Comparison between LSA-LDA-Lexical Chains
Costin Chiru, Traian Rebedea and Silvia Ciotec
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
313 Splaiul Independetei, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Latent Semantic Analysis - LSA, Latent Dirichlet Allocation - LDA, Lexical Chains, Semantic Relatedness.
Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of three techniques used for similar tasks, especially related to semantics, in
Natural Language Processing (NLP): Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
and lexical chains. These techniques were evaluated and compared on two different corpora in order to
highlight the similarities and differences between them from a semantic analysis viewpoint. The first corpus
consisted of four Wikipedia articles on different topics, while the second one consisted of 35 online chat
conversations between 4-12 participants debating four imposed topics (forum, chat, blog and wikis). The
study focuses on finding similarities and differences between the outcomes of the three methods from a
semantic analysis point of view, by computing quantitative factors such as correlations, degree of coverage
of the resulting topics, etc. Using corpora from different types of discourse and quantitative factors that are
task-independent allows us to prove that although LSA and LDA provide similar results, the results of
lexical chaining are not very correlated with neither the ones of LSA or LDA, therefore lexical chains might
be used complementary to LSA or LDA when performing semantic analysis for various NLP applications.
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) (Landauer and
Dumais, 1997), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
(Blei et. al, 2003) and lexical chains (Halliday and
Hasan, 1976; Morris and Hirst, 1991) are widely
used in NLP applications for similar tasks. All these
methods use semantic distances or similarities/
relatedness between terms to form topics or chains
of words. LSA and LDA use the joint frequency of
the co-occurrence of words in different corpora,
while the lexical chains technique uses WordNet
( synsets and links
between them to find groups of highly-connected or
closely-related words.
Although these methods can be similarly used
for various NLP tasks - text summarization (Barzilay
and Elhadad, 1997; Gong and Liu, 2001; Haghighi
and Vanderwende, 2009), question answering
(Novischi and Moldovan, 2006) or topic detection
(Carthy, 2004) - they calculate different measures,
having different meanings. LDA generates topical
threads under a prior Dirichlet distribution, LSA
produces a correlation matrix between words and
documents, while lexical chains use the WordNet
structure to establish a connection between synsets.
Therefore, the comparison and interpretation of
similarities and differences between the
aforementioned methods is important to understand
which model might be the most appropriate for a
given scenario (task and discourse type, for
example). Previous studies were aimed at comparing
different similarity measures built on top of
WordNet in order to decide which one gives better
results (Barzilay and Elhadad, 1997), or to compare
the results provided by the lexical chains built using
different measures with the ones given by LSA in
order to add a further relationship layer to WordNet
for improving its usefulness to NLP tasks (Boyd-
Graber et. al, 2006). However, more recently Cramer
(2008) pointed out that the existing studies are
inconsistent to each other and that human judgments
should not be used as a baseline for the evaluation or
comparison of different semantic measures.
This work aims to study the behaviour of the
three methods: LSA, LDA and lexical chains, based
on a series of tests performed on two corpora: one
consisting on four Wikipedia articles on different
topics and another one built from multi-party online
chat conversations debating four pre-imposed topics:
forum, chat, blog, wikis.
The paper continues with a review of the
Chiru C., Rebedea T. and Ciotec S..
Comparison between LSA-LDA-Lexical Chains.
DOI: 10.5220/0004798102550262
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 255-262
ISBN: 978-989-758-024-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
evaluated techniques. Afterwards, we present the
procedure for comparing the three methods along
with the texts used for evaluation. Section 4
describes the obtained results and our observations,
while the last section highlights the main
conclusions of the study.
2.1 LSA – Latent Semantic Analysis
LSA (Landauer and Dumais, 1997) is a statistical
method for extracting the relations between words in
texts. It is a corpus-based method that does not use
dictionaries, semantic networks, grammars, syntactic
or morphological parsers, and its input is represented
only by raw text divided in “chunks”. A chunk may
be a sentence, an utterance in a chat, a paragraph or
even a whole document, depending on the corpus.
