Motion Binary Patterns for Action Recognition
Florian Baumann
, Jie Lao
, Arne Ehlers
and Bodo Rosenhahn
Institut f
ur Informationsverarbeitung, Leibniz Universit
at Hannover, Appelstraße 9a, 30167 Hannover, Germany
Department of Electronic Science and Technology, USTC, Hefei, Anhui 230027, P.R. China
Human Action Recognition, Volume Local Binary Patterns, Random Forest, Machine Learning, IXMAS,
KTH, Weizman.
In this paper, we propose a novel feature type to recognize human actions from video data. By combining the
benefit of Volume Local Binary Patterns and Optical Flow, a simple and efficient descriptor is constructed.
Motion Binary Patterns (MBP) are computed in spatio-temporal domain while static object appearances as
well as motion information are gathered. Histograms are used to learn a Random Forest classifier which
is applied to the task of human action recognition. The proposed framework is evaluated on the well-known,
publicly available KTH dataset, Weizman dataset and on the IXMAS dataset for multi-view action recognition.
The results demonstrate state-of-the-art accuracies in comparison to other methods.
Human action recognition is a complex area of com-
puter vision since static object characteristics, mo-
tion and time information have to be taken into ac-
count. Furthermore, actions are divided into human
actions, human-human interactions, human-object in-
teractions and group activities (Aggarwal and Ryoo,
2011). Due to environment variations such as moving
backgrounds, different view points or occlusions the
detection and classification of actions is even more
difficult. Additionally, each actor has its own style of
performing an action, leading to many variations in
the subject’s movement and a large intra-class varia-
tion (Aggarwal and Ryoo, 2011; Poppe, 2010).
Contribution. In this work, we address the problem
of recognizing actions performed by a single person,
e.g. boxing, clapping, waving, walking, running, jog-
ging. We suggest a simple and efficient novel feature
type, namely Motion Binary Pattern (MBP), which
combines static object appearances as well as motion
information in the spatio-temporal space, in one de-
scriptor. An MBP is computed from three frames fol-
lowed by a histogram computation, leading to an in-
variance against different video lengths. Finally, the
histogram is used to learn a Random Forest classifier.
The proposed approach is evaluated on the single-
view KTH dataset (Schuldt et al., 2004) and Weizman
This work has been partially funded by the ERC within
the starting grant Dynamic MinVIP.
(Blank et al., 2005; Gorelick et al., 2007) dataset as
well as on the IXMAS (Weinland et al., 2006; Wein-
land et al., 2010) dataset for multi-view action recog-
nition. Figures 1, 2 and 3 show some example images
of the used datasets.
Related Work. The first Local Binary Pattern on
Three Orthogonal Planes (LBP-TOP) was developed
by Zhao et al. (Zhao and Pietikainen, 2007) to clas-
sify dynamic textures while Mattivi and Shao applied
LBP-TOP (Mattivi and Shao, 2009; Shao and Mat-
tivi, 2010) to the task of human action recognition.
The authors reached 88.19% accuracy on the KTH
dataset and by combining Extended Gradient LBP-
TOP with Principal Component Analysis in (Mattivi
and Shao, 2009) they reached 91.25%. Best results
(92.69%) were achieved by combining Extended Gra-
dient LBP-TOP with Dollar’s detection method (Shao
and Mattivi, 2010).
Liu et al. (Liu and Yuen, 2010) proposed a boosted
EigenActions framework which calculates a spatio-
temporal information saliency map (ISM) by estimat-
ing pixel density functions. It has only 81.5% accu-
racy for the KTH dataset but reaches accuracies up to
98.3% on the Weizman dataset.
Using only single descriptors, the best result is not
more than 90% in the above mentioned papers. Bet-
ter results are obtained by Yeffet et al. (Yeffet and
Wolf, 2009), the average accuracy is a little more than
90%. And most recently, Kihl et al. (Kihl et al., 2013)
reached 93.4% with a series of local polynomial ap-
Baumann F., Lao J., Ehlers A. and Rosenhahn B..
Motion Binary Patterns for Action Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0004816903850392
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2014), pages 385-392
ISBN: 978-989-758-018-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
proximation of Optical Flow (SoPAF).
