An Agent-based Approach for Smart Energy Grids
Alba Amato, Beniamino Di Martino, Marco Scialdone and Salvatore Venticinque
Department of Industrial and Information Engineering, Second University of Naples, Via Roma 29, Aversa, Italy
Multi-agent Systems, Smart Grid, Energy Market.
The increasing demand for energy and the availability of several solutions of renewable energy sources has
stimulated the formulation of plans aiming at expanding and upgrading existing power grids in several coun-
tries. According to NIST, smart grid will be one of the greatest achievements of the 21st century. By linking in-
formation technologies with the electric power grid to provide electricity with a brain, the smart grid promises
many benefits, including increased energy efficiency, reduced carbon emissions, and improved power reliabil-
ity. In this paper we present an agent based architecture for supporting collection and processing of information
about local energy production and storage resources of neighborhoods of individual houses and to schedule
the energy flows using negotiation protocols.
The increasing demand for energy and the availabil-
ity of several solutions of renewable energy sources
has stimulated the formulation of plans aiming at ex-
panding and upgrading existing power grids in sev-
eral countries. Contextually, the big improvement in
ICT (Information e Communications Technology) has
created a convergence of scientific and industrial in-
terests in the exploitation of these technologies for
implementing a process of structural transformation
at each stage of the energy cycle. This convergence
has given rise to modernized electrical grid that uses
ICT to gather and act on information, such as about
the behaviors of suppliers and consumers, in an auto-
mated way to improve the efficiency, reliability, eco-
nomics, and sustainability of the production and dis-
tribution of electricity (U.S. Office of Electricity De-
livery & Energy Reliability, 2012). Smart grid will be
one of the greatest achievements of the 21st century.
By linking information technologies with the elec-
tric power grid to provide ”electricity with a brain”
the smart grid promises many benefits, including in-
creased energy efficiency, reduced carbon emissions,
and improved power reliability (NIST, 2012). The
main aim here is to reduce the huge economic and
environmental costs deriving from the utilization of
the old paradigms. Due to ICT technologies, the elec-
tricity grid can change from a hierarchical, unidirec-
tional and centralized grid, to a distributed and net-
worked grid. The electricity grid gets power gen-
erated from consumers, who exploit renewable en-
ergy resources, and using ICT network as an orches-
trator to manage the complexity resulting from bidi-
rectional power flows and less predictable demand.
This ambitious vision requires substantial advances in
intelligent decentralized control mechanisms that in-
crease economic efficiency, while keeping the phys-
ical properties of the network within tight permissi-
ble bounds(Miller et al., 2012). In fact this paradigm
shift, from hierarchical to distributed, brings with it a
number of difficulties due to the bidirectional and de-
centralized flow of both energy and information and
to the heterogeneity and less predictable behaviour of
its components. In this context CoSSMiC, an ICT Eu-
ropean project, aims at fostering a higher rate of self-
consumption of decentralised renewable energy pro-
duction, using innovative autonomic systems for man-
agement and control of power micro-grids on users
behalf. A relevant challenge is the development of
selfish agents that, driven by the user’s preferences,
pursue some goals to improve the utility of their own-
ers. The alignment of agents’ selfishness with user’s
interest will allow to win the user’s trust. On the
other hand, behavior patterns, which improve also the
performance of power grids, will provide the desired
smartness. In this paper we present an agent based
architecture for supporting agents to collect informa-
tion about local energy production and storage re-
sources of individual houses, belonging to the same
neighborhood, and to schedule the energy flows us-
ing negotiation protocols. The paper is organized as
Amato A., Di Martino B., Scialdone M. and Venticinque S..
An Agent-based Approach for Smart Energy Grids.
DOI: 10.5220/0004820001640171
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2014), pages 164-171
ISBN: 978-989-758-016-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
follows: Section 2 reviews some related works; Sec-
tion 3 presents an overview of CoSSMiC project; in
Sections 4and 5.1 we describe the requirements of the
solution and a prototype of its implementation; con-
clusions are drawn in Section 6.
