A Flexible System for a Comprehensive Analysis of Bibliographical Data
Sahar Vahdati, Andreas Behrend, Gereon Sch
uller and Rainer Manthey
Institute of Computer Science III, University of Bonn, R
omerstr. 164, D-53117 Bonn, Germany
Bibliographic Database, Digital Library, Citation Analysis.
Scientific literature has become easily accessible by now but a comprehensive analysis of the contents and
interrelationships between research papers is often missing. Therefore, a time consuming bibliographical
analysis is usually performed by scientists before they can really start their research. This manual process
includes the identification of the most important research trends, major papers, auspicious approaches, estab-
lished conference series as well as the search for most active groups for a specific research topic. In addition,
scientists have to collect related academic literature for avoiding reinvention of already published results. Al-
though a large number of literature management systems have been developed in order to support researchers
in these tasks, the offered analysis of bibliographical data is still quite limited. In this paper, we identify
some of the missing analysis features and show how they could be implemented using data about author af-
filiations, reference relations and additional metadata, automatically generated from a set of research articles.
The resulting prototypical implementation indicates the way towards the design of a general and extendible
bibliographic analysis system.
Bibliographic analysis is a very important aspect in
scientific work but usually a time-consuming process.
There are a lot of scientific literature management
systems available by now supporting researchers in
this process to a certain extent (e.g, ACM Digi-
tal Library, DBLP, CiteSeerX, SpringerLink, Google
Scholar or Microsoft Academic Search, but a compre-
hensive analysis of bibliographical data is still miss-
ing. Most of the systems focus on a perfect key-
word search or the computation of certain impact fac-
tors which do not help researchers in getting a good
overview about a certain research field (Bakkalbasi
et al., 2006). In contrast, researchers are often inter-
ested in getting a quick overview about a scientific
topic rather than a list of papers ordered according to
their citation ranks.
In particular researchers would like to find out:
“What are the most active conferences, groups, insti-
tutes in the research area of my interest?” “Who was
the most influential author and who is it now?” “What
papers are the most important ones for a given re-
search topic?” “Are there different schools or research
directions and which direction has turned out to be
a dead end, retrospectively?” “Which research topic
is currently en vogue establishing a kind of trend?”
“What conferences should I choose if I want to submit
a paper about a certain topic?” . The basic technique
needed to get such information is the exploration of
related work which starts with navigating the citations
provided in a set of research articles. To this end,
bibliographical databases, digital libraries and search
engines could be used which offer a citation analy-
sis of publications (Lister and Box, 2008). Such sys-
tems offer different search methods but usually leave
researchers alone with long lists of papers possibly
matching the provided search criteria. For example,
Google Scholar is good in finding papers which are
relevant to a given list of keywords. In addition, the
number of citations by other papers are displayed for
each document which leads to another list of papers.
Despite of these fine-tuned results, the questions
stated above cannot be answered that way and the
user needs to perform various similar searches be-
fore he gets an overview about the research field he
is interested in. Microsoft offers another search en-
gine which additionally provides a graphical visual-
ization for exploring the citation dependencies step-
wise in one direction. The system, however, cannot
provide a general overview over certain research ar-
eas and allows for investigating the interrelations of
one selected paper, only. In this paper, we show how
missing analysis features could be implemented using
data about author affiliations, reference relations and
additional metadata automatically generated from re-
Vahdati S., Behrend A., Schüller G. and Manthey R..
A Flexible System for a Comprehensive Analysis of Bibliographical Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0004799201430151
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 143-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-023-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
search articles. All paper related data is stored in a
relational database and SQL queries are employed al-
lowing for a flexible and comprehensive article anal-
ysis. In contrast to other literature services, our ap-
proach supports
the analysis of the complete citation graph allow-
ing for detecting research schools, dead-end re-
search directions or methodological differences
the distinction between different types of citations
which allows for a better understanding of rela-
tionships among papers
the automatic detection of key papers as well as
key conferences respectively journals for a given
research school
the analysis of author-related information (e.g. af-
At the end of this paper, we provide an evaluation of
our prototypical implementation using a sample data
set which contains documents from the research field
deductive databases over the last 37 years. We believe
that our system indicates the way towards the design
of a general bibliographic analysis tool.
