The paper demonstrates the feasibility of reliable
and flexible health monitoring systems aiming at
controlling relevant health parameters by means of
portable sensors of small dimensions, e.g., the ones
needed to measure the blood pressure, the
respiration rate and the glucose levels.
The reduced dimensions and the low cost of the
selected Arduino shields and their communication
features makes possible the monitoring at distance of
the elderly people living at home using smart
The RDF format chosen to store, on the memory
of the Arduino GPRS and LAN shields, the data
coming from the sensors allows the servers of
authorized people to download and interpret the
patient data with simple RDF based procedure.
The use of an agreed ontology such as GUMO is
envisaged to open the data stored on the Arduino
shield to the devices of remote authorized people. In
particular, this will make possible to visualize the
patient data on any remote mobile (of the family
doctor or the user relatives) where they are displayed
using simple procedure or integrated to other
software able to carry out some deep diagnosis
aimed at activating specific interventions.
We plan to use this system into the WiCity
Project whose general aim is the one of supporting
mobility, logistics and user health assistance in a
smart city, e.g., (Costanzo A., 2012), (Faro A.,
2011), (Faro A., 2008). A more powerful decision
support system to improve people health status is
planned according to the lines indicated in (V.L.
Sauter, 2011), (Costanzo A., 2013).
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