABLE object being movable car forest
SPATIAL object having spatial extension table idea
alone (without the semantic level) the pronoun its
could also refer to Hoffenheim.
3.1.2 Proforms (P)
The linguistic elements initiating a reference in a
text are characterized in MultiNet using, among other
things, the attribute [REFER det]. Sorts and features
also play a special role in resolving references.
Pronouns (P1). Reference resolution involves a
disambiguation problem, i.e. there are typically sev-
eral antecedent candidates, one of which has to be
chosen as the correct one. In NLP, the search prob-
lem for the antecedent fitting best the restrictions de-
fined by the proform is mastered relatively well for
pronouns compared to proadverbs. Since reference
resolution is systematically treated in other publica-
tions, only the basic mechanisms shall be treated here.
Figure 1 shows the representation of two sen-
tences after syntactic-semantic analysis and before
assimilation; note that the numerical part of read-
ing identifiers (concept IDs) like manometer.1.1 is
dropped in the following if irrelevant.
(3) Die Firma (A
) hat eine neue Turbine (A
The company (A
) delivered a new turbine (A
(4) Sie (P
) musste deren (P
) Manometer
It (P
) had to replace its (P
) manometer.
At the beginning, there are two possible antecedents
for the pronoun (P
) (word: Sie/It, node c13275 in
Figure 1, right side): (A
) = node c13245 and (A
) =
node c13252 in Figure 1, left side. Both are candi-
dates for the resolution of the reference triggered by
Sie/It because of the agreement in gender (German:
feminine), number (singular), and person (3rd). Since
only a company and no turbine can replace some-
thing (selectional restrictions of the verb), only node
c13245 can play the semantic role of the agent (AGT)
marked in event c13276, representing the meaning of
the second sentence. This means, the nodes c13245
and c13275 have to be merged into one node during
the assimilation of the two partial networks of Fig-
ure 1, see the result in Figure 2.
Turning to the demonstrative pronoun deren/its
), node c13273 in Figure 1, another effect must
be observed. The pronoun deren/its (genitive case)
has a possessive meaning, whose exact interpretation
requires background knowledge. This possessive as-
pect is expressed in Figure 2 by (c13252 ATTCH
c13274), specifying a general attachment. Here, one
Figure 1: Ambiguities with the resolution of pronoun references.
Figure 2: Result of the assimilation of the two networks from Figure 1.
has to know which of the possible antecedents pos-
sesses a manometer, either the company (c13245
POSS c13274) or the turbine (c13274 PARS c13252).
Thus assimilation needs not only find the proper ref-
erential assignment, but also the correct interpreta-
tion of the underspecified relation ATTCH. The use
of background knowledge necessary for assimilation
will be explained in connection with inclusion and
logical recurrence.
A specialty of the German word deren initiating
a reference consists in the fact that, after having de-
cided on the antecedent of Sie, the proform deren can-
not refer to the subject of sentence (3), i.e. to A
for syntactical reasons. Since a reference of node
c13273 to node c13245 must not be expressed by
deren, but by ihren, there is no ambiguous reference
in this case. Consequently, a part-whole relationship
(c13274 PARS c13252) has to be established between
the manometer and the turbine. Figure 2 shows the
assimilation result for sentences (3) and (4).
Proadverbs (P2). It should be mentioned in ad-
vance that, even by the current state of the art, the
resolution of this type of coreferences is not yet fully
mastered. Nonetheless, as a special support, one
has the congruency between prepositions (i.e., the
congruency between proadverb and the prepositional
phrase) and the agreement of sorts in general. In the
following examples, it is either the MultiNet sort si
(first example) or a local specification (MultiNet sort
l in the second example) determining the congruency
(5) Der Kunde vertraute auf
die Zusage des Händlers
[SORT si]
Er vertraute darauf
[SORT si].
The customer trusted in
the commitment of the dealer
[SORT si]
He trusted in that
[SORT si].
(6) Der Student
ging in das Haus
[SORT l].
[SORT l] traf er seinen
Figure 3: Inclusional reference with use of a superordinated
The student
went into the house
[SORT l].