The architecture of our system consists of three main
components: Base Data Collection, Bibliographical
Database System and User Interface. The first level is
responsible for collecting, editing, storing and index-
ing research papers. To this end, paper-related infor-
mation as well as a digital copy of each paper is stored
in the repository after passing a digitization process.
Data acquisition is one of the crucial steps as it de-
termines the quality of the analysis results later. We
have employed metadata extraction tools to our sam-
ple document set in order to obtain detailed informa-
tion about title, authors, affiliation, publisher, refer-
ences and covered research topics. Additional meta-
data could be extracted from other external systems
such as digital libraries (DL), bibliographical cata-
logues or literature databases. In fact, we plan to de-
velop our system towards a metasearch engine which
integrates the analysis features of other DL. In order
to enhance the paper classification process, we have
annotated papers by information about the paper con-
tents such as keywords as well as data model or pro-
gramming language used in the presentation. Most of
this information has been automatically extracted but
manually checked in order to have a very clean data
set. This additional data allowed for further refining
the search for relevant articles with respect to a given
Figure 1: The interface of our prototype for advanced con-
tent search.
topic. Finally, the user interface provided is able to
visualize the results using different types of graphs
such as intensity maps, line or network graphs which
transfer the analysis to a human readable format.
We have used a specific sample set of papers for
showing the expressiveness of our bibliographic anal-
ysis tool. To this end, we used a collection of pa-
pers which are concerned with three classical deduc-
tive database topics, namely materialized view main-
tenance, integrity checking and view updating.
3.1 Conceptual Design
Although the analysis of paper-related information
such as citations and topics covered were the main
focus of our work, we additionally wanted to sup-
port the detection of the most influential conferences
and journals for particular research fields. Therefore,
we needed to carefully distinguish between the vari-
ous forms of scientific publications such as proceed-
ings, books or journals. Furthermore, we had to ex-
tract some additional metadata from the papers such
as citations, keywords or author affiliations which are
usually not provided by similar systems for scien-
tific literature management. Metadata extraction can
be automatically done using extraction tools such as
TeamBeam. In our sample data set we could finally
use more than 30 attributes for characterizing a pa-
per including authorship, affiliations, citations, key-
words and potentially covered research topics. Aside
from the main paper table, further tables are employed
for storing the metadata determined such as reference
lists or the information about authors (in order to han-
dle multiple authorship). Based on that data set, we
could provide a much deeper paper analysis using
SQL queries than offered in similar bibliographic sys-
tems available today. Our data collections contains
1103 papers published from 1975 till 2012. The ref-
erence list basically forms the edge relation of the
underlying citation graph and additionally contains a
Boolean attribute indicating the ”importance” of the
citation relationship.
In fact, citations may play a different role in a pa-
per. Some of them are used for indicating that the au-
thors know other research work (or traditions) which
is related to their own paper. Other citations are used
to refer to scientific material (methods, approaches)
which is really necessary in order to understand the
presented approach of the paper under investigation.
We consider the latter as much more important as
they indicate research directions and even real sci-
entific cooperations. During the process of evaluat-
ing the reference type we used the value ”more im-
portant” as default which is automatically replaced
if the citation appears only once and the paper key-
words are considerably different. More details about
the automatic detection of reference types is given in
Section 4.2. Another important category of citations
are self-references which are consequently omitted
within the entire analysis process.
Many of the popular online services suffer from
unreliable data. In order to avoid similar problems
and to provide more reliable analysis results, we have
applied a data cleaning and correction step (a step
towards semi-automated curation). To this end, the
stored information about publishers, page numbers
and authorship has been verified using different on-
line sources. Another problem we had to solve be-
fore analyzing the data was the generation of unique
paper IDs. The primary ID of each paper is auto-
matically generated from the authors’ names and the
publication year. In case that this method would lead
to duplicates, the naming method is stepwise refined
following the recommendations from (Han and et al.,
2004) until all conflicts have been resolved. Although
this represents no general solution, we could already
obtain a clean sample set this way.
