A Web-based System to Support Inquiry Learning
Towards Determining How Much Assistance Students Need
Bruce M. McLaren
, Michael Timms
, Doug Weihnacht
, Daniel Brenner
, Kim Luttgen
Andrew Grillo-Hill
and David H. Brown
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A.
Australian Council for Educational Research, Melbourne, Australia
MW Productions, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
WestEd, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
D. H. Brown & Associates, Torrance, U.S.A.
Keywords: Hints, Feedback, Bayesian Network, the Assistance Dilemma, Inquiry Learning, Science Learning.
Abstract: How much assistance should be provided to students as they learn with educational technology? Providing
help allows students to proceed when struggling, yet can depress their motivation to learn independently.
Assistance withholding encourages students to learn for themselves, yet can also lead to frustration. The
web-based inquiry-learning program, Voyage to Galapagos (VTG), helps students “follow” the steps of
Darwin through a simulation of the Galapagos Island and his discovery of evolution. Students explore the
islands, take pictures of animals, evaluate their characteristics and behavior, and use scientific methodology
to discover evolution. A preliminary study with 48 middle school students examined three levels of
assistance: (1) no support, (2) error flagging, text feedback on errors, and hints, and (3) pre-emptive hints
with error flagging, error feedback, and hints. The results indicate that higher performing students gainfully
use the program’s support more frequently than lower performing students, those who arguably have a
greater need for it. We conjecture that this could be a product of the current VTG program only supporting
an early phase of the learning process and also that higher performers have better metacognition,
particularly in knowing when (and when not) to ask for help. Lower performers may benefit at later phases
of the program, which we will test in a future study.
A key problem in the Learning Sciences is the
assistance dilemma: How much assistance is the
right amount to provide to students as they learn
with educational technology? (Koedinger and
Aleven, 2007). While past research with, for
instance, inquiry-learning environments clearly
points toward some guidance being necessary (Geier
et al., 2008), it doesn’t fully answer the assistance
dilemma (which has also been investigated under the
guise of “productive failure” (Kapur, 2009)).
Essentially the issue is to find the right balance
between, on the one hand, full support and, on the
other hand, allowing students to make their own
decisions and, at times, mistakes.
There are benefits and costs associated with both
ends of this spectrum. Assistance giving allows
students to experience success and move forward
when they are struggling, yet can lead to shallow
learning and the lack of motivation to learn on their
own. On the other hand, assistance withholding
encourages students to think and learn for
themselves, yet can lead to frustration and wasted
time when they are unsure of what to do. Advocates
of direct instruction point to the many studies that
show the advantages of assistance giving (Kirschner
et al., 2006; Mayer, 2004), but this still does not
address the subtlety of exactly when and how
instruction should be made available, particularly in
light of differences in domains and learners (Klahr,
Research in the area of scientific inquiry
learning, where students tackle non-trivial scientific
problems by investigating, experimenting, and
exploring in relatively wide-open problem spaces,
has provided various results about how different
types of guidance support students. Researchers
M. McLaren B., Timms M., Weihnacht D., Brenner D., Luttgen K., Grillo-Hill A. and H. Brown D..
A Web-based System to Support Inquiry Learning - Towards Determining How Much Assistance Students Need.
DOI: 10.5220/0004810100430052
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 43-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
have built on inquiry learning theory (Edelson,
2001; Quintana et al., 2004) and have developed and
experimented with simulations, cognitive tools, and
microworlds to support inquiry learning in science.
Systems of this kind that have demonstrated learning
benefits include BGUILE (Sandoval and Reiser,
2004), the Co-Lab collaborative learning system
(van Joolingen et al., 2005), a chemistry virtual
laboratory (Borek et al, 2009; Tsovaltzi et al., 2010),
WISE (Linn and Hsi, 2000; Slotta, 2004), and
Metafora (Dragon et al., 2013). A large study by
Geier et al. (2008) with over 1,800 middle-school
students in the experimental condition versus more
than 17,000 students in the control, showed that
students who were given scaffolded tools for
performing inquiry learning exercises (in earth,
physical and life science) did significantly better on
standardized exams than students who did not use
the tools.
