space than the space occupied by an item in hori-
zontol representation. Consequently, if the FOF ap-
proach were applied on the MULTI-WAP-Tree with-
out the sibling principle, both memory and time re-
quirements of FOF approach would be higher in cases
of large alphabets. A high degree of compression by
the MULTI-WAP-Tree is required to outperform Pre-
fixSpan and LAPIN in terms of both execution time
and memory. We observed that this requirement can-
not be met in case of large alphabets.
In this paper, we introduced a new data structure
MULTI-WAP-Tree and a new algorithm MULTI-
FOF-SP for extracting multi-item sequence patterns.
MULTI-WAP-Tree is the first tree structure for repre-
senting general sequence databases. MULTI-FOF-SP
employs the early pruning idea Sibling Principle.
We have experimented on several test cases to
compare MULTI-FOF-SP with previous multi-item
sequence mining algorithms, PrefixSpan and LAPIN-
LCI. Experiments revealed that MULTI-FOF-SP out-
performs PrefixSpan and has a performance close
to LAPIN-LCI in terms of execution time on dense
multi-item databases with small alphabets. In addi-
tion, it has a better performance than LAPIN-LCI in
terms of memory usage for these databases.
In this work, we devised a MULTI-WAP-Tree
based algorithm that uses sibling principle and ob-
tained good results. As a continuation of this line,
other existing tree based algorithms can be inves-
tigated for multi-item sequence mining using the
MULTI-WAP-Tree data structure.
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