3.2 Content Description
In the following two sections we show how complex
bibliographical questions can already be answered us-
ing the automatically collected paper data from above.
For example, in Section 4 we show how the cita-
tion graph could be used to identify different research
schools for a particular research topic. This kind of
paper analysis, however, could be even improved if
more information about the paper’s contents would
be present. We used additional classification data for
each paper in order to provide better query results to
the user. To this end, we employed the classification
data from the digital library of ACM.
In order to provide even more classification details
we determined characteristic keywords within the pa-
per related to the employed data models, program-
ming languages, and algorithms. This classification
process was done using a pre-defined set of keywords
(e.g. Relational Algebra (RA), Update Propagation
(UP), Fixpoint (FP), SLDNF, Deductive Rules (DL),
Transformation-based (TB),...) and text-mining tools
provided by the underlying database system. The re-
sulting data provide a more precise content descrip-
tion such that researchers can perform more advanced
paper searches while reducing the number of false
positives in the list of returned answers.
For example, in our user interface you can search
for papers concerning integrity checking where the
authors use the relational data model as well as the
relational algebra in their presentation (see Figure 1).
This way, the article ”[Bro00]” with the title ’A gen-
eral treatment of dynamic integrity constraints’ and
the article ”[Dec02]” with the title ’Translating Ad-
vanced Integrity Checking Technology to SQL’ could
be easily identified as very related papers despite of
the very different values in the ACM classification
system (G.2.0 and H.2.1 vs. H.2.7 and H.2.3).
Despite of the fact that many scientific literature man-
agement tools provide a citation number for each pa-
per, a comprehensive citation analysis is usually miss-
ing. Having the entire citation graph at hand, various
interesting conclusions about the importance of paper
ideas, authors, research schools and the success of re-
search directions can be drawn.
4.1 Building a Citation Graph
Reference Depths: Citations form a relation be-
tween papers leading to a directed dependency graph.
Papers may be connected via several relationships
(paths) with different distance values. We call a re-
lationship between papers “non-direct references” if
a paper does not refer to a paper in its own reference
list but indirectly via one or several referenced papers
(i.e., the distance is larger than 1).
Figure 2: Citation relationships in form of a network graph view (Google Fusion Tables).
Self-References: The self-references may be justi-
fied if an author refines his previous work. However,
self-references are often considered to be not that
valuable. We developed a filter query for avoiding
the analysis of such references and stored the remain-
ing references using the materialized view “NewRef-
Ancestors: All direct references which have been
extracted from the documents have been added to
the References table with distance number 1. These
references can be used to determine indirect rela-
tions between papers that can be modelled as ances-
tors and descendants with different distances. For
the subsequent analysis queries, it would be desir-
able to have the ancestors and descendants relation
in materialized form. The paper relationship graph,
however, is highly connected and a paper may be re-
lated to another paper by various paths of different
lengths. Therefore, we created a new table named
“NewAncestors” which contained all paths with the
smallest distance. The corresponding paths have been
determined using a fixpoint iteration starting from all
edges in table “NewReferences” with distance 1.
The respective query is iteratively applied as long
as there are new insertions. With our test data, the it-
eration loop ended after 8 iterations, which means that
the maximal distance between two related papers was
8. The total number of direct relations between two
papers in our set is 4552, while there are more than
35000 indirect relations. These relations between pa-
pers form a graph in which papers are the nodes and
the distance is the weight of each edge between two
related papers. A small fraction of our reference rela-
tion can be seen in Figure 2. The yellow nodes indi-
cate that this paper is referenced by another one. The
more papers refer to a yellow node, the bigger (and
more important) the node becomes. If a paper is not
referenced at all, the node gets the color blue.
4.2 Analyzing Citations
The stored direct references together with the com-
puted indirect ones allow for standard computations
such as “Who is the most referenced author for a par-
ticular topic?” or “What paper about integrity check-
ing has the highest number of references?”. Figure 3
shows the list of papers with the highest number of ci-
tations, including the authors, conferences, and pub-
lication years. Here we have already used the total
number of references including the computed indirect
ones. Our data could also be used to find the most ac-
tive author who is still publishing in the respective re-
search fields. For example, the most active researcher
over the last two years 2011 and 2012 in the field of
integrity checking was Hendrik Decker according to
the data from our collection.