Thus, there is evidence that supporting and
guiding students in inquiry learning is beneficial.
Yet questions still remain: How much support is the
right amount? How should assistance vary according
to different levels of prior knowledge? To explore
these questions we have developed (and continue to
develop) a web-based inquiry learning system called
Voyage to Galapagos (VTG) and will experiment
with the software in a systematic manner intended to
uncover how much help is necessary for students to
learn about the theories of natural selection and
evolution. At this stage of our research, we are
testing various types of feedback across a spectrum
of learners; we are not focused on varying / adapting
the general type of feedback based on performance
and prior knowledge. Eventually, we will adapt
feedback to suit specific learners, but we first intend
to answer the question of how much and what kind
of feedback is appropriate for different learners with
different levels of understanding. By fixing the
feedback according to condition at this stage, we
will learn, for instance, whether high assistance
helps low prior knowledge learners and low
assistance is better for high prior knowledge
Voyage to Galapagos is software that guides
students through a simulation of Darwin’s journey
through the Galapagos Islands, where he collected
data and made observations that helped him develop
his theories. The program provides students with the
opportunity to do simulated science field work,
including data collection and data analysis during
investigation of the key biological principles of
variation, function, and adaptation.
In typical inquiry learning fashion, the VTG
program also provides a wide range of actions that a
student can take. For instance, as they travel on the
virtual paths of individual islands, students can take
pictures of a variety of animals, some of which are
relevant to understanding evolution, and some of
which are not. This variety of action implies that
there are also many possibilities to guide – or not
guide – students as they learn and work through the
program. Such variety also means that VTG is a rich
instructional environment to experiment with the
assistance dilemma and different amounts and types
of guidance.
It is possible to provide assistance at different
frequencies (e.g., never, when a student is
struggling, or always) and different levels (e.g.,
flagging errors only, flagging errors and providing
textual feedback, providing hints) in VTG. In the
preliminary study presented in this paper, we
evaluate assistance given according to these two
dimensions and have conducted a classroom study
with 48 middle school students. The study has
provided us with initial insights and ideas about
modifying and extending VTG, and we present and
discuss our plans for a larger, more comprehensive
Evolution is a fascinating academic topic to
investigate because few students come to the subject
without preconceptions and misconceptions. More
often than not, students have misconceptions that
must be overcome in order for them to learn and
attain a correct understanding. Misconceptions that
students have about evolution originate from
multiple sources, all of which are related to prior
knowledge, beliefs, and conceptions about the world
(Alters and Nelson, 2002):
1. From-experience Misconceptions
Misconceptions that arise from everyday
experience. For example, students may think
“mutations” are always detrimental to the
fitness and quality of an organism, since the
word “mutation” in everyday use typically
implies an unwanted outcome.
2. Self-constructed Misconceptions
Misconceptions from trying to incorporate new
knowledge into an already incorrect concept.
For example, students who think that evolution
is somehow “progressive”, always moving
toward more “positive” variations.
3. Taught-and-learned Misconceptions
Misconceptions that arise from informally
learned and unscientific “facts.” For example,
watching movies with dinosaurs and humans
can lead students to the mistaken idea that
these species lived at the same time (and, of
course, they did not).
4. Vernacular Misconceptions – Misconceptions
that arise from the everyday use versus
scientific use of words. For example, “theory”
in everyday use means an unsubstantiated idea;
the scientific use of “theory” means an idea
with substantial supporting evidence.
5. Religious and myth-based Misconceptions
Ideas that come from religious or mythical
teaching that, when transferred to science
education, become factually inaccurate. For
example, the belief that the Earth is too young
for evolution, given the Bible’s dating of the
Earth at 10,000 years.
To start the project, in June 2011, we met with a
focus group of seven experienced middle and high
school teachers from diverse institutions to
determine which misconceptions they observe most
frequently in their students. The teachers ranked
how frequently they encountered a set of 11
common evolution misconceptions in their
classrooms. The set of misconceptions was derived
from a literature review (e.g., AAAS, 2011; Alters,
2005; Anderson et al., 2002; Bishop and Anderson,
1990; Lane, 2011) and identification of the
misconceptions that are relevant to VTG. The
rankings ranged from, at the top, “Natural selection
involves organisms ‘trying’ to adapt” to the bottom
ranking of “Sudden environmental change is
required for evolution to occur.”
