Heuristic Ensemble of Filters for Reliable Feature Selection
Ghadah Aldehim, Beatriz de la Iglesia and Wenjia Wang
School of Computing Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K.
Feature selection, Ensemble, Classification, Heuristics.
Feature selection has become ever more important in data mining in recent years due to the rapid increase in the
dimensionality of data. Filters are preferable in practical applications as they are much faster than wrapper-
based approaches, but their reliability and consistency vary considerably on different data and yet no rule
exists to indicate which one should be used for a particular given dataset. In this paper, we propose a heuristic
ensemble approach that combines multiple filters with heuristic rules to improve the overall performance. It
consists of two types of filters: subset filters and ranking filters, and a heuristic consensus algorithm. The
experimental results demonstrate that our ensemble algorithm is more reliable and effective than individual
filters as the features selected by the ensemble consistently achieve better accuracy for typical classifiers on
various datasets.
With the rapid advance in computer and database
technologies, datasets with hundreds or thousands of
features are now ubiquitous. However, most of the
features in enormous datasets may be irrelevant or re-
dundant, which can cause poor efficiency and over-
fitting in the learning algorithms. Therefore, it is
necessary to employ some feature selection methods
to select the most relevant features from the dataset.
This should lead to improve efficiency and generate
more accurate models (Saeys et al., 2007).
Methods for feature selection are roughly divided
into two main categories: filters and wrappers. The
core of wrapper approach is to employ a model
trained from the given data to evaluate the discrimi-
native power of features. It is generally more accurate
but highly model-dependent and very time consuming
(Kohavi and John, 1997). On the other hand, the filter
method is more efficient as it uses general character-
istics, such as relevance or correlation, of the data to
select certain features without involving any learning
algorithm (Blum and Langley, 1997).
There are, however, many different types of fil-
ters and their performance in terms of accuracy, con-
sistency and reliability varies considerably from one
dataset to another. It is not clear when a particular
filter should be used for a given dataset. Hence, it
is logical and often necessary to employ an ensem-
ble approach in feature selection. As ensembles have
demonstrated to be successful in classification prob-
lems. Certain concepts and methods for feature selec-
tion ensembles have been proposed (Yang et al., 2011;
Saeys et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2010b), but they have
only been investigated and tested with limited ranking
filters and the bootstrap method or a simple arithmetic
mean as consensus strategies. In this paper, we pro-
pose a heuristic ensemble method that combines the
results of multiple filters through heuristic rules. The
method is implemented and tested on various bench-
mark datasets and the results are promising.
Vast amount of literature exists in the feature selec-
tion research field, and as our study aims to develop a
fast and reliable filter-based ensemble for feature se-
lection, we focus our review only on filters.
Filter methods typically fall into two categories:
rank and subset in terms of the format of output.
Rank filters (RF) evaluate one feature at a time and
the outputs are ranked by their individual discrimi-
nation power (Kira and Rendell, 1992; Kononenko,
1994), whereas subset filters (SF) evaluate subsets of
features and output the best subset (Yu and Liu, 2003;
Hall, 1999; Sun et al., 2012; Zhang and Zhang, 2012).
Many researchers have pointed out the key drawback
of feature ranking methods, that is, they assess fea-
tures on an individual basis and thus do not consider
Aldehim G., de la Iglesia B. and Wang W..
Heuristic Ensemble of Filters for Reliable Feature Selection.
DOI: 10.5220/0004812401750182
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2014), pages 175-182
ISBN: 978-989-758-018-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
possible relationships among features. Most RF tend
to select those features that are identified as being in-
dividually relevant to the target class, even when they
may be highly correlated to each other. Then it is pos-
sible that “the selected m best features are not the best
m features” (Zhang et al., 2003). With SF, the number
of candidate features subsets increases exponentially
with feature dimensionality and it is not feasible to
carry out an exhaustive search even for a medium-
sized dataset (Zhang and Zhang, 2012). Thus, the
use of subset filters entails a trade-off between com-
putational cost and the quality of the selected feature
subset, and this must be considered when developing
an efficient and effective feature selection method (Yu
and Liu, 2004).