[SORT l], he met his
3.1.3 Inclusion (I)
Characteristic of inclusional references is the use of
subordination relations between concepts to establish
a coherent text, as shown here:
(7) Peter (A
) kaufte einen neuen Porsche
Peter (A
) bought a new Porsche
(8) Der Wagen
(R) wurde bei einem Unfall
The car
(R) has been damaged in an accident.
The semantic structures of both sentences are shown
in Figure 3. Please, take into consideration that node
auto.1.1 in this figure arises from a normalization pro-
cess transforming the concept wagen.1.1 (one mean-
ing of the German word Wagen) into the synonymous
concept auto.1.1. It is then up to the assimilation pro-
cess to determine which of the theoretically possible
antecedents (A
) and (A
), represented by the object
nodes c1 and c3, are coreferential with the semantic
representative c8 of the noun phrase (R) initiating the
The general approach for solving inclu-
sional references is the following:
1. Let C
denote the semantic representative of the
phrase R initializing the reference and S
the su-
perordinated concept used to describe C
. S(R)
be the sentence containing R with semantic de-
scription C
(R). The node C
bears the attribute
[REFER det]. At the beginning of assimilation,
a logical query form (? SUB S
) is automati-
cally generated, where the question mark ? stands
for the semantic representative of the antecedent
searched for and also for C
, since both refer to
the same object.
One should not be misled by implicit usage of full hu-
man knowledge. Without knowledge what is a car, for a
machine, Peter could have been referred to by (R).
2. The query (? SUB S
) has to be answered by logi-
cal means over the given knowledge base contain-
ing the meaning of the foregoing sentences and all
background knowledge. The question mark is in-
terpreted as a variable to be substituted during the
inference process.
3. At the end of the inferential question answering,
if successful, the substitute found for the variable
?, i.e. a node from the knowledge base, has to be
merged with C
. Thus, the new piece of knowl-
edge C
(R) containing the node C
is integrated
(assimilated) into the existing KB.
In sentences (7) and (8), the query mentioned has
to be derived from the semantic description of node
c8 of the partial network N
at the right side of Fig-
ure 3 since this node represents the entity with layer
attribute [REFER det] initializing the reference. Thus
we get as query form (? SUB wagen.1.1) or English:
(? SUB car.1.1). As already emphasized, the answer
again can generally only be found by means of back-
ground knowledge. In this case, the computer has to
know that a Porsche is a car and that the subordina-
tion of concepts, i.e. the relation SUB, is transitive.
The answer, in this case can be derived by means of
the knowledge represented by the partial network N
on the left side of Figure 3.
The knowledge needed for treating sentences (7)
and (8) comprises:
(1) (? SUB wagen.1.1) :: query generated from
network N
(2) (c1 SUB porsche.1.1) :: from network N
(3) (porsche.1.1 SUB wagen.1.1) :: background
(4) (x SUB y) (y SUB z) (x SUB z) :: axiom for
the relation SUB
Additionally, the following constraints have to be ob-
(C1) [GENER(?) sp]
(C2) [GENER(porsche.1.1) ge]
(C3) [GENER(wagen.1.1) ge]
From this, the following conclusion can be drawn:
(5) (c1 SUB wagen.1.1) :: from (2), (3) and, (4)
By unifying (1) and (5), substituting c1 for ?, the
answer and the solution of the assimilation problem
can be found: c1 has to be merged with c8.
solution is also intuitively understandable since node
c1 represents the only car in the knowledge base that
c8 could refer to.
Inclusions of situations (events) also play a role in
reference resolution:
Note that the question mark ? also represented node c8
from network N
(9) Peter schnitzte (A) eine Figur aus Eichenholz.
Peter carved (A) a figure from oak wood.
(10) Während er arbeitete (R), hörte er ein neues
While working (R) he listened to a new radio
Here the inclusion is mediated by the relation SUBS
instead of SUB, to be more specific, by the relation-
ship (schnitzen/carve SUBS arbeiten/work). The in-
clusion of situations can be treated analogously to the
inclusion of conceptual objects.
3.1.4 Semantic Recurrence (S)
The inner coherence of many texts or partial texts can
only be established by including the semantic level
and using logical inferences. Semantic gaps seem-
ingly encountered during this process can often be
closed only by background knowledge. Analogous
mental activities occur also with human beings. But
these activities mostly remain unconscious. Thus,
they are difficult to model, which is aggravated by
two circumstances: a great amount of common sense
knowledge is needed; and the automatic inference
processes involved are not yet sufficiently mastered.