The scientific community investigates different pri-
orities in the field of smart grids. Some examples
are market deregulation, ICT architecture, IT secu-
rity and data protection, energy efficiency, integration
of renewable energies, supply security/Grid bottle-
necks/Grid expansion, decentralised energy produc-
tion, smart meterology, storage devices and load flex-
ibilisation. Much effort has been spent on the in-
vestigation in this field of agents technology(Rogers
et al., 2012). In (Rodden et al., 2013) authors con-
sider how consumers might relate to future smart en-
ergy grids, and how exploiting software agents to
help users in engaging with complex energy infras-
tructures. In (Truong et al., 2013) authors define a
methodology for predicting the usage of home appli-
ances. An agent based prediction algorithm captures
the everyday habits by exploiting their periodic fea-
tures. In addition, the algorithm uses a episode gener-
ation hidden Markov model (EGH) to model the in-
terdependency between appliances. In (Isabel Praa
and Cordeiro, 2005) a Multi-Agent system architec-
ture simulates and analyses Competitive Electricity
Markets combining bilateral trading with power ex-
change mechanisms. Several heterogeneous and au-
tonomous intelligent agents representing the different
independent entities in Electricity Markets are used
and a detailed description of a promising algorithm
for Decision Support is presented and used to im-
prove agents bidding process and counter-proposals
definition. Agents are endowed with historical infor-
mation about the market including past strategies of
other players, and have strategic behaviour to face the
market. (Jia-hai et al., 2005) presents the architecture
and negotiation strategy of an agent-based negotiation
platform for power generating and power consuming
companies in contract electricity market. An intelli-
gent agent implements the negotiation process by se-
lecting a strategy using learning algorithms. Agent
uses fuzzy logic modification of basic Genetic Algo-
rithm to accomplish strategy optimization and rein-
forced learning algorithm to modify the parameter of
negotiation tactics and strategy under different situa-
tions. Protocol Operation Semantics is used as agent
communication mechanism to handle sequential mes-
sage exchange. In (Telesca et al., 2007) an Open Ne-
gotiation Environment (ONE) provides sophisticated
negotiation processes and supports a model of col-
laboration and trust based on the idea of ”collabo-
rative multi-agent systems”, where agents can work
and learn with other trusted agents and develop col-
laborative learning schemes. ONE allows an organ-
isation to dynamically package and compose com-
plex services by negotiating alliances. Users can de-
fine a custom negotiation process taking into account
several specification such as negotiation rules, legal
rules, pricing policy, etc using a XML based script-
ing language. The runtime negotiation engine will be
in charge of executing the defined process as a facil-
itator between parties that take into account the de-
fined strategy and rules until the negotiation is suc-
cessfully closed. In (Capodieci et al., 2012b) and
(Capodieci et al., 2012a) an agent-based approach to
manage negotiation among the different parties is pre-
sented. The goal is to propose adaptive negotiation
strategies for energy trading in a deregulated market.