The citation graph, however, even allows for a
deeper paper analysis. Suppose you want to know
whether there are different schools (or approaches)
for checking integrity violations efficiently. In Fig-
ure 2, clearly two subgraphs can be identified which
basically represent two research schools for this par-
ticular research area. As mentioned above, we have
used two types of references in order to consider the
different importance for the respective paper. Solid
lines are used to indicate important citations (strong
relationships) which are necessary to understand the
presented approach while dotted lines (weak relation-
ships) are employed for citations of minor impor-
tance. The paper ”[TU95]”, therefore, belongs to the
subgraph centered by ”[Oli91]” and not to the other
one with the center ”[BDM88]” because of the dot-
Figure 3: Papers sorted according to the number of refer-
ted connection to the latter. For determining the two
connected components of the depicted citation graph,
current database systems already provide methods
(e.g., in Oracle 11gR1 as part of the Oracle Spatial
and Graph facility) which have to be applied to strong
relationships, only.
In order to distinguish weak and strong relation-
ships, the references have been weighted using a
bonus system. To this end, we employed the follow-
ing formula bonus(c, k, o) := 10 c + 20 k + 20 o,
where c is the total number of common coauthors, k
is the number of common keywords and o is the num-
ber of reference occurrences within the referencing
paper. The first subterm is based on the assumption
that common coauthors indicate related paper con-
tents. The factor 10, however, leads to a relatively
small impact on the total bonus number because coau-
thorship is only a very rough indicator. The main cri-
terion is the number of common keywords used in the
two papers as it provides the best indicator for the pa-
per topic. We employed again a list of pre-defined
keywords like UP, FP, SLDNF, RA, Deductive Rules
and Transformation-based (cf. Section 3.2) each of
them contributing to the total bonus by the weighting
factor 20.
This rough estimation worked well for our test
scenario but could be further improved by more so-
phisticated IR approaches (like the tf-idf method (Wu
and et al., 2008)) for determining the importance of a
keyword within a document. The third subterm eval-
uates the number of occurrences of a certain refer-
ence. If authors are referenced several times, we may
assume that the relationship to this previous work is
high. We simply added all bonus points and indicated
a reference relation as weak if the resulting weight is
below 300. In addition, weights above 700 are indi-
cated by even thicker solid lines in order to show very
close relationships between two papers. On that ba-
sis, different research schools could be easily identi-
fied as shown in Figure 2. The used interval [300,700]
worked almost perfectly for our sample set but an ex-
tended evaluation is still to be done. This way, not
only different research schools could be identified but
also the importance of certain approaches may be es-
timated. For example, the subgraph on the left-hand
side contains considerably more nodes than the one
on the right-hand side, making it potentially more in-
fluential (active) than the other one. Furthermore, we
could use our filter to omit any self-references which
would allow to estimate the number of people in the
respective research group working on that particular
subject. Despite of these already promising results,
the approach can be certainly further refined by ap-
plying more sophisticated methods for estimating pa-
per relationship such as the vector space model from
In the following, we provide a brief overview of our
analysis results. While the following presentation re-
mains rather sketchy, it already shows the general pos-
sibilities of a comprehensive paper analysis.
5.1 Publishers and Venues
The documents in our collection had been published
in 314 different conferences and journals. There are
199 conferences related to the three research areas
and ve top active conferences could be determined
according to the number of references to papers pub-
lished there. The conferences in which most of the
papers were published over the years are VLDB,
SIGMOD, ICDE, PODS, and DEXA. In particular,
around 1/5 of all papers from our collection appeared
in these conferences.
In Figure 4 the line graph of the number of papers
published in the top 5 conferences is shown. During
the mid 90s there was a peak in the interest for the re-
spective three topics. Then, between 2003 and 2007
there was a renewed interest in these topics with pub-
lications at ICDE, VLDB and DEXA.
Figure 4: Number of papers from our collection published
in the top 5 conferences.
