On the Support of Multi-perspective Process Models Variability for
Smart Environments
Aitor Murguzur
, Xabier de Carlos
, Salvador Trujillo
and Goiuria Sagardui
Information Technologies Area, IK4-Ikerlan Research Center, Arrasate-Mondrag
on, Spain
Software and Web Engineering Group, Mondragon University, Arrasate-Mondrag
on, Spain
Variability Modeling, Process Configuration, Smart Buildings.
Cloud service-based applications are to be adapted to serve multiple platforms and stakeholders. Atop of such
services, Smart Green Buildings are fostering a plethora of processes within their sustainability life-cycle. This
introduces a number of challenges, as how to support multiple perspectives of domain-specific variability and
how to deal with large collections of related process variants. To tackle this, there is a need to handle multi-
perspective variability for processes. This paper introduces an approach to manage multi-perspective process
variability by means of a meta-model and a modeling methodology, representing separately people and things
variability perspectives in smart environments. Initial experimental results are also described, which indicate
encouraging results for managing highly complex variability models.
The world is getting more smarter in this age, i.e.,
more instrumented, interconnected and lead to better
decision making devices (e.g. the Nest
or its Europe’s answer Tado
) currently are arising
and pointing out a number of challenges for smart en-
vironments (such as Smart Green Buildings (SGBs),
smart cities or smart healthcare). Central to this vi-
sion, agile service-based applications require to effec-
tively be deployed into a variety of devices and diffe-
rent implementation platforms (Gurgen et al., 2013).
Such services are globally dispersed under the con-
trol of different service providers and ready to be used
whenever needed. Atop such services, a number of
process models may exist which orchestrate domain-
specific activities related to aforementioned services
and deal with a huge data streams for analytics. In
such process-intensive environments, such as SGBs,
the management of domain-specific variability and in-
herent process models variability is becoming really
challenging (Castro et al., 2012).
In an SGB, several processes are defined within
its sustainability governance life-cycle (i.e. installa-
tion and commissioning processes, configuration pro-
cesses, operation processes and surveying processes)
to look at two major concerns, such as, improving
user experience and maintaining building sustainabi-
lity (Wang et al., 2012). For attainment of those pur-
poses, these all processes may be related to different
multiple dimensions - people and things respectively.
On the one hand, stakeholders (representing re-
lated roles and users) and associated operation con-
tracts, including a number of agreement policies
among stakeholders, (e.g. premium maintenance con-
tract) will need different process models, or simply
processes, to “coordinated (parallel and/or serial) set
of activities that are connected in order to achieve a
common goal”
in each life-cycle phase (e.g. energy
consumption of an SGB). This gives rise to a large
collection of process variants which could have co-
mmon and individual parts. Since living with this
complexity is not an agile practice, process variabi-
lity have to be managed from the people perspective.
On the other hand, a similar case is found in terms
of things. Beyond people perspective process variabi-
lity, a plethora of process variants could also be cre-
ated (e.g. energy efficiency of an SGB) for a diversity
of monitored assets (e.g. building facilities - floor,
room, etc., and equipment - chiller, boiler, etc.) and
building types (e.g. residential, commercial). There-
fore, the variability management becomes here also
the quid of things perspective complexity.
Workflow Management Coalition: http://wfmc.org
Murguzur A., De Carlos X., Trujillo S. and Sagardui G..
On the Support of Multi-perspective Process Models Variability for Smart Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0004758205490554
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD-2014), pages 549-554
ISBN: 978-989-758-007-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Regarding both perspectives, we have noticed
that existing initiatives concerning process variability
have not been adequate for supporting large process
variants collections in process-intensive smart envi-
ronments. This is due to they do not allow for multi-
perspective support, but also because there is a lack of
understanding and isolating both perspectives (people
and things) in process models variability.
