this section, rules to execute therapies, define
activities, execute activities and evaluate patients are
specified using SWRL. All rules are available at
[http://code.google.com/p/cardiacrehabilitation]; in
the following paragraphs a representative set of
examples is described in details.
Rules from Rehabilitation Processes Written
in BPMN 2.0. In Fig. 1 it is modeled the Walking
activity as an example. The tasks carried out (by
different actors) in the Walking activity are: routine
personalization; time personalization; pulsometer
placement and heart rate measurement; warm up;
walk; cardiac frequency observation; cool down;
basal heart rate measurement; patient’s activity
evaluation. The core tasks of the Walking activity
consist of the three typical phases of a walking
physical exercise in an open environment outside of
a healthcare institution: Warm up, Walk and Cool
down, each of which has a predefined duration,
which can be respected or not by the patient. In the
Walking activity, three indicators are monitored and
their values are stored in a MHR. (1) Treatment-
result indicators, which are periodically quantified.
METs are extracted from an exercise testing is a
treatment-result indicator. (2) Process indicators are
execution, security or end-session. In this activity
heart rate is a process indicator. (3) Session
indicators to indicate the end of the session. In the
walking activity maximum heart rate, Borg score,
walked distance and walked time are session
indicators. As described in Section 1, decision
support is provided to the Walking activity in
prognosis and session’s personalization. The
walking activity ends when one of the following
conditions is reached in the patient’s evaluation if a
certain level of maximal oxygen consumption (VO
max); the maximum heart rate below a predefined
limit and the walked distance above a predefined
The Relaxation activity is included in
Psychological rehabilitation, which is a subprocess
of Cardiac rehabilitation. It is modeled in a similar
way as the Walking activity in Fig. 1. The tasks
performed in the Relaxation activity are: place the
patient, relaxation tasks and patient assessment. The
core tasks of the Relaxation activity consist of
inhaling, exhaling, muscle contraction and muscle
extensions. In the Relaxation activity, several
indicators are monitored and their values are stored
in a MHR. Treatment result-indicators are
occupational status and Beck depression inventory
(BDI); process indicators are depth of inhalation,
depth of exhalation and muscle activity; and activity
result-indicators are therapist visualization,
measuring tape, Borg scale and anxiety assessment.
As an example, let us consider rule (1), below,
which ends an activity if a process indicator is
greater than or equal to 2 (moderate deficiency).
ActivityEnd (?ae),
ProcessIndicator (?pi),
Patient (?p),
greaterThanOrEqual (?pi, 2),
hasIndicator (?p, ?pi)
hasNextTask (?p, ?ae) (1)
This codification means that, if a patient p has a
process indicator pi which is greater than or equal to
2, the activity is stopped and the next task is ae.
Similar rules are applied to several process
indicators of rehabilitation activities. Process
indicators are used to stop activities because of
severe alterations in body functions (such as a too
high heart rate) or in environmental factors (such as
a too high temperature or humidity).
Rules from Cardiac Rehabilitation Literature.
The risk of having another infarction after cardiac
rehabilitation is translated to rules using semantic
annotations. Problems appear when there are partial
matches in rules. To solve them, priorities among
attributes are established according to the proximity
to the root of the generated decision tree after
applying a classifier. These priorities are: disease,
tolerance to exercise, contraction force of ventricular
muscles and heart rhythm. A sample rule is (2),
which predicts that a person will have medium risk
of suffering a myocardial infarction, if a patient has
thallium stress test abnormal, a severe deficiency in
the treatment indicator of contraction force of
ventricular muscles and has suffered an angina
Patient (?p),
Thallium stress test abnormal (?th),
hasIndicator (?p, ?th),
Contraction force of ventricular muscles (?cfvm),
Deficiency (?severe),
hasDeficiency (?cfvm,?severe),
TreatmentIndicator (?ti),
hasType (?cfvm,?ti),
hasIndicator (?p, ?cfvm),
Angina Pectoris (?ap),
hasDisease (?p, ?ap),
Risk (?mediumRisk)
hasRisk (?p, ?mediumRisk) (2)
Rules from Decision Trees. The J48 classifier
from Weka is applied on data sets about
psychotherapy, psychotropic therapy, risk of
hypertension and prognosis of emotional functions
and exercise tolerance functions; and rules are