Many approaches have drawbacks, for instance
the amount of feature lead to ambiguities, cannot deal
with different video lengths or have a large feature
space. To overcome these issues, we suggest a new
feature that combines the capabilities of describing
static object appearances as well as motion informa-
tion, in a single descriptor.
In this Section, Volume Local Binary Patterns and
Motion Binary Patterns are described. VLBPs have
become famous for describing features in the spatio-
temporal domain and are derived from simple Local
Binary Patterns.
Our proposed MBP is computed in the X-Y-T
space too and additionally takes the temporal step size
into account.
Finally, Section 2.3 briefly describes the well-
known machine learning approach Random Forest by
Leo Breiman (Breiman, 2001).
2.1 Volume Local Binary Pattern
A Local Binary Pattern (LBP) was first described in
(Ojala et al., 1994) for texture classification. The orig-
inal LBP is computed in a 3 ×3 cell by comparing ev-
ery gray value to the center one. If the neighbor values
are larger than the center one, an 1 is assigned to the
corresponding position, otherwise 0. By computing a
3 × 3 - LBP the codeword length is 8 bit. This code-
word is interpreted as a binary word and converted to
a decimal number. Finally, a histogram of all occur-
ring numbers is built.
Since LBP features describe static object appear-
ances they are not suited for action recognition where
motion and time information should be taken into
account. A Volume Local Binary Pattern (VLBP)
is introduced in (Zhao and Pietikainen, 2007). It
is computed in the spatial and temporal domain and
Figure 1: Example images of the single-view KTH dataset
(Schuldt et al., 2004). The dataset contains six actions per-
formed by 25 people under different conditions.
Figure 2: Example images of the multi-view IXMAS
dataset (Weinland et al., 2006; Weinland et al., 2010). The
dataset contains 12 actions. Each action is performed three
times by 12 people.
Figure 3: Example images of the single-view Weizman
dataset (Blank et al., 2005; Gorelick et al., 2007). The
dataset contains nine actions performed by nine people.
able to recognize dynamic textures. In (Zhao and
Pietikainen, 2007), the authors define a radius around
the center point within the space-time volume from
three continuous frames to get neighboring pixels
rather than using a 3 × 3 cell from one frame.
The computation of a VLBP is similar to the LBP: if
the gray value of neighboring voxels within the space-
time volume is larger than that of the voxel’s center,
the corresponding position is assigned to an 1, other-
wise 0. By computing a VLBP the codeword length
is 24 bit, leading to 2
= 16777216 different pat-
terns. Similar to the LBP, a histogram of all occurring
patterns is computed. Often, this huge feature pool
leads to several ambiguities. To overcome this prob-
lem (Fehr, 2007; Topi et al., 2000) introduced an uni-
form LBP and demonstrate that the overall amount of
LBPs can be reduced to a small subset. Experiments
on object detection show that 90% of all possible pat-
terns belong to this subset. For our application of ac-
tion recognition uLBPs were unsuitable. Presumably,
the final feature pool contains not enough information
to find discriminative patterns in the spatio-temporal
Figure 4 illustrates how to compute a VLBP, the
final result is 2039583. A VLBP is computed from
three continuous frames followed by a histogram
computation of all occurring patterns. The histogram
is directly used to learn a Random Forest classifier.
Figure 4: Procedure of computing a Volume Local Binary
2.2 Motion Binary Pattern
In this Section, the characteristics and the computa-
tion of our proposed Motion Binary Pattern
is de-
scribed. Assuming that motion can be detected by
the change of pixel intensity values, MBPs are com-
puted from three frames and measure the motion be-
tween them. Similar to the Optical Flow (Horn and
Schunck, 1981), an MBP describes characteristics of
motion. Figure 5 explains the computation of an MBP
in three frames. The frames are divided into cells and
for three cells at the same position, the corresponding
values within one cell are compared. If the gray value
within one cell of the first frame is larger than that in
the second frame, an 1 is assigned, otherwise 0. By
using the same method, the third frame is compared
to the second frame. The resulting two patterns are
combined by using an exclusive OR (XOR), leading
to the final motion pattern.