We conducted this focus group in order to better
understand the learning of evolution and to develop
educational technology that engages students’ prior
knowledge and misconceptions. Research has shown
that if prior knowledge is not directly engaged,
students may have trouble grasping new concepts
(Bransford et al., 2000). Inquiry learning is one way
to engage prior knowledge and overcome
misconceptions. Prior work has shown that good
scientific inquiry involves systematic steps such as
formulating questions, developing hypotheses,
designing experiments, analyzing data, drawing
conclusions, and reflecting on acquired knowledge.
Essentially, students who imitate (or are guided
towards) the cognitive processes of scientific experts
are most likely to benefit from inquiry (De Jong and
van Joolingen, 1998; Klahr and Dunbar,
In addition, while undertaking these steps,
students are likely to reveal and/or act upon their
misconceptions, which, in turn, can be directly
addressed by the feedback and guidance provided by
an educational technology system. In a study with a
science inquiry learning environment, Mulder,
Lazander & de Jong (2010) concluded that there
were two ways of assisting students: by providing
domain support in order to increase the effectiveness
of their natural inquiry behavior or by supporting
their inquiry behavior at the level of domain
knowledge. Quintana et al. (2004) called these
content support and process support respectively. In
this work, we focus on process support, helping
students become better inquiry learners.
Our approach to overcoming misconceptions about
evolution is to have students work with VTG, a web-
based, inquiry program that mirrors Darwin’s
pathway to the development of the theories of
natural selection and evolution. The program, which
is largely implemented but still under development,
encourages the student to follow the steps of good
scientific inquiry, e.g., developing hypotheses,
collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions.
The program also reveals the basic principles of
evolution theory to the students. Darwin’s early
ideas were initially inspired by his observations in
the Galapagos Islands, where he noted the patterns
of species distribution on the archipelagos. Darwin’s
observations in Galapagos (and other islands, during
his long journey) spurred him to begin formulating
his revolutionary ideas (Sulloway, 1982).
Students working with VTG have the opportunity
to “follow” Darwin’s steps and observe and analyze
differences among island fauna. This occurs through
a virtual exploration of six Galapagos Islands where
students take photographs of different animals,
watch videos of animal functions, conduct various
analyses in a virtual laboratory, and come to
conclusions based on assessments of the data.
The VTG program involves three main phases,
or “levels”:
Level 1: Variation – photograph a sample of
iguanas; measure the variation; analyze
geographic distribution of variants
Level 2: Function – watch videos on animal
functions (e.g., eating, swimming, foraging for
food); test animals for relative performance
Level 3: Adaptation – see where animals with
specific biological functions live; hypothesize
about selective pressures; draw conclusions
The student is presented with a video before
working on each level, which explains key points
about the inquiry process of that phase, relevant
evolution theory, and prompts the student to begin
work. Once the student starts working, they are
given assistance according to their experimental
condition. There are five possible conditions,
varying from no to high assistance. (Only three of
the conditions were studied in the preliminary study.
These will be explained later in the paper.)
The study presented in this paper focuses only on
Level 1, as this has been the focus of our initial
feasibility and usability studies. Figure 1 shows a
screen shot of VTG – Level 1 in which the student is
located on the island of Fernandina in the Galapagos
and has the viewfinder of her camera focused on an
iguana. An overall view of the Galapagos Islands is
shown in the upper right, and a close-up view of a
portion of a selected island, in this case Fernandina,
is shown in the lower right. The student can follow
or skip around the virtual path on the selected island,
by selecting individual steps that are in the close-up
view of that island. When a step is selected, a picture
of the view from that point on the island is shown
(note: the pictures in the program were actually
taken in the Galapagos).
Figure 1: The VTG inquiry-learning program, Level 1.
Here the student is about to take a picture of an iguana
(centered in the red viewfinder box in the photograph).
As the student takes pictures of animals, they are
stored in her Logbook, the central repository and
organizing tool for the student’s inquiry (see Figure
2). Students are instructed to collect iguanas that
have as much variation between them as possible.