In particular, strategies derived from game theory are
used, in order to optimize energy production and sup-
ply costs by means of negotiation and adaptation. To
manage negotiation between agents the El Farol Bar
Game is used and the equilibrium model is proposed
in (Whitehead, 2008). Agents act on behalf of end
users, thus implying the necessity of being aware of
multiple aspects connected to the distribution of elec-
tricity. These aspects refer to outside world variables
like weather, stock market trends, location of the users
etc. A web service integration in which agents con-
tracting energy will automatically retrieve data to be
used in adaptive and collaborative aspects. More-
over, a MAS (Multi Agent System) is used to sim-
ulate a new paradigm for collaboration among var-
ious actors and it is used the adaptive collaboration
strategies to calculate the energy that the big compa-
nies must provide. In particular, this energy is cal-
culated by subtracting the amount of energy required
and the amount of energy that the producers can sup-
ply. In (Peleg and Rosenschein, 2012) multiagent re-
source allocation in a competitive peer-to-peer envi-
ronment is addressed making use of micro-payment
techniques, along with concepts from random graph
theory and game theory. It provides an analytical
characterization of protocol, and specifies how an
agent should choose optimal values for the protocol
parameters. In (Brazier et al., 2012) authors claim
that agent and peer-to-peer based decentralized self-
management can change the future of energy markets
in which the power grid plays a core role. Both con-
sumers and providers of energy are autonomous sys-
tems, represented by software agents or peers capable
of self-management, virtual organizations of systems
can emerge and adapt when necessary. Overlay struc-
tures (as defined within p2p research) define adap-
tive communication structures, multi-agent research
provides interaction patterns. Our contribution, and
in particular the CoSSMic project, is going beyond
the state of art by supporting negotiation among final
users on real power grid, that to the authors’ knowl-
edge has not been implemented before.The frame-
work that will be validated on real infrastructures by
trials that involve inhabitants of three different Eu-
ropean countries. Both software and hardware will
be integrated and customized ad hoc to be compli-
ant with existing installations. Finally we have ex-
perience in building network of agents both in smart
cities applications (Amato et al., 2012a) and for ne-
gotiation and brokering of computational resources in
Cloud markets(Venticinque et al., 2012; Amato et al.,
CoSSMic (Collaborating Smart Solar-powered
Micro-grids - FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013) is an ICT
European project that aims at fostering a higher
rate for self-consumption (< 50%) of decentralised
renewable energy production by innovative au-
tonomic systems for management and control of
power micro-grids on users’ behalf. This will allow
household and neighborhood power optimisation
and sales to the network. In addition CoSSMic will
provide a higher degree of predictability of power
deliveries for the large power companies, and it will
satisfy the requirements and achieve the benefits
discussed above. CoSSMic research partners are
Stiftelsen Sintef International Solar Energy Research
Center Konstanz, Second University of Naples,
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet,
Sunny Solartechnik, Consulting. City
of Konstanz in Germany and province of Caserta
in Italy are project partners that provide trial sites
for experimental activities and validation of results.
In CoSSMIc a micro-grid is typically confined in a
smart home or an office building, and embeds local
generation and storage of solar power, and a number
of power consuming devices. In addition electric
vehicles will connect and disconnect dynamically,
thus representing a dynamically varying storage
capacity. In Figure 1 an overview of the reference
scenario is shown. On the left side, micro-grids,
embedded with renewable energy production, storage
capacity and consumption, are combined with an
intelligent ICT platform. Such a framework will
allow for both peer-to-peer collaboration between
Figure 1: CoSSMIc reference scenario.
micro-grids in a neighborhood, forming a cluster.
All the cluster collaborates for the reduction of
variation of decentralised renewable energy transfer
to the grid and a higher rate for self-consumption.
At the same time the central power grid enables the
provision of energy for contingent requirements or
to complement the neighborhood resources. Agents
are used to manage the Home Area Network (HAN)
with the aim to optimize self-consumption rates
using renewable energy sources. Households with
renewable energy facilities can sell excess energy
to the neighborhood while households that needs
more energy can buy it. Ideally, the pool is at the
zero level when the energy production within the
household matches the consumption, and there is not
external exchange of energy. This agents pool also
participates to two different market places: for the
energy exchange within the neighborhood, and for
the exchange with the outside world. The design of
an ICT architecture is necessary to support sharing
of information, scheduling of exchanges between
power producers and storages in accordance with
policies defined by owners, collection of data from
weather stations, weather forecasts, and habits and
plans of participants. Cloud services will be provided
to connect distributed installations, to allows for
power monitoring and updating policies by users.