(Saeys et al., 2008) proposed an ensemble built
with four feature selection techniques: two filter
methods (Symmetrical Uncertainty and ReliefF) and
two embedded methods (Random Forests and linear
SVM). For each of the four feature selection tech-
niques, an ensemble version was created by using
bootstrap aggregation. For each of the bags, a sep-
arate feature ranking was performed, and the ensem-
ble was formed by aggregating the single ranking by
weighted voting, using linear aggregation. (Olsson
and Oard, 2006) studied ensembles of multiple fea-
ture ranking techniques in order to resolve text clas-
sification problems. They used three filter-based fea-
ture ranking techniques: document frequency thresh-
olding, information gain, and the chi-square method
max and χ
(Wang et al., 2010a) also studied the ensembles of
commonly used filter-based rankers but they used six
filters and increased to 18 later (Wang et al., 2012).
The combining methods used in that study included
arithmetic mean, where each features score is deter-
mined by the average of the ranking scores of the
features in each ranking list. The highest ranked at-
tributes are then selected from the original data to
form the training dataset. They examined the perfor-
mance of models with selected features using 17 dif-
ferent ensembles of rankers. The results show that an
ensemble of very few rankers usually performs sim-
ilarly or even better than ensembles of many or all
rankers (Wang et al., 2012).
Recently, (Yang et al., 2011) used ReliefF
Sikonja and Kononenko, 2003) and tuned
ReliefF (TuRF) (Moore and White, 2007) for iden-
tifying SNP-SNP interactions. However, they ob-
served that the ‘unstable‘ results from the multiple
runs of these algorithms can provide valuable infor-
mation about the dataset. They therefore hypothe-
sized that aggregating the results derived from the
multiple runs of a single algorithm may improve fil-
tering performance.
In summary, the review found that these studies
were predominantly limited to using one type of fil-
ters, i.e. rank filters, as the member components of
ensemble, which produces a ranking of features. Then
some additional work needs to be performed to decide
a cutting off point to produce a subset of selected fea-
tures. In this study, we propose an ensemble frame-
work that combines two types of filters - SF and RF
by means of heuristic rules to utilise their advantages.
The detail is explained in the following section.
3.1 Proposed Heuristic Ensemble of
Filters (HEF)
Figure 1: Framework of heuristic ensemble of filters (HEF)
for feature selection.
The proposed heuristic ensemble of filters (HEF), as
shown in Fig.1, is composed of two types of filters:
SF and RF as its members, and a heuristic algorithm
as its consensus function. The idea of combining sub-
set filters and rankers is to exploit the advantages of
each. Firstly, rank filters usually assess individual
features and assign their weights according to their
degree of relevance. But this does not ensure con-
ditional independence among the features, and may
lead to selecting features that are redundant or have
less discriminative ability. Subset filters take into ac-
count the existence and effect of redundant features,
which to some extent approximate the optimal sub-
set. However, this method entails high computational
cost in terms of the subset searches, making subset
filters inefficient for high dimensional data. As a re-
sult, to obtain the benefits of subset filtering without
suffering the high computational cost, we choose fast
subset filters, as described in section 3.2.
The process of the proposed heuristic ensemble of
filters starts by running SF and RF. After that, a con-
sensus number of features selected by the subset fil-
ters (SF) is taken as a cut-off point for the rankings
generated by the ranking filters (RF). By running this
heuristic step, we can obtain quick answers for cutting
off the number of features in the ranker, which will ac-
celerate the ensemble algorithm. Therefore, we will
not need to select various feature numbers to test the
performance or to use a wrapper to choose the appro-
priate number of features. The next step aggregates
the results from the above sets. A heuristic consen-
sus rule is applied to produce the final output of the
The proposed ensemble framework is imple-
mented in Java, primarily based on the modules pro-
vided in Weka and other standalone filter software.
3.2 Choice of Individual Filters
In principle, any filters of each type can be used as
the member filters of our HEF. However, some factors
should be considered when choosing the filters, which
include speed, reliability and scalability. In terms of
determining the number of member filters, we fol-
lowed the guideline given in (Wang et al., 2010b), that
is, an ensemble of very few carefully selected filters
is similar to or better than ensembles of many filters.
So, in this concept demonstration study, we choose
four filters which are briefly described as follows to
give an idea why they are selected in this study.