They can take up to 12 photographs in an attempt to
cover as wide a variety of iguana traits as possible.
The Lab is the place where students perform
various analyses on the data they have collected. It
Figure 2: The Logbook of VTG. Here the student has taken
7 pictures – 5 iguanas 1 tortoise, and 1 finch. The student
should be evaluating iguanas, so it is a mistake – but still
permitted by the program – for the student to photograph
the tortoise and finch.
provides a link between the three levels of the
inquiry tasks that the student is asked to undertake.
The Lab contains virtual software tools that the
student can use in her analyses. The Schemat-o-
meter is a tool that allows the student to examine,
measure, and classify traits (e.g., length, tail, shape,
color) of the collected animals (see Figure 3). The
Trait Tester is a tool, in Level 2, that allows the
student to test a hypothesis about the function of a
trait variation. The Distribution Chart is a data
analysis tool that allows the student in Level 3 to
plot the various classified traits of the animals across
the islands and habitats where they were collected.
Figure 3: The Schemat-o-meter of VTG used to measure
and classify traits of the collected animals.
There is considerable “student action” variability
within VTG; that is, there are many degrees of
freedom and opportunities for students to make
mistakes. For instance, as shown in Figure 2, the
student can take pictures of irrelevant species when
they are supposed to focus on iguanas. The student
might take pictures of a single animal, say iguanas,
Figure 4: A fragment of the Bayesian Network for Level 1 of VTG.
but not take enough pictures to capture trait
variation. The student can visit islands that have
little useful data to collect or compare traits that will
not be useful in learning about variation. This
potential variability of student actions – and student
errors – allows for a wide variety of assistance, and
the ability to intervene with help after those actions
are taken – or not. This provides the foundation for
our experimental test bed.
A Bayesian Network is used to collect data about
student actions, assign probabilities of students
having made certain errors, and make decisions
about when to turn assistance on so that students
receive error feedback and hints, provided students
are in conditions to receive such assistance.
The Bayesian Network has four layers (see
Figure 4), which are (from the bottom upwards)
1. Supportable events
2. Error diagnosis
3. Error evaluation
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA)
The supportable events layer is the first layer of
the Bayes Net, and it is where the system captures
student actions—both positive and negative (see the
bottom two rows of Figure 4)—capturing a
combination of things such as the student’s location,
data collection and state of their logbook. As a
student performs an action that has been designated
as a supportable event (i.e. one that contributes to
our understanding of whether or not a student needs
assistance and the nature of their need) the action is
recorded. For example, if a student has just stepped
away from a place on a path on an island where
there is a land iguana (location) without
photographing it (action) and she has fewer than
four iguana photos saved in her logbook (state of
logbook), this is recorded and evaluated by the
Bayes Net.
The error diagnosis layer is the second layer (see
the middle row of nodes in Figure 4) of the Bayes
Net, and its purpose is to determine the type and
magnitude of the support a student needs. Each type
of assistance a student might need is represented by
a node in this layer. The starting state of a node is
zero and, as data are received from the supportable
events, the probability value of the node will
increase or decrease.
The error evaluation layer is the third layer (see
the second row of nodes from the top in Figure 4) of
the Bayes Net, and its nodes monitor the kinds of
errors that the student is making so that, when
assistance is turned on, the error feedback can be
targeted at the students’ need.
The Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA)
evaluation layer (see the top row of nodes in Figure
4) is the fourth and highest level of the Bayes Net,
which monitors the student's progress toward the
instructional targets of the VTG module in the sub
areas of science practices and science knowledge.
The probability values in the nodes of this level are
used to report to the student and the teacher progress
in their development of knowledge and skills as a
result of working through the VTG tasks. Nodes at
this level are linked to other relevant nodes at the
same level in other tasks so that information about a
students’ science inquiry skills and knowledge is
passed from one task to another, by establishing a
beginning value for the node in the new task. This
allows the assistance system to weight the level of
assistance according to past performance on
preceding tasks.