Control agents can query the service to update their
knowledge and plan new schedules by negotiating
at eventually changed conditions. In the same way
agents can use information retrieved by weather
forecasting services to make projections about energy
needs or to make market forecasts. The behaviour of
the smart micro-grids will be governed business mod-
els based on credits. This should ensure rewards to
the users willing to share resources and collaborate to
optimise the overall working of the power grid. The
design and development of such a framework should
support the communication among agents over a
peer-to-peer overlay to negotiate the scheduling of
power sources to energy storages. Agents will act
autonomously guided by rules and policies set by the
users and agree on a coordinated behaviour towards
the central power grid. The distributed agents net-
work will also implement a distributed infrastructure
for metering and monitoring the real production,
consumption and energy level of those smart grids
that accept to use Cloud services to provide relevant
information about their status. This information will
be exploited for collecting and studying experimental
activities conducted at trial sites and to validate
developed techniques and technologies. NoSQL data
stores will be used with this purpose because they
are designed to scale well horizontally and run on
commodity hardware. NoSQL data stores come up
with a number of key features (Cattell, 2012), such
as the ability to horizontally scale simple operation
throughput over many servers, the ability to replicate
and to distribute (partition) data over many servers, a
simple call level interface or protocol (in contrast to a
SQL binding), a weaker concurrency model than the
ACID transactions of most relational (SQL) database
systems, efficient use of distributed indexes and
RAM for data storage, and the ability to dynamically
add new attributes to data records. At the trial
locations, which are rather different in terms of
population, sun, and available equipments, CoSSMic
will investigate how to motivate people to participate
in acquiring (more) renewable energy and the sharing
of renewable energy in the neighborhood, and test
methods for making money with these schemes. The
Second University of Naples will develop the agents
based software platform. The University of Oslo will
define some behavior patterns of micro-intelligent
networks, governed by selfish agents that seek to
maximize the satisfaction of its users, participating in
a market by mechanisms that will improve the overall
performance of the electricity grid.
The basic functionality of the smart grid focuses on
the integration of GENCO and Distributed Energy
Resources (DER) in the current system, where DER
refers to generators, accumulators and controllable
loads connected to the electrical distribution system.
4.1 High Level Requirements
The CoSSMic Framework is composed of devices,
ICT platforms and power Grid. COSSMic Frame-
work will support sharing of information, scheduling
of exchanges between power producers, consumers
and energy storages in accordance with policies de-
fined by owners, collection of data from weather sta-
tions, weather forecasts, and habits and plans of par-
ticipants. At this level stakeholders include CoSSMic
Users, Devices, power grid operators (GenCO). The
COSSMic User will participate in two different sce-
narios, interacting by a GUI according to three high
level use cases (UCs). The Management UC allows
to configure and manage the available devices and to
manage and control at a higher level through rules and
policies the energy flows. Monitoring provides facili-
ties to supervise and to potentially reconfigure the de-
vices and the energy flows. Reporting and statistics
integrate information from several sources, including
power companies, weather reporting and forecasting
and to encourage the growth of the neighborhood net-
work. They facilitate the interaction with more and
other sources of information in the future. The COSS-
Mic Devices will use the Platform providing metering
and management services. COSSMic will exchange
power with GenCO when the MicroGrid cannot sat-
isfy its requirements in the case of over- or under-
production of energy within the CoSSMic neighbor-
hoods. In Figure 2 a component diagram of the CoSS-
Mic framework is shown. The CoSSMic platform
will run on embedded computer systems which will
be provided to final users as a black box, to be plugged
into the power network and connected to Internet. The
Platform will be installed in every household and will
join a community of other instances within the neigh-
borhood. Instances of the platform communicate by
a P2P overlay and with the Cloud to eventually ex-
ploit advanced services. User’s information will be
bounded to the private network of each household and
will be forwarded outside only with the user’s agree-
ment and for debugging purpose. Each platform in-
stance will communicate with other households only
for the energy negotiation.
4.2 The CoSSMicICT Platform
As it is shown in Figure 3 COSSMic Platform is com-
posed of :
a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows users
to interact with electronic devices through graph-
ical icons and visual indicators;
a Knowledge Base (KB) that is an information
repository that provides a means for information
to be collected, organized, shared, searched and
a Multi Agent System (MAS) to allow for the de-
ployment of agents of consumers and producers
Figure 2: The CoSSMic Framework.
that will participate in the energy distribution;
a Market for the energy negotiation within the
neighborhood, and eventually with GenCO.