Regarding the computation of all MBPs in three
frames, the number N of sampled patterns C
1 n N depends on the frame size, on the pat-
terns’s size and it’s step size. Each pattern represents
the motion between these frames while the binary val-
ues, especially the number of ones
, denoted
by their entry-wise 1-norm, can be interpreted as the
strength of motion. To distinguish between weak or
Source code available at http://www.tnt.uni-
Figure 5: Procedure of computing our proposed MBP in
three frames.
strong motions, a motion vector
I = (i
is in-
I is derived by a strength condition:
0, otherwise.
Each element of the motion vector is set to 1 if the
number of ones in the pattern C
(x,y) is higher than
or equal to the motion strength threshold S {1 .. .7}.
I contains positions with a certain proportion of
motion. It describes the spatial-dependent changing
of intensity values from three frames and ideally only
positions with large changes in the pixel intensity are
assigned to 1.
An MBP descriptor is created by computing a his-
togram from all motion vectors of a video. Thus, the
histogram is directly used to construct a feature for
learning a Random Forest classifier.
Temporal Variations. In order to learn features from
fast and slow motions, MBPs are not only computed
from three continuous frames. Obviously only fast ac-
tions could be recognized by deriving features from
continuous frames. In addition, four spatial scale
steps are defined and MBPs are computed by incor-
porating these steps for shifting the pattern through
the space-time volume. A time step of t
= 1,2, 3,4
was empirically chosen. For the case of t
= 1, an
MBP is computed from three continuous frames. Ev-
ery second frame is collected for t
= 2. Respectively,
for t
= 3, 4 every third or fourth frame was chosen.
Instead of creating a single histogram that can de-
scribe fast motions, four histograms are created to
characterize different kind of motions. These his-
tograms are concatenated and used to learn a Random
Forest classifier.
2.3 Random Forest
In this part, a brief explanation of the theory behind
Random Forest is given. Random Forests were de-
veloped by Leo Breiman (Breiman, 2001) and com-
bine the idea of bagging (Breiman, 1996) with a ran-
dom feature selection proposed by Ho (Ho, 1995; Ho,
1998) and Amit (Amit and Geman, 1997). A Random
Forest consists of a collection of CART-like decision
trees h
, 1 t T :
where {Θ
} is a bootstrap sample from the training
data. Each tree casts a vote on a class for the input
~x. The class probabilities are estimated by majority
voting and used to calculate the sample’s label y(~x)
with respect to a given feature vector~x:
y(~x) = argmax
The decision function h
(~x) returns the result class c
of one tree with the indicator function F:
1, h
(~x) = c,
0, otherwise.
Random Forest has a high classification accuracy and
can deal with large data sets for multiple classes with
outstanding time efficiency.
2.3.1 Classification
Input descriptors are classified by passing them down
each tree until a leaf node is reached. The result class
is defined by each leaf node and the final decision is
determined by taking the class having the most votes
(majority vote), see Equation (2).
KTH: VLBPs and MBPs are evaluated on the well-
known and publicly available KTH dataset (Schuldt
et al., 2004) consisting of six classes of actions. Each
action is performed by 25 persons in four different
scenarios. The KTH dataset consists of 599 videos.
Similar to (O’Hara and Draper, 2012), a fixed position
bounding box with a temporal window of 24 frames
is selected, based on annotations by Lui (Lui et al.,
2010). Presumably, a smaller number of frames is suf-
ficient (Schindler and Van Gool, 2008). Furthermore,
the original training/testing splits from (Schuldt et al.,
2004) are used.
Weizman: In a second experiment we evaluate
MBPs on the well-established Weizman action dataset
(Blank et al., 2005; Gorelick et al., 2007). In our opin-
ion, the Weizman dataset is already solved since many
researchers report accuracies of 100%. However, in
recent publications (Li et al., 2013; Tian et al., 2013;
Yu et al., 2013) this dataset is still used to evaluate the
corresponding methods. In order to allow a compar-
ison to recent works and to show the benefit of our
proposed method we evaluate Motion Binary Patterns
on this dataset too. The Weizman dataset consists of
nine actions while each action is performed by nine
different persons. We manually labeled the dataset
and used the bounding boxes for the classification.
