
requires only a single, binary signal: if the antenna
or tactile sensor is in contact with an object or not.
Yet, the model captures essential behaviours observed
in its natural paragon, the stick insect antenna (Dürr
et al., 2001). For example, it implements the contact-
induced switch from a large amplitude searching be-
haviour to a local, higher frequency sampling of an
object (Krause et al., 2013b). Contour-Net can be eas-
ily extended to use two or more antennae including
mutual coordination and attentive visual target track-
ing, as will be shown in a follow-up paper.
Raw, minimally pre-processed (normalisation)
data collected from contact events was sufficient to
achieve rotation-, size- and position- invariant shape
recognition rates of over 90% using a plain feed-
forward neural network. A drawback for robotic ap-
plications is that the training dataset needs to be fairly
large. Instead of using raw data as the network input,
extracting higher level features from collected con-
tour points should significantly reduce the required
amount of training samples. Possible features might
be the average Euclidean distance and the spread of
Hopf Oscillator phase differences between successive
contact points. An unsupervised learning algorithm
(SOM; Boltzmann Machine) will be closer to nat-
ural, continuous learning (automatic clustering with
delayed categorization).
We have further shown that incorporating surface
normal information will improve not only the regu-
larity of the sampling trajectory, but also improve the
recognition performance of a neural network. Hit-
ting a surface perpendicular can potentially reduce
slip of an insect antenna inspired robotic tactile sensor
(Kaneko et al., 1995). The reliable and fast detection
of the surface normal using a tactile sensor will be a
challenging and interesting task.
This work was supported by EU grant EMICAB
(FP7-ICT, grant no. 270182) to Prof. Volker Dürr.
We thank Prof. Holk Cruse for valuable comments on
earlier versions of the manuscript.
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