The method starts from the term-doc matrix
computed on the corpus segmented into chunks and
then applies a singular value decomposition in order
to compute the most important singular values.
Then, it produces a representation in a new space,
called the latent semantic space, which uses only the
most important (large) k singular values. The value
for k depends on the corpus and task, and is usually
between 100 and 600, a common choice being 300.
This new space is used to compute similarities
between different words and even whole documents,
practically considering that words that are co-
occurring in similar contexts may be considered to
be semantically related.
2.2 LDA – Latent Dirichlet Allocation
LDA (Blei et. al, 2003) is a generative probabilistic
model designed to extract topics from text. The basic
idea behind LDA is that documents are represented
as random mixtures of latent topics, where each
topic is characterized by a set of pairs word-
probability, representing the probability that a word
belongs to a topic.
LDA assumes the following generative process
for each document in a corpus: for each word w
the corpus, it generates a topic z dependent on the
mixture θ associated to the document d and then it
generates a word from the topic z. To simplify this
basic model, the size of the Dirichlet distribution k
(the number of topics z) is assumed to be known and
fixed. The Dirichlet prior is used because it has
several convenient properties that facilitate inference
and parameter estimation algorithms for LDA.
2.3 Lexical Chains
Lexical chains are groups of words that are
semantically similar (Halliday and Hasan, 1976;
Morris and Hirst, 1991). Each word in the chain is
linked to its predecessors through a certain lexical
cohesion relationship. Lexical chains require a
lexical database or an ontology (most of the time,
this database is WordNet) for establishing a
semantic similarity between words. For this task, we
have used WordNet and the Jiang-Conrath measure
(Jiang and Conrath, 1997). As this measure requires
the frequency of words in the English language and
since we didn’t have access to a relevant corpus, we
have used the number of hits returned by a Google
search for each of the considered words. Once the
distances between words were computed, we have
used a full-clustering algorithm to group the words
in chains. The algorithm worked in an online fashion
(each word was evaluated in the order of their
appearance in the analyzed text), adding a word to
an existing cluster only if it was related to more than
90% of the words that were already part of that
chain. If the considered word could not be fitted in
any of the existing chains, then we created a new
chain containing only that specific word (Chiru,
Janca and Rebedea, 2010).
Experiments were conducted on two different
a corpus composed of four articles from
Wikipedia that were debating completely
different topics: graffiti, tennis, volcano and
astrology, consisting of 294 paragraphs and
having a vocabulary size of 7744 words. In
order not to have our results affected by noise,
we removed from the corpus pronouns,
articles, prepositions and conjunctions.
a corpus consisting of 35 online chat
conversations debating four pre-imposed
topics: forum, chat, blog, wikis, each of them
involving between 4 to 12 participants. This
corpus consisted of 6000 utterances (41902
words), with a vocabulary size of 2241 words.
3.1 Methods for Obtaining the Results
The SVD is performed using the airhead-research
package (
research/wiki/LatentSemanticAnalysis) and a value
of k = 300. Then, the LSA results are obtained
starting from the matrix of similarities between each
pair of words in the corpus. The degree of similarity
between two words is computed using the cosine of
the corresponding vectors in the latent space.
For LDA, the results are obtained from the
distribution of each topic’s words and the
corresponding probabilities. In the first corpus,
containing encyclopaedic articles from four different
domains, we decided to use a number of topics k = 4
for this analysis. For the second corpus, consisting
on debates on four imposed topics, we decided to
use k = 5 topics for the analysis, as besides the
imposed topics, the participants also inputted some
off-topic content that could have been considered as
the fifth topic. In order to better understand the
behaviour of LDA, we extracted the top 35, 50, 100,
150 and 200 words that were considered
representative for each topic, given that each article
contained over 1000 words. The topic models were
extracted using MALLET - MAchine Learning for
LanguagE Toolkit (
In the case of lexical chains, we analyzed the
words from each chain and also considered the
maximum length and the total number of the lexical
chains from a document (chat or Wikipedia article).