In addition to the four layers of the Bayes Net
described above, there is an assistance node in the
network, which can be seen as the node in the upper
left of Figure 4. As can be seen from Figure 4, the
assistance node has edges (the directional lines with
arrows in the diagram) that connect to it from nodes
in the error evaluation layer. The assistance node is
essentially a switch that turns the assistance to the
student on or off, depending on its level of
activation. The node monitors the probability that
the student needs assistance based upon their actions
to date. When the probability exceeds a threshold
value, the assistance will turn on. Whether a student
receives the feedback is configurable according to
what experimental condition they are in. By
allowing the assistance to be configured in this way,
we are able to create the conditions of assistance that
are the focus of our experimental design, which is
discussed next. As a student receives assistance and
s/he corrects the errors made, the probability values
of the nodes will drop. Assistance turns off when the
probability that the student still needs support falls
below the threshold value.
We have two research questions to answer with our
quasi-experimental design:
1. How much assistance do students who learn
with VTG require to achieve the highest
learning gains and maximize their inquiry-
learning skills?
2. Which mode of assistance is optimal for
students with high, medium, and low levels of
prior science knowledge and practices?
Our goal is to find the right balance between, on the
one hand, full support (i.e., keeping students focused
on the learning goals of the program and avoiding
mistakes) and, on the other hand, minimum support
(i.e., allowing students to make their own decisions
and, at times, mistakes).
4.1 General Experimental Design
Our approach and implemented conditions within
VTG conceives of this as a spectrum of assistance,
driven by two orthogonal variables, Frequency of
Intervention and Level of Support. Frequency of
Intervention is characterized as being in one of three
possible states:
“Never” is when the system does not intervene;
“When Struggling” is when the system detects
that the student is making repeated errors or
off-task actions (in this condition students
might make several errors before the system
decides that they are struggling); and
“Always” is when the system intervenes at
every error or off-task action.
Level of Support is characterized as having three
levels of increasing support:
“Error Flagging” is when an error is flagged by
a red outline and exclamation mark only;
“Error Flagging + Error Feedback” is flagging
of the error plus an explanation of the error
made; and
“Error Flagging + Error Feedback + Hints” is
flagging of the error, plus explanation, with a
series of three levels of available hints.
Table 1 shows the research design that results
from crossing these two variables. This 3 x 3 matrix
provides a maximum of 9 assistance conditions, but
we have combined some of the cells and will not be
testing two others, resulting in five conditions
(highlighted in yellow in the table).
First, a Frequency of Intervention of “Never”
essentially means that no assistance will ever be
provided, so the Level of Support variable is not
applicable in that case. Thus, we combine all three
cells of the first column of Table 1 to create a single
condition, Condition 1 - No Support.
Second, we wanted to have a relatively wide
mid-range of assistance, achieved by having
variations of “When Struggling”: Condition 2 –
Flagging, When Struggling; Condition 3 – Flagging
& Feedback, When Struggling; and Condition 4
Flagging & Feedback & Hints, When Struggling. In
all three of the “when struggling” conditions the
provision of assistance is predicated on the current
value of nodes in the Bayesian Network, as
discussed in the previous section. In particular, when
the probability of the student needing assistance
exceeds a given threshold for a particular task, the
student is assumed to be “struggling” and support is
provided, as appropriate to that condition. For
instance, in Level 1 students are required to
photograph a balanced sample of land and marine
iguanas. If a student photographs only land iguanas
and no marine iguanas, each time they add a land
iguana to their sample, it will increment the
probability of “Unbalanced Sample” in the Bayes
Net. That node, with others, is connected to an
assistance node that switches assistance on at a
certain threshold value. When assistance is turned
on, the next time a student photographs a land
iguana or passes a marine iguana without
photographing it, the VTG software will provide
Third, we wanted to include the most extreme
level of assistance (i.e., always providing all three
levels of support, and also providing pre-emptive
assistance): Condition 5 – Full Support.
Finally, we wanted to limit the total number of
conditions in the experiment, so we would have
statistical power in our analysis. Thus, we exclude
the somewhat less extreme forms of full support
(those in the upper right of Table 1).
Table 1: The Experimental Design, crossing two variables
of assistance.
