Table 2: Ocean image and its copy distorted by respectively Gaussian blurring (top), fastfading (middle) and white noise
(bottom). Mean and standard deviation (in the brackets) of the relative error (%) for the estimation of the true value of SSIM
and SNR using just 100 blocks with size equal to: 8× 8, 16× 16 and 32× 32.
Block size = 8 /No. Blocks = 100 Block size = 16 /No. Blocks = 100 Block size = 32 /No. Blocks = 100
Total blocks: 6144 Total blocks: 1536 Total blocks: 384
SSIM error SNR error SSIM error SNR error SSIM error SNR error
1.84% (1.41%) 2.46%(2.14%) 1.25%(1.01%) 2.43%(1.63)% 1.40%(1.20%) 2.2% (1.72%)
1.33%(1.42%) 2.75%(2.00%) 1.39%(0.80%) 2.50%(1.90%) 0.79%(0.55%) 2.25%(1.71%)
1.14%(0.87%) 1.31%(1.03%) 1.09%(0.20%) 1.07%(0.70%) 0.71%(0.54%) 0.81%(0.57%)
Table 3: Images in Fig. 3 with different kinds of distortions. Mean value and standard deviation (in brackets) of the relative
error (%) as in eq. (3) for the estimation of the true value of SSIM and SNR considering just 50, 100 and 200 non overlapping
blocks with size equal to 16× 16.
Blk size:16 / Sel. Blks:50 Blk size:16 / Sel. Blks:100 Blk size:16 / Sel. Blks:200
Image Dist Blks SSIM error SNR error SSIM error SNR error SSIM error SNR error
Ocean Gb 1536 2.53% (2.49) 4.15% (2.70) 1.25% (1.01) 2.43% (1.63) 1.16%(1.03) 1.82% (1.18)
Stream Gb 1536 3.50%(3.00) 2.65%(2.25) 3.45%(3.01) 2.29% (1.80) 2.43%(2.01) 1.66%(1.02)
Lighth. Gb 1350 2.45%(2.20) 3.72%(2.01) 2.30%(1.80) 2.39%(2.22) 1.56%(1.21) 1.75%(1.15)
Sail4 Gb 1536 2.13%(2.00) 3.53%(2.99) 1.47%(0.80) 3.26%(2.22) 1.02%(0.45) 1.47%(0.89)
Ocean Ff 1536 1.53% (1.20) 3.18%(2.05) 1.39%(0.80) 2.50%(1.90) 0.83%(0.52) 1.86%(1.01)
House Ff 1536 1.08%(0.99) 2.68%(1.90) 0.75%(0.57) 1.73%(1.60) 0.55%(0.21) 1.36%(0.94)
Stream Jp 1536 2.93%(2.90) 2.78%(2.09) 1.95%(1.50) 1.84%(1.30) 1.56%(0.98) 1.11%(0.80)
Flower Jp 1280 0.58%(0.50) 4.01%(3.03) 0.30%(0.15) 2.62%(2.15) 0.23%(0.09) 1.89%(1.01)
Ocean Wn 1536 1.19%(0.70) 1.29%(0.90) 1.09%(0.80) 1.07%(0.70) 0.61%(0.30) 0.72%(0.31)
House Wn 1536 5.46%(2.09) 2.04%(1.77) 4.40%(2.87%) 1.93%(1.35) 2.72%(2.51) 0.93%(0.80)
Flower Wn 1280 2.82%(2.77) 1.45% (1.35) 1.86%(1.52%) 0.90%(0.50) 1.09%(1.08) 0.56% (0.53)
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