Comparative Study of Two Segmentation Methods of Handwritten
Arabic Text
Fethi Ghazouani
, Samia Snoussi Maddouri
and Fadoua Bouafif Samoud
LIPAH - FST, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT), University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
Hnayka Community Faculty, Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia
Arabic Handwriting Documents, Segmentation, Mathematical Morphology, Outer Isothetic Cover, Hough
We present in this paper a comparative study of two segmentation methods of handwritten Arabic text. The
first method is a combination of the Mathematical Morphology (MM) and the algorithm of construction of
the Outer Isothetic Cover of a digital object (OIC) named MM-OIC. The second method uses the Hough
Transform (HT) and MM to segment the handwriting Arabic script called HT-MM. These methods are applied
in two levels of segmentation: text lines and Pieces of Words. The two proposed methods are evaluated and
compared to a set of documents selected from three databases: IFN/ENIT-database (17 documents), BSB (16
documents) and KSU (30 documents) online databases. The average rate line segmentation of MM-OIC is
75%, and of HT-MM is 45%. The average rate of PAW segmentation acheive 89% for the MM-OIC and 70%
for the HT-MM method. The efficiency of the MM-OIC method is explained by the fact that this method can
extract the approximate form of writing, and sometimes it can exceed some problems that are related to the
Arabic script such as the overlapping lines and diacratical symbols.
The first step in the automatic document recognition
is the segmentation of the text image into text lines.
This prepares the data for further processing steps
like normalization, word segmentation and features
The segmentation of handwritten text is compli-
cated by the variation of the interline distance and by
the baselines undulation that often generates different
orientations of the text. The characters in two adja-
cent lines may touch (Figure 1(a)) or overlap (Fig-
ure 1(b) and 1(c)). This considerably complicates the
text lines segmentation. In Arabic script, these situ-
ations frequently exist because of the presence of as-
cendant and/or descendant characters. On the other
hand, the massive presence of diacritical symbols in
Arabic script often generates false lines (Figure 1(d)
and 1(e)).
In the literature, most works of page segmentation
in lines are based on the decomposition of the image
content into connected components. For Arabic hand-
writing, the extraction of pieces of words seems to be
(b) (c)
(d) (e)
Figure 1: Examples of existing situations in Arabic script.
(a) touch lines. (b,c) lines overlap. (d,e) presence of diacrit-
ical symbols between lines.
easier than the detection of words. Several segmenta-
tion methods for lines extraction have been presented
such as: projection method ((Bennasri et al., 1999),
(Nicolaou and Gatos, 2009)), k-means algorithm (Za-
hour et al., 2007), Hough transform method ((Bouafif
Ghazouani F., Snoussi Maddouri S. and Bouafif Samoud F..
Comparative Study of Two Segmentation Methods of Handwritten Arabic Text - MM-OIC and HT-MM.
DOI: 10.5220/0004764205280535
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2014), pages 528-535
ISBN: 978-989-758-018-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
et al., 2006), (Malleron et al., 2009)) and snake tech-
nique or active contour (Bukhari et al., 2009). On the
same, some works are proposed for the segmentation
in pieces of words for instance: contour technique
(Snoussi, 2003), labeling-recognition (Abdulkader, )
and projection methods (Sarfaz et al., 2003).
In this framework, two segmentation methods of
handwritten Arabic documents are proposed. The
First method is based on a combination between
Mathematical Morphology (MM) and Outer Isothetic
Cover (OIC). The second method is a combination
between Hough Transform (HT) and Mathematical
Morphology (MM) operators. Finally, a comparative
study of the two methods on the obtained results is
done. We end our paper with a conclusion and per-
spectives that show possible extensions of this work.
The MM-OIC method is a combination of the math-
ematical morphology and the algorithm of construc-
tion of the outer isothetic cover of a digital object.
This method is used for the segmentation of the hand-
written Arabic text into lines and into sub words. To
extract lines from Arabic text, firstly, we have ap-
plied morphologic operators to connect components
belonging to the same line. Then we have applied the
algorithm of the construction of OIC on the MM’s re-
sult in order to delimit zones of each line.
