In this paper we proposed a new method for video
object recognition based on video object models.
The results of video object recognition, in terms of
accuracy are very encouraging (83%). We created a
video dataset of 25 video object, it consists of 360
degree-views of the objects. From the video dataset
an image dataset is also constructed by sampling the
video frames. It contains 900 views of the 25
objects. Our method for object modeling gives, as
result, a compact and complete representation of the
objects, it achieves almost 76% data compression of
the models. With regard to object recognition
method, one of the possible improvement is to refine
the selection of the frames for the query in the
objects models database. Given a video, the camera
motion could be estimated and the frame samples
extracted according to motion, for example trying to
get a frame every fixed angular displacing. Best
results should be reached using a sampling rate that
approximate the rate used in the dataset creation. If
the video is long enough to have a high number of
selected frames, the same modeling process could be
used in the query to increase time performance of
the recognition, preserving the accuracy taking only
the most relevant views.
Figure 11: Two examples of results: a false negative (the
dancer) and a true negative (unknown object).
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