Angle Measurements during 2D and 3D Movements of a Rigid Body
Model of Lower Limb
Comparison between Integral-based and Quaternion-based Methods
Takashi Watanabe
and Kento Ohashi
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Keywords: Angle, Inertial Sensor, Kalman Filter, Integral, Quaternion, Gait, Rehabilitation.
Abstract: Angle measurement system using inertial sensors was developed by our research group, in which lower
limb angles were calculated based on the integral of angular velocity using Kalman filter. The angle
calculation method was shown to be practical in measurement of angles in the sagittal plane during gait of
healthy subjects. In this paper, in order to realize practical measurements of 3 dimensional (3D) movements
with inertial sensors, the integral-based and the quaternion-based methods were tested in measurement of
2D movements in the sagittal plane and 3D movements of rigid body models of lower limb. The tested three
calculation methods, extended integral-based method, quaternion-based method proposed in this study and
simplified previous quaternion-based method, were suggested to measure the 2D movements with high
measurement accuracy. It was also suggested that there were no large difference in measurement of 2D and
3D movements between 3 methods. Visualization by stick figure animation of circumduction gait simulated
by a healthy subject also suggested that the angle calculation methods can be useful. It is expected to
improve measurement accuracies of 3D movements to those of 2D movements.
Lower limb motor functions are important to prevent
bedridden and to make independence in daily living
and social participation. Therefore, motor disabled
persons or elderly people with decreased motor
function need rehabilitation training of their lower
limbs. In that rehabilitation, it is important to
evaluate a level of subject’s motor function in order
to make rehabilitation program and to instruct it.
Generally, therapists perform the evaluation of
motor function in rehabilitation by simple manual
methods such as watching movements, measurement
of the range of motion (ROM) with a manual
goniometer, or measurement of time and counting
the number of steps in 10 m walking test. Although
these simple, manual evaluation methods are
effective in limited space and time for rehabilitation
training, those evaluation results depend on
therapists. On the other hand, for quantitative and
objective evaluation of movements, motion
measurement system such as a camera-based system
or electric goniometers has been used. Rehabilitation
program proposed by the quantitative and objective
evaluations with motion measurement system is
expected to increase rehabilitation effect and to
decrease rehabilitation term. However, those motion
measurement systems are mainly used in research
works in laboratories, because these systems require
large space for setting the system and time-
consuming setup process, and are expensive.
Recently, use of inertial sensors (accelerometers
and gyroscopes) has been studied in measurement
and analysis of movements focusing on its shrinking
in size, low cost and easiness for settings. In
evaluation of motor functions, segment inclination
angles and joint angles have important information
for therapists and patients. Therefore, many studies
have been performed on measurement of joint angles
or segment tilt angles with inertial sensors (Tong
and Granat, 1999; Dejnabadi, et al., 2005; Findlow,
et al., 2008;, Cooper, et al., 2009; Sabatini, 2006;
Mazzà, et al., 2012.).
A motion measurement system using inertial
sensors has to give joint or segment inclination
angles calculating from angular velocities or
acceleration signals. In addition, measurement of
total lower limb movements such as simultaneous
Watanabe T. and Ohashi K..
Angle Measurements during 2D and 3D Movements of a Rigid Body Model of Lower Limb - Comparison between Integral-based and Quaternion-based
DOI: 10.5220/0004793600350044
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2014), pages 35-44
ISBN: 978-989-758-011-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)