The bounding boxes are available for download at our
IXMAS: Additionally, we evaluated MBPs on the
IXMAS dataset for multi-view action recognition
(Weinland et al., 2006; Weinland et al., 2010). The
IXMAS dataset contains 12 classes of actions. Each
action is performed three times by 12 persons while
the body position and orientation is freely chosen
by the actor. The IXMAS dataset consists of 1800
videos. A 5-fold cross validation is used to get the
3.1 Evaluation for Volume Local Binary
Several strategies for computing VLBP values were
tested. Two different neighborhoods (eight and four
values) were compared, the influence of different
histogram ranges as well as the difference between
frame-by-frame learning and multi-frame learning
has been evaluated. Best results were achieved by
computing a 4-value VLBP with multi-frame learn-
ing (one histogram for all frames of a video is cre-
ated) and a histogram range of 400 bins. Figure 6(a)
shows the confusion matrix with an average accuracy
of 89.81% for the KTH dataset.
3.2 Evaluation for Motion Binary
For computing an MBP, the motion strength threshold
has to be adjusted. This parameter strongly influences
the performance of the MBP. Furthermore, MBPs are
(a) (b)
Figure 6: Confusion matrices for the KTH dataset, (a): ref-
erence method (VLBP) with 89.81% accuracy, (b) proposed
method (MBP) with 91.83% accuracy. Most confusions oc-
cur in similar actions like walking, running, jogging and
boxing, waving, clapping.
Figure 7: Confusion matrix for applying Motion Binary
Patterns to the IXMAS dataset. The average accuracy is
80.55%. Most confusions occur in similar actions like wav-
ing, punching and sitting down, getting up.
more sensitive to different image sizes. In this Sec-
tion, we tested the influence of these parameters and
compare the results to several recent approaches.
3.2.1 Influence of the Motion Strength
Section 2.2 gives a brief explanation about the motion
strength threshold S {1 . .. 7}. Table 1 shows the
recognition accuracy when the threshold varies for a
frame size of 75 × 150. When the threshold is larger
than seven, there will be fewer non-zero values in the
MBP histogram. As listed in Table 1, recognizing ac-
curacy increases when the threshold becomes larger.
The highest accuracy 92.13% is achieved by using a
threshold of six, leading to the assumption that this
value is perfectly suited for the task of human action
Figure 8: Confusion matrix for applying Motion Binary Pat-
terns to the Weizman dataset. The accuracy is 100.00%.
Table 1: Average accuracy for MBP on the KTH dataset
with different motion thresholds. A threshold of 6 is leading
to the best accuracy.
Threshold Average accuracy (%)
1 74.53
2 83.33
3 85.65
4 90.74
5 88.89
6 92.13
7 90.27
3.2.2 Influence of Different Frame Sizes
We report results on two approaches of changing
frame sizes, using a motion strength threshold of six.
In the first experiment, all frames are resized to a
squared size. Table 2 shows that the average accuracy
tends to increase too when increasing the side length
of the square from 50 to 135 pixel, inspite of some
fluctuations. However, when we raise the frame size
from 135 × 135 to 150 × 150, the accuracy does not
increase considerably.
In a second experiment all frames are resized to a rect-
angular size. Table 3 shows the accuracies for a pro-
portionally changed width and height. By this means,
we can achieve an accuracy of 92.13% when width
and height of the rectangles are 75 ×150. Figure 6(b)
presents the confusion matrix of this result. The ac-
curacy for hand-waving and hand-clapping is higher
than that by VLBP and the result for boxing can reach
100%. Unlike the VLBP, MBP does not do well in
recognizing running. MBP is less sensitive to fast
motions than VLBP and fast actions may puzzle the
descriptor. But MBPs are sensitive to weak motions.
From all our test results, wrong classifications mainly
Table 2: Average accuracy for MBP on the KTH dataset by
squared frame sizes. The best accuracy was achieved by
taking a frame size of 135 × 135.
Size Average accuracy (%)
50 × 50 85.64
60 × 60 83.33
75 × 75 87.50
80 × 80 89.35
100 × 100 87.96
120 × 120 88.89
135 × 135 90.74
Table 3: Average accuracy for MBP on the KTH dataset by
different frame sizes. The best accuracy was achieved by
taking a frame size of 75 × 150.