3.1.1 LDA - LSA Comparison
In order to compare the two methods, we started
from the LDA topics and computed an LSA score
for each concept from each topic generated by LDA.
This score represented the average similarity
between the target concept and each of the
remaining words from the topic. The assessment of
the relationship between LSA and LDA scores
distributions was performed using Pearson’s
correlation coefficient and Spearman’s rank
correlation coefficient. LSA and LDA have also
been compared on several NLP tasks, such as
predicting word associations (Griffiths et al., 2007)
and automatic essay grading (Kakkonen et al.,
3.1.2 LSA - Lexical Chains Comparison
For comparing these two methods, we determined a
similarity value for each lexical chain based on the
LSA similarity as follows: we computed the LSA
similarity between any pair of two words from the
chain and averaged over all the words in that chain.
LSA has been previously compared with semantic
distances in WordNet (Tsatsaronis et al., 2010), but
not with lexical chains.
3.1.3 LDA - Lexical Chains Comparison
This comparison is based on the number of common
words between the lexical chains and the LDA
topics. For each LDA topic we extracted a number
of 35, 50, 100, 150 and 200 words, and computed
different statistics for each case. To our knowledge,
LDA and lexical chains have only been compared as
an alternative for text segmentation (Misra et al.,
4.1 Wikipedia Corpus
4.1.1 LDA - LSA Comparison
Table 1 presents the top 10 words from the 4 LDA
topics of the first corpus. In Table 2 we present the
most similar 30 word-pairs generated by LSA. We
need to mention that LSA was trained on the
concatenation of all 4 articles from Wikipedia.
Table 1: Top 10 words from the LDA topics for the
Wikipedia corpus.
Topic 0 Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3
graffiti tennis volcanoes astrology
new game volcano been
culture player lava Chinese
form first volcanic personality
york players surface scientific
design two example based
popular court formed considered
hip three examples birth
style point extinct bce
spray French flows belief
Table 2: Top 30 most similar word-pairs generated by
LSA for the Wikipedia corpus.
LSA Word Pairs
men-cup mid-thinning plates-tectonic
mid-crust tie-addition center-baseline
hop-music thinning-ridge choice-receiver
mid-ridge pace-receiver depicted-dealer
lake-park shift-equinox degrees-equinox
mm-bounce basque-perera gladiatorial-cil
lady-week degrees-shift difficult-extinct
são-brazil rhode-newport tectonic-ridge
force-hero federation-itf era-compete
test-results mud-formation lifespans-
For each topic we plotted the distributions of LDA
and LSA scores for each word from that topic,
computed as described in the previous section. Each
LDA topic has 35 words that are sorted decreasing
according to the LSA scores. The best result we
have obtained was for the Topic 1 (tennis), where
with very few exceptions, the LSA and LDA scores
were very well correlated (0.855). This case is
presented in Figure 1, where the x-axis represents
the word number from the LDA topic and on the y
axis we plotted the LDA and LSA scores
corresponding to that word. The words’ probabilities
for the considered topic computed with LDA are
represented by the blue colour while in red we
present the LSA scores. The scattering diagram for
the same topic is presented in Figure 2.
Figure 1: LDA – LSA distributions for Topic 1 (tennis)
from the Wikipedia corpus.
Figure 2: Scattering plot for the rank distributions for the
LDA – LSA comparison for Topic 1 (tennis).
For a better visualization of the relationship
between the two distributions, we present in Table 3
the Pearson’s correlation and the Spearman’s rank
correlation coefficients between the LDA and LSA
scores for each of the four LDA topics. With one
exception, these values are close to 1, indicating a
very good correlation (the strongest is highlighted in
Table 3: LDA-LSA Pearson’s Coefficient for the
Wikipedia corpus.