In this paper, our aim is to support process varia-
bility research by dissecting multi-perspective and va-
riability modeling aspects. To this end, we contribute
(i) a meta-model of multi-perspective process variabi-
lity by a comprehensive analysis of multi-perspective
properties, and (ii) a modeling methodology for repre-
senting separately people and things variability pers-
pectives in smart environments.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fo-
llows: in Section 2, we summarize related research.
Section 3 details our proposed meta-model and me-
thodology for managing multi-perspective process va-
riability. The proof-of-concept prototype that we have
built is described in Section 4, and concluding re-
marks and future work towards real world implemen-
tation can be found in Section 5.
To best of our knowledge the work presented in
this article is the first tackling the multi-perspective
and the impact on process variability management in
smart environments. On a more general level, this
work is related to other fields of research that can be
divided into two main blocks: (i) multi-perspective in
process variability and (ii) multi-perspective in Soft-
ware Product Line Engineering (SPLE).
2.1 Multi-perspective in Process
Process variability has been studied for almost a
decade including a number of approaches which uti-
lize different process variability realization tech-
niques to configure and adapt process variants, such
as single element-based process variant construction
technique (Schnieders and Puhlmann, 2006; Rosa
et al., 2011), which gathers all variability aspects in
a single configurable process model, representing the
whole process family (i.e. the collection of process
variants), and fragment-based re-use process vari-
ant construction technique (Hallerbach et al., 2010;
Baresi et al., 2012), which employs different mo-
dels for variability representation, modeling variabi-
lity separately from a base model. Although process
variability itself has been investigated, just a few stud-
ies have addressed the issue of multi-perspective.
For instance, the C-iEPC was presented as an
extension of the Configurable Event-driven Process
Chain (C-EPC) notation with the notions of roles (i.e.
for resource perspective) and objects (i.e. for data
perspective), enabling multi-perspective of business
processes (Rosa et al., 2011). Orthogonally, the multi-
perspective variants approach (Meerkamm, 2012) in-
volves multiple types of domain stakeholders in the
process configuration, offering diverse levels of abs-
traction and reducing the number of decisions each
domain user has to make during the process mode-
ling and/or execution. Personalized views may also
be created in large process models by hiding and
abstracting irrelevant information for separated user
groups as well (Kolb and Reichert, 2013).
Consequently, we may recognize two different
meanings for multi-perspective in process variabi-
lity, as indicated in Table 1: the one related to pro-
cess elements, i.e., the partition of elements found
in process models themselves and the other to pro-
cess stakeholders, i.e., the individual requirements of
various users and groups for which particular pro-
cess variants exist. Given definitions, with respect
to the mentioned work, the main novelties of our
approach are two-fold: our approach clearly separates
domain-specific processes and domain-specific varia-
bility perspectives representation through a fragment-
based re-use approach. Secondly, we are not just fo-
cusing on stakeholders, otherwise we consider both
Table 1: Multi-perspectives in process variability.
Variability technique/Multi-perspective Process elements Process stakeholders
Single element-based construction (Rosa et al., 2011) (Meerkamm, 2012)(Kolb and Reichert, 2013)
Fragment-based re-use construction (Our approach)
Table 2: Multi-perspective in SPLE.
Variability modeling/Multi-perspective Product-line stakeholders
Single variability model (Czarnecki et al., 2004; Classen et al., 2009; Mendonc¸a et al., 2008)
an et al., 2013) (Our approach)
Multiple variability models (Rosenm
uller et al., 2011; Schroeter et al., 2012) (Our approach)
people and things perspectives enabling full-support
for multi-perspective variability.
2.2 Multi-perspective in SPLE
In the SPLE, several approaches have also been pro-
posed as a means to facilitate configuration of the
software product line by applying disparate variabi-
lity modeling techniques to deal with multiple dimen-
sions and configurations of a product-line.