Frequency of Intervention
Level of Support
Never When
Error Flagging
Condition 1
No Support
Condition 2
(Would be
Error Flagging
+ Error
Condition 3
Flagging &
(Would be
Flagging &
Error Flagging
+ Error
Feedback +
Condition 4
Flagging &
Feedback &
Hints, When
Condition 5
Full Support
Ultimately, we will randomly assign
approximately 500 students to these five conditions
and run an experiment in which we will compare
conditions and determine which level of assistance
leads to the best learning outcomes, both overall and
per different levels of prior knowledge.
With respect to our first research question (i.e.,
“How much assistance do students who learn with
VTG require to achieve the highest learning gains
and maximize their inquiry-learning skills?”), our
hypothesis is that one of the middle conditions –
Flagging, When Struggling; Flagging & Feedback,
When Struggling or Flagging & Feedback & Hints,
When Struggling – will lead to the best domain and
inquiry learning outcomes for the overall student
population. These conditions all trade off between
assistance giving (such as what is provided by
Condition 5) and assistance withholding (such as
what is provided by Condition 1). With respect to
our second research question (i.e., “Which mode of
assistance is optimal for students with high, medium,
and low levels of prior science knowledge and
practices?”), we hypothesize that Condition 1 (no
assistance) will be most beneficial to higher prior
knowledge learners and Condition 5 (high
assistance) will be most beneficial to lower prior
knowledge learners. Our theory is that higher prior
knowledge students are more likely to benefit by
struggling a bit and exploring without guidance,
while lower prior knowledge students, those who are
more likely to experience cognitive load (Paas,
Renkl, & Sweller, 2003) if left on their own, are
more likely to benefit by being strongly supported.
4.2 Experimental Design for the
Preliminary Study
4.2.1 Design and Participants
For the purposes of the preliminary study reported in
this paper, we reduced the five conditions to three:
Condition 1 - No Support; Condition 4 – Flagging &
Feedback & Hints, When Struggling; Condition 5 –
Full Support. We reduced the conditions as part of
our iterative design and development plan. At this
stage, we are hopeful of getting a general indication
that we are moving in the right direction before
conducting the much larger study with all five
conditions. In addition, since we had a limited
number of participating middle school students in
the preliminary study (48), we wanted to have
enough students per condition to analyze and report
reasonable results. Two classes of a 7
Grade life
science course from a suburban San Diego school
participated in the study. Of the 48 participating
students, 24 were male and 24 were female, with
ages ranging from 11 to 13. All students were
assigned to one of three conditions as follows:, 13
students were assigned to Condition 1, 25 students
were assigned to Condition 4, and 10 students were
assigned to Condition 5.
4.2.2 Materials
For this preliminary study, only “Level 1: Variation”
was used in order to complete the study in a single
50-minute period. In addition, the teacher provided a
rating of each student’s science content
understanding (Low, Medium, High) and inquiry
skills (Low, Medium, High). We had the teacher
provide this information, as opposed to having the
students take a pretest, because we had limited class
time available to us and wanted to focus on student
use of the instructional software. The classes had
been previously exposed to the evolution
curriculum. Ultimately, VTG will be embedded
within this curriculum.
4.2.3 Procedure
After a brief introduction to VTG by the teacher,
Students were given the rest of the 50-minute class
period to work with VTG (Level 1). This time
included viewing an introductory video that provides
a brief introduction to the theory of evolution and
some general instructions on use of the program.
While all learners were presented with the same task
– to learn about evolution from the VTG program –
they were free to take different pathways through the
software in tackling the task and not all students
completed the task. This is the very essence of
inquiry learning: To explore and to “inquire” in
different, perhaps idiosyncratic and incomplete
4.3 Results
A total of 19 of the 48 students were able to
complete Level 1 during their single class period of
work. An additional student completed Level 1 after
school, resulting in a total of 20 students who
completed the work. We evaluated how productively
the 48 students worked with VTG by collecting and
calculating the following data:
- Productive Events: Actions taken by the student
within the VTG software that help to achieve the
goals of a particular level (e.g., For Level 1:
Photograph a balanced sample of iguanas: 4
marine, 4 iguana; Correctly measure and classify
- Unproductive Events: Actions taken by the
student within the VTG software that do not help
to achieve the goals of a particular level (e.g.,
For Level 1: Photograph animals other than
iguanas; Photograph more iguanas than needed,
etc.). These events are effectively errors; steps
the student takes that are unlikely to advance his
or her understanding of evolution.
