Table 2: A comparison between two models with two distribution types.
Model Agent distribution Environment distribution
Prey-predator execution time Not efficient Efficient
Flocking execution time Efficient Not efficient
Prey-predator communication cost Not stable Stable
Flocking communication cost Stable Not stable
multi-agent simulation. The main technical prob-
lem to resolve was interactions between two agents
or more from different machines, which is solved by
an agreement protocol. Experimental results show
that the proposed distribution types have better per-
formances in some models than others. For example,
prey-predator model has better performance in the ex-
ecution time than flocking model when we distribute
the environment. Whereas, agents distribution type is
better for flocking model. The current implementa-
tion provides a good framework for future works, we
plan to investigate more the two types of distributions,
and try to implement a hybrid approach, which maybe
give us better performance in most models. We plan
to increase the scalability of our framework. We cur-
rently reach near 5 million agents and we plan to dis-
tribute multi-billions agents in less than one minute
for one simulation time step.
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prey-predator and flocking.
Agent Features Prey-predator Flocking
Life-cycle Short Long
Movement Small area Large area
Positioning Everywhere Aggregation
Reproducing Exist Not exist
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