Essentially, the variability modeling represents
the commonality and variability of a family of sys-
tems in the domain and relationships between them
by employing a particular variability modeling lan-
guage (e.g. feature models, decision models, or
the OMG initiative Common Variability Language
(Berger et al., 2013). Such variability is of-
ten described with a feature model using, for ins-
tance, (i) a single variability model to handle all do-
main variability and leverage multi-dimensional se-
paration of concerns in feature-based configurations
(Hubaux et al., 2011), or (ii) multiple variability mo-
dels to separate multiple dimensions such as, domain
variability and implementation variability. Although
the former is about visibility, the latter is easier to han-
dle than a large single model which could avoid high
complex configurations and thus enhance manageabi-
lity (Rosenm
uller et al., 2011; Schroeter et al., 2012).
Most of the variability configurations techniques
are concerned with multi-user support for a particu-
lar variability modeling language. Feature models
staged-configuration was proposed with the aim of
providing step-by-step configurations in which each
user refines previous user decisions (Czarnecki et al.,
2004; Classen et al., 2009). Multi-user collabo-
ration product-line configuration improves staged-
configuration by allowing users to make decisions in
a concrete space (i.e. limiting the space for each user)
at the same time without conflicts (Mendonc¸a et al.,
2008). General approaches, without space limitation
and enabling user satisfaction, have also been studied
in the literature (Garc
an et al., 2013). There-
fore, multi-perspective in SPLE is related to multiple
stakeholders’ configurations support, providing them
more accurate views.
Bearing in mind the aforementioned work (see
Table 2), our approach differs from traditional
approaches adopting a single or multiple models for
tackling multi-perspective configurations in process
variability. We provide an approach by means of a
meta-model and three modeling strategies for sup-
porting multi-perspective in process variability.
3.1 Formalizing Multi-perspective
Process Variability
As it was remarked, the succeeding conceptualiza-
tion pursues a fragment-based re-use variant cons-
truction approach which employs different models
for multi-perspective process variability representa-
tion in smart environments (e.g. SGBs), modeling va-
riability separately from a base model. Especially for
that purpose, we make use of a slightly altered Base-
Variation-Resolution (BVR) method (including addi-
tional concepts as described below) from the Soft-
ware Product Line Engineering (SPLE) (Bayer et al.,
2006) to define a total of three models for supporting
multi-perspective process models variability: a base
model (BM) - representing commonalities, a varia-
tion model (VM) - representing individualities, and a
resolution model (RM) - representing process variant
configurations, as illustrated in Figure 1.
3.1.1 Base Model
The base model describes, employing a business pro-
cess modeling language (e.g. Business Process Model
and Notation (BPMN), Business Process Execution
Language (BPEL)), the commonalities shared by all
process variants and placeholder activities that are
subjected to vary. Placeholder activities (i.e. varia-
tion points) identify concrete parts in a BM in which
variant binding occurs. A base model element stands
for any kind of model asset in a BM (i.e. a common
or placeholder activity). This relationship has a zero-
to-one cardinality, since not all model elements (e.g.
common activities among related process models) are
affected with variability (i.e. some activities are not
placed as variation points).
A variation point represents a configurable acti-
vity element, in which a configuration may be se-
lected, after which it is no longer possible to change
the selection. This selection is called binding, and
the stage in the life-cycle at which binding occurs is
called binding time. We distinguish three kind of vari-
ation points - static, partial and dynamic:
Static is resolved at build-time, resolving variation
points by selecting suitable alternatives from a set
of available ones. Therefore, process variants are
fully specified at configuration-time and deployed
into a process engine for later enactment.
Partial extracts a pattern with a small number of
fragments, simplifying the spectrum of fragment
Figure 1: The Ecore meta-model for multi-perspective process variability.
choices for runtime, helpful when a certain thre-
shold of variation points or fragments are reached.
Dynamic is bound at runtime since we cannot
pre-specified which of the applicable fragments
will be suitable considering monitoring dynamic
context data (e.g. floor internal temperature),
as in Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPLs)
(Baresi et al., 2012).