Nevertheless, the basic mechanisms are already well
understood and can be properly formalized. Here, we
use the representational means of MultiNet to show
the working of these mechanisms. Typical relations
which often play an essential part in this context are
the following:
The synonymy relation (MultiNet relation:
SYNO). Example:
(11) The writer (A) brought a new book on the
market. Immediately afterwards a new
biography of the author (R) was published.
Background knowledge:(writer SYNO author);
The antonymy relation (ANTO). Example:
(12) During the day (A) he carried out regular
activities. During the night (R) he stole cars.
Background knowledge needed to recognize the
contrast: (day ANTO night);
The part-whole relationship (PARS). Example:
(13) The department bought a new computer
(A). The monitor (R) had to be reclaimed.
Backgr. knowledge: (monitor PARS computer);
The relationship of set membership (ELMT). Ex-
(14) The department (A) bought an expensive
computer. The coworkers (R) were provided
with an Internet access (by that).
Background knowledge needed: (coworker
ELMT department
Ontologically based References. Some references
are based on ontological knowledge. Such an ontol-
ogy is given, for instance, by the sort hierarchy of
MultiNet. Since, besides of the sort symbols used
in the signatures, there are also NL terms labeling
the ontological classes (e.g. [SORT dy] for Ereig-
nis/event, [SORT l] for Ort/location, or [SORT p] for
Eigenschaft/property), these sorts are anchored in NL.
Therefore, in some cases, they can be seen as media-
tors of references.
(15) On March 11, 1997 the best students of the
annual contest had been found out. ([SORT dy]
for the whole event)
(16) Many parents were present during this event.
Since the term event bears the sort label dy, the phrase
this event refers to the whole situation described by
the first sentence. There is a close connection to ref-
erence phenomena dealt with under the headline in-
clusion since hierarchies of concepts of this kind can
be represented by the relations SUB or SUBS.
As already mentioned, references in a text are of-
ten characterized by the use of superordinated con-
cepts, synonyms, or antonyms. Since relations like
subordination (SUB/SUBS), synonymy (SYNO), and
antonymy (ANTO) are characteristic for ontologies,
references built on them are called ontological refer-
ences. With references induced by constructs like
hdefinite articlei hnoun denoting a superordinated
hdemonstrative determineri hnoun denoting a super-
ordinated concepti
the hierarchy of concept subordination carried by the
relation SUB comes into play (see axioms (A1) and
(A2) below):
(17) Familie Beier hat im vergangenen Jahr
ein neues Haus (A) gebaut.
Last year, the Beier family built a new house (A).
(18) Das Gebäude (R
) wurde von allen bewundert.
The building (R
) was admired by everyone.
(19) Leider wurde der Keller (R
) durch das
Hochwasser überflutet.
Alas, the basement(R
) has been overflowed by
Depending on the continuation (18) or (19) of sen-
tence (17), one meets different types of references
) to (A) and needs different inferences and pieces
of background knowledge to resolve the references.
The index EXT refers to the fact that, strictly speaking,
the element relation ELMT holds between the extensions of
the concepts.
In (18), das Gebäude/the building (R
) points to the
house (A) introduced in (17). Such a reference often
spans several steps in the subordination hierarchy and
the transitivity of SUB must be considered:
(A1) (x SUB y) (y SUB z) (x SUB z)
For the referent der Keller/the basement (R
) in sen-
tence (19), there is no immediate antecedent in sen-
tence (17). Here we need an axiom governing the in-
heritance of part-whole relationships:
(A2) (d1 SUB d2) (d3 PARS d2) d4 [(d4 SUB
d3) (d4 PARS d1)]
and the common sense knowledge (Keller PARS
Haus) or (basement PARS house), i.e. a typical house
has a basement.
Logical Recurrence and Bridging References.