In particular agents will be the main actors of the
CoSSMic framework. They need to connect and dis-
connect to the ICT network as they control the con-
nection and disconnection of devices with the grid.
Moreover they will sell or buy energy as they are
capable of behave as power producer or consumer
according to the device they manage. In substance,
agents will be can be classified according to three cat-
Figure 3: The CoSSMic ICT Platform.
Consumers: they buy energy for passive devices.
E.g. they will run in houses to manage objects
that absorb energy: electric car, computers, ovens,
washing machines, etc.
Producers: they can sell energy. In this category
there are, for example, power generators, solar
panels, wind turbines.
Those devices, which are able both to produce and
consume energy will be defined Prosumers. In this
category there will be also storages, which are rep-
resented by a couple of agents belonging to the two
different classes. In Figure 4 the MAS Use Case is
depicted. Agents implement use cases to manage de-
vices. At the same time they get information from
the KB for performing the required reasoning to set
Figure 4: The MAS Use Case.
up the best negotiation strategy. An important char-
acteristic of the agents would be the ability to handle
generators and active loads in the grid using proto-
cols and information flows, coordinating to perform
certain functions in real time as, for example, to man-
age a peak,for dynamic load balancing, to meet a sud-
den drop in voltage by using energy from districts in
which there is a surplus. Programming models that al-
low to implement selfish strategies for achieving the
user’s goals should be enabled. The allocation prob-
lem of mapping the consumption demand to the pro-
ducible or produced energy, can be modeled as a ne-
gotiation of micro power grids agents in a market-
place over a network overlay, where an energy bro-
ker, is responsible to handle local energy flow and
to exchange energy with big companies. Market use
case enable agents to communicate with other agents
from different households. Communication and co-
ordination mechanisms are necessary to implement
negotiation protocols and strategies which lead the
system to an equilibrium that is the best compromise
between the global optimum and the user’s interest.
The Market will be implemented over a P2P overlay.
Agent and P2P concepts are closely related to selfish-
ness, distributed system programming and P2P sys-
tems. Agents are able to improve functionality of a
P2P system and also P2P architecture can be an envi-
Figure 5: Structure.
ronment in which abilities of agents are fully utilized.
Negotiation and brokering models among agents have
been widely investigated in literature in many field
and the complexity of an automated negotiation de-
pends on several factors: the number of negotiated
issues, dependencies between these issues, number of
agents, representation of the utility, negotiation pro-
tocol, constraints, etc. Services are necessary to ex-
change any kind of information among heterogeneous
entities, such as agents, smart meters, user interfaces
and web services providers and requestors.
In Figure 5 a conceptual model of the current proto-
type is shown. Consumer and Producer agents repre-
sent smart meters which notify their measures by an
Info Queue. Control agents of each category of de-
vice subscribe to the Info Queue to be notified about
changes in the household, on whose occurrence they
react and plan the optimal schedule inside the house-
hold. The residual energy to be sold or to be bought
are notified to the Market Queue. The Agent Nego-
tiator is updated about the quota to be negotiated with
the neighborhood or with the Genco, according to the
contingency level and availability on the P2P overlay.
We can observe that the message exchange in the ICT
platform can occur along the same patterns used by
the energy flow in the power grid.
In Micro-grids the energy is exchanged within
household. The passive elements receive energy from
solar panels. Also electric cars, or smart-phones and
laptops are charged in the household, even if they are
mobile and they consume outside(Stein et al., 2012).