3.1.2 Variation Model
The variation model gathers all the individualities in-
troduced by each process model variant characteri-
zing individualities and constraints, i.e., relationships
among particular domain features and variables.
The variability perspective describes a pre-
configuration of a reference BM, i.e., it takes the
aggregation of a particular variability perspective (e.g.
one stakeholder view) under consideration. Beyond
people’s perspective, process variability could also
be resolved interpreting context data from embedded
and smart devices (e.g. Heating, Ventilation and Air
Conditioning (HVAC), etc.). Hence, two variability
perspectives are interwoven - people perspective and
things perspective respectively, see Figure 1:
People Perspective: Following the terminology
of (Schroeter et al., 2012) two main items are out-
lined regarding people perspective. On one hand,
a view shows only process variants that could be
configured for a specific stakeholder or role. Ac-
cording to the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011, Sys-
tems and software engineering standard
, “a view
is a representation of the whole system from the
perspective of a related set of concerns”. On the
other hand, a viewpoint represents a set of views,
each restricting a reference BM to a subset of con-
figuration, e.g. a particular operation contract re-
levant for a group of stakeholders.
Things Perspective: In terms of things, process
variants could also be created for the same pur-
pose (e.g. energy consumption or chiller opti-
mization) but considering resource types and asset
specifications. A resource type describes each
different source of information from which con-
text data is gathered (e.g. residential, commercial
buildings). Similarly, an asset represents some-
thing that is built, installed, or established to serve
a particular purpose which might include a num-
ber of facilities and monitored equipment to per-
form different actions.
The variability specification represents the actual
variability of a variation point which is directly re-
lated to a variability perspective element (i.e. view,
viewpoint, resource type or asset specification). Just
like in domain feature modeling, it stands for a family
of systems in the domain and relationships between
them (i.e. mandatory, optional, alternative, and or re-
lations), their corresponding domain and constraints.
Here, we identify three different types of elements
which are fundamental in our approach:
Variability Constraints represent constrains on
valid resolutions (i.e. requires, excludes and
cross-tree constraints). Constraint sub-model
could include constrains on valid process vari-
ant configurations that may be defined at three
levels: complex feature-feature, feature-variable
and variable-variable cross-tree relationships.
Fragment describes a single realization option for
each variation point placed in the BM specifica-
tion. Depending on variability specification in-
cluding people and things perspectives, and con-
sidering context data, applicable fragments are se-
lected and executed to resolve multi-perspective
process models variability.
Transformers have concrete transformations asso-
ciated to a variability specification. When con-
text values are bound to a concrete transformer,
it executes the corresponding resolution. In other
words, it is the responsible for deciding which re-
solutions should be adopted by the current data
values (value, fragment or perspective).
3.1.3 Resolution Model
A resolution model represents a binding of variabi-
lity specifications, which may be used to derive a new
process variant considering context data. It specifies
which alternatives described in the VM are valid for
settled placeholder activities in the BM considering
current conditions. To that end, a set of resolution
elements define how a VM is bound. A resolution
element represents a binding of variability. It could
either do a complete binding in which all variability
from a variability specification is resolved, or a partial
resolution in which some variability is still present. It
has three types of subtypes:
Value resolution determines a value for the varia-
bility where context values are mapped to vari-
ables’ or features’ resolutions in the variability
Fragment resolution represents resolutions for
variation points in the variability specification as
well as the corresponding mappings in the BM.
Perspective resolution considers context data re-
lated to people and/or things perspective resolu-
tion. It is used to minimize the process variant
configuration options reducing alternatives. Once
the multi-perspective variability specification is
fully described, our system starts to collect con-
text data in order to start a perspective variabi-
lity resolution. This separation of concerns allows
to perform different strategies for and automated
staged-configuration within our toolkit - people-
first, things-first and in-row.