2.1 Connect Adjacent Component: MM
The Arabic script is generally represented in the form
of pieces or parts of words called Pieces of Arabic
Words (PAWs) (Miled et al., 1998). Each PAW rep-
resents a connected component. For this specific rea-
son we thought about the application of morpholog-
ical operators for connecting small adjacent compo-
nents belonging to the same line. In this case, the
latest is seen as a single object. The fact of having a
single object allows to facilitate the extraction of the
line after the application of the OIC algorithm (sub-
section 2.2). In this step we chose the closing as a
basic morphologic filter to connect components. The
structuring element is a rectangular form with length
1 and width 25. The closing operation allows us to
connect horizontally the different components which
are situated at a distance less than the structuring ele-
ment. The structuring element is chosen after a learn-
ing phase on the treated images documents. The set of
the used documents to choose the size of the structur-
ing element consists of 25 images and selected from
three different databases. Some of them are written by
different scripters, containing curved or skewed lines
and sometimes with variable sizes of the script. We
have also chosen the size of the structuring element
such that after the application of the MM, the adja-
cent lines can not be touching and overlapped.
Indeed, the choice of a length equal to 1 is ex-
plained by the fact that in the set of selected docu-
ment, there is presence of texts with a very small inter-
line and that sometimes the distance between certain
characters, especially the ascendants and the descen-
dants of two adjacent lines of text is very small. So,
increasing the length value of the structuring element
can lead to a touch between writing. Figure 2 illus-
trates an example of this situation. The distance be-
tween the two green characters of the two successive
lines is too small (Figure 2(a)). Figure 2(b) shows the
result of the MM after application of a structuring el-
ement with length = 1, it is clear that the components
of each row are connected together. Contrariwise, in
Figure 2 (c), the components of the two different lines
are connected in a single object (instead of two ob-
jects) and are touched (red circle) after increasing the
length of the structuring element (length = 4).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: Results of the MM with two different values of
length of the structuring element. (a) original image. (b)
Applying of a structuring element with a length = 1. (c)
Applying of a structuring element with a length = 4.
Secondly, in the Arabic script the inter-words
space is often variable. Then, for connecting horizon-
tally those components, we must choose an adequate
width value. Two situations can exist with decreasing
and increasing the width value. Decreasing this value,
generally, allows only the connection of the very near-
est components. In this case, we can have several
big ”sub-connected” objects instead of a single con-
nected object. On the other hand, the ascendant and
descendant characters often overlap and the distance
between a descendant (respectively ascendant) of a
line and another ascendant (respectively descendant)
of the next line (respectively the previous line), in the
horizontal sense, is smaller. Increase the width value
allows these specific characters to be touched. Figure
3 presents an example of the second case. In Figure
3(a), the distance (in the horizontal sense) between
the descendant character (green color) of the first line
and the ascendant character (green color) of the sec-
ond line is smaller. The correct result of the MM is
obtained after applying of a structuring element with
a width value = 25 (Figure 3(b)). Contrariwise, in Fig-
ure 3(c), the components of the two different lines are
connected in a single object (instead of two objects)
and are touched (red circle) after increasing the width
of the structuring element (width = 30).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3: Results of the MM with two different values of
width of the structuring element. (a) original image. (b)
Applying of a structuring element with a width = 25. (c)
Applying of a structuring element with a width = 30.
So, after an experimental phase, the best chosen
width value of the structuring element is 25.
Figure 4 illustrates the result of concatenation of con-
nected components belonging to the same line. Figure
4(a) presents the initial image and Figure 4(b) shows
the morphologic operator effect.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Mathematical morphology applied to connect dif-
ferent components belonging to the same line. (a) original
image. (b) connected component concatenation result.
2.2 Line Extraction: Construction of
In order to extract lines in a handwritten Arabic doc-
ument, we construct the outer isothetic cover of the
corresponding document after applying the MM by
the use the algorithm given by (Biswas et al., 2010).
The isothetic cover of a digital object specifies a
simple representation of the object and provides ap-
proximate information about its structural content and
geometric characteristics. When, the cover ”tightly”
encloses the object, it is said to be an outer isothetic
cover (OIC). And when the cover inscribes the ob-
ject, it is considered as an inner isothetic cover (IIC)
(Biswas et al., 2010). The outer isothetic cover is de-
fined by a set of isothetic polygons, having their edges
lying on the grid lines, such that the effective area cor-
responding to the object is minimized (Biswas et al.,
2010). The Figure 5 shows an example of the set of
outer polygons for different handwritten Arabic lines.
The outer isothetic covers are obtained for grid size g
= 2.