0 (graffiti) 0.560 0.778
1 (tennis)
0.855 0.873
2 (volcanoes) 0.782 0.840
3 (astrology) 0.745 0.745
These results prove that there is clearly a correlation
between the two distributions because both tend to
decrease towards the last words of the topic.
However, there are some words for which the two
scores are discordant. We have extracted them and
obtained the following results:
for Topic 0 (graffiti): hip, produced, styles,
non, offered, property;
for Topic 1 (tennis): point, receiving;
for Topic 2 (volcanoes): extinct, gases,
features, falls;
for Topic 3 (astrology): considered, challenge,
It is interesting to observe that the better
correlated the LSA and LDA scores are for a given
topic, the more the words underestimated by LSA
correspond to that topic.
4.1.2 LSA - Lexical Chains Comparison
Using the LSA similarity between words, we
computed a score ranging from 0 to 1 for every
lexical chain.
Figure 3: LSA scores for the lexical chains of the tennis
article from the Wikipedia corpus.
For an example of the obtained results, see Figure 3
(for Topic 1 - tennis) where on the x-axis are the
lexical chains (excluding those formed only by one
word) and on the y-axis are their LSA scores.
We have noticed that the best lexical chains are
obtained for the texts that had also a good
correlation between the scores obtained by LDA and
LSA. Also, one can see that there are only few
lexical chains which are closely related in terms of
LSA, which leads us to believe that LSA and lexical
chains are not very well correlated.
Approximately 70% of the generated lexical
chains were composed of a single word. In the rest
of the lexical chains, the most frequent ones are
those having small LSA scores - in the range (0,
0.25]. The other intervals represent only a small
percent from the number of chains remaining when
the single word chains are ignored.
The LSA scores are dependent on the lexical
chain length, so we considered that it would be
interesting to draw a parallel between these two
elements. In Figure 4 are plotted the lexical chains
lengths with their corresponding LSA scores for the
tennis article. The x-axis contains the lexical chains
indexes and the z-axis contains the LSA score and
the length of that chain.
Figure 4: The LSA scores (green) and the lexical chains
length (blue) from the tennis article.
4.1.3 LDA - Lexical Chains Comparison
For this comparison, we generated the most
representative words for each of the four topics
keeping the top 35, 50, 100 and 200 words and
gradually comparing the number of common words
between the topics and the lexical chains. It should
be mentioned that a word can be representative for
multiple topics (having different probabilities for
each topic). The maximum lengths of the lexical
chains from each article were 31, 28, 24 and 12
words for the articles about volcanoes, graffiti,
astrology and tennis respectively. In the case of
LDA topics having 35 words, the common words
between LDA and lexical chains were:
Volcano article: volcano, lava, surface,
example, extinct, flow, explosive, water,
generally, volcanism, fire, form, fluid, field,
few, weight, first;
Tennis article: tennis, game, player, first,
court, point, french, receiver, real, playing,
wide, cup, usually, full, current, covered,
Graffiti article: graffiti, new, culture, form,
york, design, popular, hip, style, spray, paint,
early, different, day, rock, history, elements,
stencil, due, chicago, dragon, disagreement,
newspaper, egypt, popularity, production;
Astrology article: astrology, chinese,
personality, scientific, birth, belief, challenge,
astronomical, astronomy, avoid, philosophy,
babylonian, basis, basic, average, birthday,
beginning, century, believe.
In order to compare the results between LDA
and lexical chains, we determined how many chains
contained words that were also considered
representative for the four LDA topics along with
the number of such common words.
