An Interactive Textbook for Introductory Engineering Design
Jeffrey Donnell, William Singhose and Arto Kivila
The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, The Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
Interactive Textbook, iPad, Touchscreen Computer, iBooks, Science Education, Engineering Education.
Touchscreen computers hold great promise as educational tools. Many universities, high schools and elemen-
tary schools are working to create curricula that exploit these devices. An important part of this work is the
development of textbooks that move away from the static display of words and figures to include interactive
components such as videos and interactive simulations. We present such an interactive textbook, developed for
an undergraduate course in mechanical engineering. We describe the course for which it was developed and the
interactive components of the book. Student evaluations of the textbook are presented and discussed. Finally,
we offer suggestions for additional steps that can improve interactive textbooks for use on tablet computers.
Instructors in science and engineering courses rely on
textbooks. Textbooks aid instructors in organizing
material, they provide students with information that
cannot be covered in lectures, and they provide exam-
ples that should assist students in solving homework
problems. However, science and engineering students
frequently express dissatisfaction with their textbooks
and commonly ignore them. Numerous studies of
introductory physics courses show that undergradu-
ate students complain about the cost of their assigned
textbooks, and that they seldom read these textbooks,
leaving them poorly prepared to understand their
technical lectures (Stelzer et al., 2009), (Podolefsky
and Finkelstein, 2006), (Chen et al., 2010). Much
recent innovation in classroom methods and technol-
ogy addresses this problem of student motivation and
preparation in the sciences.
This issue of student preparation is commonly
treated as a problem of engagement with the text-
books and the material. Many instructors have ap-
proached this problem by adjusting the way they man-
age their classrooms (Brewe, 2008), (Laws et al.,
1999), while others have explored technology to
promote active learning and engagement. Zacharia
and Anderson (Zacharia and Anderson, 2003) devel-
oped computer simulations to address specific stu-
dent misperceptions. These simulations were inte-
grated with laboratory exercises and produced a posi-
tive impact on student learning. Bonham et al. (Bon-
ham et al., 2003) introduced computer grading for
physics homework problems and obtained positive re-
sults in student satisfaction, as well as student per-
formance. Although the grading system did not pro-
vide problem-solving guidance, the system responded
quickly enough to enable students to identify and cor-
rect their own errors.
Textbook publishers have approached the en-
gagement problem by adding electronic supple-
ments to their textbooks. Cengage Learning
(, for example, provides web sup-
plements for some of its print textbooks, and at least
some of the electronic textbooks produced by Pearson
Publishing ( are integrated with
websites. However, our experiences with commercial
e-textbook web supplements have been disappointing,
as supplementary resources appear still to be in early
stages of development.
To address the problem of student engagement
with textbooks, we have chosen to move away from
the resources provided by traditional publishers and
towards mobile touchscreen devices such as iPads.
These devices are poised to have a significant im-
pact on the way textbooks are prepared and used in
college science and engineering courses. In experi-
ments with notebooks and tablet computers, for ex-
ample, instructors have found iPads to be very effec-
tive classroom tools when projects can be developed
and programmed entirely on the devices (Liu et al.,
2011). When class-specific resources are not devel-
oped on the tablet devices, students have been found
to enjoy classes that provide them with, for example,
iPads, even though the devices themselves have not
Donnell J., Singhose W. and Kivila A..
An Interactive Textbook for Introductory Engineering Design.
DOI: 10.5220/0004763601740181
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 174-181
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
had a demonstrable impact on student learning (Perez
and Paso, 2012), (Perez et al., 2011), (Sloan, 2012),
(Van Oostveen et al., 2011), (Weisberg, 2011).
Student engagement may be a function of how
richly a tablet device addresses the students’ activi-
ties in a class. As yet, few textbooks have been devel-
oped that exploit computers” ability to provide inter-
active demonstrations and exercises for the students.
It has been argued that publishers have been reluctant
to reconceive and redevelop their textbooks to pro-
vide such interactivity; Chesser suggests that publish-
ers prefer to port existing books to the tablet devices
simply as page images or pdfs (Chesser, 2011). This
under-utilizes the computer’s ability to provide com-
pelling educational resources to the student. To take
advantage of the iPad’s potential to engage students,
we think that it is important to provide interactive
supplements, including simulations, video clips, and
homework tools. To directly engage students, these
interactive supplements should be tailored for the sub-
ject matter of the class, and the book into which they
are integrated should speak to student concerns about
expense, convenience, and pertinence (Acker, 2011),
(Hellman, 2011).
In this paper, we present an electronic textbook
that takes steps towards that goal. Our textbook pro-
vides simulations that respond to student input, it pro-
vides video demonstrations, drawings that the stu-
dents can manipulate, and design planning tools that
students can modify. We have developed this book in
an effort to stimulate student engagement while keep-
ing costs low. We will describe the course in which
our interactive textbook is used, the particular interac-
tive features that we consider to be novel for textbook
authors and compelling for students. We will present
student evaluations of this interactive textbook, and
we will comment on the future path of development
for interactive textbooks.