Size Average accuracy(%)
64 × 128 89.35
128 × 64 87.96
75 × 150 92.13
150 × 75 87.50
80 × 160 89.35
happen on similar actions like walking, running, jog-
ging and boxing, waving, clapping, as showed in Fig-
ure 6(b).
3.2.3 Comparison to State-of-the-Art Methods
In this Section, we compare the proposed method to
several state-of-the-art works and show that the MBPs
are a very efficient descriptor for action recognition.
KTH: The MBP achieves an accuracy of 92.13% on
the KTH dataset. Table 4 reports the accuracies of
our proposed MBP in comparison to other methods.
Motion Binary Patterns reach the highest accuracy
for original training-/testing split and is only slightly
lower than the best result with cross-validation.
IXMAS: Table 5 presents the results of MBP applied
to the IXMAS dataset for multi-view action recogni-
tion in comparison to other state-of-the-art methods.
Figure 7 shows the confusion matrix. The matrix also
reveals that most confusions occur at similar actions
like waving, punching and sitting down, getting up.
We used a motion threshold of six and window size
of 75 × 150. For this experiment we compare MBPs
to single- and multi feature approaches. Our result of
80.55%, see Table 5 is based on a 5-fold cross valida-
tion and is only slightly lower than the best result (Li
and Zickler, 2012).
Weizman: Figure 8 shows the confusion matrix for
applying MBPs to the Weizman dataset. The accuracy
Table 4: Comparison to recent approaches on the KTH
dataset with a single descriptor.
Name Accuracy (%)
(Kihl et al., 2013) 93.4
(Kihl et al., 2013) 91.5
(Yeffet and Wolf, 2009) 90.1
(Laptev et al., 2008) 91.8
Proposed method 92.1
(Schindler and Van Gool, 2008) 92.7
Table 5: Average accuracy for MBPs on the IXMAS dataset
in comparison to single- and multi-feature methods.
Name Accuracy (%)
(Wang et al., 2012) 76.50
(Wu et al., 2011) 78.02
Proposed method 80.55
(Li and Zickler, 2012) 81.22
is 100.00%. Table 6 presents a comparison to single-
and multi-feature methods. Several approaches report
perfect recognition accuracies.
In this paper a novel feature type, namely Motion Bi-
nary Patterns (MBP) are proposed. MBPs combine
the advantages of Volume Local Binary Patterns to
gather static object information and Optical Flow to
obtain motion information. An MBP is computed
from three frames with a temporal shifted sliding win-
dow. The resulting histograms are used to learn a
Random Forest classifier.
The proposed feature is evaluated on the well-known,
publicly available KTH dataset, Weizman dataset
and on the IXMAS multi-view dataset. The results
demonstrate state-of-the-art accuracies in comparison
to Volume Local Binary Patterns and to other single-
and multi feature methods. The source code for an
MBP computation is available at http://www.tnt.uni-
Future Work Our plans for future work are to evalu-
ate Motion Binary Patterns on more complex datasets
like Hollywood (Laptev et al., 2008), Hollywood2
(Marszałek et al., 2009) or YouTube action dataset
(Liu et al., 2009). Furthermore, we plan to elimi-
nate the manual adjustment of the motion threshold
by introducing an entropy function that chooses pat-
terns with more discriminative power. Alternatively,
Table 6: Average accuracy for MBPs on the Weizman
dataset in comparison to single- and multi-feature methods.
Name Accuracy (%)
(Jhuang et al., 2007) 98.80
(Lin et al., 2009) 100.00
(Blank et al., 2005) 100.00
(Gorelick et al., 2007) 100.00
Proposed method 100.00
(Schindler and Van Gool, 2008) 100.00
we suggest to encode more information into the pat-
tern. For instance, all temporal shifted patterns could
be integrated into one final histogram. Additionally,
more research is needed to choose the optimal cell
size of a Motion Binary Pattern. In this paper we sug-
gest to compute a MBP in a 3 × 3 cell but the results
might be improved by taking other cell sizes like 5×5
or 7 × 7 .
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