Figure 5: Set of polygons representing handwritten Arabic
lines corresponding to results of MM of Figure 4(b).
Then, to draw multiple polygons corresponding
to different lines, we modify the algorithm given by
(Biswas et al., 2010). This idea was used by Sarkar
for words segmentation of handwritten Bangla docu-
ments (Sakar et al., 2010). So, the algorithm is ap-
plied on the result of MM on handwritten Arabic doc-
ument. With a proper grid size each polygon corre-
sponds to a single line in the initial document.
In fact, on the result image of MM the grid points
are traversed in the raw-major order until a 90
(start vertex) is found ((Biswas et al., 2010), (Sakar
et al., 2010)). Subsequent grid points are classified,
marked as ”visited”, and the direction is determined
from each grid point to the start vertex. Finally, the
OIC is constructed when the start vertex is reached
again. Figure 6 presents an example of construction
of OIC for the handwritten Arabic text line after appli-
cation of MM. In this figure each vertex is represented
by a red point, the start vertex is surrounded (green
circle) and the OIC of a line is represented with blue
Figure 6: Construction of the OIC of handwritten Arabic
lines. (a) original image, (b) result of OIC algorithm.
With this process we extract text lines from a doc-
ument image. In Figure 7 we show a simple example
of text lines extraction from handwritten Arabic doc-
ument. Figure 7(a) presents the initial image. Figure
7(b) illustrates the result of the MM applied to the ini-
tial image. Figure 7(c) shows the OICs construction
of different objects with an appropriate grid size g (g
= 2), which has been defined after a number of exper-
imental tests on a set of 15 documents, on the result of
MM: the green polygons generally represent diacriti-
cal symbols that can be identified by their perimeters,
while each large polygon represents a text line. The
text line extraction result is shown in Figure 7(d).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7: Text lines extraction with MM-OIC method. (a)
original image, (b) MM result, (c) OIC algoritm result, (d)
text lines extraction.
2.3 PAWs Segmentation
In (Snoussi, 2003) a PAW is described by a closed
contour which is neither a diacritic point nor a loop.
For this case, we focus on the separation of connected
components of each extracted line. We apply the al-
gorithm of the construction of the OIC, without the
application of the MM, with a grid size g = 1 on the
result image of line extraction step, we attain the seg-
mentation of the line into PAWs. In this case the
choice of the value of the grid size is not arbitrary.
Because, with the smallest value of g (g = 1), the OIC
algorithm allows the construction of the exact shape
of each detected component. The set of extracted
polygons contains some small polygons correspond-
ing generally to diacritic points or punctuation mark
and identified by their perimeters. Figure 8 illustrates
an example of a handwritten Arabic line segmented
into PAWs. Figure 8(a) presents a handwritten Arabic
line. The PAWs segmentation result is shown in Fig-
ure 8(b). In this figure, each PAW is represented by a
colored polygon. The red polygons represent diacritic
points and punctuation marks.
The HT-MM segmentation method is a combination
between the Hough Transform (HT) and Mathemati-
cal Morphology (MM). This method is applied on the
handwritten Arabic script in order to detect text line
and PAWs also.
Figure 8: Segmentation of handwritten Arabic line in
PAWs. (a) Handwritten Arabic line. (b) Segmentation re-
3.1 Text Line Detected
The HT (Duda and Hart, 1972) is applied to the bi-
narized edge map to generate its Hough image. For
this purpose the parameters of the Hough transform
are tuned in such a way that the lines are extracted as
a set of connected PAWs (Bouafif et al., 2012).
In this stage the MM is applied in order to connect
PAWs and charchters. Indeed, the closing filter is one
of the basic tools of MM; it permits the connection
of adjacent components that have a separate distance
that is lower than the structuring element. The ap-
plication of a closing filter, using a rectangular form
of the structuring element of length 10 and width 2
on the result of HT, enabling us to construct continu-
ous lines. This step is applied three times to connect
the different components existing on the same hori-
zontal line. The structuring element is chosen after
a learning phase on the processed documents images
with the same steps explained as before. A labeling
stage is then applied in order to associate a label color
to each connected component. Each color represents
handwritten text line. Figure 9 presents the different
steps of text lines extraction of a handwritten Arabic
document. The initial image is shown in Figure 9(a).