Afterwards, the number of published papers at
these conference decreased significantly, showing that
the research topics under investigation have lost their
dynamics. This analysis is equivalent to the obser-
vations made by (Mayol and Teniente, 1999). Dur-
ing the last two years 2011 and 2012, the confer-
Figure 5: No. of papers referencing conferences per year.
ence series KES (Conference on Knowledge-Based
and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems)
became more important for publishing results from
our three sample topics. So, if a researcher is in-
terested in the topics integrity checking, materialized
view maintenance or view updating, he or she ought
to consult older papers from the identified top 5 con-
ferences in order to get an overview about the pro-
posed research approaches. For publishing new re-
sults, the conferences KES, DEXA and ICDE appear
to be more appropriate than VLDB or PODS.
5.2 Active Conferences
Let us now consider the effectiveness role of confer-
ences for the topics under investigation. To this end,
we considered the top 10 conferences and determined
how often papers in these conferences have been ref-
erenced by papers from our collection. Two queries
are employed over the table Papers and NewAnces-
tors which comprise direct as well as indirect refer-
ences while avoiding the counting of self-references.
The first query returns the number of references from
different papers to papers published by these confer-
ences and journals. The second one illustrates the
number of papers published by a certain conference
with respect to the year of publication. The num-
ber of references to different conferences is counted
in the first query which performs an inner join of
NewAncestors on the table Paper. Afterwards the re-
sult is aggregated in order to sum up the number of
references for a particular conference with respect to
each year. The result was that the most active con-
ferences are also the most referenced ones, namely
In Figure 5 the number of references to the 5 most
active conferences per year is shown. The oldest and
still active conference in our interest research area is
VLDB. For example, papers from the VLDB 1990
were cited by 100 different papers from our collec-
tion. The conferences which have been mostly refer-
enced by papers from our collection are SIGMOD and
VLDB indicating that most of the underlying method-
ological framework was presented at these confer-
ences. Another interesting aspect is the aging of ci-
tations. More recent conferences receive very few ci-
tations indicating that new publications on our prese-
lected topics do not use results published in these con-
ferences anymore but rather refer to classical standard
papers from the past. Note that there are other ways of
analyzing co-authorship which have been proposed,
e.g., (Nascimento et al., 2003; Smeaton and et al.,
2002), which could be integrated in our system, too.
5.3 Active Countries
Generally, a paper arises from a work or project which
has been done in a research institute or university. The
origin of a paper is usually indicated in its metadata.
The information about the organizations in which the
papers have been produced allows for determining the
amount of research activity of that organization or
country in a certain way. Having such information
stored in the database enables us to identify the most
active countries for a particular research area.
Another interesting result is the identification of
topic movements over countries. By publishing the
original papers in a conference or journal, other re-
searchers become aware about that new topic and start
working on that. Consequently, a topic may become
a trend in a country’s research for a particular time
interval which is reflected by the intensity of the re-
spective publication numbers.
Figure 6: Topic movement for integrity checking over time
and country
Figure 6 illustrates the top 6 active countries
which have published the highest number of papers
over years. In 1975, the first paper on integrity check-
ing appeared from the USA. In parallel, researchers in
France were active in this research field and published
papers in the same year. Afterwards, other coun-
tries like Germany and Spain became interested in this
topic and are even still working on them. Another in-
teresting point is that Spain represents the most active
country nowadays for the field of Integrity Checking,
although it was the last country in the list starting to
publish paper in this research area. It is also visible
that this topic was an active research field during the
90s but it regained interest recently.
5.4 Citation Genealogy
The impact of scientific publications (Aksnes, 2005)
is often estimated by the number of direct citations
they receive. On the other hand, indirect references
also indicate the relationships of two papers. Suppose
a user wants to know whether a paper indirectly refers
to a very important work in a certain research field. A
possible way to answer this question could be to de-
termine all indirectly referenced papers and to select
the one with the highest impact.
