and slightly less than the GM approach. More inter-
estingly, the computation time of the CBR based on
SNMI quality measure is substantially less than both
MDL and GM approaches and without the loss of seg-
mentation combination accuracy. We are very posi-
tive about the potential of our proposed approach be-
cause the only computational burden of our approach
is just one step for evaluating quality of segmentations
in an ensemble. If a more effective segmentation val-
idation method is available, we can not only greatly
reduce the overall computation time, but also improve
the accuracy of the combinationation results. Unlike
GM and MDL approaches that have a fix overhead of
computing a series of combination results.
We proposed a new approach for automatically de-
termining the number of regions in a final segmen-
tation combination result. We presented a novel use
of cluster ensemble concept to handle this difficult
problem. We first studied the correlation between a
segmentation ensemble and k
of an image. The in-
formation about k
is then extracted from an ensem-
ble and used as a knowledge domain for building a
case base. We represented the extracted knowledge
in terms of the number of regions of segmentations
in an ensemble and the qualities of them. The con-
cepts of NMI and MDL are used to evaluate the qual-
ity of ensemble members. By utilizing this informa-
tion, our case-based reasoning is able to settle the true
number of regions in the final segmentation combi-
nation result as good as the more sophiticated meth-
ods. Even though our CBR approach does not show
any significant improvement over the existing meth-
ods, it does show the significant reduction of compu-
tational time without the loss of segmentation com-
bination accuracy. This contribution would make the
segmentation ensemble concept more feasible in real-
world applications. However, the results of our CBR
approach presented in this paper are one of our first
attempts. There is room for improvement, actually, in
most steps of our approach. More effective and so-
phisticated methods should be very useful to improve
the performance of the proposed approach. It is also
interesting to apply our approach in different domains
or in a general data cluster ensemble application.
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