Figure 9(b) illustrates all lines detected after the HT
application. Figure 9(c) shows the effect of MM and
the labeling stage applied to the HT result. Each com-
ponents color represents a text line in Figure 9(d).
3.2 PAWs Segmentation
Proposed PAW segmentation method is composed by
two stages: Detection of baselines and extraction of
3.2.1 Detection of the Baseline of the Text Lines
Baseline is an artificial line composed by a sequence
of aligned pixel that connects the maximum black pix-
els of the characters in the text line. Different base-
line extraction methods are abound in the literature
(Snoussi et al., 2008). The proposed baseline detec-
tion method is applied to the text binary image with-
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 9: Different steps for text line detection.
out slant correction. It is based on the HT in order to
detect the median baseline. In fact the maxima of the
accumulator present the median baseline of word pro-
cessing. The horizontal projection stage is applied in
the Hough space in order to extract the lower and up-
per lines. These two lines divide the word into three
parts: (1) Ascender and upper diacritic points above
the upper baseline; (2) Descender and lower diacritic
points under the lower baseline and (3) the main con-
tent of the word between the two baselines. Figure
10 illustrates the three baselines extracted by HT and
horizontal projection. Upper and lower baselines are
presented in blue color and median baseline in red
Figure 10: Median, upper and lower baseline detected from
an Arabic handwritten word.
3.2.2 PAW Detection
Handwritten Arabic words can have some discontinu-
ities due to the pen up and the binarization stage. Ac-
cording to these discontinuities we can detect more
than the real number of a PAW in a given word. The
application of morphological filter can connect some
parts of PAW. A labeling stage is then applied in or-
der to associate a label color to each connected com-
ponent. The labeled component can be an isolated
character or a token diacritic or characters set. The
extraction of the PAW needs to eliminate the compo-
nents existing below the lower baseline and above the
upper baseline.
Figure 11 illustrates the different steps of PAW
detection. Figure 11(a) presents the original image,
where a discontinuity is surrounding in red color. The
smoothing and labeling stage is presented in Figure
11(b), where the correction of discontinuity is sur-
rounded in blue color and baselines are presented in
red color. The diacritic points localized above the up-
per baseline are eliminated. Figure 11(c) shows two
extracted PAW’s.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 11: PAWs detection.
The evaluation method allows a comparison between
the coordinate’s components automatically extracted
from the segmented image and the real coordinate’s
components of the original text image.
4.1 Test and Results
The two segmentation methods are tested on a set
of handwritten Arabic documents selected from three
different databases. For the line extraction method we
select a sub-set of documents divided into 30 doc-
uments extracted from the KSU
database contain-
ing 470 lines, 17 images selected from IFN/ENIT-
databases containing 162 lines and 16 documents ex-
tracted from the BSB
databases containing 191 lines.
To evaluate the segmentation of handwritten line into
PAWs, we select 30 lines from the KSU-database
composed of 922 PAWs, 30 lines from IFN/ENIT
composed of 772 PAWs and 11 lines extracted from
BSB images containing 300 PAWs. In Figure 12 we
show the correct extraction rate of the two methods
for lines segmentation.
We can see in Figure 12 that the MM-OIC method
extraction rate is greater than for HT-MM. We also
notice that the two methods have given the best ex-
traction rate on the IFN/ENIT database. This is ex-
plained by the fact that the documents of this database
are simple and contain lines with a large interline
space. The low results of the HT-MM segmenta-
tion method is due to the choice of structural element
for connecting the components. In fact, the HT-MM
method uses as structural element to connect horizon-
tally different components. This enables successive
lines to touch or to overlap for the cases of documents
containing lines with a relatively small interline or
having annotation between lines as in BSB and KSU
Figure 12: Lines extraction rate for the two methods.
The results of the two methods for the case of the
line segmentation into PAWs are illustrated in Figure
13. We notice that the best extraction rate is given by
the MM-OIC method also. This is explained by the
fact that the proposed method can find the OICs of
all components in the treated document. The extrac-
tion rate for the IFN/ENIT lines is approximately the
same for the two methods. However, for the case of
the KSU and BSB lines, the MM-OIC gives a greater
extraction rate than of the HT-MM ones. The very
low extraction rates given by the HT-MM method are
due also to the utilization of the structural element by
this method in order to resolve the problem of the dis-
continuity in the Arabic words.
Figure 13: PAWs extraction rate for the two methods.