First of all, we computed for each topic the first
35 words and represented the frequency of common
words between the lexical chains and the topics of
this size. In this case, most chains had no common
words with any of the topics (more than 700 such
chains). The Topic 0 (graffiti) had one common
word with the largest number of lexical chains (over
25 chains), the Topic 1 (tennis) had a common word
with 17 such chains, while the last topic (volcano)
had words in 15 lexical chains. Topic 2 (astrology)
had two common words with 3 lexical chains (most
chains comparing with the other topics), but had a
smaller number of lexical chains (13) with which it
had a single word in common. As an overall statistic,
the words from Topic 0 (graffiti) could be found in
the most lexical chains. After we increased the
number of words to 50 per topic, around 430 chains
had no word in common with the topics, and the
number of most common words between topics and
lexical chains increased to 3, although there were
only two such chains – one for Topic 1 (tennis) and
one for Topic 3 (volcano). Further increasing the
number of words in a topic to 100, we saw that
Topic 3 (volcano) had 4 common words with one
lexical chain and, compared to the previous case,
this time all the topics have found 3 common words
with at least one lexical chains. At this point, Topic
1 (tennis) had a single word in common with over 40
lexical chain, this becoming the best score,
comparing to the previous cases when the Topic 0
(graffiti) was the most popular in this category.
Overall, the Topic 3’s words are the most often
found in the lexical chains (over 40 chains having o
word in common, 2 having 2 words in common and
1 with 3 and 1 with 4 words in common).
Finally we increased the number of words per
topic to 200 (Figure 5). Also in this case, there still
remained around 350 chains that had no words in
common with any of the topics. It can be seen that
the Topic 3 (volcano) has 7 words in common with
one of the lexical chains (the best score so far),
while Topic 2 (astrology) had 5 common words with
one of the chains. The details of this discussion are
summarized in Table 4.
Figure 5: The distribution of the common words between
topics (of 200 words) and the lexical chains.
Table 4: Number of chains having a single word in
common with different topics (highest values are in bold),
and the maximum number of words in common with a
topic in a single chain.
T0 T1 T2 T3
16 12 15 >300
2 (3 chains
for T2, 1 for
the rest)
17 15 20 ~300 3 (T1 & T3)
100 24
33 >40 ~270 4 (T3)
150 34 51 41
~260 6 (T3)
200 >40
>50 >60 ~250 7 (T3)
In conclusion, the most frequent situation (besides
the lexical chains having no word in common with
the topics) is the one when the lexical chains and the
topics have exactly one common word, and the
maximum number of common words that was found
was 7 for topics consisting of 200 words.
4.2 Chat Conversations Corpus
A similar methodology was used to compare the
results on the chat corpus in order to see if there are
any noticeable differences due to the change of the
type of discourse. The results are reported more
briefly in this section.
4.2.1 LDA - LSA Comparison
Table 5 presents the top 10 words from the 5 LDA
topics. In Table 6 we present the most similar 30
word-pairs generated by LSA.
Similarly to the Wikipedia corpus, we plotted the
distributions of LDA and LSA scores for each word
from that topic and obtained the best result for Topic
1 (0.73). This case is presented in Figure 6, while in
Figure 7 we present the scattering diagram for this
topic. The Pearson’s and the Spearman’s Rank
correlation coefficient between the LDA and LSA
scores for each LDA topics are presented in Table 7.
Table 5: Top 10 words from the LDA topics in the chat
Topic 0 Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4
Forums wiki blogs chat blog
Internet solutions brain
information person
Good solve company friends forum
Ideas opinion clients find board
Right web changes folksonomy certain
Users wave compare follow fun
write number cases great new
idea need different hard part
people like easy integrate change
help use more maybe friend
Table 6: Top 30 most similar word-pairs generated by
LSA in the chat corpus.