Our interactive textbook was developed for the course
Creative Decisions and Design, a sophomore-level
engineering design course at Georgia Tech. Enroll-
ment is commonly over 200 students per term, but
the students are grouped into studio sections that typ-
ically have 20 students per section. The course in-
troduces engineering students to a set of simple tools
that address engineering design, teamwork and tech-
nical communication. These tools include charts that
students fill out in order to better understand the de-
sign problem, to partition the problem and to develop
conceptual solutions. The tools also include evalua-
tion matrices that support orderly comparison of de-
sign concepts. We present these tools in lectures, then
students use them to address design projects of in-
creasing complexity. The student project work culmi-
nates in the design and fabrication of a mechatronic
device using electronic components that we supply.
Students demonstrate their devices in an end-of-term
design contest. The course has a technical communi-
cation component, such that student designs are eval-
uated according to their presentation in written re-
ports. While student tournament scores are factored
into their grades, their grades depend heavily on the
written and oral presentation of their work.
Before tablet devices became widespread, the au-
thors developed a print textbook, which was used
in this class for several years. As iPads became
widespread, we chose to redevelop the print textbook
for display on iPads, with the goal of developing sup-
plementary interactive elements to augment the pre-
sentation the course material.
To convert our print textbook to an electronic book,
we chose to use the editor iBooks Author, as it ac-
commodates a large variety of display types and it is
relatively easy to use. This program enables authors
to insert the usual array of static displays, such as,
photo galleries, presentation slides, and photos with
interactive labels. It also allows authors to insert more
visually compelling displays, such as videos and 3-
Dimensional interactive images that readers can ma-
nipulate. Most importantly, it also allows authors to
develop and deploy interactive components of their
own design. In the following, we present and briefly
discuss the interactive elements that we have added to
this textbook.
3.1 Photo Galleries
Engineering students and professionals rely on pho-
tographs to document designs and to explain events.
Engineering textbooks naturally rely on photographs,
and instructors often wish to use their own pho-
tographs in the classrooms. In our textbook, we chose
to use our own photographs because they illustrate
our particular approach to the classroom topics and
because they illustrate acceptable technical photogra-
phy. The iBooks Author editor makes it very easy for
instructors to add and rearrange photographs in the
The simplest interactive display provided in
iBooks Author is a photo gallery, an example of which
is shown in Figure 1. A selected figure is shown in
the large, upper frame on the right side. Below it is
a gallery of thumbnail images, showing other figures
that are available for the reader to select. Galleries
such as this save space, as they allow authors to as-
semble numerous photographs (or other images) in a
single spot. This is good for readers, as it assures that
photographs will always be displayed on the pages
where they are cited. This is useful in engineering
and science textbooks, where students are often asked
to view groups or sequences of displays in order to
identify trends or to understand complex concepts.
Figure 1: Photo gallery with four images.
3.2 Three-Dimensional Interactive
Three-dimensional displays are particularly important
in engineering classes, where students must visual-
ize complex systems. In our class, students are ex-
pected to prepare professional-quality drawings and
to learn how to understand drawings prepared by
others. Engineering students are trained to prepare
and use three-dimensional drawings, so the inability
of print textbooks to accommodate 3-D displays has
been a significant limitation for students and teachers
Figure 2 shows three views of a 3-Dimensional
drawing of a Segway personal transporter. As pre-
sented in our interactive book, this 3-Dimensional
drawing can be rotated. View (a) is the appearance
of the drawing upon activation by the user. In views
(b) and (c), the user has rotated the drawing with a
finger swipe. Using this interactive capability, users
can examine objects from any angle, a capability that
could never be achieved with a print textbook.
Figure 2: Various stages of an interactive 3-D drawing.
3.3 Embedded Video
Video is a powerful classroom resource because it can
provide demonstrations that are more vivid than an
instructor’s descriptive words. Instructors in science
and engineering courses now commonly post video
demonstrations on websites. iBook tools allow in-
structors to embed such videos in the students’ text-
books and to upgrade these easily as topics change
each term. Figure 3 shows three frames from one of
the many videos that we have inserted in our iBook.
It shows one of our studio instructors falling from a
Segway Personal Transporter, and it is used as part of
an introductory project to help students develop cus-
tomer requirements for the design of a personal trans-
porter of their own.
Figure 3: Frames from an embedded video.