4.2 Comparison of the Two Methods
The chosen evaluation method favors the second
method because it considers the extracted blocks as
geometric segments. However, we can deduce that
the MM-OIC segmentation method is better than HT-
MM. But this method has a bad rate of text line de-
tection by the use of the KSU and BSB database. In
Figure 14, we illustrate the result of the two methods
applied on the same document for the text line seg-
mentation. Figure 14(a) clearly shows that the MM-
OIC method has given a better result than the HT-MM
method. (Figure 14(b)). For the first method, each
colored polygon represents a text line and for the sec-
ond method, each extracted line is delimited by a rect-
Figure 14: Text lines segmentation. (a) MM-OIC method,
(b) HT-MM method
In the same, we illustrate in the Figure 15 two ex-
amples of segmentation of text line into PAWs with
the two method. Figure 15(a) present a good PAWs
segmentation by the MM-OIC method. On the other
side, the HT-MM method has given an under seg-
mentation result for the same segmented line (Figure
15(b)). The under segmentation is circled in red color.
Figure 15: PAWs segmentation.(a) MM-OIC method, (b)
HT-MM method (under segmentatio)
Another advantage which classifies the method
MM-OIC compared to the HT-MM method is that
the first method, in some cases, can overcome the
problems of lines overlap and diacriticals symbols
which generally generate false lines. In Figure 16,
we present an example of this case. Figure 16(a)
shows clearly that the HT-MM method gives a bad
text lines segmentation caused by overlapped lines
(circle in green color) and diacritical symbols (circle
in red color) respectively. On the contrary, in Figure
16(b), the MM-OIC method gave better results of seg-
mentation by exceeding these problems.
Figure 16: Text lines segmentation with presence of the
problems of overlapped lines and diacritical symbols. (a)
Result of the HT-MM method, (b) Result of the MM-OIC
The main reason of this difference is due to the
fact that the shape of extracted component for second
method is rectangular (Figure 9(d)). This shape can
increase overlapping between lines or PAWs. How-
ever, for the first method the shape tries to approxi-
mate the shape of the script (Figure 7(c)).
In the other hand, MM is used for the two meth-
ods to connect desired extracted components. For the
MM-OIC the extraction step is done by the OIC algo-
rithm. However, the HT in the second method is not
used for the extraction but to improve the connection
step. The extraction is then done by a labeling step.
4.3 Comparison with Other Methods
Several approaches have been developed for the seg-
mentation of the handwritten Arabic script, espe-
cially for text lines segmention. The obtained seg-
mentation results depend of each method and of the
databases used for the test. To classify the two pro-
posed method, we present in Table 1 the results of
some approaches with each used database. This table
gives an idea about the obtained segmentation rates
but cannot be used for comparison only if all these
methods are evaluated on the same databases.
Table 1: Results of some existing methods of segmentation
of handwritten Arabic documents in lines.
Approaches Test Extraction
Database rate
(Bennasri et al., 1999) 100 98.6%
(Zahour et al., 2007) 100 96%
(Zahour et al., 2008) 160 96.6%
(Li et al., 2008) 2691 Arabic 84.6%
text lines
(Ouwayed et al., 2012) 36 98.35%
Our approaches 63 MM-OIC: 75%
HT-MM: 45%
Two segmentation methods of handwritten Arabic
documents are presented. The first one is the MM-
OIC method and the second one is the HT-MM
method. Both methods allow the extraction of text
lines from handwritten Arabic document and the seg-
mentation of lines in PAWs. An evaluation method is
proposed in order to assess and to compare the effi-
ciency of these two segmentation methods. The eval-
uation criterion used is the limit positions of zones
(lines or PAWs). Evaluation is done on a set of
documents selected from three sources: IFN/ENIT-
database, the two online libraries of BSB and KSU.
The average rate line segmentation of MM-OIC is
75%, and of HT-MM is 45%. But the average rate
of PAW segmentation of MM-OIC is 89%, and of the
HT-MM is 70%.
We should focus in the future works on the im-
provement of the MM stage of both segmentation
methods in order to improve the segmentation rate.
Furthermore, we should test these two segmentation
methods on a larger and a complex database. And, we
think to evaluate the proposed methods on other cri-
teria such as the number of detecting segments or the
recognition rate for PAWs extraction. A comparison
to other developed method is also one of our perspec-
tives on the same databases.
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