CSF: Correlation-based Feature Selection (Hall,
1999) is a simple filtering algorithm that ranks fea-
ture subsets according to a correlation-based heuristic
evaluation function. The key idea of this algorithm
is that it employs a heuristic evaluation that assesses
the efficacy of individual features in terms of predict-
ing the class. It also assesses how far the features
are intercorrelated. In order to avoid high computa-
tional cost, we use liner forward selection (LSF) as
a search method together with CSF instead of using
Best First search. LSF is a simple complexity opti-
mization of sequential forword selection(SFS). It en-
tails firstly creating a filter ranking and selection of
the K first features; then, the SFS algorithm is run
over the selected features (Gutlein et al., 2009).
FCBF: Fast Correlation Based Filter (Yu and Liu,
2004) starts by sorting features through correlation
with a response using symmetric uncertainty, option-
ally removing the bottom of the list according to some
user-specified threshold. Then, the feature that is
most correlated with the response is selected. Af-
ter that, all features that have correlation with the se-
lected feature higher than its correlation with the re-
sponse are considered redundant and removed. Then,
the feature is added to the minimal subset and the
search starts again with the next feature.
Relief: This was first proposed by Kira and Ren-
dell (Kira and Rendell, 1992) and then improved by
Kononenko (Kononenko, 1994) to handle noise and
multi-class datasets. The key idea of Relief is that
it searches for the nearest neighbours of a sample
of each class label, and then weights the features in
terms of how well they differentiate samples for dif-
ferent class labels. This process is repeated for a pre-
specified number of instances.
Gain Ratio: this is one of the simplest and fastest
feature ranking methods. It incorporates split infor-
mation of features into an Information Gain statistic.
The split information of a feature is obtained by mea-
suring how broadly and uniformly the data are split.
Generally, Gain Ratio evaluates the value of a feature
by measuring the gain ratio with respect to the class
(Quinlan, 1993).
3.3 The Heuristic Consensus Rules
The outputs of the different filters need to be aggre-
gated through a consensus function to generate the fi-
nal feature selection output of the ensemble. A con-
sensus function can be defined from different perspec-
tive, e.g. as simple as counting the frequency of se-
lected features (Saeys et al., 2008) to some sophisti-
cated weighting algorithms. In this work, we focus on
ensemble features selection techniques that work by
aggregating the feature subsets provided by the differ-
ent filters into a final consensus subset. The most fre-
quently selected features are placed at the top, while
the least frequently selected features are placed at the
bottom. However, aggregating the outputs by count-
ing the most frequently selected features may produce
a high number of selected features. In order to address
this issue and also to get more important features, a
heuristic consensus rule is applied to produce the fi-
nal output of the HEF.
Various heuristic rules can be derived based on the
purpose of the analysis. Some example are described
R0 7− remove nothing from the HEF.
R1 7− remove features selected by only one filter.
R2 7− remove features selected by only two filters.
RQ 7− remove features selected by Q filters.
Q < n + m
Where Q is the heuristic consensus rule, n the
number of subset filters and m the number of ranking
filters. The heuristic rule, R0, uses all the features se-
lected by any of the four filters while rule R1 removes
any features selected by only one filter. Other heuris-
tic rules can be defined but in this paper, R0 and R1
are implemented in two ensembles named HEF-R0
and HEF-R1 respectively. A good feature set requires
some diversity, but having more agreement among the
filters may decrease diversity.
4.1 Data
Table 1: Description of the testing datasets.
Dataset # Features # Instances # classes
Zoo 17 101 7
Dermatology 34 366 6
Promoters 57 106 2
Splice 61 3,191 3
M-feat-factors 216 2,000 10
Arrhythmia 279 452 13
Colon 2,000 62 2
SRBCT 2,308 83 4
Leukaemia 7,129 72 2
CNS 7,129 60 2
Ovarian 15,154 253 2
Eleven benchmark datasets (shown in table 1) se-
lected from different domains were used in our exper-
iments to test the performance of our proposed heuris-
tic ensemble of filters. Six of them, Zoo, Dermatol-
ogy, Promoters, Splice, Multi-feature-factors and Ar-
rhythmia, are from the UCI Machine Learning Repos-
, two others (Colon and Leukaemia) from the
Bioinformatics Research Group
, and the final three
(SRBCT, Central Nervous System (CNS) and Ovar-
ian) from the Microarray Datasets website
. Note that
these datasets differ greatly in sample size (ranging
from 60 to 3,191) and number of features (ranging
from 17 to 15,154). Also, they include binary-class
and multi-class classification problems. This should
provide for testing and should be well suited to the
feature selection methods under differing conditions.