Bridging references are a type of reference where the
antecedent is not directly mentioned in the foregoing
text, i.e. an antecedent implicitly introduced has to be
made explicit by logical inferences and background
knowledge. A typical example is given by sentences
(17) and (19), where meronymic knowledge (gen-
eral properties of the part-whole relation PARS, and
a part-whole relationship of two generic concepts) is
needed to find the antecedent c
for the concept c
c1511 described by der Keller/the basement. The se-
mantic description D(c
) of this phrase with the vari-
able c
is represented by (c
SUB Keller/basement);
this is also the question to be answered over the se-
mantic network shown in Figure 4, where the mean-
ing of sentence (17), in the following shortly denoted
by sem(17), is represented on the left side by node
c1508. The meaning of sentence (19) is represented
on the right side by node c1509 (before the assimila-
tion, the partial networks represented by nodes c1509
and c1508 are separated, and especially (c1511 PARS
c1501) is missing).
The background knowledge of the previous para-
graph and (A2) lead to the antecedent in sem(17) by
means of the following backwards deduction:
(1) (c
SUB Keller/basement) (Start with question)
(2) Unification of (1) with the right side of (A2),
substituting basement for d
and a fresh constant
c1000 for c
, yields the new goal (d
(basement PARS d
(3) The first literal can be proved from the network
sem(17) by the arc (c1501 SUB house) of sem(17),
substituting c1501 for d
and house for d
(4) The second literal can be derived from the
meronymic background knowledge that (basement
PARS house).
Axiom (A2) means: If a concept d
superordinated to a
concept d
is known to have a part d
, then there must exist
a more specific part d
of d
subordinated to d
Applying the proposed assimilation mechanism to the
inclusion reference for das Gebäude/the building in
sentence (18), D(c
) = (c
SUB building), and us-
ing as a KB sem(17), axiom (A1), and the relation-
ship (house SUB building), one obtains node c1501
of representation (17) (left side in Figure 4) as the an-
tecedent c
to be identified with c
From the above, it can easily be seen that assimila-
tion itself heavily depends on the availability of back-
ground knowledge, especially common sense knowl-
edge. Thus, in building a large KB, one has to use
a kind of bootstrapping process. Starting with some
kernel of knowledge which is manually prepared us-
ing the workbench of the knowledge engineer, NLP
techniques based on MultiNet technology can be used
to automatically enlarge the background KB (vor der
Brück and Helbig, 2010; vor der Brück, 2010). And
this knowledge again can be used in the assimilation
process to build even larger KBs.
The assimilation of knowledge derived from pieces
of textual information into existing KBs plays a cru-
cial role in AI. In this task, the knowledge representa-
tion formalism MultiNet and its software tools can be
used as the central technological means. To the best
of our knowledge, there is no other approach integrat-
ing so seamlessly and consistently all linguistic and
logical processes as well as the computational lexi-
con and the background knowledge into one complex
system for automatically building large KBs from tex-
tual archives. The power of this approach is wit-
nessed by several real-life NLP applications devel-
oped in this framework, like question answering sys-
tems (Hartrumpf, 2005) based on corpora with mil-
lions of sentences, and NL interfaces to data bases
(Leveling, 2006).
Semantic representations by means of the Multi-
Net formalism are applicable across different lan-
guages, which is investigated in a machine transla-
tion project (German – Chinese) and in a prototype of
a semantically based search engine working on En-
glish documents. The MultiNet paradigm was also
used for building large semantically based computa-
tional lexica (Hartrumpf et al., 2003). The techniques
described in the paper were utilized for automatically
translating the German Wikipedia with its 60 million
sentences into a coherent MultiNet KB.
The tremendous amount of information contained
in such KBs is also the reason why it is practically im-
possible to use traditional measures from information
retrieval (like precision and recall) to directly evalu-
Figure 4: The semantic representation after the assimilation.
ate the performance of the analysis or the quality of
the resulting KB, since nobody has a correct annota-
tion of really large KBs with semantic networks as
their meaning representation for comparison. So, the
best way in the future seems to be to indirectly mea-
sure the quality of the processes described and the
quality of the resulting KBs by judging the improve-
ment of the application systems based on them. For
example, precision and recall of a meaning-oriented
search engine increases by about 10% (depending on
the test set) when using a KB derived from the Ger-
man Wikipedia. Similar improvements are observed
in a deep, MultiNet-based question answering system.
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