3.4 Real-time Interactive Simulations
Real-time simulations can be as powerful as video
demonstrations in improving student engagement
with scientific subjects. The primary limitation of any
print textbook is that the student must imagine how
things move and change while looking at single im-
ages, diagrams or plots. iBooks Author enables users
to code working interactive simulations that students
can operate from the pages of their textbooks. In this
section, we present two such simulations that we de-
veloped at Georgia Tech. One of these represents a
bridge crane with a swinging payload, and the other
represents an inverted pendulum. In each simulation,
the user is asked to move the payload to a target area.
Figure 4 is a screen shot of the textbook show-
ing a 3-D interactive drawing of a crane on the right
side. On the left side is an interactive, real-time simu-
lation of a bridge crane. In Figure 5, three screenshots
show this simulation in use. It demonstrates the op-
erator’s challenge in controlling a swinging payload.
At the top of the screen is a box-like representation of
a crane trolley to which a square payload is attached
via a cable. At the bottom of the screen are orange
input buttons that allow the user to raise and lower
the payload. Green input buttons move the crane left
and right. When users press these control buttons, the
crane moves, and the payload swings.
In this simulation, the payload movements are
physically correct; the swing frequency changes as
the payload is raised or lowered and as the crane
is moved left and right. A user can reduce or in-
crease the payloads swing by moving the trolley into
or against the payload swings and by raising or lower-
ing the payload. To make the exercise interesting and
goal oriented, we have provided the users with an ob-
jective; they must deliver the payload to a target box
marked by red lines at the right of the screen. A timer
allows users to score themselves and to compete with
Figure 4: Page with crane simulation and 3-D drawing.
This simulation was developed in the Apple Dash-
code environment. The resulting program was then
exported as a widget, which is a small HTML snip-
pet that functions like a mini webpage upon integra-
tion into an electronic book. This development point
is significant; many faculty members have developed
simulations as part of their work; our work demon-
strates that these can be developed into compelling
displays in electronic textbooks.
Figure 6 shows three screen shots of a related real-
time simulation that is used in our textbook: an in-
verted pendulum. This simulation was developed to
complement the crane simulation and to illustrate that
the problem of controlling an inverted pendulum is
Figure 5: Real-time simulation of crane control.
more difficult than that of controlling the pendulum
swing of a crane payload. This simulation is used in a
class study of a commercially available inverted pen-
dulum: the Segway Personal Transporter.
In this simulation, the user is challenged to do
what a Segway control system is designed to do:
maintain the mass stably above the center of gravity
and transport it to a target, which is represented as
the red area at the center of the screen. To do this,
Figure 6: Real-time simulation of segway control.
the user must control the blue pivot point below the
mass; this is done by using two green input buttons at
the bottom of the screen to move the pivot point left
and right. As is the case for the crane simulation, the
behavior of the system is physically correct; the mass
tends to fall when the blue pivot point moves away
from the position directly below the mass.
Figure 7(a) shows the starting point for this sim-
ulation, with the weight positioned stably above the
pivot point. In Figure 7(b), the pivot point has been
moved below the red target zone, and the weight,
tipped to the left, appears to be falling away from the
target zone. In Figure 7(c), the weight is in the target
area but falling to the right.
Simulations such as this are crucial for interactive
textbooks in the science and engineering domains.
They offer realistic representations of complex con-
cepts, and they provide students with a form of hands-
on learning. By allowing students to vary the param-
eters that drive the simulation, tools like this allow
students to explore systems in a way that text expla-
nations cannot reproduce. Further, when complemen-
tary simulations are paired, as here, students may gain
deeper insight into the concepts that are being illus-
trated. We feel that interactive simulations such as
this should be used as often as possible in textbooks
for science and engineering students. We believe that
authors and publishers should treat this as a priority as
they develop textbooks for use on electronic devices.
3.5 Interactive Planning Tools
In addition to designing devices, engineering students
learn to use a formal process of defining problems,
developing designs, and evaluating design concepts.
To guide students through these steps, design courses
teach students to prepare a number of planning tools.
These tools are specialized flowcharts and tables, with
variations in layout that accommodate the designers’
needs at different stages of the design process. We
ask students to prepare planning tools in order first
to insure that design decisions are made in an orderly
process, and second in order to create records of their
design decisions for later reference. We developed
these interactive charts to give the students a simple
but fast way to learn how the tools work before they
begin work on their own charts.
The first of these interactive planning tools is the
Morphological Chart, or ”Morph Chart, shown in
Figure 7. In a Morphological Chart a designer dis-
plays a set of possible design solutions, organized by
subfunctions. In this way, the Morph Chart presents
all of the possible combinations of ideas for a design
project, and designers can develop system design con-
cepts by integrating subsystem components from the
Morph Chart.
In the interactive Morph Chart of Figure 8, a sim-
plified list of system subfunctions is shown in the row
headings on the left, and diagrams of possible solu-
tions are aligned in the matrix of the chart. In this in-
teractive chart, students can brainstorm possible sys-
tem designs by directly selecting solutions from the
matrix; a possible system configuration is then assem-
bled at the bottom of the display. The concept system
display changes each time the user selects or changes
a solution; Figures 8(a) through 8(c) show that the
display highlights the selections as the user builds a
system concept. Using a tool such as this, a user can
create a large number of different design concepts.