4.2 Experiment Design and Procedure
As it is generally accepted that the effectiveness of
feature selection can be indirectly evaluated through
measuring classification performance of classifiers
that are trained with the selected features, we thus
conducted several series of experiments with a va-
riety of datasets to empirically evaluate the perfor-
mances of the HEFs and compare them with each
individual filter used in this study, and also the full
feature set without any feature selection performed.
The classification performance may be dependent on
types of classifiers used even under the exactly same
conditions, same subset of features and samples, and
training procedure. To verify the consistency of the
feature selection methods, in our experiments, we
used three types of classifiers: NBC (Naive Bayesian
Classifier)(John and Langley, 1995), KNN (k-Nearest
Neighbor)(Aha et al., 1991) and SVM (Support Vec-
tor Machine)(Platt, 1999). These three algorithms
were chosen because they represent three quite dif-
ferent approaches in machine learning and they are
state-of-the-art algorithms that are commonly used in
data mining practice.
The parameters of classifiers and filters for each
experiments are set to the default value of weka.
For each dataset, the experiments are carried out in
two phases: feature selection phase and evaluation
phase. The first phase to run HEF to produce a
subset of ranked features, as well as the subsets se-
lected by each individual filters. The second phase
is to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected fea-
tures with three kinds of models: NBC, KNN and
SVM. Specifically, it firstly trains the model of each
type with the full set of features and the subsets
produced by FCBF, CFS, ReliefF, Gain Ratio, HEF
and HEF-R1, using the 10-fold cross validation strat-
egy for each classifier. Each experiment is then re-
peated ten times with different shuffling random seeds
in order to assess the consistency and reliability of
the results. The statistical significance of the results
of multiple runs for each experiment is calculated
and the comparison between accuracies is done with
Students paired two-tailed t-test with a significance
level of 0.05. In total, 23,100 models were built for
the experiments(7(FS + ensemble) × 11(datasets) ×
3(classi f iers) × 10(run) × 10( f olds)).
5.1 Results of Feature Selections
Table 2 lists the number of features selected by
each filter in addition to two heuristic ensembles:
HEF(HEF-R0) and HEF-R1. We observe from the ta-
ble that the average number of selected features dra-
matically reduced the dimensionality of the data by
selecting only a small proportion of the original fea-
tures in those datasets. Although HEF represents the
Table 2: Number of the features selected by four individual filters and two ensembles for each dataset.
Dataset All features FCBC CSF ReliefF Gain Raito HEF HEF-R1
Zoo 17 7 10 10 10 11 11
Dermatology 34 16 19 19 19 28 24
Promoters 57 6 6 6 6 7 6
Splice 61 22 22 22 22 29 25
M-feat-factors 216 38 47 47 47 82 62
Arrhythmia 279 12 21 21 21 52 17
Colon 2,000 14 23 23 23 50 21
SRBCT 2,308 82 77 82 82 177 92
Leukaemia 7,129 51 52 52 52 111 58
CNS 7,129 28 36 36 36 60 37
Ovarian 15,154 30 36 36 36 76 43
Average 3,125.18 27.81 31.72 32.18 32.18 62.09 36
St.Dv. 4,829.8 22.59 20.76 21.88 21.88 49.33 25.92
Table 3: The accuracies of the NB Classifiers trained by the selected features and all the features.
