On the other hand, at micro level the knowledge
how a tool is embedded in a sub-structure within a
network, may be important to understand its
applicability. For instance, some tools can act as
‘bridges’ between groups of tools.
Furthermore, applying metrics used in networks
(graphs) for instance the concept of local centrality it
is possible to identify that the most relevant tools
used in NPD, alone or in complementary with others
tools, are respectively, the HOQ DFSS and TRIZ
(29.3 % of total sample).
The literature review involves intrinsically NPD
with a panoply of tools both methodological and
structural root as a mostly instrumental. There were
analyzed 22 of these tools, the most important has
been possible with the survey of about seven
thousand articles referenced in the web of science,
interrelated and viewed graphically with the help of
graphs appropriate. This selection addressed to the
surface 10 to the Methodological tools, nevertheless
accounted for 65.5% of the total sample collected.
The tools in use are classified into two types:
methodological and vehicles. The first, by itself or
as a complement to other, structure a project NPD
(for example: TRIZ, DFSS or SDI). The latter alone
can not structure a project or set of NPD, but which
are recurrently used as support, support or other
instrument (for example: Pareto analysis, balanced
scorecard or BSC and Delphi panel).
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