For this reason the smart-meters of all these devices
deliver their messages to the Info Queue, directly or
using Cloud services. The peer to peer network is
used both if the energy produced by solar panels is
not sufficient, to allows the user for contacting neigh-
bors to have more energy, and if the produced energy
is greater than the required amount. In this case the
information retrieved in the Market Queue is used to
look for vendors or customers by the P2P overlay. An
offer is published in the P2P overlay if the required
resources are currently unavailable in the neighbor-
hood. Gencos: in case of unavailable energy offer
or requirement in the neighborhood the Gencos are
contacted. At the beginning of the project and in or-
der to set-up and test the technologies we are eval-
uating for building the ICT platform, we have im-
plemented a preliminary software demonstrator. For
communication between agents and devices, we used
a queues system in order to make their interaction
asynchronous. As shown in Figure 6, two queues
have been configured. Each device of the system
(consumer and producer) is associated with a differ-
ent agent. Consumer and producer agents communi-
cate the amount of energy required/produced by the
first queue (Info Queue). Control agents use the Mar-
ket queue to agree about the internal energy schedule.
The residual energy to be bought or to be sold in the
neighborhood is finally scheduled and notified to the
negotiator by the same queue. It look for offers in the
P2P overlay and publish its offer to be contacted in
turn. Labels are used to route class of messages to
agents. The sequence diagram in Figure 7 shows a
particular scenario where there are one consumer and
one producer device. Messages with related amount
of consumed/produced energy are posted in the info
queue. Agents read data and report the results in a
market queue. Assuming the amount of energy to be
consumed is greater than that produced, the negotiator
does not find any customers in the P2P and publishes
Figure 6: Prototype’s Structure.
Figure 7: Sequence diagram.
its own offer.
5.1 Technological Choices
For the development of a prototype, the Jade agent
platform has been used (Bellifemine et al., 2008) to
develop and deploy agents. Jade is a software frame-
work that implements an efficient agent platform in
compliance with the FIPA(FIPA, 2002) specifications.
As message queue Apache ActiveMQ(Snyder et al.,
2011) has been chosen. It is a popular and powerful
open source messaging and integration patterns. With
ActiveMQ it is possible to use pure queues or topics.
The substantial difference between queues and top-
ics is that for the latter only who is subscribed to that
particular topic receives the messages. Every smart
home appliance is built by an embedded device Rasp-
berry Pi running both JADE and ActiveMQ. More-
over it hosts a web based user interface. Raspberry
Pi is a single board RISC (Reduced Instruction Set
Computer) computer that allows to install operative
system based on Linux kernel. All energy requests
(both consumption and production) go through active
queues on the appliance where all agents are running
locally. Each producer and consumer element of the
house is associated with an agent that has the main
task of optimizing its use of energy and to avoid any
wastage; another agent’s task is ensuring that the con-
sumer has always electricity. For simulating a con-
sumer we developed some tests using a mobile de-
vice with Android operative system. The Android
software app extends the MQTT Client that is devel-
oped by Jason Sherman and based on the FuseSource
MQTT client library. This application uses MQTT
protocol that is a machine to machine connectivity
protocol. Through the latter it is possible to connect
to a server where there is ActiveMQ and send/receive
messages. In particular, as shown in figure 8, provid-
ing address, username and password to this app, it is
possible to connect to the Info Queue. For experimen-
tal purpose the battery level, position, local time are
Figure 8: App Screenshot.
read and sent interactively, but also asynchronously
on the occurrence of some events such as the battery
full, battery low, adapter connection or disconnection.
An agent receives all the messages and stores them in
a MySql database, by which we can draw graphics
dynamically. We made this to simulate the metering
and monitoring of smart power grids.
The paper presents software architecture for support-
ing agents to collect information about local energy
production and storage resources of neighborhoods of
individual houses and to schedule the energy flows
using negotiation protocols. Besides the implemen-
tation of a preliminary prototype is described. Fu-
ture works will aim at replacing smartphone with
smart-meters and smart-plugs in a household inter-
connected which will part of a sensor network that re-
ceive commands and route information to an embed-
ding computing device hosting the described MAS.
Performance bottlenecks will be identified and off the
shelf software will be replaced by custom implemen-
tations. Negotiation strategies and protocols will be
implemented. We also plan to use a NoSQL database
for metering and monitoring all smart power grids
participating in the trials of the project.
This work has been supported by CoSSMic (Col-
laborating Smart Solar-powered Micro-grids - FP7-
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