People-first: an initial pre-configuration on
people perspective variability is performed, re-
ducing process variants alternatives for a latter
things perspective resolution.
Things-first: In contrast, this strategy en-
ables to be things related data first recognized
in order to perform a staged-configuration of
process variability.
In-row: The perspective resolution is just
done by interpreting context data as it is col-
lected to resolve multi-perspective process va-
To perform the aforementioned types of resoluti-
ons, we classify two types of context data: static con-
text data variable-value pairs (e.g. temperature sensor
type or stakeholder) representing static preferences of
a particular domain that are known just before the pro-
cess instantiation and which rarely change over time,
and dynamic context data pairs (e.g. specific temper-
ature of a room) which change frequently over time
and thus only available when the selection of a place-
holder activity occurs. Once a set of context pairs is
fulfilled (i.e. assigning a value to context variables
from context data), value, fragment and perspective
resolutions are executed.
3.2 Modeling Multi-perspective Process
One of the advantage of separating commonality and
variability specification is that there may be more than
one VM for each BM, as illustrated in Figure 1. Pro-
cess modelers may associate as many variation mo-
dels as they require to an unique BM even represen-
ting multiple perspectives. Ideally, each smart en-
vironment solution (e.g. a concrete SGB solution)
would require a separate VM, so we will build a diffe-
rent VM for each domain solution (specifying all par-
ticularities by multiple perspectives support) where a
BM is applied. Therefore, this set of variation models
will represent different variability scenarios at diffe-
rent levels regarding a common shared BM.
The cornerstone of our approach is multi-
perspective support, which may be modeled in a sin-
gle VM or also taking advantage of separated models
for each perspective description. However, from our
previous work (Murguzur et al., 2013), we have no-
ticed that to avoid highly complex models, we should
try to separate different variability dimensions such
as people variability and things variability. Thus, our
approach now enables the process variability mode-
ling of people perspective (PP) and things perspective
(TP) in disjointed models as follows:
In-PP: people variability perspective may only
contain variation points.
In-TP: things variability perspective may only
contain variation points.
SharedBy: both variability perspectives may
contain elements directly related to variation
To implement our multi-perspective process variabi-
lity we utilize Activiti Designer
for base model and
fragments specification and Clafer
(CLAss, FEature,
Reference) for modeling people and things perspec-
tive variability. The Activiti Designer is an open-
source and light-weight Business Process Manage-
ment (BPM) platform which offers among other fea-
tures a powerful designer and a solid BPMN2 pro-
cess engine. Clafer is also a lightweight modeling
language which enables to express variability among
products and systems.
Following the presented approach, we model the
variability of an elevators remote predictive main-
tenance and monitoring process in an SGB domain
using two separated variation models and techniques
(In-PP, In-TP and SharedBy): one for people pers-
pective (e.g. maintenance contracts) and the other for
things perspective (e.g. elevator’s modules - door and
pulley) variability modeling.
Overall, our prototype shows encouraging results
to cope with complex large models, by adopting base
models, variation models (representing things and
people perspective separately) and process fragments
for representing multi-perspective process variability.
However, it is restricted in the sense that it purely fo-
cuses on the control-flow.
Likewise in SPLE, process variability needs to con-
sider the multiple dimensions coming from smart en-
vironments, i.e., it needs to support the multiplicity of
stakeholders, devices and data derived from process-
intensive applications. This premise is the underly-
ing idea of our paper that presents a novel approach
for supporting multi-perspective process variability
by using a fragment-based re-use approach. After dis-
cussing the impact of multiple dimensions in SGBs
with respect to multi-perspective process variability,
we pointed out the related work and also described
a methodology by means of a meta-model for sup-
porting multi-perspective process variability adopting
a fragment-based re-use approach.
In our future work we plan to consider an au-
tomated resolution of multi-perspective process va-
riability by processing over context data streams, as
well as evaluating the presented perspective resolu-
tion strategies against different modeling methods.
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