strong stability method to queueing systems. First of
all, the smallness of the perturbation done has a sig-
nificant impact on the determination of the proximity
of the considered systems and hence on the approxi-
mation error on their stationary distributions. On the
other hand, when statistical methods are used to es-
timate an unknown density function in a considered
system, we cannot ignore the problem of boundary
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tistical techniques (nonparametric estimation meth-
ods with boundary bias techniques and Student test)
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method in a M/G/1 queueing system after perturba-
tion of the arrival flow. Indeed, we note that practi-
cally, for a low margin between the arrival laws of the
G/G/1 and M/G/1 systems, and by taking into ac-
count the boundary effects when using nonparametric
density estimation to estimate the unknown arrivals
law G in the G/G/1 system, it is possible to approx-
imate the G/G/1 system’s characteristics by the cor-
responding ones of the M/G/1 system.
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ence of the boundary bias problem. The asymmetric
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