Dataset All features FCBC CSF ReliefF Gain Raito HEF HEF-R1
Zoo 93.96 93.56 94.25 92.27- 95.24+ 95.05 95.05
Dermatology 97.43 97.86 98.55+ 96.06- 85.32- 98.20+ 98.52+
Promoters 90.19 94.62+ 94.52+ 93.86+ 94.62+ 93.71+ 94.57+
Splice 95.41 96.16+ 96.16+ 96.24+ 95.98+ 96.04+ 96.33+
M-feat-factors 92.47 93.60+ 93.68+ 87.16- 89.98- 92.53 92.98
Arrhythmia 62.39 65.86+ 68.93+ 65.66+ 53.25- 68.87+ 69.60+
Colon 55.81 84.67+ 85.00+ 85.80+ 83.06+ 85.86+ 85.55+
SRBCT 99.04 99.63 100+ 100+ 82.00 100+ 100+
Leukaemia 98.75 99.44+ 98.61 95.97- 95.97- 98.61 98.61
CNS 61.00 76.49+ 76.66+ 75.00+ 72.33+ 74.83+ 77.33+
Ovarian 92.41 99.92+ 99.84+ 98.34+ 98.02+ 98.81+ 98.81+
Average 85.35 91.07 91.47 89.67 87.57 91.14 91.58
St.Dv. 16.74 10.99 10.28 10.69 13.93 10.39 9.94
W/T/L 8/3/0 9/2/0 7/0/4 6/1/4 8/3/0 8/3/0
Table 4: The accuracies of the KNN Classifiers trained by the selected features and all the features.
Dataset All features FCBC CSF ReliefF Gain Raito HEF HEF-R1
Zoo 96.14 96.04 96.04 97.03+ 96.04 96.04 96.04
Dermatology 94.64 95.57+ 97.10+ 94.29 86.45- 95.54+ 96.91+
Promoters 79.71 91.13+ 91.13+ 89.99+ 91.13+ 90.19+ 91.13+
Splice 74.43 81.21+ 81.21+ 80.52+ 82.06+ 79.59+ 80.46+
M-feat-factors 96.03 96.36+ 96.44+ 93.48- 95.32+ 96.31+ 96.34+
Arrhythmia 53.20 69.82+ 61.39+ 57.76+ 43.52- 57.52+ 61.88+
Colon 76.83 78.38+ 81.45+ 85.8+ 77.74 86.3+ 80.71+
SRBCT 82.39 99.87+ 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+ 100+
Leukaemia 84.39 99.58+ 97.49+ 95.41+ 94.44+ 98.48+ 98.77+
CNS 59.50 83.66+ 76.5+ 76.50+ 84.83+ 80.17+ 82.83+
Ovarian 94.86 100+ 99.96+ 99.13+ 98.85+ 100+ 100+
Average 81.52 89.23 88.97 87.77 86.39 89.10 89.55
St.Dv. 14.85 12.47 12.34 12.74 15.92 12.82 11.91
W/T/L 10/1/0 10/1/0 9/1/1 7/2/2 10/1/0 10/1/0
total number of features selected from all the four fil-
ters, it is still less than the average full set by up to 71
times for genetic datasets.
5.2 Feature Selection Evaluation with
Different Classifiers
For comparison, all the original features for each
dataset are also used in testing. For each dataset,
Table 5: The accuracies of the SVM Classifiers trained by the selected features and all the features.
Dataset All features FCBC CSF ReliefF Gain Raito HEF HEF-R1
Zoo 96.24 96.03 96.13 95.24 95.14- 95.45- 95.45-
Dermatology 96.04 97.67+ 98.06+ 95.63 88.71- 98.06+ 98.01+
Promoters 91.03 92.83+ 92.83+ 91.98 92.83+ 91.86 92.86+
Splice 93.13 95.92+ 95.91+ 95.98+ 95.95+ 94.15+ 94.30+
M-feat-factors 97.70 97.15- 97.26- 96.12- 96.91- 97.62 97.43
Arrhythmia 71.06 58.6- 67.83- 68.36- 59.13- 69.62- 61.86-
Colon 84.52 88.7+ 88.22+ 87.42+ 83.06 88.93+ 86.69+
SRBCT 99.63 99.63 99.87 100+ 98.67- 100+ 100+
Leukaemia 98.04 99.3+ 97.49 97.22- 97.08- 98.32 98.32
CNS 67.16 90.50+ 88.5+ 76.83+ 87.33+ 89.17+ 88.83+
Ovarian 99.96 100+ 100+ 99.56- 99.56- 100+ 100+
Average 90.41 92.39 92.92 91.30 90.40 93.02 92.16
St.Dv. 11.44 11.80 9.24 10.04 11.58 8.71 10.94
W/T/L 6/3/2 5/4/2 3/4/4 3/1/7 4/5/2 5/3/3
with each selection, and for each type of 3 models
(NBC, KNN and SVM), 100 models (ten runs of ten-
fold cross validations) are generated and their average
testing accuracies are calculated.
