In order to reflect the European market integration,
the model scope is extended to several market areas
which can be simultaneously run and coupled.
Model coupling clears the energy and capacity
markets simultaneously and determines an optimal
solution to the plant dispatch in the interconnected
market areas considering limited commercial
transfer capacities. The model coupling routine
presented in this paper offers a socially beneficial
opportunity to interconnect electricity markets
compared to a situation where no market coupling
occurs. The results for Germany and France show
that the average market price is lower in both
countries, while the price decrease is stronger in
France than in Germany.
The methodological approach of PowerACE has
nonetheless some limitations. Regarding the supply
of electricity, additional technical constraints
concerning the operation of power plants (e.g.
minimum downtimes or partial efficiency levels)
could further improve the model. Furthermore, the
perspective is limited to the supply of electricity,
which differs from the real world situation where
also the heat demand influences the usage of
combined heat and power plants.
Given the flexible modelling framework future
model extensions could include the development of
a generally scalable model version in order to
simulate micro-systems as well as larger systems
(e.g. Europe) with additional market elements (e.g.
intraday market). Concerning the decision making
process of agents, the refinement of the investment
module and the integration of different aspects of
uncertainty is another possibility to extend the
model. Regarding the design of electricity markets,
the remuneration of power plants by capacity
mechanisms in order to ensure system reliability is
another topic of research that is currently explored
within the model.
Recent extensions of the PowerACE model have
been partly funded by ESA². ESA² is a consortium
of universities and research institutions from five
European countries providing qualified decision
support for public and private clients in areas related
to energy and environmental policy. ESA² originated
from KIC InnoEnergy at the European Institute of
Innovation and Technology (EIT). More information
is available at www.esa2.eu.
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