In this paper, we provide a framework for the auto-
matic generation and solving of questions for high
school mathematics, specifically in the geometry do-
main. Our system is able to quickly generate large
numbers of questions on specific topics. Such a sys-
tem will help teachers reduce the time and effort
spent on the tedious and error-prone task of gener-
ating questions. Our work aims to develop an auto-
mated geometry question generation system that uses
a deductive approach for finding the relations between
mathematical concepts and for generating and prov-
ing these conjectures about concepts.
Future work can be carried in various directions.
An experiment needs to be performed in which the
generated problems would be placed in front of teach-
ers and let them guess which problem is from a text-
book and which one was generated from our algo-
rithm. Other major work would be generating ques-
tions according to the required difficulty level. An-
other improvement would be the addition of knowl-
edge by the user. Lastly, a GUI should be developed
in order to make it usable for teachers, students and
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