In fact, public bibliographic services such as the
academic research system by Microsoft allow for ex-
ploring indirect citation references by hand. However,
this may soon turn into a very tedious task and a query
about the most influential paper which is indirectly
cited can hardly be answered that way. Indirect cita-
tion references may also show the footprints of a pub-
lication topic through the evolution of its respective
research area. The same technique can be used for an-
alyzing the cited by relationship. Suppose you want
to know what is the most important paper (directly or
indirectly) citing the publication under investigation.
Again, a query like this could be easily implemented
using the ancestor relationship among paper citations
SELECT NA.RefFrom, NA.RefTo, max(NA.#DC)
FROM NewAncestors AS NA
where the attribute #DC refers to the number of di-
rect citations. This type of query is currently not
supported by any of the public bibliographic services
available so far. In fact, most of the systems just fo-
cus on direct relationships neglecting the influence
of transitive connections. The exploration of indirect
references could be used to refine the impact values
of a paper but it is not sufficient just to consider the
total number of direct and indirect ones. The reason
is that once a paper is cited by a key paper with many
direct references, this paper inherits all this references
which may lead to unjustified high impact scores.
In Fig. 7 the ranking of papers on the topic ’ma-
terialized view maintenance’ is depicted according to
their total number of direct as well as indirect refer-
ences. We have highlighted the papers we consider to
be key research papers in the respective research area.
Obviously, both measurements provide valuable in-
formation about possible key papers. The number of
indirect references in particular indicates how active
a research direction has been followed and whether
the ideas of a highly cited paper have really spread.
The computation of a general impact factor, however,
is a difficult task and various other paper related val-
ues should be additionally considered. At least, in our
Figure 7: Citation Genealogy for Selected Papers.
particular case Data mining techniques could be used
in order to discover a formula for computing impact
factors based on direct and indirect references (Chen,
2006). The resulting formula should also take an ag-
ing factor into account. For example, the length of the
time interval in which direct references occurred may
indicate the relevance of a paper and its addressed re-
search topic.
The ancestor relationship could also be used to
form a kind of scientific genealogy for any tracked
publication. In this way one can see all the work
that directly or indirectly influenced a given paper.
In Figure 8 we present a sample case in which the
ancestor relationship for four different papers is de-
picted. To this end, we have chosen four papers with
a very high number of (in)direct citations (cited by
as well as cited to references). In the sample study,
we have chosen four papers with more than 100 refer-
ences each, as this border allowed to determine almost
every key research paper in our sample collection. It
is interesting to notice that the ancestors and children
for the rightmost key paper (root) showed almost no
interconnections with ancestors and children from an-
other root paper.
This disconnection indicates two very different re-
search fields (integrity checking for the first three pa-
pers and query evaluation for the one on the right) as
the authors did not refer to the other branch. Thus,
different research schools or research fields could be
identified even though no keywords nor specific terms
were known in advance. The resulting tool could be
used to identify unknown research schools and to au-
tomatically determine a representative collection of
keywords for them (just like reverse engineering). We
have called the respective graph Citation Genealogy.
It has been prepared using the TouchGraph
In principle, four different cases may occur depend-
ing on possible overlaps between the ancestors and/or
the children subgraphs. In case that we have connec-
tions between children and ancestors of two different
key papers (see the two key papers from left-to-right
in Fig. 8) we may assume that we are dealing with just
one research field from which more than one key pa-
per originated. The case that we have no connections
between ancestors nor children is a strong indication
Figure 8: Citation Genealogy for Selected Papers.
for two different research schools. Another case is
that we have some connections between the children
and even the key papers but none between the ances-
tor papers (as it is the case for the two key papers in
the middle of Fig. 8). This constellation may indicate
that two different research directions have developed
over time from one common research field. Note that
this kind of analysis could even be refined by omit-
ting weak reference types as proposed in Section 4.
In this way, however, already identified keywords for
different research topics are implicitly used again.
For decades, citation counts and impact factor scores
,e.g., the h-index or Eigenfactor have been the pri-
mary currency in the entire business of publication
(Rahm, 2005). Of course, the corresponding metrics
could be easily incorporated into our analysis queries.
