melanoma associated with abnormal moles. A key
challenge is to overcome the limited ability of com-
puterised image processing techniques to replicate the
visual techniques that a human specialist uses when
making similar assessments. Consequently, the pro-
cesses used by computerised image recognition mod-
els have to be capable of producing a level of accu-
racy of assessment and diagnosis that is comparable
to that achieved by specialists, but at the same time
this must be done using approaches and algorithms
that are fundamentally different from the process of
human interpretation. A key factor is the need for
segmentation, that is the process of dividing a given
image into a number of segments that will each have
something to contribute towards carrying out an anal-
ysis in a meaningful way. A initial task is to determine
the boundaries of the captured image so that the anal-
ysis is only applied where appropriate. The ability to
compensate for variations in features, light conditions
and the nature of image itself requires an altogether
more complex approach.
These challenges can be addressed in a number of
ways. For example, the consideration of colours and
patterns within the image recognition algorithm con-
tribute towards the definition of boundaries and seg-
ments, including the essential external boundary of
the image. Much of this process is concerned with the
identification of edges of one sort or another (Abdou
and W.K.Pratt, 1979). Indeed this identification is a
pre-requisite for image recognition and a fundamen-
tal step towards ensuring stability and robustness in
decision-making. Establishing the relevant segments
of the image depends on two essential features of the
image: firstly, those areas that can be considered sim-
ilar to each other; and secondly, the identification of
discontinuity. The task of the image recognition pro-
cess is precisely to make the distinction between those
The algorithm used in this application includes a
number of innovations. It does not depend on the
identification of first and second order gradients in a
conventional manner, nor does it make use of thresh-
olds in order to consider binarisation. Rather, self-
organising fuzzy sets are utilised in order to optimise
the Knowledge Data Base (KDB) for the application.
The system includes features that are based on the tex-
tural properties of an image defined in terms of fractal
geometric parameters including the Fractal Dimen-
sion (FD) and Local Texture Detectors(LTD) which is
an important theme in medical image analysis. How-
ever, in this paper we focus on one particular applica-
tion, namely, the skin cancer diagnosis for screening
patients through a mobile device.
Colour image processing is becoming increasingly
important in object analysis and pattern recognition.
There are a number of algorithms for understanding
two- and three-dimensional objects in a digital im-
age. The colour content of an image is very impor-
tant for reliable automatic segmentation, object detec-
tion, recognition, classification and contributes signif-
icantly to image processing operations required and
the object recognition methodologies applied (Free-
man, 1988). Colour processing and colour interpreta-
tion is critical to the diagnosis of many medical con-
ditions and the interpretation of the information con-
tent of an image by both man and machine. (e.g.
(E.R.Davies, 1997), (Louis and Galbiati, 1990) and
(Snyder and Qi, 2004)).
A typical colour image consists of mixed RGB
signals. A grey-tone image appears as a normal black
and white photograph. However, on closer inspec-
tion it may be seen that it is composed of individual
picture cells or pixels. In fact, a digital image is an
[x, y] array of pixels. We may already have a given
image of an object that can be described by the func-
tion f (x, y) and has a set of features S = {s
, s
, ..., s
The key task is to examine a sample and to establish
how ‘close’ this sample is to the reference image, re-
quiring the creation of a function that can establish the
degree of proximity. All recognition is a process of
comparing features against some pre-established tem-
plate, a process that has to operate within the bounds
of certain conditions and tolerances. We may con-
sider four stages in this process: (i) image acquisition
and filtering (in order to remove noise, although even
at this stage, a proper understanding of what noise is
and what may be pertinent information is essential);
(ii) accurate location of the object, through edge de-
tection (iii) measurement of the parameters of the ob-
ject; and (iv) an estimation of the class of the object.
Various aspects of these stages are considered below,
with a focus on those features of design and imple-
mentation that are most advantageous for the devel-
opment of applications for skin cancer screening.
The image to be acquired has to be suitable for
integration within the application. In the case of
mobile devices the camera is intrinsically bound up
with the operating system of the device. Images ob-
tained using a typical camera of this type are rela-
tively noise free and are digitised using the mobile
device’s standard CCD/CMOS camera. Nevertheless,
the capturing of good quality images with consistent
brightness and contrast features remains critical. The