LSA Word Pairs
sets-colinear flame-wars dictate-behaviour
decides-improper physically-online
counterargument counts-popularity
ads-revenue induction-patterns editors-objectivity
counter duties-minimum
patient-recall sets-colinear decides-improper
quicksilver lie-proud
secure-hacked simplifies-equals chatroom-leaves
careful-posible fellow-worker hexagonal-array
As it was expected, the results for the chat corpus
are less correlated than the ones obtained for the
Wikipedia corpus. This drop in performance can be
partly explained by the increased number of topics
(one additional topic), but mostly by the different
nature of discourse: the Wikipedia articles are much
Figure 6: LDA – LSA distributions for Topic 1 from the
chat corpus.
Figure 7: Scattering plot for the ranks distributions for the
LDA–LSA comparison for Topic 1 from the chat corpus.
Table 7: LDA-LSA Pearson’s Coefficient for the chat
0 0.63 0.46
0.73 0.55
2 0.55 0.41
3 0.46 0.35
4 0.71 0.32
more focused/cohesive and coherent than chat
conversation between multiple participants. It also
provides an insight related to the content of the chat
conversations: it seemed that the topic one (related
to wikis/Wikipedia) discovered by LDA was more
coherent than the other topics, at least by looking at
the LSA correlation scores. The second highest
score in this hierarchy was for the forum-blog topic
showing that the participants do not perceive
significant differences between these concepts.
However, the most intriguing result was the
placement of the third topic (related to chat) on the
last place, showing the least coherence. We expected
that this topic to have in fact the highest coherence,
being the tool most frequently used by the
participants and therefore the tool that they knew
best. These results may also be influenced by the
way we are measuring the coherence of a LDA topic
through its correlation with the average LSA
similarity scores.
4.2.2 LSA - Lexical Chains Comparison
For the chat corpus, the values of the LSA similarity
between words for every lexical chain ranged from -
1 to 1, as it can be seen in Figure 8. We can observe
that the correlation between the LSA and lexical
chains for the chat corpus is lower than the one for
the Wikipedia corpus, this fact being generated by
the lower cohesion of the text in this case.
Figure 8: LSA scores for the lexical chains from the chat
4.2.3 LDA - Lexical Chains Comparison
Similarly to the Wikipedia corpus, each of the five
topics was generated keeping the top 35, 50, 100 and
200 words and gradually comparing the number of
common words between the topics and the lexical
chains. The maximum length of the lexical chains
from this corpus was 84, much larger than the one
obtained in the case of the Wikipedia corpus. This is
due to the fact that the four topics imposed for
debating in the chat conversations (forum, chat,
blog, and wikipedia) were strongly related compared
to the Wikipedia articles that debated topics from
different domains.
The number of common words is predominantly
1, reaching a maximum of 8 common words for the
third topic (related to chat) for a length of the lexical
chain of 150 words. The results are similar to those
obtained for the Wikipedia corpus.
In this paper we discussed the characteristics and
behaviour of three methods frequently used to assess
semantics in various NLP applications: LSA, LDA
and lexical chaining. These methods have been
tested on two different corpora containg different
types of written discouse: a corpus consisting of 4
articles from Wikipedia and another one consisting
of 35 chat conversations with multiple participants
debating four pre-imposed topics: forum, chat, blog
and wikis.
In contrast with the previous studies, we have
compared the outcomes of the three methods using
quantitative scores computed based on the outputs of
each method. These scores included correlations
between similarity scores and the number of
common words from topics and chains. Thus, the
obtained results are task and discourse-independent.
The most important result is that LSA and LDA
have shown the strongest correlation on both
corpora. This is consistent with the theoretical
underpinnings, as LDA is similar to Probabilistic
Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA), except that the
LDA distribution of topics is assumed to have a
prior Dirichlet distribution. Moreover, LSA scores
might be used to compute the coherence of a LDA
topic as shown in the paper.
Another important contribution is that WordNet-
based lexical chains are not very correlated with
neither LSA nor LDA, therefore they might be seen
as complementary to the LSA or LDA results.
This research was supported by project No.264207,
ERRIC-Empowering Romanian Research on
Intelligent Information Technologies/FP7-REGPOT-
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