ent is chosen due to its advantages over first degree
optimization scheme like steepest descent and easy
implementation. We test the OCG-LDA algorithm
for various UCI datasets to demonstrate its classifi-
cation performance, average time and average itera-
tions. OCG-LDA clearly outperforms the L-2 LDA
and SD-LDA but has comparable performance with
the L-1 version of least square algorithms. However
the proposed methodology is simple and easy to im-
plement and is a good alternative to other algorithms
in building a robust model for classification. As from
No Free Lunch theorem, no single classification algo-
rithm can outperform any other algorithm when per-
formance is analyzed over many classification dataset.
In conclusion, OCG-LDA can be used as a basic clas-
sifier unit in a multi stage classification scheme.
The OCG-LDA methodology is an evident advance-
ment in the L
family of LDA subspace algorithms.
As a part of future direction, a multiple optimal learn-
ing factor scheme based on the Gaussian Newton ap-
proximation (Malalur and Manry, 2010) can be in-
vestigated. Recently, the author (Cai et al., 2011)
have proposed an efficient partial Hessian calculation
that does not involves inversion and is successfully
applied on Radial basis function neural networks.
Therefore a study can be conducted to foray into the
second order algorithms using regularization parame-
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