- Ratio of Productive / Unproductive Events: This
is a rough indicator of how productively students
work towards solving the Level 1 task, with
larger values being better.
To categorize students as high, medium, or low
achievers, we took the teacher assessed scores (i.e.,
content understanding, inquiry skills, with a range of
High=3; Medium=2; Low=1 for each), added the
two scores together, giving a score between 2 and 6.
Students with a score of 6 were labeled “High
Achievers”, students with a score of 3, 4, or 5 were
labeled as “Medium Achievers” and students with a
score of 2 were labeled as “Low Achievers.” The
high, medium, and low achievers in each of the
conditions (1, 4, and 5) are shown in Table 2, along
with an average number of productive events,
average number of unproductive events, and ratio of
productive to unproductive events for each category.
Table 2: The results of student use of VTG – Level 1.
Category #
Prod /
High Achievers
Condition 1 - No
144.5 25.7
High Achievers
Condition 4 - Support
4 125.3 27.3
High Achievers
Condition 5 - Full
5 107.0 15.8
Medium Achievers in
Condition 1 - No
4 142.3 19.8
Medium Achievers in
Condition 4 - Support
9 111.3 33.9
Medium Achievers in
Condition 5 - Full
2 98.5 6.5
Low Achievers in
Condition 1 - No
3 99.3 25.3
Low Achievers in
Condition 4 - Support
12 117.3 33.1
Low Achievers in
Condition 5 - Full
3 72.3 24.7
We emphasize once again that the study and
analyses reported here are preliminary; they will be
soon be followed by a more extensive experiment
with a larger population of students, where we will
do more extensive analyses. Thus, this should be
considered a preliminary study with only suggestive
That said, the ratio of productive to unproductive
events shows an interesting pattern, at least with
respect to high achievers versus low achievers.
Notice that the high achievers appeared to become
more productive when they received more support
(productive to unproductive ratio from 5.6 to 4.6 to
6.8), whereas low achievers appeared to become less
productive when they received more support
(productive to unproductive ratio from 3.9 to 3.5 to
2.9). Medium achievers generally followed the high
achievers pattern of improving with support (yet
with only 2 students in the medium, full support
condition these results are more suspect).
Although the numbers are small and certainly not
generalizable, as well as the results pointing more or
less in the opposite direction of our general
hypothesis (i.e., that higher achievers will do better
with less support, lower achievers will do better with
more support), we believe there is an underlying
rationale to what we’ve uncovered thus far. VTG and
this activity was novel to all students, low and high
achievers alike, thus all students may have needed
support to tackle the task, especially during this
early phase of the work (i.e., Level 1). However, the
high achievers, as better students are wont to do,
seemed to more productively use the provided help
(see e.g. Aleven et al., 2006). We believe this could
very well change over time, after the higher
achievers better understand the process and lower
achievers realize the benefits that could come from
using the VTG support. In any case, the data appears
to show that support can make a difference, as long
as students productively use it.
The assistance dilemma is a fundamental challenge
to learning scientists and educational technologists.
Until we better understand how much guidance
students need as they learn – and how to cater
guidance to the prior knowledge level of students –
we won’t be able to appropriately design
instructional software to best support student
learning. This is especially so in domains and with
software that are open ended, i.e., those that
encourage exploration and inquiry.
The VTG software, a web-based inquiry-learning
environment for learning about the theory of
evolution, will allow us to experiment with different
types of instructional support and provide an
important data point in answering the assistance
dilemma. We are in the process of finishing
implementation of VTG and will soon conduct the
full experiment described in section 4.1 with a fully
implemented version of the program. The results of
the study described in this paper encourage us that
we will soon be able to more fully address our
research questions.
This research is supported by a U.S. Department of
Education, Institute Of Education Science Grant
(Number R305A110021). We would like to thank
other past and present members of the VTG project
team–Donna Winston, Nick Matzke, Russell
Almond, and Jerry Richardson–for their
contributions to the development of VTG. Voyage To
Galapagos was originally developed as a non-web-
based program by the third author of this paper,
Weihnacht, under National Science Foundation
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