The emerging IC MEMS sensory technology in
Smartphones defines a new path in healthcare
monitoring. Benefits of using mobile phone as
multi-parameter sensing device include the ability of
an asthma patient to carry an accurate all-in-one
monitor anywhere; and the ability to make baseline
measurements at anytime thereby generating a
database that could allow for improved detection of
disease state and control.
Our emphasis has been on sensor fusion and
context modelling given that data fusion and context
awareness are critical for optimal performance of
any health monitoring system. Whereas data fusion
provides accurate value, context recognition
provides knowledge on what to do with the data.
The sensor fusion requires substantial MCU power
which may not be fully provided by Smartphones
given the limited power source for these devices.
Using a dedicated sensor processor may be an
efficient way of performing sensor data computing.
Optimal performance and cost however, are major
considerations for independent sensor processor.
The wheeze signal also, needs to be analyzed in a
separate application. We are investigating how the
application can run concurrently with data fusion in
order to have a synchronized output.
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