The problem of evaluating the value of paper refer-
ences has been tackled in various publications ,e.g.,
(Lacasta and et al., 2013) and (Newman, 2001). In
particular, these authors try to find criteria which help
to discover very similar scientific work or even du-
plicated results. An approach for automatically ex-
tracting topic classifiers from a paper text has been
proposed in (Klampfl, 2013) that could be used in
our system for refining the distinction of weak and
strong references. The problem of reference reconcil-
iation and methodes for detecting similar references
and improving keyword search has been proposed in
(Dong and et al., 2005), (Tejada and et al., 2002) and
(Harzing, 2013) which allow to incorporate similarity
measures. In (Falagas and et al., 2008) and (Jacso,
2005) comparisons between four popular online bib-
liographical databases has been done using specific
keyword searches and analyzing the utility of the re-
trieved information. The problem of search engines
returning lists of results which needs additional man-
ual mining is also addressed with an enriching ap-
proach in (Khazaei, 2012). All these approaches,
however, solve particular search problems only. A
system that provides a comprehensive and extensible
citation analysis, however, is still missing. We de-
cided against the usage of a graph database because of
the extensive multi-user support we need in our sys-
tem and the lack of support for large scale application
in graph databases (Vicknair and et al., 2010).
For evaluating our system two aspects have to consid-
ered: performance and accuracy of the results. With
respect to performance, the only critical part is the de-
termination of the transitive closure of the reference
relationship. As the resulting graph is materialized,
all queries using this information (see samples in Sub-
sections 5.3 and 5.4) could be executed in less than a
second using a standard PC. This is not surprising be-
cause of the relatively small amount of around 35.000
paths for the 1103 papers and applicable index struc-
tures which would scale well for even bigger collec-
tions such as DBLP. The determination and material-
ization of the transitive closure took less than 5 Min-
utes by exploring link connections of at most 8 steps.
Another data set from DBLP has been tested which
contained more than 2300 papers with only 6000
direct references and detected 8 again as the maximal
distance of two related papers. Even if the maximal
distance number were considerably higher in differ-
ent research fields, the computation of the transitive
closure remains to be strongly limited and we can as-
sume that the total number of indirect relations may
considerably stay below |collection| × |collection|.
Furthermore, the reference list of already pro-
cessed papers hardly changes anymore such that the
transitive closure of them really has to be computed
only once. New paths within the transitive closure
induced by new papers added to the collection can
be efficiently determined using incremental mainte-
nance methods as proposed, e.g., in (Behrend, 2011).
In addition, the determination of the transitive closure
could be the application of recursive views as sup-
ported by many database systems like PostgreSQL by
now. In contrast to performance issues, the evalua-
tion of the system’s accuracy is much more problem-
atic due to the specific data collection we currently
work on. Having preselected papers from the research
The low number is explained by the fact that this was a
collection with randomly chosen papers. Thus, the number
of related papers was quite small in contrast to our topic
specific collection.
fields materialized view maintenance, integrity check-
ing and view updating, we can hardly evaluate the ac-
curacy of finding other research fields. For this we
would need to evaluate a broader collection of pa-
pers. The detection of research schools, however, was
highly accurate for our collection but an evaluation of
our rules for distinguishing weak and strong reference
types is still to be done. In particular, the trade-off be-
tween the detection of as many different schools as
possible while avoiding the generation of false pos-
itives has still to be investigated. Nevertheless, the
results we have achieved so far already indicate that
the automatic detection of research schools and/or re-
search fields is possible in a feasible way.
We have presented a system for bibliographical anal-
ysis which is desired by many researchers. Our anal-
ysis results indicate that such a system is able to an-
swer the bibliographical questions which researchers
might encounter while searching for specific papers in
a particular area. Our tool can become a powerful and
influential information system supporting researchers
in other scientific communities to collect, manage, ac-
cess the bibliographical and citation analysis of doc-
uments. The specificity of our system proposal is
the consequent application of a database system with
a full-fledged query language at hand. In this way,
a flexible analysis tool could be programmed which
can be easily extended by new paper related measure-
ments. While the analysis part as well as data acqui-
sition is constantly extended, we additionally plan to
develop a web-based interface for supporting a flexi-
ble querying in the future.
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