Table 3 shows the results on the eleven datasets
with the Naive Bayesian Classifier. The notations +
or - denote that the result of the classification of the
models trained with the features selected with the cur-
rent selector is significantly better or worse than that
of models trained with all the original features in the
statistical test mentioned earlier. The bold value in
each row shows the best classification result. The last
three rows in each table show the average accuracies,
the standard deviations for the accuracies and W/T/L
(which summarizes the wins/ties/losses in accuracy
by comparing the models trained with all the features
and the features selected by other).
As expected, each single filter performed well in
some datasets (in bold) but poorly in others. That con-
firms the perception that the performance of individ-
ual filters is inconsistent and unreliable and there is no
meaningful pattern can be extracted to indicate when
they do better and when they do not. Nevertheless,
The NB classifiers trained with the features selected
by HEF-R1 have a higher average accuracy for all
the datasets and a lower standard deviation, which in-
dicates that HEF-R1 are not only more reliable and
consistent but also more accurate than the individ-
ual filters in feature selection. In addition, HEF-R1
achieves the highest accuracy on four datasets. Com-
paring the results for this classifier using the full fea-
ture set with others, it can be observed that in most
cases, the accuracy is increased in HEF-R1, HEF,
CSF and FCBC, while in the rank filters, the perfor-
mance is poorer than in the others but still better than
full feature set.
The results from the KNN (k = 1) classifiers in ta-
ble 4, show similar patterns to those in Table 3 with
lower accuracy in general than NBC, but again the
individual filters demonstrate to be less reliable com-
pared with HEF-R1.
The results from SVM classifiers in table 5, show
that ensembles performed consistently, This time
HEF is the overall winner as it has a marginally higher
average accuracy and a lower standard deviation than
all the others, although two subset filters produced
similar performance under this experimental condi-
tions. A different phenomenon is the SVM models
trained with the full feature set, as they performed
not as bad as the other two types (NB and KNN) of
models and even gave the highest accuracy on three
datasets (Zoo, Multi-Feature Factor and Arrhythmia).
The average accuracy of SVM models trained with
all the features is the same as that trained with fea-
tures selected by Gain Ratio filter, not much worse
than the rest in terms of accuracy, but SVMs using
the full features are less efficient than the SVMs using
fewer features. So, feature selection is still beneficial
with SVM as a classifier.
In general, the most important benefit of using all
ensemble is to achieve high consistency and reliabil-
ity as well as a relatively high accuracy. So, we wish
for an ensemble to be comparable to the ”best” mem-
ber in an ensemble in accuracy but more reliable than
the ”best” members. In our experimental results CFS
indeed is comparable to HEF in some cases but it did
not do well in others. Therefore, in general HEF is
better than CSF.
In this paper, a framework of heuristic ensemble
of filters (HEF) has been proposed to overcome
the weaknesses of single filters. It combines the
outputs from two types of filters, SF and RF, with
heuristic rules as consensus functions to improve the
consistency and effectiveness in feature selection.
The proposed HEF and HEF-R1 have been tested on
11 benchmark datasets with the number of features
varied from 17 to as many as 15,154. The statistical
analysis on the experimental results show that the
ensemble technique performed more consistently and
in some cases even more accurate than individual
filters. Specifically,
1. HEF-R1 performed best for NBC and KNN, while
HEF performed best when using the SVM clas-
sifier, which demonstrates that our proposed en-
semble is more reliable and consistent than using
single filters.
2. There is no single best approach for all the situa-
tions. In other words, the performance of the sin-
gle filters varies from dataset to dataset and also
was influenced by the type of models chosen as
classifier. Thus, one filter may perform well in a
given dataset for a particular classifier but perform
poorly when used on a different dataset or with a
different type of classifier.
3. Among the four filters we used in our heuristic
ensemble of filters, the subset filters (FCBF and
CSF) were more frequently better and less fre-
quently worse on average than the rank filters.
4. The experimental results show that the ensemble
technique performed better overall than any indi-
vidual filter in terms of reliability, consistency and
Future work may include additional experiments
measuring the stability of our approach, which would
represent an additional way to evaluate our results. In
addition, investigations could be conducted on differ-
ent numbers and types of filters. Finally, we plan to
use ensemble classification to overcome the differen-
tials between the individual classifiers.
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