While interactive simulations are useful for teach-
ing technical concepts, interactive charts are useful
for teaching the planning and record-keeping com-
ponents of engineering projects. Design tools such
as the Morphological Chart are fundamental to the
mechanical design process as we teach it at Georgia
Tech. We believe that they guide students into making
Figure 7: Interactive Morph Chart.
good decisions. By making these tools interactive, we
have made them more interesting to learn and more
convenient to use.
To assess the how well the iBook text engaged the
students, we developed a survey to determine whether
the students found the book to be useful and to deter-
mine which interactive tools, if any, were of greatest
interest to them. The survey asked students first to as-
sess, on a scale of 1 to 5, the usefulness of the iBook,
and second to assess, on a scale of 1 to 5, the useful-
ness of the interactive features in general. For both
questions, a response of 1 meant ”Very Useful, and
a response of 5 meant ”Not Useful”; a response of 3
meant ”No Opinion. In a third question, we asked
the students to rank the utility of four of the interac-
tive elements on a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 being the
most useful and 4 being the least useful.
Over the course of two terms, we distributed iPads
with the iBook textbook, to four studio sections with a
total of 80 students enrolled. Of these, 45 students re-
turned completed survey forms to us. Of these, 82%,
(37 of 45 students) responded positively, finding the
book to be useful or very useful. Three of 45 students
(6%) responded negatively, finding the book to be not
useful or not very useful. Five of the 45 students, or
11%, gave a neutral response of no opinion.
When asked to evaluate whether the interactive el-
ements were useful, 68% of the respondents (31 of 45
students) rated these to be useful or very useful while
3 students (6%) rated them as not useful or not very
useful. Eleven of the 45 students (11%) gave a neu-
tral response of no opinion. These survey results are
displayed in Table 1.
Table 1: Evaluation of Textbook and Interactives, Most
Useful to Least Useful.
1 2 3 4 5
Textbook 14 23 5 0 3
Interactives 11 20 11 2 1
To establish the relative utility of the interactive
components of the book, we asked students to rank
the embedded videos, interactive 3-D drawings, inter-
active simulations and interactive charts. Here, stu-
dents ranked the interactive charts as most useful and
embedded videos as least useful, with 3-D drawings
and interactive simulations tied in the middle. The
complete response set is shown in Table 2. The dis-
tinctions are small in our survey results, however, and
it may be that the different types of displays appeal to
different groups of students in a large class.
Table 2: Student Ranking of Interactives Best to Worst.
1 2 3 4
Videos 9 7 12 13
3-D Drawings 6 13 12 10
Simulations 9 12 12 8
Charts 16 7 5 13
The print version of the textbook, of course, pro-
vides no interactive elements to which these results
can be compared. The print text offers design tools in
static form, and students using the print textbook did
find value in these displays; 173 students responded
to our survey question regarding the usefulness of the
textbook, and 80% of respondents assessed these as
“Useful” or “Very Useful,” while no users gave nega-
tive responses. These responses are similiar to those
obtained for the interactive textbook, and this calls for
further investigation into the way that examples are
prepared and displayed in print and interactive forms.
Our survey results demonstrate that students respond
positively to electronic textbooks, and we believe
that the interactive elements are important to this re-
sponse. To make our interactive elements compelling,
we have made them rich with information related to
our class topics. While we have not yet relates text-
book use to student learning, our results suggest that
this textbook has had an impact on the problem of stu-
dent engagement.
The current interactive textbook can be viewed as
a proof of concept version, and it is reasonable to seek
ways to augment it. Generally, we seek new ways for
students to interact with our displays. One path of
development is to enable students to edit and export
the interactive tools for use in other programs. Stu-
dents might open and modify a 3-D drawing as part
of an assignment, for example. Or, our Morphologi-
cal Chart might be integrated with a drawing tool that
would allow students to create, integrate, and evaluate
design concepts from within the book’s pages.
In the same fashion, the current tools for editing
and organizing reports do not yet provide options for
students to test their own ideas for writing and editing.
To make such writing and editing tools more richly in-
teractive it will be necessary to integrate them with an
Automated Essay Scoring system that provides real
time feedback on the students’ written written work.
Our results indicate that students responded positively
to this interactive textbook, and to the particular in-
teractive displays that were included in it. These re-
sponses are significant because they show that the cre-
ating interactive textbooks enables instructors to re-
spond to the problem of student engagement indepen-
dently and relatively easily. With tools that are eas-
ily available, instructors in science and engineering
courses can develop textbooks that have a positive im-
pact on their students’ engagement.
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